GiG Coding Challenge
I have used Clean Architecture for this POC, and here is how it is organized. This project is organized in such a way that there is loose coupling between layers and embraces dependency inversion principle. At the core of the application is Odds.Domain where entities,interfaces, domain exceptions and seeds are defined. The domain is independent of any feature laden tool or framework, which makes it ideal for long term use. On top of this layer is the Odds.Application layer where we have our CQRS implementation,Fluent validation and Publisher for our events and messages.Next in line of dependency id Odds.Infrastructure layer where frameworks and tools are used. This project uses Entity framework core as our ORM & Postgres database for storage.
A little about the Domain Entities Design
We have Categories where we define differnt activies Like Football, Basketball,Formula 1 and so on. So I have assumed that Category Entity is an aggregate root. Under Category we have different Regions like Spain,England,Germany, USA and so on, where each region has it own Competition where there are going to be one or more Participant participating in an Events. So for each event we are going to have Markets and Participant Detail. Each Market will have offers called Selection, where we are going to have our Odds. To elaborate furthur Let's take Euro 2020 as an example. A game between Spain and Denmark is an event.We will have Markets like Match Winner, Goals Under 2.5 and so on. The values for markets will be contained by our selection which may be Spain Draw or Denmark for our Match winner market. The selection will hold the odds along with index and other fields like label. So we have API controllers defined for various business points. But the main scope of the project, as I understand it is around Selection Entity.
The project is orgainized with microservice architecture in mind, hence I have
- Implemented DDD, CQRS, and Clean Architecture with Best Practices.
- Developed CQRS with using MediatR, FluentValidation packages
- Producing RabbitMQ Selection event queue by using MassTransit-RabbitMQ Configuration
- Postgres database connection and containerization
- Using Entity Framework Core ORM and auto migrate to DB on application startup.
- Containerization of API,DB PgAdmin & RabbitMQ
- Containerization of databases
- Override Environment variables
- Implemented RabbitMQ Subscriber Hosted Service.
- Implement Retry and Circuit Breaker patterns with exponential backoff with IHttpClientFactory and Polly policies
We will need the following tools:
Follow these steps to get your development environment set up: (Before Running Start the Docker Desktop)
- Clone the repository . At the root directory which include docker-compose.yml files, run below command:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-compose.override.yml up -d
You can use:
- Odds API -> http://host.docker.internal:8000/swagger/index.html
- Rabbit Management Dashboard -> http://host.docker.internal:15672 -- guest/guest
- pgAdmin PostgreSQL -> http://host.docker.internal:5050 -- [email protected] password => admin1234
- Odds Client Console application to see selection events
Thank you.