In redux, actions are sent with a payload which triggers a reducer function which modifies the state depending on the action type and the payload.
The following actions are used in NgrxJsonApi:
Action Type | Description |
API_CREATE_INIT | Issues a POST request for a resource. |
API_CREATE_SUCCESS | Upon success completion of a POST request. |
API_CREATE_FAIL | Upon a failure of a POST request. |
API_GET_INIT | Issues a GET request for a resource. |
API_GET_SUCCESS | Upon success completion of a GET request. |
API_GET_FAIL | Upon a failure of a GET request. |
API_UPDATE_INIT | Issues a PATCH request for a resource. |
API_UPDATE_SUCCESS | Upon success completion of a PATCH request. |
API_UPDATE_FAIL | Upon a failure of a PATCH request. |
API_DELETE_INIT | Issues a DELETE request for a resource. |
API_DELETE_SUCCESS | Upon success completion of a DELETE request. |
API_DELETE_FAIL | Upon a failure of a DELETE request. |
API_APPLY_INIT | Initiates the appropriate API_X_INIT action for all pending local modifications except resources in state NEW . |
API_APPLY_SUCCESS | Upon success completion of all requested modifications. |
API_APPLY_FAIL | Upon failure a at least one requested modification. |
API_ROLLBACK: | Reverts all local changes to resources in the store. |
API_QUERY_REFRESH | Updates the result of a query by initiating a API_READ_INIT. |
LOCAL_QUERY_INIT | Sets up a query that is run locally based on the contents of the store. |
LOCAL_QUERY_SUCCESS | Triggered when a local query was successfully updated in the store. |
LOCAL_QUERY_FAIL | Triggered when a local query failed. |
DELETE_STORE_RESOURCE | Marks a resource in the store for deletion. Does not trigger an update to the server. |
PATCH_STORE_RESOURCE | Patches a resource in the store by merging the provided values with the ones from the store. Does not trigger an update to the server. |
POST_STORE_RESOURCE | Adds a new resource to the store. Does not trigger an update to the server. The resource then carries the state CREATED . |
NEW_STORE_RESOURCE | Adds a new resource to the store that is not yet considered being ready to be posted to the server. The resource then carries the state NEW rather than CREATED . |
MODIFY_STORE_RESOURCE_ERRORS | Modifies the errors of a resource in the store. Use for client side validation. |
REMOVE_QUERY | Removes a query from the store. |
COMPACT_STORE | Removes all resources from the store that are not directly or indirectly (relationships) references from a query |
CLEAR_STORE | Removes all the contents from the store |
More information are available in actions.ts.