- Ipstack.com: geolocation API
- SecurityTrails: repository of historical DNS Data
- Whoxy.com: domain-based searches
- Networking.ringofsaturn.com: Web-based probing tool for whois data, DNS records, port scan, and traceroute
- Domain Codex: Gain various information about domains of over 315 million indexed entries
- Google Safe Browsing Lookup API
- CriminalIP.io: Cybersecurity search
- Abhijithb200.github.io/investigator/: meta search to check and gather information about the target domain name
- IQWhois
- Devanshbatham: FavFreak: a tool to facilitate recon using favicon hashes
- Intelligence X: Meta search IX, the Wayback Machine, and archive.is at once
- Wayback Machine
- Archive Today: Create a copy of a webpage that will always be up
- Time Travel
- YubNub
- WebCite
- iTools: provides specifics like contact info, traffix, reputation
- The End of Term: snapshots of federal government websites for the US
- EU Web Archive: EU institutions hosted on .eu domains
- Common Crawl: An open repository of web crawl data
- Tquin/podqueue: Archive podcast feeds including notes and images
- Cloudmare: a tool to find the origin servers of websites protected by Cloudflare, Sucuri, or Incapsula with a misconfigured DNS.
- Cloudunflare: bypass Cloudflare to recover the real IP address.
https://themarkup.org/blacklight: A free online tool that checks web pages for any privacy invading scripts, apps, session trackers, ads, etc.
- Urlhunter: recon tool that facilitates research on URLs that are exposed via shortener services
- Seintpl/osint: Short links verification cheatsheet
See [[social-media]].
See [[deep-web-dark-web]].