Releases: XilinJia/Podcini
Releases · XilinJia/Podcini
- change in click operation
- click on title area opens the podcast/episode
- long-press on title area automatically enters in selection mode
- select all above or below are put to action bar together with select all
- operations are only on the selected (single or multiple)
- popup menus for single item operation are disabled
- in podcast view, the title bar no longer scrolls off screen
- fixed bug Inbox still set as default first tab
- cleaned up Inbox related resources
- removed info button in FeedItemList header
- added items count in FeedItemList header
- fixed bug in FeedItemList when filtered list has no items
- buildConfig is set in build.gradle instead of
- Statistics moved to the drawer
- tuned down color of player controller
- Subscriptions menu adjustment
- Subscriptions filter is disabled for now
- more null safety tuning
- fixed the refresh bug related to permissions
- long-press operation has changed
- long-press on title area would be the same as a click
- click on an icon allows operation on the single item
- long-press on an icon would allow for multi-select