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Data representation


  1. Programming Massively Parallel Processors 3rd edition Chapter 6

IEEE Standard

IEEE-753 Floating Point Standard 是硬件与软件使用的标准

S sign bit

E exponent bit

M mantissa bit

single precision float : 1 bit S, 8 bit E, 23 bit M

double precision float : 1 bit S, 11 bit E, 52 bit M

Normalized representation

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下面的图片展示了normalized float point的representable number

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M Bit

在normalized representation下,要求M的形式是 1.M, 这样保证每一个float都有unique mantissa bit

number of mantissa bit 用于 floating point precision

有n个m bit,每个major interval就会有2^n个representable number。如果value无法被representable number表示,就会被rounded。

因为normalizd representation的限制,靠近0的部部分(0-0.5) 有representation gap,这个部分的数据无法被表达,要不被round到0,要不被round到0.5

0 无法用上面的normalized representation公式表达,这是一个很大的问题。

M bit每多一位,major interval中可以表达的number就多一倍,accuracy就会多一倍

E Bit

使用 2's complement excess represerntation, 这样可以通过比较bit来直接比较floating point的大小,让hw上实现起来更快

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number of exponent bit 用于 floating point range

有n个e bit,就会有n+1个interval。Figure 6.5中有三个major interval,分别对应

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major interval的大小距离0越近,interval大小越近。因为每个interval有固定数量个representable number,所以靠近0的interval的precision越大。对于很多division和converge的问题,这是大的问题

Denormalized representation

当E=0的时候,mantissa的constrain没有,assume 0.M 的形式而不是 1.M 的形式。

从理解的角度上来说,就是把靠近0的major interval spread out在0到interval end之间。原来靠近0的interval是(0.5, 1)有4个representable number(4是因为假设的Mbit个数),现在把这4个representable number分散在(0, 1)之间

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GPU Hardware

支持denormalized representaiton的硬件比较复杂,因为需要判断e是否是0,从而决定对应的M的format (1.M, 0.M)

computaiton capacity 1.3+ 支持 denormalized double floating point

computation capacity 2.0+ 支持 denormalized single floating point

Special Bit

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Arithmetic accuracy


  1. Programming Massively Parallel Processors 3rd edition Chapter 6

Accuracy from Hardware


plus minus,硬件accuracy控制在 0.5D ULP (units in last place)

division transcendental通过polynomial approximate实现,硬件accuracy一般比加减的accuracy要大

Accuracy from Algorithm / Software






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sort input data,然后sequential相加,这样很多小数彼此相加就能得到足够大的数,再与大数相加的时候不会被吃掉

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Numerical stable / unstable

If an algorithm fails to follow a desired order of operations for an input, it may fail to find a solution even though the solution exists.

numerically stable: Algorithms that can always find an appropriate operation order, thus finding a solution to the problem as long as it exists for any given input values, are called .

numerically unstable: Algorithms that fall short are referred to as

例子:gaussian elimination需要使用pivioting的方法来解决numerical unstable的问题



  1. CUDA C++ Programming Guide chapter 5.4.1
  2. CUDA C++ Best practice chapter 11.1
  3. Professional CUDA C Programming Guide chapter 7

Intrinsic and Standard Function

Standard functions are used to support operations that are accessible from, and standardized across, the host and device. such as sqrt, exp, and sin. 是跨平台的方程。func

Intrinsic functions can only be accessed from device code. compiler has special knowledge about its behavior, which enables more aggressive optimization and specialized instruction generation. 只可以在device上调用,compiler知道更多信息可以更aggresive的优化, 很多intrinsic funciton对应hardware unit。 __func

Intrinsic functions are faster than their equivalent standard functions but less numerically precise.

  • powf PTX as example

__powf intrinsic 在用ptx翻译以后,只有7 line of instruction

powf standard function 再用ptx翻译以后,有344 line of instruction

从perf的角度上对比,intrinsic function 比起 standard function 有明显的perf boost

  • floating point intrinsic function

对于普通的floating point操作 __fadd, __fsub, __fmul,可以通过intrinsic来控制rounding方法

__fmul_rn 就是用rn控制了rounding to nearest

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fast reciprocal square root & square root:

compiler可以优化一些 1.0 / sqrtf()rsqrtf() ,但并不总发生


fast intrinsic division:

速度会更快,但是有accuracy 降低

__fdividef(x, y)

limite use of FMAD


不是很确定这点,在berkeley cs 267, james说用fma的话accuracy会增加,因为只有一次rounding。不知道为什么在GPU上使用MAD会导致accuracy下降

  • global compiler flag

--fmad option to nvcc globally enables or disables the FMAD optimization for an entire compilation unit

--fmad=false prevents the compiler from fusing any multiplies with additions, hurting performance but likely improving the numerical accuracy of your application.

  • part of program not use mad

__fmul and __dmul 可以用来替换*, 这样compiler就不会声称MAD的代码了。

这样就可以通过 --fmad控制全局,通过__fmul控制部分

Single VS Double

single double float的perf差异源于

  1. communication,需要传输两倍数据
    1. I/O between host and device
    2. I/O between global memory to device register
  2. computation,占用两个register来计算
  3. 由于double占用了更多的register,reduce resource available to each thread in thread block, 也就减少了block on sm

large numerical differences between single- and double- precision results that can accumulate in iterative applications as imprecise outputs from one iteration are used as inputs to the next iteration. 当进行iteration计算的时候,更建议使用double precision,因为error会在每个iteration accumulate,最终导致很大的error



在可能的时候,使用square root, cube roots, inverse等等来计算exp,可以显著的(1)加速 (2)更精确

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For exponentiation using base 2 or 10, use the functions exp2() or expf2() and exp10() or expf10() rather than the functions pow() or powf() 对于base 2 10的exp,有专门对应的方程,它们的速度更快

small integer power $x^2, x^3$, use explicit multiplication 总是比general purpose power要更快更准确的

Loop conter

the compiler can optimize more aggressively with signed arithmetic than it can with unsigned arithmetic.

所以要使用signed loop counter

16 bits float

使用2个half precision的数据结构(half2 datatype is used for half precision and __nv_bfloat162 be used for __nv_bfloat16 precision) + vector intrinsic (__hadd2, __hsub2, __hmul2, __hfma2)从而每个instruction可以一次处理两个16 bit数据。

The intrinsic __halves2half2 is provided to convert two half precision values to the half2 datatype. The intrinsic __halves2bfloat162 is provided to convert two __nv_bfloat precision values to the __nv_bfloat162 datatype.

本质原因是register size是32 bits的,所以一次使用到register的计算可以是32 bits

Int Division & Modulo

int的division和modulo会花费20 instruction。

compiler会进行一些conversion,但只有在n是数值(i.e. 一个数字,而不是变量)的时候。避免直接使用division/modulp是推荐的(当知道一个varaible是power of 2的时候)

一个principle是,如果知道var会是某个数值,则直接在代码中用数值替换。如果知道var是power of 2,则用下面的公式替换。

如果n是power of 2(也就是编程的时候自己知道,则用下面的公式代替)

i/n = i >> log2(n)

i % n = (i & (n-1))

Type conversion

assign literal to single float var的时候要使用 f suffix,否则float literal默认是double的,在assignment的时候compiler会增加一个type conversion instruction

Sin & Cos

single float: sinf(x), cosf(x), tanf(x), sincosf(x)

double float: sincos(x)

  • 特点
  1. 方程会根据input magnitude选择运行slow path/ fast path
  • slow path

argument sufficent large in magnitude

使用lenghty computation实现

slow path会使用local memory来储存intermediate variable来避免lengthy computation的过程中使用过多的register,这导致slow path的throuput与latency都比起fast path要小很多

使用taylor expansion来实现。

  • fast path

argument sufficent small in magnitude

使用few multiply-add实现

  • more specific math

Replace sin(π*<expr>) with sinpi(<expr>), cos(π*<expr>) with cospi(<expr>), and sincos(π*<expr>) with sincospi(<expr>)

  1. 更快
  2. 更accurate

Compiler Flag

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  • denormalized numbers are flushed to zero
// enable higher throughput
  • less precision division
  • less precision square root
  • use intrinsic instead of standard function

会自动把全部的func 变为__func 的实现

注意,只对single precision起租用

  • use mad