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76 lines (54 loc) · 2.67 KB

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76 lines (54 loc) · 2.67 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on Keep a Changelog

Table of Contents

1.3.0 - 2024-09-21

  • Fixed
    • Added the <orgnization> tag to the pom.xml file.

1.2.3 - 2024-05-03

  • Fixed
    • Removed no-doc metadata on com.wallbrew.spoon.string/not-blank? to make sure it appears in documentation.

1.2.2 - 2024-03-10

  • Changed
    • Bumped org.clojure/clojure to 1.11.2. Note: Addressing CVE-2024-22871 / GHSA-vr64-r9qj-h27f requires consumers to upgrade to this version.

1.2.1 - 2023-02-12

  • Fixed
    • cljdoc configuration error that prevented docs from being generated.

1.2.0 - 2023-02-12

  • Added
    • A compatibility namespace to make it easier to use libraries that use functions that were added to Clojure in later versions.
    • An update-vals function that was added to Clojure in version 1.11.
    • An update-keys function that was added to Clojure in version 1.11.
    • A function concatv that concatenates into a vector, realizing the lazy results of concat.
    • A function filter-by-values that filters a map by values.
    • A function filter-by-keys that filters a map by keys.
    • A function remove-by-values that removes from a map by values.
    • A function remove-by-keys that removes from a map by keys.
    • A function not-blank? that checks if a string is not blank.
  • Fixed
    • CHANGELOG management is now handled by sealog.

1.1.0 - 2022-11-14

  • Added
    • A string function for creating slugs named ->slug.

1.0.1 - 2022-10-06

  • Fixed
    • Automated deployment/version tagging.

1.0.0 - 2022-10-06

  • Added
    • A multi-binding form of when-let called when-let+.
    • A test-utility form of clojure.spec.alpha/valid? called test-valid?.
    • A string "equality" algorithm for similar strings named same-text?.
    • A substring "equality" algorithm for similar strings named includes?.
    • A variadic string casing function named ->sporadic-case.
    • A variadic string casing function named ->spongebob-case.


This changelog was generated by sealog. Please do not edit it directly. Instead, edit the source data files and regenerate this file.