- Android 13+: support per-app language configuration.
- Android 15: enable predictive-back animations.
- Default to port 8889 which appears to return more data.
- Increase label font sizes to be more readable.
- Statistics: support DTA files with different value names.
- Statistics: support DTA files containing enums.
- Correct heat quantity values order of magnitude.
- Add actual total heat quantity.
- Display heat quantity since date.
- Detect if photovoltaics instead of swimming pool is configured.
- Add button to download DTA file.
- Updates only for Android 5 or newer.
- Add statistics screen to display some values of the DTA logging file of the controller.
- Add heat quantities.
- Add compressor frequency.
- Add info about software updates, the new web interface and the repo of this app.
- Add mixing circuit 1+2 outgoing and outgoing target temperatures.
- Request black navigation bar when using dark theme.
- Add secondary heater active time (1 + 2), operating hours (1 - 3).
- Add controller date and time.
- Add compressor 2 operating hours, impulses and average runtime.
- Fix crash on Android 4.4 or older due to theme issue.
- By default set dark mode based on system setting (Android 10 or newer) or by battery saver (Android 9 or older).
- Add various operating hours values.
- Add compressor impulse count and average runtime.
- Add external energy source temperature.
- Add return external temperature.
- Fix text color in dark mode.
- Fix crash when trying to display values.
- Updated style of message bar.
- Add dark color scheme.
- Setting to switch to dark scheme at specified hours.
- Small design tweaks.
- Setting to choose which items to display.
- Tap to copy item text to clipboard.
- Add solar collector and tank temperature.
- Add average and hot gas temperature.
- Use vector icons.
- Add adaptive launcher icon for Android Oreo.
- Add more operating states.
- Tweak some colors to be less offensive.
- Remove navigation drawer, use toolbar settings button instead.
- Text is now only selectable if paused. Fixes scroll position resetting on value updates.
- Display operating state and firmware version.
- Add notice about different default port.
- Support "going back" from Settings.
- Reduce APK size by shrinking with ProGuard.