Releases: Urigo/angular-meteor
meteor-include directive
Add the meteor-include directive for including Meteor templates like loginButtons thanks to @sanjo
Rename to angular-meteor and urigo:angular package
Rename ngMeteor module to angular-meteor
Rename urigo:ngmeteor package to urigo:angular
The $user service
0.3.5 New version
Update to new Angular version
0.3.4 New Angular version - 1.2.26
Subscription support with promises!
Adding $subscribe to support subscription with promises and added auto subscribe option to $collection.bind
Add autobind to bindOne
0.3.2 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
Fix autobind
making autobind work again
BindOne and Bower support
Adding bindOne for binding a single object in a collection with a given id (thanks to @hyperborea).
Adding bower support for including angular.
Removing angular sub modules:
angular-route, angular-touch, angular-animate, angular-cookies, angular-resource, angular-sanitize.
If you wish to include then, just add them with bower:
Increasing version to link Github to Atmosphere
Soon a new version with more features
0.2.0 with support for Meteor 0.9.0
Finally merging branch 0.2 to master.
Also added support for Meteor 0.9.0 and the new packaging system - new package name: urigo:ngmeteor