####General Our Github repo
####Week 1: Setup, Git, rSpec Class slides (coming soon!)
Free Online Text-Book (older edition, but should be fine for this week's reading.)
Svn to Git Crash Course - if you are switching to Git from Subversion
Git Immersion- general Git course
ANSICON Instructions from Price
####Week 2: Strings, Variables, Classes, and Objects Ruby Docs
Pragmatic Programmers Guide (at the bottom is the link to the extending Ruby pdf I mentioned)
Travis CI (where open source projects are tested)
####Week 3: Array and hash, Numbers / range, Modules / inheritance Enumerable
####Week 4: Range, Symbols, Blocks, Control Blocks, Procs, Lambdas, and Closures
####Week 5: Regexp, I/O, Files/Dir, Rake Rubular ASCII Table
Breaking up Regular expressions
####Week 6: Gems, CI
####Week 7: Cucumber, Testing frameworks, Refactoring
####Week 8: Metaprogramming, Duck typing, Monkey patching
####Week 9: Review, Exceptions
####Week 10: Interesting Stuff...