#The Hive API Interface Specification
- Both the Hive CLI and the Hive Node-Webkit UI communicate with remote AI modules over TCP sockets.
- All messages are UTF-8 strings.
- All message payloads are valid JSON strings.
- All messages are prefixed with a content-length header (the String.prototype.length() of the payload string as reported by node-js)
- Message header and payload are always separated with a delimiter, "#"
- The content-length does not include the length of the header or the delimiter, only the content itself
Here is an example of a data transmission:
Which the receiving end would then split into two parts.
- The content-length: 15
- The content: '{"type":"ping"}'
The content could then be parsed into the following JSON object:
"type": "ping"
##Reference Implementations There are reference implementations of this API in the following modules:
More information about running these AI modules can be found here
##API Specification by Example (Taken from /api/hive_api_v0.1.0_doc.js) Here are some examples of actual messages (request-response pairs) sent from a control program to an AI module and back again:
"Greetings" request
this request type is used to establish the identity of a remote AI module
and also to inform the module about the semantic version string of the system.
// example request structure sent from the game core to an AI module
request_type: "Greetings",
request_id: "n6Vvi",
system_version: "0.1.0"
// example response structure sent back to the requestor
// Note: this is the same format as the package.json files bundled with the AI in this, the main Hive project.
response_type: "Greetings",
response_id: "n6Vvi",
name: "rando", // short name / code-name internally used to identify in records involving this module
active: true, // whether this AI is considered to be in a usable state by its owner
version: "0.0.1", // version of the AI code
long_name: "Rando[m]", // display name
module: "hive-ai-rando", // [optional] currently only used to locate local AI modules
description: "The random monkey AI", // short description; displayed to user
author: "Trylobot", // [optional] author(s) of the AI module code
project_url: "https://github.com/Trylobot/hive/tree/master/ai/rando", // [optional] url to a project page
language: "Javascript" // [optional] primary language used to write the AI module
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
"Choose Turn" request
this request type is used to request turns from remote AI modules.
the possible turns are enumerated in advance, and the AI is expected to choose one.
the board state and the contents of each players' hand is also given.
there is no explicit limit on think-time.
// example request structure sent from the game core to an AI module
request_type: "Choose Turn",
request_id: "7pNQ4",
game_id: "KqwSQ", // used to identify game among multiple simultaneous ongoing games
request_timestamp: 1405582952293, // a reference point for the receiver
response_deadline: 1405583012293, // response not received by this time? game is thrown in favor of opponent (+/- 5 seconds)
game_state: { // intended for direct deserialization (see core/domain/game.js load_game)
board: { // (see core/domain/board.js)
pieces: { // map<string,array<piece>>: keys are occupied positions, values are piece-stacks
"0,0": [ // position at 0,0 contains one piece
{ // (see core/domain/piece.js)
color: "White", // (see core/domain/piece.js colors_enum)
type: "Queen Bee" // (see core/domain/piece.js types_enum)
"1,1": [ // position at 1,1 contains a stack two pieces high
{ // ... with the black queen bee on bottom
color: "Black",
type: "Queen Bee"
{ // ... covered by a black beetle
color: "Black",
type: "Beetle"
hands: { // hands for both players; keys are piece-type names (see core/domain/piece.js)
"White": {
"Soldier Ant": 2, // white has two soldier ants
"Grasshopper": 1
"Black": {} // omitted keys can be thought of as zero pieces of that type available
player_turn: "White",
turn_number: 2,
game_over: false,
winner: null,
is_draw: false,
creation_parameters: {
use_mosquito: false,
use_ladybug: false,
use_pillbug: false
turn_history: [
{ // (see core/domain/turn.js)
turn_type: "Placement",
piece_type: "Beetle",
destination: "0,0"
turn_type: "Placement",
piece_type: "Queen Bee",
destination: "1,-1"
turn_type: "Movement",
source: "1,-1",
destination: "-1,-1"
possible_turns: {
"Placement": { // all data in here is related to placement of new pieces
piece_types: [ // list of piece types valid to place this turn
"Soldier Ant"
positions: [ // list of valid placement positions for any of the above piece types
"Movement": { // all data in here is related to normal movement of existing pieces
"0,0": [ // this lists the valid movement destinations for the piece at this position
"Special Ability": { // all data in here is related to special abilities (currently pillbug)
"0,0": { // pillbug's (or mosquito mimicking pillbug)'s location
"1,1": [ // list of valid destinations for the piece at this position, moved by the above pillbug
// example response structure sent back to the requestor
response_type: "Choose Turn",
request_id: "7pNQ4",
game_id: "KqwSQ",
turn_type: "Placement",
piece_type: "Soldier Ant",
destination: "-1,-1"
// another example
response_type: "Choose Turn",
request_id: "7pNQ4",
game_id: "KqwSQ",
turn_type: "Movement",
source: "0,0",
destination: "2,0"
// special ability usage
response_type: "Choose Turn",
request_id: "7pNQ4",
game_id: "KqwSQ",
turn_type: "Special Ability",
ability_user: "0,0",
source: "1,1",
destination: "2,0"
// forfeit turn
response_type: "Choose Turn",
request_id: "7pNQ4",
game_id: "KqwSQ",
turn_type: "Forfeit"