- Get current working directory. Find a parent folder that is a course (e.g. MATH2800)
- In this course folder, if found, find (or create) an "Assessments" Folder.
- In the Assessments folder, parse all folder names in the format "Assessment \d+". Create the next folder in the sequence. If none exist, or the largest is <= 0, create "Assessment 01".
- In the new assessment folder, copy the template assessment folder into the new directory.
- Finalise config functions. Implement the effects of reading a config action: copying and text replacement
- Update
semantics (and other similar commands) to accept config template names. Also, look atfileContentReplacementMappings
. Maybe use a data type to avoid the relative path in the key? Or maybe not?
- Need to perform check before string replacing file, because it may not be a plaintext document.