- CRUD made with relay, graphql, koa, next, tailwind
Project that simulates a scheduling control panel for a graphic. Where can you manage appointments
- Create Appointment
- Edit Appointment
- Delete Appointment
- Search by Graphic
- Authentication
- Authorization - Protect routes
- Register User
- Login
- Node.js
- yarn
npm install yarn -g
- MongoDB
Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/Thiago-Mota-Santos/fullstack-relay.git
1.Install packages
yarn install
2.Fill .env.example in apps/server and apps/web (In root folder)
yarn copy-envs
4.Start Aplication (In root folder)
yarn dev
- NextJS (turborepo)
- TailwindCSS
- Relay
- React Hook Form
- Zod
- NodeJS
- Graphql
- Relay
- Moongose
- Jest
Feel free to contribute to the project!