To convert the Caffe model to a TNN model, first convert the Caffe model to an ONNX model, which is then converted to a TNN model.
We use the caffe2onnx tool to convert the Caffe model to ONNX. In the following document, it will briefly introduce how to use caffe2onnx to convert, and then it is recommended to refer to onnx2tnnto convert the ONNX model to TNN.
- install protobuf(version >= 3.4.0)
brew install protobuf
For Linux system,we recommend following protobuf's official README.
If you are using the Ubuntu system, use the instructions below to install:
sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
- Install python (version >=3.6)
brew install python3
yum install python3 python3-devel
- onnx(version == 1.6.0)
pip3 install onnx==1.6.0
- numpy(version >= 1.17.0)
pip3 install numpy
- cd in tool directory
cd <tnn_root_path>/tools/caffe2onnx/
- Caffe format conversion
At present, the caffe2onnx tool currently only supports the latest version of caffe format. So before using caffe2onnx, you need to upgrade the old version of the caffe network and model to the latest version. Caffe comes with the tool to convert from old version caffe model and network to a new version.
upgrade_net_proto_text [old prototxt] [new prototxt]
upgrade_net_proto_binary [old caffemodel] [new caffemodel]
The format of the modified input is as follows:
layer {
name: "data"
type: "input"
top: "data"
input_param { shape: { dim: 1 dim: 3 dim: 224 dim: 224 } }
- caffe2onnx tool usage
python3 ./test.prototxt ./test.caffemodel -o ./test.onnx
usage: [-h] [-o ONNX_FILE] proto_file caffe_model_file
convert caffe model to onnx
positional arguments:
proto_file the path for prototxt file, the file name must end with
caffe_model_file the path for caffe model file, the file name must end with
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o ONNX_FILE the path for generate onnx file
-align align the onnx model with tnn model
-input_file in.txt the input file path which contains the input data for the inference model
-ref_file ref.txt the reference file path which contains the reference data to compare the results
Number | caffe layer | onnx operator |
1 | BatchNorm | BatchNormalization |
2 | BatchNorm + Scale | BatchNormalization |
3 | Concat | Concat |
4 | Convolution | Conv |
5 | ConvolutionDepthwise | Conv |
6 | Deconvolution | ConvTranspose |
7 | DetectionOutput | DetectionOutput(customer defination) |
8 | Dropout | Dropout |
9 | Eltwise | Mul/Add/Max |
10 | Flatten | Reshape |
11 | InnerProduct | Reshape + Gemm |
12 | LRN | LRN |
13 | MaxUnPool | MaxUnPool |
14 | PReLU | PRelu |
15 | Permute | Transpose |
16 | Pooling | MaxPool/AveragePool/GlobalMaxPool/GlobalAveragePool |
17 | PriorBox | PriorBox(customer defination) |
18 | ReLU | Relu/LeakyRelu |
19 | ReLU6 | Clip |
20 | Reshape | Reshape |
21 | Scale | Mul + Reshape |
22 | ShuffleChannel | Reshape + Transpose + Reshape |
23 | Sigmoid | Sigmoid |
24 | Slice | Slice |
25 | Softmax | Softmax |
26 | Upsample | Resize |