Overlord now runs:
Database backup on (backup.py):
- API server (MongoDB)
- Jira (built-in)
- Discuss (Postgres)
- Slack conversations daily
Monitoring and restarting (server.py):
- techatnyu.org
- services.tnyu.org
- Send feedback forms for events after they end.
Rebuilding static front-end for (static.py):
- intranet
- intranet-staging
- startup-week
- ship
- Install dependencies with
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install and/or run RabbitMQ.
$ celery -A overlord.celery worker --loglevel=info &
(run in background)
- Install dependencies with
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ supervisord
$ supervisorctl
(to see if everything starts)$ nohup flower --port=5555 --basic_auth=tnyu:pw1 &
(run in background)- To restart something:
$ supervisorctl restart celeryd
orsupervisorctl restart overlord
- To stop something:
$ supervisorctl stop celeryd