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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 3, 2022. It is now read-only.

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92 lines (60 loc) · 3.25 KB

File metadata and controls

92 lines (60 loc) · 3.25 KB

Taisun Taisun

The first step to contributing code to the project is insuring there is an issue open and accepted for the potential commit. You can see current issues here:

Once an issue has been created go ahead and fork the repository:

Now you need to submit a change, the Taisun project provides a container specifically for this. To run one simply execute:

sudo docker run --name taisun -d \
-p 3000:80 \
-p 8000:8000 \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \

In this example a Cloud9 interface will be available at http://localhost:8000 .

Cloud9 Basics

When you first access the development interface you will be greeted with a login screen, this is only there to provide an ability to identify yourself if you are working in a shared environment.


Once you are in the Cloud9 interface in your terminal on the bottom you will want to start tailing the nodemon output with:

tail -f /root/Taisun.log

Now whenever you make code changes the current node output will be seen here.

Your first commit

In order to tie this into your repo we need to change the remote away from the main Taisun repo so we will run three commands here:

git checkout master
git config --global "youremailhere"
git remote set-url origin

With the examples above swap out for your email and your forked project URL.

For this example we are going to append something to the Readme:


In the above image we changed the file and here is the sequence of commands used to commit and push it:

root@47b6378ead89:/usr/src/Taisun# git add .
root@47b6378ead89:/usr/src/Taisun# git commit -m '#70 adding test line to the readme'
To Commit Please enter your gitlab username:taisun-test
[master e769293] #70 adding test line to the readme
 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
root@47b6378ead89:/usr/src/Taisun# git push origin master 
Username for '': taisun-test
Password for 'https://[email protected]': 
Counting objects: 3, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 326 bytes | 0 bytes/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0)
   07e9da8..e769293  master -> master

In this example #70 is used to represent the issue you are referencing in the main repo.

Creating a merge request

Click on the link below to start a Merge request:

You should automatically be presented with the merge request from your forked version, simply select the branch you want to merge ( in this case master ) :


Edit the description to the merge request to your liking and submit it:


Once approved your merge request will be integrated with the project and the open issue will hopefully be closed.