xargs sudo apt-get install -y < apt_packages.txt
You may want to set up Docker to be used with a non-root user.
The rest of dependencies can be installed using npm
npm ci
Optionally, some additional packages can be installed using Homebrew:
brew bundle install --file=apt_missing.Brewfile
After installing Homebrew, run the following from the root directory to install all developer dependencies:
brew bundle install && npm ci
Part 1: Update the database, add new images and build the container. Usually, new image files (Cobertes.zip, Imatges.zip, Obres-VPR.zip) are provided. Put them in the root directory alongside the MS Access database (database.accdb) before running the following (skip the first 2 commands if images have not been provided):
npm run decompress:images && npm run optimize:images && npm run convert:db && npm run docker:build
Part 2: Install (in a separate shell, after the database has been initialized in Part 1)
npm run install:db
When this command finishes, the website should be available and run properly.
Part 3: Export the database, run tests and generate reports.
npm run prepare:deploy
Additionally, consider running tests (npm test
) on the Alpine-based image too.
The code can now be pushed to both private and public repositories for deployment:
git add . && git commit -m 'new release' && git push
npm run export:code
The whole process of updating a release could be run 100% inside Docker, although this is not regularly tested.
Example on Windows:
:: Disable .dockerignore to include everything in the build context
ren .dockerignore .dockerignore.disabled
:: Start the build-specific container
docker compose -f docker-compose-build.yml up
:: Run the processing commands within the build container
docker compose -f docker-compose-build.yml run build /bin/bash -c "npm run decompress:images && npm run optimize:images && npm run convert:db"
:: Restore .dockerignore
ren .dockerignore.disabled .dockerignore
:: Remove existing container, in case it was already created before
docker compose down --volumes
:: Start the HTTP and MariaDB servers
docker compose up --build
:: Execute the installation script inside the web container
docker exec pccd-web scripts/install.sh
:: Export the updated database
docker exec pccd-mysql /usr/bin/mysqldump -uroot -pcontrasenyarootmysql --skip-dump-date --ignore-table=pccd.commonvoice pccd > install\db\db.sql