Everything in SubTiger is actually an expression, and hence always evaluates to some value. Now, we may look at some sample code to understand the syntax better:
We can use a variable only after its declaration.
We need to separate every expression using a;
function is a built-in function that prints the integer expression's value after evaluating.
function is also a built-in function that appends a newline also while printing.x := 5; y := 7; z := x * y; println (x + z); print (z / y);
For-loops are also expressions. Both the start and end positions are inclusive. There are two types of for-loops:
Without any step size (defaults to
)for i := 0 to 10 do println i; done;
With step size mentioned
x := 5; for i := 10 to 1 by -2 do x := i - 2; println x; done; println x;
Please refer to the example programs in the directory tests/