Fenex is a Rust library for handling chess game logic. It provides support for parsing Forsyth-Edwards Notation (FEN) strings, handling chess moves in algebraic notation, and more.
Both Coordinates and Notations are 1-indexed.
The Coordinates module provides the Coordinates
struct for representing a position on the chess board.
Coordinates { x: i8, y: i8 }
- Creates a new
struct with given x and y values.
- Creates a new
From Notation:
Coordinates::from_notation(notation: Notation) -> Result<Coordinates, &'static str>
- Converts a
struct into aCoordinates
- Converts a
To Notation:
Coordinates::to_notation(&self) -> Result<Notation, &'static str>
- Converts the
struct into aNotation
- Converts the
The Notation module provides the Notation
struct for representing a chess move in algebraic notation.
Notation::new(file: char, rank: char) -> Option<Notation>
- Creates a new
struct with given file and rank values.
- Creates a new
From Coordinates:
Notation::from_coordinates(coordinates: Coordinates) -> Result<Notation, &'static str>
- Converts a
struct into aNotation
- Converts a
To Coordinates:
Notation::to_coordinates(&self) -> Result<Coordinates, &'static str>
- Converts the
struct into aCoordinates
- Converts the
The Board
module provides the Board
struct for handling chess boards in both 1D and 2D representations.
Board::new_one_dimensional() -> Board
andBoard::new_two_dimensional() -> Board
- Creates a new
board with all squares empty.
- Creates a new
Starting Position:
Board::new_one_dimensional_starting_position() -> Board
andBoard::new_two_dimensional_starting_position() -> Board
- Creates a new
board with pieces in the starting position.
- Creates a new
Set Piece:
Board::set_piece(&mut self, coordinates: Coordinates, piece: ChessPieceEnum)
- Sets a piece at the given coordinates.
Get Piece:
Board::get_piece(&self, coordinates: Coordinates) -> Option<&ChessPieceEnum>
- Gets the piece at the given coordinates.
Generate Moves:
Board::generate_moves(&self, color: Color) -> Vec<Move>
- Generates all valid moves for the pieces of the given color on the board.
The Move
struct represents a move in a chess game. It contains the type of the piece being moved and the start and end coordinates of the move.
- Constructor:
Move::new(from: Coordinates, to: Coordinates, piece_type: PieceType) -> Move
- Creates a new
with the given start and end coordinates, and the type of the piece being moved.
- Creates a new
Just run the cargo add fenex
in your project directory.
Or add fenex = "0.1.4"
in your Cargo.toml, Under dependencies.
fn notation_and_coordinates() {
// Create a Notation from chars ('file' 'rank').
let notation: Notation = Notation::new('e', '4').unwrap();
// Create Coordinates from an i8 (x, y).
let coordinates: Coordinates = Coordinates::new(5, 4);
// Create a Notation from a string ("e4").
let notation_from_string: Notation = Notation::from_string("e4").unwrap();
// Create Coordinates from a string of 2 i8 separated by a comma ("5,4").
let coordinate_from_string: Coordinates = Coordinates::from_string("5,4").unwrap();
fn boards_and_moves() {
// Create a 2D board with starting pieces.
let mut two_dimensional_board = Board::new_two_dimensional_starting_position();
// Create a 1D board with starting pieces.
let mut one_dimensional_board = Board::new_one_dimensional_starting_position();
// Create Coordinates from a string of 2 i8 separated by a comma ("e2").
let from = Coordinates::from_notation_string("e2").unwrap();
// Create Coordinates from a string of 2 i8 separated by a comma ("e4").
let to = Coordinates::from_notation_string("e4").unwrap();
// Move a piece from one coordinate to another.
one_dimensional_board.move_piece_with_coordinates(from, to);
// Generate all possible movements for White, The boolean check_for_checks filters out illegal moves that would leave the king in check.
let movement = one_dimensional_board.generate_moves(Color::White, true);
fn fen() {
// Create a fen object.
let fen = Fen::new("r1b4r/ppkppppq/4P2p/7n/RNK2b1n/Q7/PPPPP1PP/2B2BNR w - - 0 1").unwrap();
// Parse the fen into a one-dimensional board.
let one_dimensional_board = fen.to_board(BoardTypeEnum::OneDimensional);
// Parse the fen into a two-dimensional board.
let two_dimensional_board = fen.to_board(BoardTypeEnum::TwoDimensional);
Contributions to Fenex are welcome! Please ensure your code is formatted with cargo fmt
before creating a pull request.