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Releases: Skyscanner/SkyFloatingLabelTextField


16 Jan 23:04
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  • Added @discardableResult to becomeFirstResponder and resignFirstResponder. This silences Xcode warnings about unused results of those functions and brings the implementation closer to the iOS API #98. Thanks to bennokress
  • Disable GCC_GENERATE_TEST_COVERAGE_FILES and GCC_INSTRUMENT_PROGRAM_FLOW_ARCS in release configs. This was causing rejections when submitting to Apple when the library is integrated manually or with Carthage #97. Thanks to vytautasgimbutas

v2.0.0 Swift 3 support 🎉

07 Dec 15:04
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Fix release for CocoaPods

30 Nov 10:45
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The tag pointed to in .podspec was not updated in the 1.3 release causing it to still point to 1.2.1 instead of 1.3. This release fixes that and correctly points the podspec to the right git tag.

V1.3 Swift 2.3 support

30 Nov 09:39
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  • Adds support for Swift 2.3. Thanks to okipol88. See #69
  • Adds support for iOS 7. Thanks to acecilia. See #51


19 May 17:53
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Bugfix: title was blinking when tapping the textfield.


21 Apr 21:27
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  • Added RTL language support
  • Changed the behaviour of errorMessage, removing unnecessary business logic.
    • Before this change there was some "hidden" business logic around the resetting of errorMessage, namely:
      • Whenever the control was selected by a user, it got cleared (becomeFirstResponder invoked)
      • Whenever the text changed, it also got reset (when textField(textField:,range:string:) was invoked)
    • After this change what's different:
      • The errorMessage is no longer reset by any text or focus changes. If a developer sets this message, the error will be displayed, until this property is cleared. To implement the previous functionality, just subscribe to the textField(textField:,range:string:) event on the delegate
      • As a side effect of this, the workaround of double-invoking textField(textField:,range:string:) has been removed, fixing the bug raised by this Issue


06 Apr 06:43
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  • Bugfix: setting the error message via the textField?(shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString:) method is now possible
  • Added example on how to use the control from Objective C


04 Apr 11:38
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  • Changed the control to inherit from the UITextField class (previously the control inherited from UIControl)
  • The delegate to use with the textfield is now the UITextFieldDelegate (removed the delegate:SkyFloatingLabelTextFieldDelegate class)
  • Removed placeHolderLabel, textField and hasText properties from SkyFloatingLabelTextField class
  • Removed textRectForBounds(bounds: CGRect) and placeholderLabelRectForBounds(bounds:CGRect) methods from SkyFloatingLabelTextField
  • The above methods have been replaced with the UITextfield methods editingRectForBounds(bounds: CGRect) and placeholderRectForBounds(bounds: CGRect) on SkyFloatingLabelTextField
  • Added placeholderFont, editingOrSelected properties to SkyFloatingLabelTextField class


11 Mar 15:30
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Removed the hideKeyboardWhenSelected property. This property seemed too specific. To hide the keyboard when selecting a field, an alternative workaround is to set the textField.inputView property to an empty view.


10 Mar 17:09
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  • Added the hideKeyboardWhenSelected property
  • Bugfix: When invoking becomeFirstResponder on a textField that was not yet visible, the keyboard did not show up.