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Gin (Gaussian process Inference)

Gin is a collection of pure R tools for generating and manipulating Gaussian Process models (GPs). It is also a nice spirit gin


The current version includes the top-level functions:

  • gp_simulate - generate N psuedo-random GP realisations.

  • gp_conditional - compute the mean and covariance of a GP given data points.

  • gp_fit - fit for (hyper-)parameters of the autocovariance function (ACV)

  • plot_ts - plot a time series data.frame.

  • plot_snake - plot a 'snake' representing the mean and of a GP.

  • ts_load - load a plain text data file into an array ready for analysis.

And some lower-level functions that do the heavy-lifting

  • gp_logLikelihood - compute Gaussian log likelihood given data and model.

  • gp_logPosterior - compute log posterior, given log likelihood and prior.

  • gp_lagMatrix - compute matrix of lags tau_ij = |t_i - t_j|


Gin is an R package, but is still in development. To set up from GitHub first install (if you haven't already) Hadley Wickham's devtools package.


Now you can install gin straight from GitHub:


Now you're good to go.


First we must define an ACV function. This is the exponential ACV for a Damped Randon Walk (DRW) process:

   # define an ACV function
   acv <- function(theta, tau) {
     A <- abs(theta[1])
     l <- abs(theta[2])
     acov <- A * exp(-(tau / l))

This accepts a vector of parameters (theta), and a matrix of vector of lags (tau) and returns the ACV value at each lag.

Now we define some initial parameters

   # define parameters of ACV
   # theta[1] = mu (mean)
   # theta[2] = nu (error scale factor) 
   # theta[3:p] = parameters of ACV
   theta <- c(0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)

Next, we define a list of times at which to compute the simulated data

   # define vector of times for reconstruction
   m <- 1000
   t <- seq(-0.5, 10.5, length = m)

Using the ACV model and parameters (theta) as above, and the grid of times (t) we can generate a random realisation of the GP

  # produce Gaussian vector (simulation)
  y <- gin::gp_sim(theta, acv.model = acv, = t)
  y <- as.vector(y)

  # plot the 'true' curve
  dat <- data.frame(t = t, y = y)
  gin::plot_ts(dat, type = "l")


Fitting data

The package comes with a dataset called drw. This shows 40 observations of a random process. The drw data.frame has 3 columns: t (time), y (value), dy (error). Let's plot the data

  gin::plot_ts(drw, col = "black", cex.lab=1.4)


Using the ACV model above, and the values for theta as our starting guess, we fit:

   # fit the model to the data, find Max.Like parameter values
   result <- gin::gp_fit(theta, acv.model = acv, dat = drw)

This should find the maximum likelihood solution. The ACV parameters (for of them in this case) are in result$par. We can use this to reconstruct the GP as follows.

We can use the gp_conditional function to compute the mean and covariance of the GP, at the simulation time t (above) with the specified ACV model, conditional on the given data.

   # reconstruct process: compute 'conditional' mean and covariance
   gp <- gin::gp_conditional(result$par, acv.model = acv, dat = drw, = t)

and now we can overlay the conditional model

   # plot a 'snake' showing mean +/-
   gin::plot_snake(gp, add = TRUE, col.line = 3)


We can also add psuedo-random realisations of this process (conditional on the data)

   y.sim <- gin::gp_sim(result$par, dat = drw, acv.model = acv, = t, 
                   N.sim = 5, plot = FALSE)
  for (i in 1:5) lines(t, y.sim[, i], col = i)


Bayesian inference

Rather than Maximum Likelihood, we could specify priors on the (hyper-)parameters of the ACV, and peform Bayesian inference.

   # define the 'priors' for the parameter values
   logPrior <- function(theta) {
     mu.d <- dnorm(theta[1], sd = 5, log = TRUE)
     nu.d <- dlnorm(theta[2], meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, log = TRUE)
     A.d <- dlnorm(theta[3], meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, log = TRUE)
     l.d <- dlnorm(theta[4], meanlog = 0, sdlog = 1, log = TRUE)
     return(mu.d + nu.d + A.d + l.d)

In general, to do this we need an MCMC tool to sample from the posterior. Here I use the GW sampler from tonic.

   # Use gw.mcmc to generate parameter samples
   chain <- tonic::gw_sampler(gp_logPosterior, theta.0 = theta,
                              acv.model = acv, logPrior = logPrior,
                              dat = drw, = 1e4,
                              nsteps = 40e4,
                              chatter = 1, thin = 10)

This takes a minute or two to run. It should produce 2,000 samples after `thinning' by a factor 10 (it generates 20,000 samples but keeps only 1 in 10). First, we inspect the traces and autocorrelation of the chains.

   # plot MCMC diagnostics

Now we can visualise the posterior by plotting the 1 and 2 parameter marginal distributions.

   # name the parameters
   colnames(chain$theta) <- c("mu", "nu", "A", "l")

   # plot scatter diagrams
   tonic::contour_matrix(chain$theta, prob.levels = c(1,2,3), sigma = TRUE,
                         prob1d = 0)

The contours represent 1-, 2- and 3-sigma levels (in the sense of 68.3%, 95.4% and 99.7% of the mass).


To do

  • Inclide a range of ready-to-use ACV functions
  • Compute ACFs based on FT of specified PS
  • Allow for time binning (not point samples in time)
  • Allow for lognormal process
  • use matrix rather than data.frame format for data (speed)


For more on GPs, the best reference is:

  • C. E. Rasmussen & K. I. Williams, Gaussian Processes for Machine Learning, online here

Excellent online resources inclide

A Visual Exploration of Gaussian Processes

Intuition behind Gaussian Processes

Robust Gaussian Process Modeling