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* pixi-spine - v4.0.4
* Compiled Thu, 25 May 2023 20:30:28 UTC
* pixi-spine is licensed under the MIT License.
* http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license
* Copyright 2023, Ivan Igorevich Popelyshev <[email protected]>, All Rights Reserved
*/this.PIXI = this.PIXI || {}, this.PIXI.spine = function (tt, H, dn, wr, br, oe, qe) {
"use strict"; var Z = (c => (c[c.Region = 0] = "Region", c[c.BoundingBox = 1] = "BoundingBox", c[c.Mesh = 2] = "Mesh", c[c.LinkedMesh = 3] = "LinkedMesh", c[c.Path = 4] = "Path", c[c.Point = 5] = "Point", c[c.Clipping = 6] = "Clipping", c))(Z || {}); class Mn { constructor(t, n = new Array, e = 0, i = new DataView(t.buffer)) { this.strings = n, this.index = e, this.buffer = i; } readByte() { return this.buffer.getInt8(this.index++); } readUnsignedByte() { return this.buffer.getUint8(this.index++); } readShort() { const t = this.buffer.getInt16(this.index); return this.index += 2, t; } readInt32() { const t = this.buffer.getInt32(this.index); return this.index += 4, t; } readInt(t) { let n = this.readByte(), e = n & 127; return n & 128 && (n = this.readByte(), e |= (n & 127) << 7, n & 128 && (n = this.readByte(), e |= (n & 127) << 14, n & 128 && (n = this.readByte(), e |= (n & 127) << 21, n & 128 && (n = this.readByte(), e |= (n & 127) << 28)))), t ? e : e >>> 1 ^ -(e & 1); } readStringRef() { const t = this.readInt(!0); return t == 0 ? null : this.strings[t - 1]; } readString() { let t = this.readInt(!0); switch (t) { case 0: return null; case 1: return ""; }t--; let n = ""; for (let e = 0; e < t;) { const i = this.readUnsignedByte(); switch (i >> 4) { case 12: case 13: n += String.fromCharCode((i & 31) << 6 | this.readByte() & 63), e += 2; break; case 14: n += String.fromCharCode((i & 15) << 12 | (this.readByte() & 63) << 6 | this.readByte() & 63), e += 3; break; default: n += String.fromCharCode(i), e++; } } return n; } readFloat() { const t = this.buffer.getFloat32(this.index); return this.index += 4, t; } readBoolean() { return this.readByte() != 0; } } var A = (c => (c[c.setup = 0] = "setup", c[c.first = 1] = "first", c[c.replace = 2] = "replace", c[c.add = 3] = "add", c))(A || {}), J = (c => (c[c.mixIn = 0] = "mixIn", c[c.mixOut = 1] = "mixOut", c))(J || {}), dt = (c => (c[c.Fixed = 0] = "Fixed", c[c.Percent = 1] = "Percent", c))(dt || {}), pt = (c => (c[c.Tangent = 0] = "Tangent", c[c.Chain = 1] = "Chain", c[c.ChainScale = 2] = "ChainScale", c))(pt || {}), j = (c => (c[c.Normal = 0] = "Normal", c[c.OnlyTranslation = 1] = "OnlyTranslation", c[c.NoRotationOrReflection = 2] = "NoRotationOrReflection", c[c.NoScale = 3] = "NoScale", c[c.NoScaleOrReflection = 4] = "NoScaleOrReflection", c))(j || {}); function Jn(c) { switch (c.toLowerCase()) { case "nearest": return Bt.Nearest; case "linear": return Bt.Linear; case "mipmap": return Bt.MipMap; case "mipmapnearestnearest": return Bt.MipMapNearestNearest; case "mipmaplinearnearest": return Bt.MipMapLinearNearest; case "mipmapnearestlinear": return Bt.MipMapNearestLinear; case "mipmaplinearlinear": return Bt.MipMapLinearLinear; default: throw new Error(`Unknown texture filter ${c}`); } } function Er(c) { switch (c.toLowerCase()) { case "mirroredtepeat": return fe.MirroredRepeat; case "clamptoedge": return fe.ClampToEdge; case "repeat": return fe.Repeat; default: throw new Error(`Unknown texture wrap ${c}`); } } var Bt = (c => (c[c.Nearest = 9728] = "Nearest", c[c.Linear = 9729] = "Linear", c[c.MipMap = 9987] = "MipMap", c[c.MipMapNearestNearest = 9984] = "MipMapNearestNearest", c[c.MipMapLinearNearest = 9985] = "MipMapLinearNearest", c[c.MipMapNearestLinear = 9986] = "MipMapNearestLinear", c[c.MipMapLinearLinear = 9987] = "MipMapLinearLinear", c))(Bt || {}), fe = (c => (c[c.MirroredRepeat = 33648] = "MirroredRepeat", c[c.ClampToEdge = 33071] = "ClampToEdge", c[c.Repeat = 10497] = "Repeat", c))(fe || {}); class Vn { constructor() { this.size = null, this.names = null, this.values = null, this.renderObject = null; } get width() { const t = this.texture; return t.trim ? t.trim.width : t.orig.width; } get height() { const t = this.texture; return t.trim ? t.trim.height : t.orig.height; } get u() { return this.texture._uvs.x0; } get v() { return this.texture._uvs.y0; } get u2() { return this.texture._uvs.x2; } get v2() { return this.texture._uvs.y2; } get offsetX() { const t = this.texture; return t.trim ? t.trim.x : 0; } get offsetY() { return this.spineOffsetY; } get pixiOffsetY() { const t = this.texture; return t.trim ? t.trim.y : 0; } get spineOffsetY() { const t = this.texture; return this.originalHeight - this.height - (t.trim ? t.trim.y : 0); } get originalWidth() { return this.texture.orig.width; } get originalHeight() { return this.texture.orig.height; } get x() { return this.texture.frame.x; } get y() { return this.texture.frame.y; } get rotate() { return this.texture.rotate !== 0; } get degrees() { return (360 - this.texture.rotate * 45) % 360; } } class Sr { constructor() { this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.width = 0, this.height = 0, this.offsetX = 0, this.offsetY = 0, this.originalWidth = 0, this.originalHeight = 0, this.rotate = 0, this.index = 0; } } class Fn { constructor(t, n, e) { this.pages = new Array, this.regions = new Array, t && this.addSpineAtlas(t, n, e); } addTexture(t, n) { const e = this.pages; let i = null; for (let h = 0; h < e.length; h++)if (e[h].baseTexture === n.baseTexture) { i = e[h]; break; } if (i === null) { i = new ts, i.name = "texturePage"; const h = n.baseTexture; i.width = h.realWidth, i.height = h.realHeight, i.baseTexture = h, i.minFilter = i.magFilter = Bt.Nearest, i.uWrap = fe.ClampToEdge, i.vWrap = fe.ClampToEdge, e.push(i); } const r = new es; return r.name = t, r.page = i, r.texture = n, r.index = -1, this.regions.push(r), r; } addTextureHash(t, n) { for (const e in t) t.hasOwnProperty(e) && this.addTexture(n && e.indexOf(".") !== -1 ? e.substr(0, e.lastIndexOf(".")) : e, t[e]); } addSpineAtlas(t, n, e) { return this.load(t, n, e); } load(t, n, e) { if (n == null) throw new Error("textureLoader cannot be null."); const i = new yr(t), r = new Array(4); let h = null; const l = {}; let s = null; l.size = () => { h.width = parseInt(r[1]), h.height = parseInt(r[2]); }, l.format = () => { }, l.filter = () => { h.minFilter = Jn(r[1]), h.magFilter = Jn(r[2]); }, l.repeat = () => { r[1].indexOf("x") != -1 && (h.uWrap = fe.Repeat), r[1].indexOf("y") != -1 && (h.vWrap = fe.Repeat); }, l.pma = () => { h.pma = r[1] == "true"; }; const a = {}; a.xy = () => { s.x = parseInt(r[1]), s.y = parseInt(r[2]); }, a.size = () => { s.width = parseInt(r[1]), s.height = parseInt(r[2]); }, a.bounds = () => { s.x = parseInt(r[1]), s.y = parseInt(r[2]), s.width = parseInt(r[3]), s.height = parseInt(r[4]); }, a.offset = () => { s.offsetX = parseInt(r[1]), s.offsetY = parseInt(r[2]); }, a.orig = () => { s.originalWidth = parseInt(r[1]), s.originalHeight = parseInt(r[2]); }, a.offsets = () => { s.offsetX = parseInt(r[1]), s.offsetY = parseInt(r[2]), s.originalWidth = parseInt(r[3]), s.originalHeight = parseInt(r[4]); }, a.rotate = () => { const f = r[1]; let u = 0; f.toLocaleLowerCase() == "true" ? u = 6 : f.toLocaleLowerCase() == "false" ? u = 0 : u = (720 - parseFloat(f)) % 360 / 45, s.rotate = u; }, a.index = () => { s.index = parseInt(r[1]); }; let o = i.readLine(); for (; o != null && o.trim().length == 0;)o = i.readLine(); for (; !(o == null || o.trim().length == 0 || i.readEntry(r, o) == 0);)o = i.readLine(); const d = () => { for (; ;) { if (o == null) return e && e(this); if (o.trim().length == 0) h = null, o = i.readLine(); else if (h === null) { for (h = new ts, h.name = o.trim(); i.readEntry(r, o = i.readLine()) != 0;) { const f = l[r[0]]; f && f(); } this.pages.push(h), n(h.name, f => { if (f === null) return this.pages.splice(this.pages.indexOf(h), 1), e && e(null); h.baseTexture = f, h.pma && (f.alphaMode = H.ALPHA_MODES.PMA), f.valid || f.setSize(h.width, h.height), h.setFilters(), (!h.width || !h.height) && (h.width = f.realWidth, h.height = f.realHeight, (!h.width || !h.height) && console.log(`ERROR spine atlas page ${h.name}: meshes wont work if you dont specify size in atlas (http://www.html5gamedevs.com/topic/18888-pixi-spines-and-meshes/?p=107121)`)), d(); }); break; } else { s = new Sr; const f = new es; f.name = o, f.page = h; let u = null, m = null; for (; ;) { const p = i.readEntry(r, o = i.readLine()); if (p == 0) break; const S = a[r[0]]; if (S) S(); else { u == null && (u = [], m = []), u.push(r[0]); const y = []; for (let M = 0; M < p; M++)y.push(parseInt(r[M + 1])); m.push(y); } } s.originalWidth == 0 && s.originalHeight == 0 && (s.originalWidth = s.width, s.originalHeight = s.height); const g = h.baseTexture.resolution; s.x /= g, s.y /= g, s.width /= g, s.height /= g, s.originalWidth /= g, s.originalHeight /= g, s.offsetX /= g, s.offsetY /= g; const x = s.rotate % 4 !== 0, E = new H.Rectangle(s.x, s.y, x ? s.height : s.width, x ? s.width : s.height), w = new H.Rectangle(0, 0, s.originalWidth, s.originalHeight), b = new H.Rectangle(s.offsetX, s.originalHeight - s.height - s.offsetY, s.width, s.height); f.texture = new H.Texture(f.page.baseTexture, E, w, b, s.rotate), f.index = s.index, f.texture.updateUvs(), this.regions.push(f); } } }; d(); } findRegion(t) { for (let n = 0; n < this.regions.length; n++)if (this.regions[n].name == t) return this.regions[n]; return null; } dispose() { for (let t = 0; t < this.pages.length; t++)this.pages[t].baseTexture.dispose(); } } class yr { constructor(t) { this.index = 0, this.lines = t.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/); } readLine() { return this.index >= this.lines.length ? null : this.lines[this.index++]; } readEntry(t, n) { if (n == null || (n = n.trim(), n.length == 0)) return 0; const e = n.indexOf(":"); if (e == -1) return 0; t[0] = n.substr(0, e).trim(); for (let i = 1, r = e + 1; ; i++) { const h = n.indexOf(",", r); if (h == -1) return t[i] = n.substr(r).trim(), i; if (t[i] = n.substr(r, h - r).trim(), r = h + 1, i == 4) return 4; } } } class ts { constructor() { this.minFilter = Bt.Nearest, this.magFilter = Bt.Nearest, this.uWrap = fe.ClampToEdge, this.vWrap = fe.ClampToEdge; } setFilters() { const t = this.baseTexture, n = this.minFilter; n == Bt.Linear ? t.scaleMode = H.SCALE_MODES.LINEAR : this.minFilter == Bt.Nearest ? t.scaleMode = H.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST : (t.mipmap = H.MIPMAP_MODES.POW2, n == Bt.MipMapNearestNearest ? t.scaleMode = H.SCALE_MODES.NEAREST : t.scaleMode = H.SCALE_MODES.LINEAR); } } class es extends Vn { } class ns { constructor() { this.array = new Array; } add(t) { const n = this.contains(t); return this.array[t | 0] = t | 0, !n; } contains(t) { return this.array[t | 0] != null; } remove(t) { this.array[t | 0] = void 0; } clear() { this.array.length = 0; } } class ss { constructor() { this.entries = {}, this.size = 0; } add(t) { const n = this.entries[t]; return this.entries[t] = !0, n ? !1 : (this.size++, !0); } addAll(t) { const n = this.size; for (let e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++)this.add(t[e]); return n != this.size; } contains(t) { return this.entries[t]; } clear() { this.entries = {}, this.size = 0; } } const Je = class { constructor(c = 0, t = 0, n = 0, e = 0) { this.r = c, this.g = t, this.b = n, this.a = e; } set(c, t, n, e) { return this.r = c, this.g = t, this.b = n, this.a = e, this.clamp(); } setFromColor(c) { return this.r = c.r, this.g = c.g, this.b = c.b, this.a = c.a, this; } setFromString(c) { return c = c.charAt(0) == "#" ? c.substr(1) : c, this.r = parseInt(c.substr(0, 2), 16) / 255, this.g = parseInt(c.substr(2, 2), 16) / 255, this.b = parseInt(c.substr(4, 2), 16) / 255, this.a = c.length != 8 ? 1 : parseInt(c.substr(6, 2), 16) / 255, this; } add(c, t, n, e) { return this.r += c, this.g += t, this.b += n, this.a += e, this.clamp(); } clamp() { return this.r < 0 ? this.r = 0 : this.r > 1 && (this.r = 1), this.g < 0 ? this.g = 0 : this.g > 1 && (this.g = 1), this.b < 0 ? this.b = 0 : this.b > 1 && (this.b = 1), this.a < 0 ? this.a = 0 : this.a > 1 && (this.a = 1), this; } static rgba8888ToColor(c, t) { c.r = ((t & 4278190080) >>> 24) / 255, c.g = ((t & 16711680) >>> 16) / 255, c.b = ((t & 65280) >>> 8) / 255, c.a = (t & 255) / 255; } static rgb888ToColor(c, t) { c.r = ((t & 16711680) >>> 16) / 255, c.g = ((t & 65280) >>> 8) / 255, c.b = (t & 255) / 255; } static fromString(c) { return new Je().setFromString(c); } }; let _ = Je; _.WHITE = new Je(1, 1, 1, 1), _.RED = new Je(1, 0, 0, 1), _.GREEN = new Je(0, 1, 0, 1), _.BLUE = new Je(0, 0, 1, 1), _.MAGENTA = new Je(1, 0, 1, 1); const Fe = class { static clamp(c, t, n) { return c < t ? t : c > n ? n : c; } static cosDeg(c) { return Math.cos(c * Fe.degRad); } static sinDeg(c) { return Math.sin(c * Fe.degRad); } static signum(c) { return Math.sign(c); } static toInt(c) { return c > 0 ? Math.floor(c) : Math.ceil(c); } static cbrt(c) { const t = Math.pow(Math.abs(c), .3333333333333333); return c < 0 ? -t : t; } static randomTriangular(c, t) { return Fe.randomTriangularWith(c, t, (c + t) * .5); } static randomTriangularWith(c, t, n) { const e = Math.random(), i = t - c; return e <= (n - c) / i ? c + Math.sqrt(e * i * (n - c)) : t - Math.sqrt((1 - e) * i * (t - n)); } static isPowerOfTwo(c) { return c && (c & c - 1) === 0; } }; let C = Fe; C.PI = 3.1415927, C.PI2 = Fe.PI * 2, C.radiansToDegrees = 180 / Fe.PI, C.radDeg = Fe.radiansToDegrees, C.degreesToRadians = Fe.PI / 180, C.degRad = Fe.degreesToRadians; class Si { apply(t, n, e) { return t + (n - t) * this.applyInternal(e); } } class yi extends Si { constructor(t) { super(), this.power = 2, this.power = t; } applyInternal(t) { return t <= .5 ? Math.pow(t * 2, this.power) / 2 : Math.pow((t - 1) * 2, this.power) / (this.power % 2 == 0 ? -2 : 2) + 1; } } class is extends yi { applyInternal(t) { return Math.pow(t - 1, this.power) * (this.power % 2 == 0 ? -1 : 1) + 1; } } const fn = class { static arrayCopy(c, t, n, e, i) { for (let r = t, h = e; r < t + i; r++, h++)n[h] = c[r]; } static arrayFill(c, t, n, e) { for (let i = t; i < n; i++)c[i] = e; } static setArraySize(c, t, n = 0) { const e = c.length; if (e == t) return c; if (c.length = t, e < t) for (let i = e; i < t; i++)c[i] = n; return c; } static ensureArrayCapacity(c, t, n = 0) { return c.length >= t ? c : fn.setArraySize(c, t, n); } static newArray(c, t) { const n = new Array(c); for (let e = 0; e < c; e++)n[e] = t; return n; } static newFloatArray(c) { if (fn.SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS) return new Float32Array(c); const t = new Array(c); for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++)t[n] = 0; return t; } static newShortArray(c) { if (fn.SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS) return new Int16Array(c); const t = new Array(c); for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++)t[n] = 0; return t; } static toFloatArray(c) { return fn.SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS ? new Float32Array(c) : c; } static toSinglePrecision(c) { return fn.SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS ? Math.fround(c) : c; } static webkit602BugfixHelper(c, t) { } static contains(c, t, n = !0) { for (let e = 0; e < c.length; e++)if (c[e] == t) return !0; return !1; } static enumValue(c, t) { return c[t[0].toUpperCase() + t.slice(1)]; } }; let v = fn; v.SUPPORTS_TYPED_ARRAYS = typeof Float32Array != "undefined"; class Mr { static logBones(t) { for (let n = 0; n < t.bones.length; n++) { const e = t.bones[n], i = e.matrix; console.log(`${e.data.name}, ${i.a}, ${i.b}, ${i.c}, ${i.d}, ${i.tx}, ${i.ty}`); } } } class An { constructor(t) { this.items = new Array, this.instantiator = t; } obtain() { return this.items.length > 0 ? this.items.pop() : this.instantiator(); } free(t) { t.reset && t.reset(), this.items.push(t); } freeAll(t) { for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++)this.free(t[n]); } clear() { this.items.length = 0; } } class un { constructor(t = 0, n = 0) { this.x = t, this.y = n; } set(t, n) { return this.x = t, this.y = n, this; } length() { const t = this.x, n = this.y; return Math.sqrt(t * t + n * n); } normalize() { const t = this.length(); return t != 0 && (this.x /= t, this.y /= t), this; } } class Ar { constructor() { this.maxDelta = .064, this.framesPerSecond = 0, this.delta = 0, this.totalTime = 0, this.lastTime = Date.now() / 1e3, this.frameCount = 0, this.frameTime = 0; } update() { const t = Date.now() / 1e3; this.delta = t - this.lastTime, this.frameTime += this.delta, this.totalTime += this.delta, this.delta > this.maxDelta && (this.delta = this.maxDelta), this.lastTime = t, this.frameCount++, this.frameTime > 1 && (this.framesPerSecond = this.frameCount / this.frameTime, this.frameTime = 0, this.frameCount = 0); } } class Cr { constructor(t = 32) { this.addedValues = 0, this.lastValue = 0, this.mean = 0, this.dirty = !0, this.values = new Array(t); } hasEnoughData() { return this.addedValues >= this.values.length; } addValue(t) { this.addedValues < this.values.length && this.addedValues++, this.values[this.lastValue++] = t, this.lastValue > this.values.length - 1 && (this.lastValue = 0), this.dirty = !0; } getMean() { if (this.hasEnoughData()) { if (this.dirty) { let t = 0; for (let n = 0; n < this.values.length; n++)t += this.values[n]; this.mean = t / this.values.length, this.dirty = !1; } return this.mean; } return 0; } } class Cn { constructor() { this.minX = 0, this.minY = 0, this.maxX = 0, this.maxY = 0, this.boundingBoxes = new Array, this.polygons = new Array, this.polygonPool = new An(() => v.newFloatArray(16)); } update(t, n) { if (!t) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); const e = this.boundingBoxes, i = this.polygons, r = this.polygonPool, h = t.slots, l = h.length; e.length = 0, r.freeAll(i), i.length = 0; for (let s = 0; s < l; s++) { const a = h[s]; if (!a.bone.active) continue; const o = a.getAttachment(); if (o != null && o.type === Z.BoundingBox) { const d = o; e.push(d); let f = r.obtain(); f.length != d.worldVerticesLength && (f = v.newFloatArray(d.worldVerticesLength)), i.push(f), d.computeWorldVertices(a, 0, d.worldVerticesLength, f, 0, 2); } } n ? this.aabbCompute() : (this.minX = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, this.minY = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, this.maxX = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, this.maxY = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); } aabbCompute() { let t = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, n = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, e = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, i = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; const r = this.polygons; for (let h = 0, l = r.length; h < l; h++) { const s = r[h], a = s; for (let o = 0, d = s.length; o < d; o += 2) { const f = a[o], u = a[o + 1]; t = Math.min(t, f), n = Math.min(n, u), e = Math.max(e, f), i = Math.max(i, u); } } this.minX = t, this.minY = n, this.maxX = e, this.maxY = i; } aabbContainsPoint(t, n) { return t >= this.minX && t <= this.maxX && n >= this.minY && n <= this.maxY; } aabbIntersectsSegment(t, n, e, i) { const r = this.minX, h = this.minY, l = this.maxX, s = this.maxY; if (t <= r && e <= r || n <= h && i <= h || t >= l && e >= l || n >= s && i >= s) return !1; const a = (i - n) / (e - t); let o = a * (r - t) + n; if (o > h && o < s || (o = a * (l - t) + n, o > h && o < s)) return !0; let d = (h - n) / a + t; return d > r && d < l || (d = (s - n) / a + t, d > r && d < l); } aabbIntersectsSkeleton(t) { return this.minX < t.maxX && this.maxX > t.minX && this.minY < t.maxY && this.maxY > t.minY; } containsPoint(t, n) { const e = this.polygons; for (let i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; i++)if (this.containsPointPolygon(e[i], t, n)) return this.boundingBoxes[i]; return null; } containsPointPolygon(t, n, e) { const i = t, r = t.length; let h = r - 2, l = !1; for (let s = 0; s < r; s += 2) { const a = i[s + 1], o = i[h + 1]; if (a < e && o >= e || o < e && a >= e) { const d = i[s]; d + (e - a) / (o - a) * (i[h] - d) < n && (l = !l); } h = s; } return l; } intersectsSegment(t, n, e, i) { const r = this.polygons; for (let h = 0, l = r.length; h < l; h++)if (this.intersectsSegmentPolygon(r[h], t, n, e, i)) return this.boundingBoxes[h]; return null; } intersectsSegmentPolygon(t, n, e, i, r) { const h = t, l = t.length, s = n - i, a = e - r, o = n * r - e * i; let d = h[l - 2], f = h[l - 1]; for (let u = 0; u < l; u += 2) { const m = h[u], g = h[u + 1], x = d * g - f * m, E = d - m, w = f - g, b = s * w - a * E, p = (o * E - s * x) / b; if ((p >= d && p <= m || p >= m && p <= d) && (p >= n && p <= i || p >= i && p <= n)) { const S = (o * w - a * x) / b; if ((S >= f && S <= g || S >= g && S <= f) && (S >= e && S <= r || S >= r && S <= e)) return !0; } d = m, f = g; } return !1; } getPolygon(t) { if (!t) throw new Error("boundingBox cannot be null."); const n = this.boundingBoxes.indexOf(t); return n == -1 ? null : this.polygons[n]; } getWidth() { return this.maxX - this.minX; } getHeight() { return this.maxY - this.minY; } } const zt = { yDown: !0, FAIL_ON_NON_EXISTING_SKIN: !1, GLOBAL_AUTO_UPDATE: !0, GLOBAL_DELAY_LIMIT: 0 }, Ue = [0, 0, 0]; class Mi extends wr.Sprite { constructor() { super(...arguments), this.region = null, this.attachment = null; } } class Ai extends br.SimpleMesh { constructor(t, n, e, i, r) { super(t, n, e, i, r), this.region = null, this.attachment = null; } } const Ci = class extends dn.Container { constructor(c) { if (super(), !c) throw new Error("The spineData param is required."); if (typeof c == "string") throw new Error('spineData param cant be string. Please use spine.Spine.fromAtlas("YOUR_RESOURCE_NAME") from now on.'); this.spineData = c, this.createSkeleton(c), this.slotContainers = [], this.tempClipContainers = []; for (let t = 0, n = this.skeleton.slots.length; t < n; t++) { const e = this.skeleton.slots[t], i = e.getAttachment(), r = this.newContainer(); if (this.slotContainers.push(r), this.addChild(r), this.tempClipContainers.push(null), !!i) if (i.type === Z.Region) { const h = i.name, l = this.createSprite(e, i, h); e.currentSprite = l, e.currentSpriteName = h, r.addChild(l); } else if (i.type === Z.Mesh) { const h = this.createMesh(e, i); e.currentMesh = h, e.currentMeshId = i.id, e.currentMeshName = i.name, r.addChild(h); } else i.type === Z.Clipping && (this.createGraphics(e, i), r.addChild(e.clippingContainer), r.addChild(e.currentGraphics)); } this.tintRgb = new Float32Array([1, 1, 1]), this.autoUpdate = !0, this.visible = !0; } get debug() { return this._debug; } set debug(c) { var t; c != this._debug && ((t = this._debug) == null || t.unregisterSpine(this), c == null || c.registerSpine(this), this._debug = c); } get autoUpdate() { return this._autoUpdate; } set autoUpdate(c) { c !== this._autoUpdate && (this._autoUpdate = c, this.updateTransform = c ? Ci.prototype.autoUpdateTransform : dn.Container.prototype.updateTransform); } get tint() { return H.utils.rgb2hex(this.tintRgb); } set tint(c) { this.tintRgb = H.utils.hex2rgb(c, this.tintRgb); } get delayLimit() { return (typeof this.localDelayLimit != "undefined" ? this.localDelayLimit : zt.GLOBAL_DELAY_LIMIT) || Number.MAX_VALUE; } update(c) { var a; const t = this.delayLimit; if (c > t && (c = t), this.state.update(c), this.state.apply(this.skeleton), !this.skeleton) return; this.skeleton.updateWorldTransform(); const n = this.skeleton.slots, e = this.color; let i = null, r = null; e ? (i = e.light, r = e.dark) : i = this.tintRgb; for (let o = 0, d = n.length; o < d; o++) { const f = n[o], u = f.getAttachment(), m = this.slotContainers[o]; if (!u) { m.visible = !1; continue; } let g = null; u.sequence && u.sequence.apply(f, u); let x = u.region; const E = u.color; switch (u != null && u.type) { case Z.Region: if (m.transform.setFromMatrix(f.bone.matrix), x = u.region, f.currentMesh && (f.currentMesh.visible = !1, f.currentMesh = null, f.currentMeshId = void 0, f.currentMeshName = void 0), !x) { f.currentSprite && (f.currentSprite.renderable = !1); break; } if (!f.currentSpriteName || f.currentSpriteName !== u.name) { const p = u.name; if (f.currentSprite && (f.currentSprite.visible = !1), f.sprites = f.sprites || {}, f.sprites[p] !== void 0) f.sprites[p].visible = !0; else { const S = this.createSprite(f, u, p); m.addChild(S); } f.currentSprite = f.sprites[p], f.currentSpriteName = p; } f.currentSprite.renderable = !0, f.hackRegion || this.setSpriteRegion(u, f.currentSprite, x), f.currentSprite.color ? g = f.currentSprite.color : (Ue[0] = i[0] * f.color.r * E.r, Ue[1] = i[1] * f.color.g * E.g, Ue[2] = i[2] * f.color.b * E.b, f.currentSprite.tint = H.utils.rgb2hex(Ue)), f.currentSprite.blendMode = f.blendMode; break; case Z.Mesh: if (f.currentSprite) { f.currentSprite.visible = !1, f.currentSprite = null, f.currentSpriteName = void 0; const p = new H.Transform; p._parentID = -1, p._worldID = m.transform._worldID, m.transform = p; } if (!x) { f.currentMesh && (f.currentMesh.renderable = !1); break; } const b = u.id; if (f.currentMeshId === void 0 || f.currentMeshId !== b) { const p = b; if (f.currentMesh && (f.currentMesh.visible = !1), f.meshes = f.meshes || {}, f.meshes[p] !== void 0) f.meshes[p].visible = !0; else { const S = this.createMesh(f, u); m.addChild(S); } f.currentMesh = f.meshes[p], f.currentMeshName = u.name, f.currentMeshId = p; } f.currentMesh.renderable = !0, u.computeWorldVerticesOld(f, f.currentMesh.vertices), f.currentMesh.color ? g = f.currentMesh.color : (Ue[0] = i[0] * f.color.r * E.r, Ue[1] = i[1] * f.color.g * E.g, Ue[2] = i[2] * f.color.b * E.b, f.currentMesh.tint = H.utils.rgb2hex(Ue)), f.currentMesh.blendMode = f.blendMode, f.hackRegion || this.setMeshRegion(u, f.currentMesh, x); break; case Z.Clipping: f.currentGraphics || (this.createGraphics(f, u), m.addChild(f.clippingContainer), m.addChild(f.currentGraphics)), this.updateGraphics(f, u), m.alpha = 1, m.visible = !0; continue; default: m.visible = !1; continue; }if (m.visible = !0, g) { let w = f.color.r * E.r, b = f.color.g * E.g, p = f.color.b * E.b; g.setLight(i[0] * w + r[0] * (1 - w), i[1] * b + r[1] * (1 - b), i[2] * p + r[2] * (1 - p)), f.darkColor ? (w = f.darkColor.r, b = f.darkColor.g, p = f.darkColor.b) : (w = 0, b = 0, p = 0), g.setDark(i[0] * w + r[0] * (1 - w), i[1] * b + r[1] * (1 - b), i[2] * p + r[2] * (1 - p)); } m.alpha = f.color.a; } const h = this.skeleton.drawOrder; let l = null, s = null; for (let o = 0, d = h.length; o < d; o++) { const f = n[h[o].data.index], u = this.slotContainers[h[o].data.index]; if (s || u.parent !== null && u.parent !== this && (u.parent.removeChild(u), u.parent = this), f.currentGraphics && f.getAttachment()) s = f.clippingContainer, l = f.getAttachment(), s.children.length = 0, this.children[o] = u, l.endSlot === f.data && (l.endSlot = null); else if (s) { let m = this.tempClipContainers[o]; m || (m = this.tempClipContainers[o] = this.newContainer(), m.visible = !1), this.children[o] = m, u.parent = null, s.addChild(u), l.endSlot == f.data && (s.renderable = !0, s = null, l = null); } else this.children[o] = u; } (a = this._debug) == null || a.renderDebug(this); } setSpriteRegion(c, t, n) { t.attachment === c && t.region === n || (t.region = n, t.attachment = c, t.texture = n.texture, t.rotation = c.rotation * C.degRad, t.position.x = c.x, t.position.y = c.y, t.alpha = c.color.a, n.size ? (t.scale.x = n.size.width / n.originalWidth, t.scale.y = -n.size.height / n.originalHeight) : (t.scale.x = c.scaleX * c.width / n.originalWidth, t.scale.y = -c.scaleY * c.height / n.originalHeight)); } setMeshRegion(c, t, n) { t.attachment === c && t.region === n || (t.region = n, t.attachment = c, t.texture = n.texture, n.texture.updateUvs(), t.uvBuffer.update(c.regionUVs)); } autoUpdateTransform() { if (zt.GLOBAL_AUTO_UPDATE) { this.lastTime = this.lastTime || Date.now(); const c = (Date.now() - this.lastTime) * .001; this.lastTime = Date.now(), this.update(c); } else this.lastTime = 0; dn.Container.prototype.updateTransform.call(this); } createSprite(c, t, n) { let e = t.region; c.hackAttachment === t && (e = c.hackRegion); const i = e ? e.texture : null, r = this.newSprite(i); return r.anchor.set(.5), e && this.setSpriteRegion(t, r, t.region), c.sprites = c.sprites || {}, c.sprites[n] = r, r; } createMesh(c, t) { let n = t.region; c.hackAttachment === t && (n = c.hackRegion, c.hackAttachment = null, c.hackRegion = null); const e = this.newMesh(n ? n.texture : null, new Float32Array(t.regionUVs.length), t.regionUVs, new Uint16Array(t.triangles), H.DRAW_MODES.TRIANGLES); return typeof e._canvasPadding != "undefined" && (e._canvasPadding = 1.5), e.alpha = t.color.a, e.region = t.region, n && this.setMeshRegion(t, e, n), c.meshes = c.meshes || {}, c.meshes[t.id] = e, e; } createGraphics(c, t) { const n = this.newGraphics(), e = new H.Polygon([]); return n.clear(), n.beginFill(16777215, 1), n.drawPolygon(e), n.renderable = !1, c.currentGraphics = n, c.clippingContainer = this.newContainer(), c.clippingContainer.mask = c.currentGraphics, n; } updateGraphics(c, t) { const n = c.currentGraphics.geometry, e = n.graphicsData[0].shape.points, i = t.worldVerticesLength; e.length = i, t.computeWorldVertices(c, 0, i, e, 0, 2), n.invalidate(); } hackTextureBySlotIndex(c, t = null, n = null) { const e = this.skeleton.slots[c]; if (!e) return !1; const i = e.getAttachment(); let r = i.region; return t ? (r = new Vn, r.texture = t, r.size = n, e.hackRegion = r, e.hackAttachment = i) : (e.hackRegion = null, e.hackAttachment = null), e.currentSprite ? this.setSpriteRegion(i, e.currentSprite, r) : e.currentMesh && this.setMeshRegion(i, e.currentMesh, r), !0; } hackTextureBySlotName(c, t = null, n = null) { const e = this.skeleton.findSlotIndex(c); return e == -1 ? !1 : this.hackTextureBySlotIndex(e, t, n); } hackTextureAttachment(c, t, n, e = null) { const i = this.skeleton.findSlotIndex(c), r = this.skeleton.getAttachmentByName(c, t); r.region.texture = n; const h = this.skeleton.slots[i]; if (!h) return !1; const l = h.getAttachment(); if (t === l.name) { let s = r.region; return n ? (s = new Vn, s.texture = n, s.size = e, h.hackRegion = s, h.hackAttachment = l) : (h.hackRegion = null, h.hackAttachment = null), h.currentSprite && h.currentSprite.region != s ? (this.setSpriteRegion(l, h.currentSprite, s), h.currentSprite.region = s) : h.currentMesh && h.currentMesh.region != s && this.setMeshRegion(l, h.currentMesh, s), !0; } return !1; } newContainer() { return new dn.Container; } newSprite(c) { return new Mi(c); } newGraphics() { return new oe.Graphics; } newMesh(c, t, n, e, i) { return new Ai(c, t, n, e, i); } transformHack() { return 1; } hackAttachmentGroups(c, t, n) { if (!c) return; const e = [], i = []; for (let r = 0, h = this.skeleton.slots.length; r < h; r++) { const l = this.skeleton.slots[r], s = l.currentSpriteName || l.currentMeshName || "", a = l.currentSprite || l.currentMesh; s.endsWith(c) ? (a.parentGroup = t, i.push(a)) : n && a && (a.parentGroup = n, e.push(a)); } return [e, i]; } destroy(c) { this.debug = null; for (let t = 0, n = this.skeleton.slots.length; t < n; t++) { const e = this.skeleton.slots[t]; for (const i in e.meshes) e.meshes[i].destroy(c); e.meshes = null; for (const i in e.sprites) e.sprites[i].destroy(c); e.sprites = null; } for (let t = 0, n = this.slotContainers.length; t < n; t++)this.slotContainers[t].destroy(c); this.spineData = null, this.skeleton = null, this.slotContainers = null, this.stateData = null, this.state = null, this.tempClipContainers = null, super.destroy(c); } }; let tn = Ci; tn.clippingPolygon = [], Object.defineProperty(tn.prototype, "visible", { get() { return this._visible; }, set(c) { c !== this._visible && (this._visible = c, c && (this.lastTime = 0)); } }); class Tr { constructor() { this.registeredSpines = new Map, this.drawDebug = !0, this.drawMeshHull = !0, this.drawMeshTriangles = !0, this.drawBones = !0, this.drawPaths = !0, this.drawBoundingBoxes = !0, this.drawClipping = !0, this.drawRegionAttachments = !0, this.lineWidth = 1, this.regionAttachmentsColor = 30975, this.meshHullColor = 30975, this.meshTrianglesColor = 16763904, this.clippingPolygonColor = 16711935, this.boundingBoxesRectColor = 65280, this.boundingBoxesPolygonColor = 65280, this.boundingBoxesCircleColor = 65280, this.pathsCurveColor = 16711680, this.pathsLineColor = 16711935, this.skeletonXYColor = 16711680, this.bonesColor = 61132; } registerSpine(t) { this.registeredSpines.has(t) && console.warn("SpineDebugRenderer.registerSpine() - this spine is already registered!", t); const n = { parentDebugContainer: new dn.Container, bones: new dn.Container, skeletonXY: new oe.Graphics, regionAttachmentsShape: new oe.Graphics, meshTrianglesLine: new oe.Graphics, meshHullLine: new oe.Graphics, clippingPolygon: new oe.Graphics, boundingBoxesRect: new oe.Graphics, boundingBoxesCircle: new oe.Graphics, boundingBoxesPolygon: new oe.Graphics, pathsCurve: new oe.Graphics, pathsLine: new oe.Graphics }; n.parentDebugContainer.addChild(n.bones), n.parentDebugContainer.addChild(n.skeletonXY), n.parentDebugContainer.addChild(n.regionAttachmentsShape), n.parentDebugContainer.addChild(n.meshTrianglesLine), n.parentDebugContainer.addChild(n.meshHullLine), n.parentDebugContainer.addChild(n.clippingPolygon), n.parentDebugContainer.addChild(n.boundingBoxesRect), n.parentDebugContainer.addChild(n.boundingBoxesCircle), n.parentDebugContainer.addChild(n.boundingBoxesPolygon), n.parentDebugContainer.addChild(n.pathsCurve), n.parentDebugContainer.addChild(n.pathsLine), t.addChild(n.parentDebugContainer), this.registeredSpines.set(t, n); } renderDebug(t) { this.registeredSpines.has(t) || this.registerSpine(t); const n = this.registeredSpines.get(t); n.skeletonXY.clear(), n.regionAttachmentsShape.clear(), n.meshTrianglesLine.clear(), n.meshHullLine.clear(), n.clippingPolygon.clear(), n.boundingBoxesRect.clear(), n.boundingBoxesCircle.clear(), n.boundingBoxesPolygon.clear(), n.pathsCurve.clear(), n.pathsLine.clear(); for (let r = n.bones.children.length; r > 0; r--)n.bones.children[r - 1].destroy({ children: !0, texture: !0, baseTexture: !0 }); const e = t.scale.x || t.scale.y || 1, i = this.lineWidth / e; this.drawBones && this.drawBonesFunc(t, n, i, e), this.drawPaths && this.drawPathsFunc(t, n, i), this.drawBoundingBoxes && this.drawBoundingBoxesFunc(t, n, i), this.drawClipping && this.drawClippingFunc(t, n, i), (this.drawMeshHull || this.drawMeshTriangles) && this.drawMeshHullAndMeshTriangles(t, n, i), this.drawRegionAttachments && this.drawRegionAttachmentsFunc(t, n, i); } drawBonesFunc(t, n, e, i) { const r = t.skeleton, h = r.x, l = r.y, s = r.bones; n.skeletonXY.lineStyle(e, this.skeletonXYColor, 1); for (let o = 0, d = s.length; o < d; o++) { const f = s[o], u = f.data.length, m = h + f.matrix.tx, g = l + f.matrix.ty, x = h + u * f.matrix.a + f.matrix.tx, E = l + u * f.matrix.b + f.matrix.ty; if (f.data.name === "root" || f.data.parent === null) continue; const w = Math.abs(m - x), b = Math.abs(g - E), p = Math.pow(w, 2), S = b, y = Math.pow(b, 2), M = Math.sqrt(p + y), T = Math.pow(M, 2), k = Math.PI / 180, I = Math.acos((T + y - p) / (2 * S * M)) || 0; if (M === 0) continue; const R = new oe.Graphics; n.bones.addChild(R); const V = M / 50 / i; R.beginFill(this.bonesColor, 1), R.drawPolygon(0, 0, 0 - V, M - V * 3, 0, M - V, 0 + V, M - V * 3), R.endFill(), R.x = m, R.y = g, R.pivot.y = M; let F = 0; m < x && g < E ? F = -I + 180 * k : m > x && g < E ? F = 180 * k + I : m > x && g > E ? F = -I : m < x && g > E ? F = I : g === E && m < x ? F = 90 * k : g === E && m > x ? F = -90 * k : m === x && g < E ? F = 180 * k : m === x && g > E && (F = 0), R.rotation = F, R.lineStyle(e + V / 2.4, this.bonesColor, 1), R.beginFill(0, .6), R.drawCircle(0, M, V * 1.2), R.endFill(); } const a = e * 3; n.skeletonXY.moveTo(h - a, l - a), n.skeletonXY.lineTo(h + a, l + a), n.skeletonXY.moveTo(h + a, l - a), n.skeletonXY.lineTo(h - a, l + a); } drawRegionAttachmentsFunc(t, n, e) { const r = t.skeleton.slots; n.regionAttachmentsShape.lineStyle(e, this.regionAttachmentsColor, 1); for (let h = 0, l = r.length; h < l; h++) { const s = r[h], a = s.getAttachment(); if (a == null || a.type !== Z.Region) continue; const o = a, d = new Float32Array(8); o.updateOffset && o.updateOffset(), o.computeWorldVertices(s, d, 0, 2), n.regionAttachmentsShape.drawPolygon(Array.from(d.slice(0, 8))); } } drawMeshHullAndMeshTriangles(t, n, e) { const r = t.skeleton.slots; n.meshHullLine.lineStyle(e, this.meshHullColor, 1), n.meshTrianglesLine.lineStyle(e, this.meshTrianglesColor, 1); for (let h = 0, l = r.length; h < l; h++) { const s = r[h]; if (!s.bone.active) continue; const a = s.getAttachment(); if (a == null || a.type !== Z.Mesh) continue; const o = a, d = new Float32Array(o.worldVerticesLength), f = o.triangles; let u = o.hullLength; if (o.computeWorldVertices(s, 0, o.worldVerticesLength, d, 0, 2), this.drawMeshTriangles) for (let m = 0, g = f.length; m < g; m += 3) { const x = f[m] * 2, E = f[m + 1] * 2, w = f[m + 2] * 2; n.meshTrianglesLine.moveTo(d[x], d[x + 1]), n.meshTrianglesLine.lineTo(d[E], d[E + 1]), n.meshTrianglesLine.lineTo(d[w], d[w + 1]); } if (this.drawMeshHull && u > 0) { u = (u >> 1) * 2; let m = d[u - 2], g = d[u - 1]; for (let x = 0, E = u; x < E; x += 2) { const w = d[x], b = d[x + 1]; n.meshHullLine.moveTo(w, b), n.meshHullLine.lineTo(m, g), m = w, g = b; } } } } drawClippingFunc(t, n, e) { const r = t.skeleton.slots; n.clippingPolygon.lineStyle(e, this.clippingPolygonColor, 1); for (let h = 0, l = r.length; h < l; h++) { const s = r[h]; if (!s.bone.active) continue; const a = s.getAttachment(); if (a == null || a.type !== Z.Clipping) continue; const o = a, d = o.worldVerticesLength, f = new Float32Array(d); o.computeWorldVertices(s, 0, d, f, 0, 2), n.clippingPolygon.drawPolygon(Array.from(f)); } } drawBoundingBoxesFunc(t, n, e) { n.boundingBoxesRect.lineStyle(e, this.boundingBoxesRectColor, 5); const i = new Cn; i.update(t.skeleton, !0), n.boundingBoxesRect.drawRect(i.minX, i.minY, i.getWidth(), i.getHeight()); const r = i.polygons, h = (l, s, a) => { if (n.boundingBoxesPolygon.lineStyle(e, this.boundingBoxesPolygonColor, 1), n.boundingBoxesPolygon.beginFill(this.boundingBoxesPolygonColor, .1), a < 3) throw new Error("Polygon must contain at least 3 vertices"); const o = [], d = e * 2; for (let f = 0, u = l.length; f < u; f += 2) { const m = l[f], g = l[f + 1]; n.boundingBoxesCircle.lineStyle(0), n.boundingBoxesCircle.beginFill(this.boundingBoxesCircleColor), n.boundingBoxesCircle.drawCircle(m, g, d), n.boundingBoxesCircle.endFill(), o.push(m, g); } n.boundingBoxesPolygon.drawPolygon(o), n.boundingBoxesPolygon.endFill(); }; for (let l = 0, s = r.length; l < s; l++) { const a = r[l]; h(a, 0, a.length); } } drawPathsFunc(t, n, e) { const r = t.skeleton.slots; n.pathsCurve.lineStyle(e, this.pathsCurveColor, 1), n.pathsLine.lineStyle(e, this.pathsLineColor, 1); for (let h = 0, l = r.length; h < l; h++) { const s = r[h]; if (!s.bone.active) continue; const a = s.getAttachment(); if (a == null || a.type !== Z.Path) continue; const o = a; let d = o.worldVerticesLength; const f = new Float32Array(d); o.computeWorldVertices(s, 0, d, f, 0, 2); let u = f[2], m = f[3], g = 0, x = 0; if (o.closed) { const E = f[0], w = f[1], b = f[d - 2], p = f[d - 1]; g = f[d - 4], x = f[d - 3], n.pathsCurve.moveTo(u, m), n.pathsCurve.bezierCurveTo(E, w, b, p, g, x), n.pathsLine.moveTo(u, m), n.pathsLine.lineTo(E, w), n.pathsLine.moveTo(g, x), n.pathsLine.lineTo(b, p); } d -= 4; for (let E = 4; E < d; E += 6) { const w = f[E], b = f[E + 1], p = f[E + 2], S = f[E + 3]; g = f[E + 4], x = f[E + 5], n.pathsCurve.moveTo(u, m), n.pathsCurve.bezierCurveTo(w, b, p, S, g, x), n.pathsLine.moveTo(u, m), n.pathsLine.lineTo(w, b), n.pathsLine.moveTo(g, x), n.pathsLine.lineTo(p, S), u = g, m = x; } } } unregisterSpine(t) { this.registeredSpines.has(t) || console.warn("SpineDebugRenderer.unregisterSpine() - spine is not registered, can't unregister!", t), this.registeredSpines.get(t).parentDebugContainer.destroy({ baseTexture: !0, children: !0, texture: !0 }), this.registeredSpines.delete(t); } } const kr = {
extension: H.ExtensionType.Asset, loader: {
name: 'loadAtlas', extension: { type: H.ExtensionType.LoadParser, priority: qe.LoaderParserPriority.Normal }, test(c) { return qe.checkExtension(c, ".atlas"); }, async load(c) { return await (await H.settings.ADAPTER.fetch(c)).text(); }, testParse(c, t) { const n = qe.checkExtension(t.src, ".atlas"), e = typeof c == "string"; return Promise.resolve(n && e); }, async parse(c, t, n) {
const e = t.data; let i = H.utils.path.dirname(t.src); i && i.lastIndexOf("/") !== i.length - 1 && (i += "/"); let r = null, h = null; const l = new Promise((o, d) => { r = o, h = d; }); let s; const a = o => {
o || h(`Something went terribly wrong loading a spine .atlas file
Most likely your texture failed to load.`), r(s);
}; if (e.image || e.images) { const o = Object.assign(e.image ? { default: e.image } : {}, e.images); s = new Fn(c, (d, f) => { const u = o[d] || o.default; u && u.baseTexture ? f(u.baseTexture) : f(u); }, a); } else s = new Fn(c, Ti(n, i, e.imageMetadata), a); return await l;
}, unload(c) { c.dispose(); }
}, Ti = (c, t, n) => async (e, i) => { const r = H.utils.path.normalize([...t.split(H.utils.path.sep), e].join(H.utils.path.sep)), h = await c.load({ src: r, data: n }); i(h.baseTexture); }; H.extensions.add(kr); function ki(c) { return c.hasOwnProperty("bones"); } function Ir(c) { return c instanceof ArrayBuffer; } class Rr {
constructor() { } installLoader() {
const t = this, n = {
extension: H.ExtensionType.Asset, loader: {
name: 'loadSkel', extension: { type: H.ExtensionType.LoadParser, priority: qe.LoaderParserPriority.Normal }, test(e) { return qe.checkExtension(e, ".skel"); }, async load(e) { return await (await H.settings.ADAPTER.fetch(e)).arrayBuffer(); }, testParse(e, i) { var s; const r = qe.checkExtension(i.src, ".json") && ki(e), h = qe.checkExtension(i.src, ".skel") && Ir(e), l = ((s = i.data) == null ? void 0 : s.spineAtlas) === !1; return Promise.resolve(r && !l || h); }, async parse(e, i, r) {
var w; const h = H.utils.path.extname(i.src).toLowerCase(), l = H.utils.path.basename(i.src, h); let s = H.utils.path.dirname(i.src); s && s.lastIndexOf("/") !== s.length - 1 && (s += "/"); const a = qe.checkExtension(i.src, ".json") && ki(e); let o = null, d = e; a ? o = t.createJsonParser() : (o = t.createBinaryParser(), d = new Uint8Array(e)); const f = i.data || {}, u = (w = f == null ? void 0 : f.spineSkeletonScale) != null ? w : null; u && (o.scale = u); const m = f.spineAtlas; if (m && m.pages) return t.parseData(o, m, d); const g = f.atlasRawData; if (g) {
let b = null, p = null; const S = new Promise((T, k) => { b = T, p = k; }), y = new Fn(g, Ti(r, s, f.imageMetadata), T => {
T || p(`Something went terribly wrong loading a spine .atlas file
Most likely your texture failed to load.`), b(y);
}), M = await S; return t.parseData(o, M, d);
} let x = f.spineAtlasFile; x || (x = `${s + l}.atlas`); const E = await r.load({ src: x, data: f, alias: f.spineAtlasAlias }); return t.parseData(o, E, d);
}; return H.extensions.add(n), n;
} let rs = class { constructor(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); this.name = t; } }; const Ii = class extends rs { constructor(t) { super(t), this.id = (Ii.nextID++ & 65535) << 11, this.worldVerticesLength = 0, this.deformAttachment = this; } computeWorldVerticesOld(t, n) { this.computeWorldVertices(t, 0, this.worldVerticesLength, n, 0, 2); } computeWorldVertices(t, n, e, i, r, h) { e = r + (e >> 1) * h; const l = t.bone.skeleton, s = t.deform; let a = this.vertices; const o = this.bones; if (o == null) { s.length > 0 && (a = s); const m = t.bone.matrix, g = m.tx, x = m.ty, E = m.a, w = m.c, b = m.b, p = m.d; for (let S = n, y = r; y < e; S += 2, y += h) { const M = a[S], T = a[S + 1]; i[y] = M * E + T * w + g, i[y + 1] = M * b + T * p + x; } return; } let d = 0, f = 0; for (let m = 0; m < n; m += 2) { const g = o[d]; d += g + 1, f += g; } const u = l.bones; if (s.length == 0) for (let m = r, g = f * 3; m < e; m += h) { let x = 0, E = 0, w = o[d++]; for (w += d; d < w; d++, g += 3) { const b = u[o[d]].matrix, p = a[g], S = a[g + 1], y = a[g + 2]; x += (p * b.a + S * b.c + b.tx) * y, E += (p * b.b + S * b.d + b.ty) * y; } i[m] = x, i[m + 1] = E; } else { const m = s; for (let g = r, x = f * 3, E = f << 1; g < e; g += h) { let w = 0, b = 0, p = o[d++]; for (p += d; d < p; d++, x += 3, E += 2) { const S = u[o[d]].matrix, y = a[x] + m[E], M = a[x + 1] + m[E + 1], T = a[x + 2]; w += (y * S.a + M * S.c + S.tx) * T, b += (y * S.b + M * S.d + S.ty) * T; } i[g] = w, i[g + 1] = b; } } } copyTo(t) { this.bones != null ? (t.bones = new Array(this.bones.length), v.arrayCopy(this.bones, 0, t.bones, 0, this.bones.length)) : t.bones = null, this.vertices != null ? (t.vertices = v.newFloatArray(this.vertices.length), v.arrayCopy(this.vertices, 0, t.vertices, 0, this.vertices.length)) : t.vertices = null, t.worldVerticesLength = this.worldVerticesLength, t.deformAttachment = this.deformAttachment; } }; let ze = Ii; ze.nextID = 0; let as = class extends ze { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.BoundingBox, this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1); } copy() { const t = new as(this.name); return this.copyTo(t), t.color.setFromColor(this.color), t; } }, os = class extends ze { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.Clipping, this.color = new _(.2275, .2275, .8078, 1); } copy() { const t = new os(this.name); return this.copyTo(t), t.endSlot = this.endSlot, t.color.setFromColor(this.color), t; } }, mn = class extends ze { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.Mesh, this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), this.tempColor = new _(0, 0, 0, 0); } getParentMesh() { return this.parentMesh; } setParentMesh(t) { this.parentMesh = t, t != null && (this.bones = t.bones, this.vertices = t.vertices, this.worldVerticesLength = t.worldVerticesLength, this.regionUVs = t.regionUVs, this.triangles = t.triangles, this.hullLength = t.hullLength, this.worldVerticesLength = t.worldVerticesLength); } copy() { if (this.parentMesh != null) return this.newLinkedMesh(); const t = new mn(this.name); return t.region = this.region, t.path = this.path, t.color.setFromColor(this.color), this.copyTo(t), t.regionUVs = new Float32Array(this.regionUVs.length), v.arrayCopy(this.regionUVs, 0, t.regionUVs, 0, this.regionUVs.length), t.triangles = new Array(this.triangles.length), v.arrayCopy(this.triangles, 0, t.triangles, 0, this.triangles.length), t.hullLength = this.hullLength, this.edges != null && (t.edges = new Array(this.edges.length), v.arrayCopy(this.edges, 0, t.edges, 0, this.edges.length)), t.width = this.width, t.height = this.height, t; } newLinkedMesh() { const t = new mn(this.name); return t.region = this.region, t.path = this.path, t.color.setFromColor(this.color), t.deformAttachment = this.deformAttachment, t.setParentMesh(this.parentMesh != null ? this.parentMesh : this), t; } }, gn = class extends ze { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.Path, this.closed = !1, this.constantSpeed = !1, this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1); } copy() { const t = new gn(this.name); return this.copyTo(t), t.lengths = new Array(this.lengths.length), v.arrayCopy(this.lengths, 0, t.lengths, 0, this.lengths.length), t.closed = closed, t.constantSpeed = this.constantSpeed, t.color.setFromColor(this.color), t; } }, ls = class extends ze { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.Point, this.color = new _(.38, .94, 0, 1); } computeWorldPosition(t, n) { const e = t.matrix; return n.x = this.x * e.a + this.y * e.c + t.worldX, n.y = this.x * e.b + this.y * e.d + t.worldY, n; } computeWorldRotation(t) { const n = t.matrix, e = C.cosDeg(this.rotation), i = C.sinDeg(this.rotation), r = e * n.a + i * n.c, h = e * n.b + i * n.d; return Math.atan2(h, r) * C.radDeg; } copy() { const t = new ls(this.name); return t.x = this.x, t.y = this.y, t.rotation = this.rotation, t.color.setFromColor(this.color), t; } }, cs = class { constructor(t, n) { if (this.deform = new Array, t == null) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("bone cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.bone = n, this.color = new _, this.darkColor = t.darkColor == null ? null : new _, this.setToSetupPose(), this.blendMode = this.data.blendMode; } getAttachment() { return this.attachment; } setAttachment(t) { this.attachment != t && (this.attachment = t, this.attachmentTime = this.bone.skeleton.time, this.deform.length = 0); } setAttachmentTime(t) { this.attachmentTime = this.bone.skeleton.time - t; } getAttachmentTime() { return this.bone.skeleton.time - this.attachmentTime; } setToSetupPose() { this.color.setFromColor(this.data.color), this.darkColor != null && this.darkColor.setFromColor(this.data.darkColor), this.data.attachmentName == null ? this.attachment = null : (this.attachment = null, this.setAttachment(this.bone.skeleton.getAttachment(this.data.index, this.data.attachmentName))); } }; const Rt = class extends rs { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.Region, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.scaleX = 1, this.scaleY = 1, this.rotation = 0, this.width = 0, this.height = 0, this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), this.offset = v.newFloatArray(8), this.uvs = v.newFloatArray(8), this.tempColor = new _(1, 1, 1, 1); } updateOffset() { const t = this.width / this.region.originalWidth * this.scaleX, n = this.height / this.region.originalHeight * this.scaleY, e = -this.width / 2 * this.scaleX + this.region.offsetX * t, i = -this.height / 2 * this.scaleY + this.region.offsetY * n, r = e + this.region.width * t, h = i + this.region.height * n, l = this.rotation * Math.PI / 180, s = Math.cos(l), a = Math.sin(l), o = e * s + this.x, d = e * a, f = i * s + this.y, u = i * a, m = r * s + this.x, g = r * a, x = h * s + this.y, E = h * a, w = this.offset; w[Rt.OX1] = o - u, w[Rt.OY1] = f + d, w[Rt.OX2] = o - E, w[Rt.OY2] = x + d, w[Rt.OX3] = m - E, w[Rt.OY3] = x + g, w[Rt.OX4] = m - u, w[Rt.OY4] = f + g; } setRegion(t) { this.region = t; const n = this.uvs; t.rotate ? (n[2] = t.u, n[3] = t.v2, n[4] = t.u, n[5] = t.v, n[6] = t.u2, n[7] = t.v, n[0] = t.u2, n[1] = t.v2) : (n[0] = t.u, n[1] = t.v2, n[2] = t.u, n[3] = t.v, n[4] = t.u2, n[5] = t.v, n[6] = t.u2, n[7] = t.v2); } computeWorldVertices(t, n, e, i) { const r = this.offset, h = t instanceof cs ? t.bone.matrix : t.matrix, l = h.tx, s = h.ty, a = h.a, o = h.c, d = h.b, f = h.d; let u = 0, m = 0; u = r[Rt.OX1], m = r[Rt.OY1], n[e] = u * a + m * o + l, n[e + 1] = u * d + m * f + s, e += i, u = r[Rt.OX2], m = r[Rt.OY2], n[e] = u * a + m * o + l, n[e + 1] = u * d + m * f + s, e += i, u = r[Rt.OX3], m = r[Rt.OY3], n[e] = u * a + m * o + l, n[e + 1] = u * d + m * f + s, e += i, u = r[Rt.OX4], m = r[Rt.OY4], n[e] = u * a + m * o + l, n[e + 1] = u * d + m * f + s; } copy() { const t = new Rt(this.name); return t.region = this.region, t.rendererObject = this.rendererObject, t.path = this.path, t.x = this.x, t.y = this.y, t.scaleX = this.scaleX, t.scaleY = this.scaleY, t.rotation = this.rotation, t.width = this.width, t.height = this.height, v.arrayCopy(this.uvs, 0, t.uvs, 0, 8), v.arrayCopy(this.offset, 0, t.offset, 0, 8), t.color.setFromColor(this.color), t; } }; let Q = Rt; Q.OX1 = 0, Q.OY1 = 1, Q.OX2 = 2, Q.OY2 = 3, Q.OX3 = 4, Q.OY3 = 5, Q.OX4 = 6, Q.OY4 = 7, Q.X1 = 0, Q.Y1 = 1, Q.C1R = 2, Q.C1G = 3, Q.C1B = 4, Q.C1A = 5, Q.U1 = 6, Q.V1 = 7, Q.X2 = 8, Q.Y2 = 9, Q.C2R = 10, Q.C2G = 11, Q.C2B = 12, Q.C2A = 13, Q.U2 = 14, Q.V2 = 15, Q.X3 = 16, Q.Y3 = 17, Q.C3R = 18, Q.C3G = 19, Q.C3B = 20, Q.C3A = 21, Q.U3 = 22, Q.V3 = 23, Q.X4 = 24, Q.Y4 = 25, Q.C4R = 26, Q.C4G = 27, Q.C4B = 28, Q.C4A = 29, Q.U4 = 30, Q.V4 = 31; let vr = class { constructor(t, n) { this.jitterX = 0, this.jitterY = 0, this.jitterX = t, this.jitterY = n; } begin(t) { } transform(t, n, e, i) { t.x += C.randomTriangular(-this.jitterX, this.jitterY), t.y += C.randomTriangular(-this.jitterX, this.jitterY); } end() { } }; const Ri = class { constructor(t) { this.centerX = 0, this.centerY = 0, this.radius = 0, this.angle = 0, this.worldX = 0, this.worldY = 0, this.radius = t; } begin(t) { this.worldX = t.x + this.centerX, this.worldY = t.y + this.centerY; } transform(t, n, e, i) { const r = this.angle * C.degreesToRadians, h = t.x - this.worldX, l = t.y - this.worldY, s = Math.sqrt(h * h + l * l); if (s < this.radius) { const a = Ri.interpolation.apply(0, r, (this.radius - s) / this.radius), o = Math.cos(a), d = Math.sin(a); t.x = o * h - d * l + this.worldX, t.y = d * h + o * l + this.worldY; } } end() { } }; let vi = Ri; vi.interpolation = new is(2); let Et = class { constructor(t, n, e) { if (t == null) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("timelines cannot be null."); this.name = t, this.timelines = n, this.timelineIds = []; for (let i = 0; i < n.length; i++)this.timelineIds[n[i].getPropertyId()] = !0; this.duration = e; } hasTimeline(t) { return this.timelineIds[t] == !0; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s) { if (t == null) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); i && this.duration != 0 && (e %= this.duration, n > 0 && (n %= this.duration)); const a = this.timelines; for (let o = 0, d = a.length; o < d; o++)a[o].apply(t, n, e, r, h, l, s); } static binarySearch(t, n, e = 1) { let i = 0, r = t.length / e - 2; if (r == 0) return e; let h = r >>> 1; for (; ;) { if (t[(h + 1) * e] <= n ? i = h + 1 : r = h, i == r) return (i + 1) * e; h = i + r >>> 1; } } static linearSearch(t, n, e) { for (let i = 0, r = t.length - e; i <= r; i += e)if (t[i] > n) return i; return -1; } }; var Pi = (c => (c[c.rotate = 0] = "rotate", c[c.translate = 1] = "translate", c[c.scale = 2] = "scale", c[c.shear = 3] = "shear", c[c.attachment = 4] = "attachment", c[c.color = 5] = "color", c[c.deform = 6] = "deform", c[c.event = 7] = "event", c[c.drawOrder = 8] = "drawOrder", c[c.ikConstraint = 9] = "ikConstraint", c[c.transformConstraint = 10] = "transformConstraint", c[c.pathConstraintPosition = 11] = "pathConstraintPosition", c[c.pathConstraintSpacing = 12] = "pathConstraintSpacing", c[c.pathConstraintMix = 13] = "pathConstraintMix", c[c.twoColor = 14] = "twoColor", c))(Pi || {}); const St = class { constructor(t) { if (t <= 0) throw new Error(`frameCount must be > 0: ${t}`); this.curves = v.newFloatArray((t - 1) * St.BEZIER_SIZE); } getFrameCount() { return this.curves.length / St.BEZIER_SIZE + 1; } setLinear(t) { this.curves[t * St.BEZIER_SIZE] = St.LINEAR; } setStepped(t) { this.curves[t * St.BEZIER_SIZE] = St.STEPPED; } getCurveType(t) { const n = t * St.BEZIER_SIZE; if (n == this.curves.length) return St.LINEAR; const e = this.curves[n]; return e == St.LINEAR ? St.LINEAR : e == St.STEPPED ? St.STEPPED : St.BEZIER; } setCurve(t, n, e, i, r) { const h = (-n * 2 + i) * .03, l = (-e * 2 + r) * .03, s = ((n - i) * 3 + 1) * .006, a = ((e - r) * 3 + 1) * .006; let o = h * 2 + s, d = l * 2 + a, f = n * .3 + h + s * .16666667, u = e * .3 + l + a * .16666667, m = t * St.BEZIER_SIZE; const g = this.curves; g[m++] = St.BEZIER; let x = f, E = u; for (let w = m + St.BEZIER_SIZE - 1; m < w; m += 2)g[m] = x, g[m + 1] = E, f += o, u += d, o += s, d += a, x += f, E += u; } getCurvePercent(t, n) { n = C.clamp(n, 0, 1); const e = this.curves; let i = t * St.BEZIER_SIZE; const r = e[i]; if (r == St.LINEAR) return n; if (r == St.STEPPED) return 0; i++; let h = 0; for (let s = i, a = i + St.BEZIER_SIZE - 1; i < a; i += 2)if (h = e[i], h >= n) { let o, d; return i == s ? (o = 0, d = 0) : (o = e[i - 2], d = e[i - 1]), d + (e[i + 1] - d) * (n - o) / (h - o); } const l = e[i - 1]; return l + (1 - l) * (n - h) / (1 - h); } }; let Ht = St; Ht.LINEAR = 0, Ht.STEPPED = 1, Ht.BEZIER = 2, Ht.BEZIER_SIZE = 10 * 2 - 1; const He = class extends Ht { constructor(t) { super(t), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t << 1); } getPropertyId() { return (0 << 24) + this.boneIndex; } setFrame(t, n, e) { t <<= 1, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + He.ROTATION] = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = this.frames, a = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (!a.active) return; if (e < s[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: a.rotation = a.data.rotation; return; case A.first: const g = a.data.rotation - a.rotation; a.rotation += (g - (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - g / 360 | 0)) * 360) * r; }return; } if (e >= s[s.length - He.ENTRIES]) { let g = s[s.length + He.PREV_ROTATION]; switch (h) { case A.setup: a.rotation = a.data.rotation + g * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: g += a.data.rotation - a.rotation, g -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - g / 360 | 0)) * 360; case A.add: a.rotation += g * r; }return; } const o = Et.binarySearch(s, e, He.ENTRIES), d = s[o + He.PREV_ROTATION], f = s[o], u = this.getCurvePercent((o >> 1) - 1, 1 - (e - f) / (s[o + He.PREV_TIME] - f)); let m = s[o + He.ROTATION] - d; switch (m = d + (m - (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - m / 360 | 0)) * 360) * u, h) { case A.setup: a.rotation = a.data.rotation + (m - (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - m / 360 | 0)) * 360) * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: m += a.data.rotation - a.rotation; case A.add: a.rotation += (m - (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - m / 360 | 0)) * 360) * r; } } }; let Vt = He; Vt.ENTRIES = 2, Vt.PREV_TIME = -2, Vt.PREV_ROTATION = -1, Vt.ROTATION = 1; const Dt = class extends Ht { constructor(t) { super(t), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t * Dt.ENTRIES); } getPropertyId() { return (1 << 24) + this.boneIndex; } setFrame(t, n, e, i) { t *= Dt.ENTRIES, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + Dt.X] = e, this.frames[t + Dt.Y] = i; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = this.frames, a = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (!a.active) return; if (e < s[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: a.x = a.data.x, a.y = a.data.y; return; case A.first: a.x += (a.data.x - a.x) * r, a.y += (a.data.y - a.y) * r; }return; } let o = 0, d = 0; if (e >= s[s.length - Dt.ENTRIES]) o = s[s.length + Dt.PREV_X], d = s[s.length + Dt.PREV_Y]; else { const f = Et.binarySearch(s, e, Dt.ENTRIES); o = s[f + Dt.PREV_X], d = s[f + Dt.PREV_Y]; const u = s[f], m = this.getCurvePercent(f / Dt.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (e - u) / (s[f + Dt.PREV_TIME] - u)); o += (s[f + Dt.X] - o) * m, d += (s[f + Dt.Y] - d) * m; } switch (h) { case A.setup: a.x = a.data.x + o * r, a.y = a.data.y + d * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: a.x += (a.data.x + o - a.x) * r, a.y += (a.data.y + d - a.y) * r; break; case A.add: a.x += o * r, a.y += d * r; } } }; let Jt = Dt; Jt.ENTRIES = 3, Jt.PREV_TIME = -3, Jt.PREV_X = -2, Jt.PREV_Y = -1, Jt.X = 1, Jt.Y = 2; let te = class extends Jt { constructor(t) { super(t); } getPropertyId() { return (2 << 24) + this.boneIndex; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = this.frames, a = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (!a.active) return; if (e < s[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: a.scaleX = a.data.scaleX, a.scaleY = a.data.scaleY; return; case A.first: a.scaleX += (a.data.scaleX - a.scaleX) * r, a.scaleY += (a.data.scaleY - a.scaleY) * r; }return; } let o = 0, d = 0; if (e >= s[s.length - te.ENTRIES]) o = s[s.length + te.PREV_X] * a.data.scaleX, d = s[s.length + te.PREV_Y] * a.data.scaleY; else { const f = Et.binarySearch(s, e, te.ENTRIES); o = s[f + te.PREV_X], d = s[f + te.PREV_Y]; const u = s[f], m = this.getCurvePercent(f / te.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (e - u) / (s[f + te.PREV_TIME] - u)); o = (o + (s[f + te.X] - o) * m) * a.data.scaleX, d = (d + (s[f + te.Y] - d) * m) * a.data.scaleY; } if (r == 1) h == A.add ? (a.scaleX += o - a.data.scaleX, a.scaleY += d - a.data.scaleY) : (a.scaleX = o, a.scaleY = d); else { let f = 0, u = 0; if (l == J.mixOut) switch (h) { case A.setup: f = a.data.scaleX, u = a.data.scaleY, a.scaleX = f + (Math.abs(o) * C.signum(f) - f) * r, a.scaleY = u + (Math.abs(d) * C.signum(u) - u) * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: f = a.scaleX, u = a.scaleY, a.scaleX = f + (Math.abs(o) * C.signum(f) - f) * r, a.scaleY = u + (Math.abs(d) * C.signum(u) - u) * r; break; case A.add: f = a.scaleX, u = a.scaleY, a.scaleX = f + (Math.abs(o) * C.signum(f) - a.data.scaleX) * r, a.scaleY = u + (Math.abs(d) * C.signum(u) - a.data.scaleY) * r; } else switch (h) { case A.setup: f = Math.abs(a.data.scaleX) * C.signum(o), u = Math.abs(a.data.scaleY) * C.signum(d), a.scaleX = f + (o - f) * r, a.scaleY = u + (d - u) * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: f = Math.abs(a.scaleX) * C.signum(o), u = Math.abs(a.scaleY) * C.signum(d), a.scaleX = f + (o - f) * r, a.scaleY = u + (d - u) * r; break; case A.add: f = C.signum(o), u = C.signum(d), a.scaleX = Math.abs(a.scaleX) * f + (o - Math.abs(a.data.scaleX) * f) * r, a.scaleY = Math.abs(a.scaleY) * u + (d - Math.abs(a.data.scaleY) * u) * r; } } } }, ee = class extends Jt { constructor(t) { super(t); } getPropertyId() { return (3 << 24) + this.boneIndex; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = this.frames, a = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (!a.active) return; if (e < s[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: a.shearX = a.data.shearX, a.shearY = a.data.shearY; return; case A.first: a.shearX += (a.data.shearX - a.shearX) * r, a.shearY += (a.data.shearY - a.shearY) * r; }return; } let o = 0, d = 0; if (e >= s[s.length - ee.ENTRIES]) o = s[s.length + ee.PREV_X], d = s[s.length + ee.PREV_Y]; else { const f = Et.binarySearch(s, e, ee.ENTRIES); o = s[f + ee.PREV_X], d = s[f + ee.PREV_Y]; const u = s[f], m = this.getCurvePercent(f / ee.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (e - u) / (s[f + ee.PREV_TIME] - u)); o = o + (s[f + ee.X] - o) * m, d = d + (s[f + ee.Y] - d) * m; } switch (h) { case A.setup: a.shearX = a.data.shearX + o * r, a.shearY = a.data.shearY + d * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: a.shearX += (a.data.shearX + o - a.shearX) * r, a.shearY += (a.data.shearY + d - a.shearY) * r; break; case A.add: a.shearX += o * r, a.shearY += d * r; } } }; const ft = class extends Ht { constructor(t) { super(t), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t * ft.ENTRIES); } getPropertyId() { return (5 << 24) + this.slotIndex; } setFrame(t, n, e, i, r, h) { t *= ft.ENTRIES, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + ft.R] = e, this.frames[t + ft.G] = i, this.frames[t + ft.B] = r, this.frames[t + ft.A] = h; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.slots[this.slotIndex]; if (!s.bone.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.color.setFromColor(s.data.color); return; case A.first: const m = s.color, g = s.data.color; m.add((g.r - m.r) * r, (g.g - m.g) * r, (g.b - m.b) * r, (g.a - m.a) * r); }return; } let o = 0, d = 0, f = 0, u = 0; if (e >= a[a.length - ft.ENTRIES]) { const m = a.length; o = a[m + ft.PREV_R], d = a[m + ft.PREV_G], f = a[m + ft.PREV_B], u = a[m + ft.PREV_A]; } else { const m = Et.binarySearch(a, e, ft.ENTRIES); o = a[m + ft.PREV_R], d = a[m + ft.PREV_G], f = a[m + ft.PREV_B], u = a[m + ft.PREV_A]; const g = a[m], x = this.getCurvePercent(m / ft.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (e - g) / (a[m + ft.PREV_TIME] - g)); o += (a[m + ft.R] - o) * x, d += (a[m + ft.G] - d) * x, f += (a[m + ft.B] - f) * x, u += (a[m + ft.A] - u) * x; } if (r == 1) s.color.set(o, d, f, u); else { const m = s.color; h == A.setup && m.setFromColor(s.data.color), m.add((o - m.r) * r, (d - m.g) * r, (f - m.b) * r, (u - m.a) * r); } } }; let Lt = ft; Lt.ENTRIES = 5, Lt.PREV_TIME = -5, Lt.PREV_R = -4, Lt.PREV_G = -3, Lt.PREV_B = -2, Lt.PREV_A = -1, Lt.R = 1, Lt.G = 2, Lt.B = 3, Lt.A = 4; const nt = class extends Ht { constructor(t) { super(t), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t * nt.ENTRIES); } getPropertyId() { return (14 << 24) + this.slotIndex; } setFrame(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s, a) { t *= nt.ENTRIES, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + nt.R] = e, this.frames[t + nt.G] = i, this.frames[t + nt.B] = r, this.frames[t + nt.A] = h, this.frames[t + nt.R2] = l, this.frames[t + nt.G2] = s, this.frames[t + nt.B2] = a; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.slots[this.slotIndex]; if (!s.bone.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.color.setFromColor(s.data.color), s.darkColor.setFromColor(s.data.darkColor); return; case A.first: const E = s.color, w = s.darkColor, b = s.data.color, p = s.data.darkColor; E.add((b.r - E.r) * r, (b.g - E.g) * r, (b.b - E.b) * r, (b.a - E.a) * r), w.add((p.r - w.r) * r, (p.g - w.g) * r, (p.b - w.b) * r, 0); }return; } let o = 0, d = 0, f = 0, u = 0, m = 0, g = 0, x = 0; if (e >= a[a.length - nt.ENTRIES]) { const E = a.length; o = a[E + nt.PREV_R], d = a[E + nt.PREV_G], f = a[E + nt.PREV_B], u = a[E + nt.PREV_A], m = a[E + nt.PREV_R2], g = a[E + nt.PREV_G2], x = a[E + nt.PREV_B2]; } else { const E = Et.binarySearch(a, e, nt.ENTRIES); o = a[E + nt.PREV_R], d = a[E + nt.PREV_G], f = a[E + nt.PREV_B], u = a[E + nt.PREV_A], m = a[E + nt.PREV_R2], g = a[E + nt.PREV_G2], x = a[E + nt.PREV_B2]; const w = a[E], b = this.getCurvePercent(E / nt.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (e - w) / (a[E + nt.PREV_TIME] - w)); o += (a[E + nt.R] - o) * b, d += (a[E + nt.G] - d) * b, f += (a[E + nt.B] - f) * b, u += (a[E + nt.A] - u) * b, m += (a[E + nt.R2] - m) * b, g += (a[E + nt.G2] - g) * b, x += (a[E + nt.B2] - x) * b; } if (r == 1) s.color.set(o, d, f, u), s.darkColor.set(m, g, x, 1); else { const E = s.color, w = s.darkColor; h == A.setup && (E.setFromColor(s.data.color), w.setFromColor(s.data.darkColor)), E.add((o - E.r) * r, (d - E.g) * r, (f - E.b) * r, (u - E.a) * r), w.add((m - w.r) * r, (g - w.g) * r, (x - w.b) * r, 0); } } }; let yt = nt; yt.ENTRIES = 8, yt.PREV_TIME = -8, yt.PREV_R = -7, yt.PREV_G = -6, yt.PREV_B = -5, yt.PREV_A = -4, yt.PREV_R2 = -3, yt.PREV_G2 = -2, yt.PREV_B2 = -1, yt.R = 1, yt.G = 2, yt.B = 3, yt.A = 4, yt.R2 = 5, yt.G2 = 6, yt.B2 = 7; let en = class { constructor(t) { this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t), this.attachmentNames = new Array(t); } getPropertyId() { return (4 << 24) + this.slotIndex; } getFrameCount() { return this.frames.length; } setFrame(t, n, e) { this.frames[t] = n, this.attachmentNames[t] = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.slots[this.slotIndex]; if (!s.bone.active) return; if (l == J.mixOut) { h == A.setup && this.setAttachment(t, s, s.data.attachmentName); return; } const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { (h == A.setup || h == A.first) && this.setAttachment(t, s, s.data.attachmentName); return; } let o = 0; e >= a[a.length - 1] ? o = a.length - 1 : o = Et.binarySearch(a, e, 1) - 1; const d = this.attachmentNames[o]; t.slots[this.slotIndex].setAttachment(d == null ? null : t.getAttachment(this.slotIndex, d)); } setAttachment(t, n, e) { n.setAttachment(e == null ? null : t.getAttachment(this.slotIndex, e)); } }, Vi = null, hs = class extends Ht { constructor(t) { super(t), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t), this.frameVertices = new Array(t), Vi == null && (Vi = v.newFloatArray(64)); } getPropertyId() { return (6 << 27) + Number(this.attachment.id) + this.slotIndex; } setFrame(t, n, e) { this.frames[t] = n, this.frameVertices[t] = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.slots[this.slotIndex]; if (!s.bone.active) return; const a = s.getAttachment(); if (!(a instanceof ze) || a.deformAttachment != this.attachment) return; const o = s.deform; o.length == 0 && (h = A.setup); const d = this.frameVertices, f = d[0].length, u = this.frames; if (e < u[0]) { const p = a; switch (h) { case A.setup: o.length = 0; return; case A.first: if (r == 1) { o.length = 0; break; } const S = v.setArraySize(o, f); if (p.bones == null) { const y = p.vertices; for (let M = 0; M < f; M++)S[M] += (y[M] - S[M]) * r; } else { r = 1 - r; for (let y = 0; y < f; y++)S[y] *= r; } }return; } const m = v.setArraySize(o, f); if (e >= u[u.length - 1]) { const p = d[u.length - 1]; if (r == 1) if (h == A.add) { const S = a; if (S.bones == null) { const y = S.vertices; for (let M = 0; M < f; M++)m[M] += p[M] - y[M]; } else for (let y = 0; y < f; y++)m[y] += p[y]; } else v.arrayCopy(p, 0, m, 0, f); else switch (h) { case A.setup: { const y = a; if (y.bones == null) { const M = y.vertices; for (let T = 0; T < f; T++) { const k = M[T]; m[T] = k + (p[T] - k) * r; } } else for (let M = 0; M < f; M++)m[M] = p[M] * r; break; } case A.first: case A.replace: for (let y = 0; y < f; y++)m[y] += (p[y] - m[y]) * r; break; case A.add: const S = a; if (S.bones == null) { const y = S.vertices; for (let M = 0; M < f; M++)m[M] += (p[M] - y[M]) * r; } else for (let y = 0; y < f; y++)m[y] += p[y] * r; }return; } const g = Et.binarySearch(u, e), x = d[g - 1], E = d[g], w = u[g], b = this.getCurvePercent(g - 1, 1 - (e - w) / (u[g - 1] - w)); if (r == 1) if (h == A.add) { const p = a; if (p.bones == null) { const S = p.vertices; for (let y = 0; y < f; y++) { const M = x[y]; m[y] += M + (E[y] - M) * b - S[y]; } } else for (let S = 0; S < f; S++) { const y = x[S]; m[S] += y + (E[S] - y) * b; } } else for (let p = 0; p < f; p++) { const S = x[p]; m[p] = S + (E[p] - S) * b; } else switch (h) { case A.setup: { const S = a; if (S.bones == null) { const y = S.vertices; for (let M = 0; M < f; M++) { const T = x[M], k = y[M]; m[M] = k + (T + (E[M] - T) * b - k) * r; } } else for (let y = 0; y < f; y++) { const M = x[y]; m[y] = (M + (E[y] - M) * b) * r; } break; } case A.first: case A.replace: for (let S = 0; S < f; S++) { const y = x[S]; m[S] += (y + (E[S] - y) * b - m[S]) * r; } break; case A.add: const p = a; if (p.bones == null) { const S = p.vertices; for (let y = 0; y < f; y++) { const M = x[y]; m[y] += (M + (E[y] - M) * b - S[y]) * r; } } else for (let S = 0; S < f; S++) { const y = x[S]; m[S] += (y + (E[S] - y) * b) * r; } } } }, Yn = class { constructor(t) { this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t), this.events = new Array(t); } getPropertyId() { return 7 << 24; } getFrameCount() { return this.frames.length; } setFrame(t, n) { this.frames[t] = n.time, this.events[t] = n; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { if (i == null) return; const s = this.frames, a = this.frames.length; if (n > e) this.apply(t, n, Number.MAX_VALUE, i, r, h, l), n = -1; else if (n >= s[a - 1]) return; if (e < s[0]) return; let o = 0; if (n < s[0]) o = 0; else { o = Et.binarySearch(s, n); const d = s[o]; for (; o > 0 && s[o - 1] == d;)o--; } for (; o < a && e >= s[o]; o++)i.push(this.events[o]); } }, xn = class { constructor(t) { this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t), this.drawOrders = new Array(t); } getPropertyId() { return 8 << 24; } getFrameCount() { return this.frames.length; } setFrame(t, n, e) { this.frames[t] = n, this.drawOrders[t] = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.drawOrder, a = t.slots; if (l == J.mixOut && h == A.setup) { v.arrayCopy(t.slots, 0, t.drawOrder, 0, t.slots.length); return; } const o = this.frames; if (e < o[0]) { (h == A.setup || h == A.first) && v.arrayCopy(t.slots, 0, t.drawOrder, 0, t.slots.length); return; } let d = 0; e >= o[o.length - 1] ? d = o.length - 1 : d = Et.binarySearch(o, e) - 1; const f = this.drawOrders[d]; if (f == null) v.arrayCopy(a, 0, s, 0, a.length); else for (let u = 0, m = f.length; u < m; u++)s[u] = a[f[u]]; } }; const at = class extends Ht { constructor(t) { super(t), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t * at.ENTRIES); } getPropertyId() { return (9 << 24) + this.ikConstraintIndex; } setFrame(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { t *= at.ENTRIES, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + at.MIX] = e, this.frames[t + at.SOFTNESS] = i, this.frames[t + at.BEND_DIRECTION] = r, this.frames[t + at.COMPRESS] = h ? 1 : 0, this.frames[t + at.STRETCH] = l ? 1 : 0; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = this.frames, a = t.ikConstraints[this.ikConstraintIndex]; if (!a.active) return; if (e < s[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: a.mix = a.data.mix, a.softness = a.data.softness, a.bendDirection = a.data.bendDirection, a.compress = a.data.compress, a.stretch = a.data.stretch; return; case A.first: a.mix += (a.data.mix - a.mix) * r, a.softness += (a.data.softness - a.softness) * r, a.bendDirection = a.data.bendDirection, a.compress = a.data.compress, a.stretch = a.data.stretch; }return; } if (e >= s[s.length - at.ENTRIES]) { h == A.setup ? (a.mix = a.data.mix + (s[s.length + at.PREV_MIX] - a.data.mix) * r, a.softness = a.data.softness + (s[s.length + at.PREV_SOFTNESS] - a.data.softness) * r, l == J.mixOut ? (a.bendDirection = a.data.bendDirection, a.compress = a.data.compress, a.stretch = a.data.stretch) : (a.bendDirection = s[s.length + at.PREV_BEND_DIRECTION], a.compress = s[s.length + at.PREV_COMPRESS] != 0, a.stretch = s[s.length + at.PREV_STRETCH] != 0)) : (a.mix += (s[s.length + at.PREV_MIX] - a.mix) * r, a.softness += (s[s.length + at.PREV_SOFTNESS] - a.softness) * r, l == J.mixIn && (a.bendDirection = s[s.length + at.PREV_BEND_DIRECTION], a.compress = s[s.length + at.PREV_COMPRESS] != 0, a.stretch = s[s.length + at.PREV_STRETCH] != 0)); return; } const o = Et.binarySearch(s, e, at.ENTRIES), d = s[o + at.PREV_MIX], f = s[o + at.PREV_SOFTNESS], u = s[o], m = this.getCurvePercent(o / at.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (e - u) / (s[o + at.PREV_TIME] - u)); h == A.setup ? (a.mix = a.data.mix + (d + (s[o + at.MIX] - d) * m - a.data.mix) * r, a.softness = a.data.softness + (f + (s[o + at.SOFTNESS] - f) * m - a.data.softness) * r, l == J.mixOut ? (a.bendDirection = a.data.bendDirection, a.compress = a.data.compress, a.stretch = a.data.stretch) : (a.bendDirection = s[o + at.PREV_BEND_DIRECTION], a.compress = s[o + at.PREV_COMPRESS] != 0, a.stretch = s[o + at.PREV_STRETCH] != 0)) : (a.mix += (d + (s[o + at.MIX] - d) * m - a.mix) * r, a.softness += (f + (s[o + at.SOFTNESS] - f) * m - a.softness) * r, l == J.mixIn && (a.bendDirection = s[o + at.PREV_BEND_DIRECTION], a.compress = s[o + at.PREV_COMPRESS] != 0, a.stretch = s[o + at.PREV_STRETCH] != 0)); } }; let Ft = at; Ft.ENTRIES = 6, Ft.PREV_TIME = -6, Ft.PREV_MIX = -5, Ft.PREV_SOFTNESS = -4, Ft.PREV_BEND_DIRECTION = -3, Ft.PREV_COMPRESS = -2, Ft.PREV_STRETCH = -1, Ft.MIX = 1, Ft.SOFTNESS = 2, Ft.BEND_DIRECTION = 3, Ft.COMPRESS = 4, Ft.STRETCH = 5; const ut = class extends Ht { constructor(t) { super(t), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t * ut.ENTRIES); } getPropertyId() { return (10 << 24) + this.transformConstraintIndex; } setFrame(t, n, e, i, r, h) { t *= ut.ENTRIES, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + ut.ROTATE] = e, this.frames[t + ut.TRANSLATE] = i, this.frames[t + ut.SCALE] = r, this.frames[t + ut.SHEAR] = h; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = this.frames, a = t.transformConstraints[this.transformConstraintIndex]; if (!a.active) return; if (e < s[0]) { const m = a.data; switch (h) { case A.setup: a.rotateMix = m.rotateMix, a.translateMix = m.translateMix, a.scaleMix = m.scaleMix, a.shearMix = m.shearMix; return; case A.first: a.rotateMix += (m.rotateMix - a.rotateMix) * r, a.translateMix += (m.translateMix - a.translateMix) * r, a.scaleMix += (m.scaleMix - a.scaleMix) * r, a.shearMix += (m.shearMix - a.shearMix) * r; }return; } let o = 0, d = 0, f = 0, u = 0; if (e >= s[s.length - ut.ENTRIES]) { const m = s.length; o = s[m + ut.PREV_ROTATE], d = s[m + ut.PREV_TRANSLATE], f = s[m + ut.PREV_SCALE], u = s[m + ut.PREV_SHEAR]; } else { const m = Et.binarySearch(s, e, ut.ENTRIES); o = s[m + ut.PREV_ROTATE], d = s[m + ut.PREV_TRANSLATE], f = s[m + ut.PREV_SCALE], u = s[m + ut.PREV_SHEAR]; const g = s[m], x = this.getCurvePercent(m / ut.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (e - g) / (s[m + ut.PREV_TIME] - g)); o += (s[m + ut.ROTATE] - o) * x, d += (s[m + ut.TRANSLATE] - d) * x, f += (s[m + ut.SCALE] - f) * x, u += (s[m + ut.SHEAR] - u) * x; } if (h == A.setup) { const m = a.data; a.rotateMix = m.rotateMix + (o - m.rotateMix) * r, a.translateMix = m.translateMix + (d - m.translateMix) * r, a.scaleMix = m.scaleMix + (f - m.scaleMix) * r, a.shearMix = m.shearMix + (u - m.shearMix) * r; } else a.rotateMix += (o - a.rotateMix) * r, a.translateMix += (d - a.translateMix) * r, a.scaleMix += (f - a.scaleMix) * r, a.shearMix += (u - a.shearMix) * r; } }; let _t = ut; _t.ENTRIES = 5, _t.PREV_TIME = -5, _t.PREV_ROTATE = -4, _t.PREV_TRANSLATE = -3, _t.PREV_SCALE = -2, _t.PREV_SHEAR = -1, _t.ROTATE = 1, _t.TRANSLATE = 2, _t.SCALE = 3, _t.SHEAR = 4; const ue = class extends Ht { constructor(t) { super(t), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t * ue.ENTRIES); } getPropertyId() { return (11 << 24) + this.pathConstraintIndex; } setFrame(t, n, e) { t *= ue.ENTRIES, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + ue.VALUE] = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = this.frames, a = t.pathConstraints[this.pathConstraintIndex]; if (!a.active) return; if (e < s[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: a.position = a.data.position; return; case A.first: a.position += (a.data.position - a.position) * r; }return; } let o = 0; if (e >= s[s.length - ue.ENTRIES]) o = s[s.length + ue.PREV_VALUE]; else { const d = Et.binarySearch(s, e, ue.ENTRIES); o = s[d + ue.PREV_VALUE]; const f = s[d], u = this.getCurvePercent(d / ue.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (e - f) / (s[d + ue.PREV_TIME] - f)); o += (s[d + ue.VALUE] - o) * u; } h == A.setup ? a.position = a.data.position + (o - a.data.position) * r : a.position += (o - a.position) * r; } }; let Te = ue; Te.ENTRIES = 2, Te.PREV_TIME = -2, Te.PREV_VALUE = -1, Te.VALUE = 1; let ke = class extends Te { constructor(t) { super(t); } getPropertyId() { return (12 << 24) + this.pathConstraintIndex; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = this.frames, a = t.pathConstraints[this.pathConstraintIndex]; if (!a.active) return; if (e < s[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: a.spacing = a.data.spacing; return; case A.first: a.spacing += (a.data.spacing - a.spacing) * r; }return; } let o = 0; if (e >= s[s.length - ke.ENTRIES]) o = s[s.length + ke.PREV_VALUE]; else { const d = Et.binarySearch(s, e, ke.ENTRIES); o = s[d + ke.PREV_VALUE]; const f = s[d], u = this.getCurvePercent(d / ke.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (e - f) / (s[d + ke.PREV_TIME] - f)); o += (s[d + ke.VALUE] - o) * u; } h == A.setup ? a.spacing = a.data.spacing + (o - a.data.spacing) * r : a.spacing += (o - a.spacing) * r; } }; const Ot = class extends Ht { constructor(t) { super(t), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t * Ot.ENTRIES); } getPropertyId() { return (13 << 24) + this.pathConstraintIndex; } setFrame(t, n, e, i) { t *= Ot.ENTRIES, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + Ot.ROTATE] = e, this.frames[t + Ot.TRANSLATE] = i; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = this.frames, a = t.pathConstraints[this.pathConstraintIndex]; if (!a.active) return; if (e < s[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: a.rotateMix = a.data.rotateMix, a.translateMix = a.data.translateMix; return; case A.first: a.rotateMix += (a.data.rotateMix - a.rotateMix) * r, a.translateMix += (a.data.translateMix - a.translateMix) * r; }return; } let o = 0, d = 0; if (e >= s[s.length - Ot.ENTRIES]) o = s[s.length + Ot.PREV_ROTATE], d = s[s.length + Ot.PREV_TRANSLATE]; else { const f = Et.binarySearch(s, e, Ot.ENTRIES); o = s[f + Ot.PREV_ROTATE], d = s[f + Ot.PREV_TRANSLATE]; const u = s[f], m = this.getCurvePercent(f / Ot.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (e - u) / (s[f + Ot.PREV_TIME] - u)); o += (s[f + Ot.ROTATE] - o) * m, d += (s[f + Ot.TRANSLATE] - d) * m; } h == A.setup ? (a.rotateMix = a.data.rotateMix + (o - a.data.rotateMix) * r, a.translateMix = a.data.translateMix + (d - a.data.translateMix) * r) : (a.rotateMix += (o - a.rotateMix) * r, a.translateMix += (d - a.translateMix) * r); } }; let me = Ot; me.ENTRIES = 3, me.PREV_TIME = -3, me.PREV_ROTATE = -2, me.PREV_TRANSLATE = -1, me.ROTATE = 1, me.TRANSLATE = 2; const mt = class { constructor(t) { this.tracks = new Array, this.timeScale = 1, this.unkeyedState = 0, this.events = new Array, this.listeners = new Array, this.queue = new fs(this), this.propertyIDs = new ns, this.animationsChanged = !1, this.trackEntryPool = new An(() => new Xn), this.data = t; } update(t) { t *= this.timeScale; const n = this.tracks; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r == null) continue; r.animationLast = r.nextAnimationLast, r.trackLast = r.nextTrackLast; let h = t * r.timeScale; if (r.delay > 0) { if (r.delay -= h, r.delay > 0) continue; h = -r.delay, r.delay = 0; } let l = r.next; if (l != null) { const s = r.trackLast - l.delay; if (s >= 0) { for (l.delay = 0, l.trackTime += r.timeScale == 0 ? 0 : (s / r.timeScale + t) * l.timeScale, r.trackTime += h, this.setCurrent(e, l, !0); l.mixingFrom != null;)l.mixTime += t, l = l.mixingFrom; continue; } } else if (r.trackLast >= r.trackEnd && r.mixingFrom == null) { n[e] = null, this.queue.end(r), this.disposeNext(r); continue; } if (r.mixingFrom != null && this.updateMixingFrom(r, t)) { let s = r.mixingFrom; for (r.mixingFrom = null, s != null && (s.mixingTo = null); s != null;)this.queue.end(s), s = s.mixingFrom; } r.trackTime += h; } this.queue.drain(); } updateMixingFrom(t, n) { const e = t.mixingFrom; if (e == null) return !0; const i = this.updateMixingFrom(e, n); return e.animationLast = e.nextAnimationLast, e.trackLast = e.nextTrackLast, t.mixTime > 0 && t.mixTime >= t.mixDuration ? ((e.totalAlpha == 0 || t.mixDuration == 0) && (t.mixingFrom = e.mixingFrom, e.mixingFrom != null && (e.mixingFrom.mixingTo = t), t.interruptAlpha = e.interruptAlpha, this.queue.end(e)), i) : (e.trackTime += n * e.timeScale, t.mixTime += n, !1); } apply(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.animationsChanged && this._animationsChanged(); const n = this.events, e = this.tracks; let i = !1; for (let l = 0, s = e.length; l < s; l++) { const a = e[l]; if (a == null || a.delay > 0) continue; i = !0; const o = l == 0 ? A.first : a.mixBlend; let d = a.alpha; a.mixingFrom != null ? d *= this.applyMixingFrom(a, t, o) : a.trackTime >= a.trackEnd && a.next == null && (d = 0); const f = a.animationLast, u = a.getAnimationTime(), m = a.animation.timelines.length, g = a.animation.timelines; if (l == 0 && d == 1 || o == A.add) for (let x = 0; x < m; x++) { v.webkit602BugfixHelper(d, o); const E = g[x]; E instanceof en ? this.applyAttachmentTimeline(E, t, u, o, !0) : E.apply(t, f, u, n, d, o, J.mixIn); } else { const x = a.timelineMode, E = a.timelinesRotation.length == 0; E && v.setArraySize(a.timelinesRotation, m << 1, null); const w = a.timelinesRotation; for (let b = 0; b < m; b++) { const p = g[b], S = x[b] == mt.SUBSEQUENT ? o : A.setup; p instanceof Vt ? this.applyRotateTimeline(p, t, u, d, S, w, b << 1, E) : p instanceof en ? this.applyAttachmentTimeline(p, t, u, o, !0) : (v.webkit602BugfixHelper(d, o), p.apply(t, f, u, n, d, S, J.mixIn)); } } this.queueEvents(a, u), n.length = 0, a.nextAnimationLast = u, a.nextTrackLast = a.trackTime; } const r = this.unkeyedState + mt.SETUP, h = t.slots; for (let l = 0, s = t.slots.length; l < s; l++) { const a = h[l]; if (a.attachmentState == r) { const o = a.data.attachmentName; a.setAttachment(o == null ? null : t.getAttachment(a.data.index, o)); } } return this.unkeyedState += 2, this.queue.drain(), i; } applyMixingFrom(t, n, e) { const i = t.mixingFrom; i.mixingFrom != null && this.applyMixingFrom(i, n, e); let r = 0; t.mixDuration == 0 ? (r = 1, e == A.first && (e = A.setup)) : (r = t.mixTime / t.mixDuration, r > 1 && (r = 1), e != A.first && (e = i.mixBlend)); const h = r < i.eventThreshold ? this.events : null, l = r < i.attachmentThreshold, s = r < i.drawOrderThreshold, a = i.animationLast, o = i.getAnimationTime(), d = i.animation.timelines.length, f = i.animation.timelines, u = i.alpha * t.interruptAlpha, m = u * (1 - r); if (e == A.add) for (let g = 0; g < d; g++)f[g].apply(n, a, o, h, m, e, J.mixOut); else { const g = i.timelineMode, x = i.timelineHoldMix, E = i.timelinesRotation.length == 0; E && v.setArraySize(i.timelinesRotation, d << 1, null); const w = i.timelinesRotation; i.totalAlpha = 0; for (let b = 0; b < d; b++) { const p = f[b]; let S = J.mixOut, y, M = 0; switch (g[b]) { case mt.SUBSEQUENT: if (!s && p instanceof xn) continue; y = e, M = m; break; case mt.FIRST: y = A.setup, M = m; break; case mt.HOLD_SUBSEQUENT: y = e, M = u; break; case mt.HOLD_FIRST: y = A.setup, M = u; break; default: y = A.setup; const T = x[b]; M = u * Math.max(0, 1 - T.mixTime / T.mixDuration); break; }i.totalAlpha += M, p instanceof Vt ? this.applyRotateTimeline(p, n, o, M, y, w, b << 1, E) : p instanceof en ? this.applyAttachmentTimeline(p, n, o, y, l) : (v.webkit602BugfixHelper(M, e), s && p instanceof xn && y == A.setup && (S = J.mixIn), p.apply(n, a, o, h, M, y, S)); } } return t.mixDuration > 0 && this.queueEvents(i, o), this.events.length = 0, i.nextAnimationLast = o, i.nextTrackLast = i.trackTime, r; } applyAttachmentTimeline(t, n, e, i, r) { const h = n.slots[t.slotIndex]; if (!h.bone.active) return; const l = t.frames; if (e < l[0]) (i == A.setup || i == A.first) && this.setAttachment(n, h, h.data.attachmentName, r); else { let s; e >= l[l.length - 1] ? s = l.length - 1 : s = Et.binarySearch(l, e) - 1, this.setAttachment(n, h, t.attachmentNames[s], r); } h.attachmentState <= this.unkeyedState && (h.attachmentState = this.unkeyedState + mt.SETUP); } setAttachment(t, n, e, i) { n.setAttachment(e == null ? null : t.getAttachment(n.data.index, e)), i && (n.attachmentState = this.unkeyedState + mt.CURRENT); } applyRotateTimeline(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s) { if (s && (h[l] = 0), i == 1) { t.apply(n, 0, e, null, 1, r, J.mixIn); return; } const a = t, o = a.frames, d = n.bones[a.boneIndex]; if (!d.active) return; let f = 0, u = 0; if (e < o[0]) switch (r) { case A.setup: d.rotation = d.data.rotation; default: return; case A.first: f = d.rotation, u = d.data.rotation; } else if (f = r == A.setup ? d.data.rotation : d.rotation, e >= o[o.length - Vt.ENTRIES]) u = d.data.rotation + o[o.length + Vt.PREV_ROTATION]; else { const x = Et.binarySearch(o, e, Vt.ENTRIES), E = o[x + Vt.PREV_ROTATION], w = o[x], b = a.getCurvePercent((x >> 1) - 1, 1 - (e - w) / (o[x + Vt.PREV_TIME] - w)); u = o[x + Vt.ROTATION] - E, u -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - u / 360 | 0)) * 360, u = E + u * b + d.data.rotation, u -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - u / 360 | 0)) * 360; } let m = 0, g = u - f; if (g -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - g / 360 | 0)) * 360, g == 0) m = h[l]; else { let x = 0, E = 0; s ? (x = 0, E = g) : (x = h[l], E = h[l + 1]); const w = g > 0; let b = x >= 0; C.signum(E) != C.signum(g) && Math.abs(E) <= 90 && (Math.abs(x) > 180 && (x += 360 * C.signum(x)), b = w), m = g + x - x % 360, b != w && (m += 360 * C.signum(x)), h[l] = m; } h[l + 1] = g, f += m * i, d.rotation = f - (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - f / 360 | 0)) * 360; } queueEvents(t, n) { const e = t.animationStart, i = t.animationEnd, r = i - e, h = t.trackLast % r, l = this.events; let s = 0; const a = l.length; for (; s < a; s++) { const d = l[s]; if (d.time < h) break; d.time > i || this.queue.event(t, d); } let o = !1; for (t.loop ? o = r == 0 || h > t.trackTime % r : o = n >= i && t.animationLast < i, o && this.queue.complete(t); s < a; s++)l[s].time < e || this.queue.event(t, l[s]); } clearTracks() { const t = this.queue.drainDisabled; this.queue.drainDisabled = !0; for (let n = 0, e = this.tracks.length; n < e; n++)this.clearTrack(n); this.tracks.length = 0, this.queue.drainDisabled = t, this.queue.drain(); } clearTrack(t) { if (t >= this.tracks.length) return; const n = this.tracks[t]; if (n == null) return; this.queue.end(n), this.disposeNext(n); let e = n; for (; ;) { const i = e.mixingFrom; if (i == null) break; this.queue.end(i), e.mixingFrom = null, e.mixingTo = null, e = i; } this.tracks[n.trackIndex] = null, this.queue.drain(); } setCurrent(t, n, e) { const i = this.expandToIndex(t); this.tracks[t] = n, i != null && (e && this.queue.interrupt(i), n.mixingFrom = i, i.mixingTo = n, n.mixTime = 0, i.mixingFrom != null && i.mixDuration > 0 && (n.interruptAlpha *= Math.min(1, i.mixTime / i.mixDuration)), i.timelinesRotation.length = 0), this.queue.start(n); } setAnimation(t, n, e) { const i = this.data.skeletonData.findAnimation(n); if (i == null) throw new Error(`Animation not found: ${n}`); return this.setAnimationWith(t, i, e); } setAnimationWith(t, n, e) { if (n == null) throw new Error("animation cannot be null."); let i = !0, r = this.expandToIndex(t); r != null && (r.nextTrackLast == -1 ? (this.tracks[t] = r.mixingFrom, this.queue.interrupt(r), this.queue.end(r), this.disposeNext(r), r = r.mixingFrom, i = !1) : this.disposeNext(r)); const h = this.trackEntry(t, n, e, r); return this.setCurrent(t, h, i), this.queue.drain(), h; } addAnimation(t, n, e, i) { const r = this.data.skeletonData.findAnimation(n); if (r == null) throw new Error(`Animation not found: ${n}`); return this.addAnimationWith(t, r, e, i); } addAnimationWith(t, n, e, i) { if (n == null) throw new Error("animation cannot be null."); let r = this.expandToIndex(t); if (r != null) for (; r.next != null;)r = r.next; const h = this.trackEntry(t, n, e, r); if (r == null) this.setCurrent(t, h, !0), this.queue.drain(); else if (r.next = h, i <= 0) { const l = r.animationEnd - r.animationStart; l != 0 ? (r.loop ? i += l * (1 + (r.trackTime / l | 0)) : i += Math.max(l, r.trackTime), i -= this.data.getMix(r.animation, n)) : i = r.trackTime; } return h.delay = i, h; } setEmptyAnimation(t, n) { const e = this.setAnimationWith(t, mt.emptyAnimation, !1); return e.mixDuration = n, e.trackEnd = n, e; } addEmptyAnimation(t, n, e) { e <= 0 && (e -= n); const i = this.addAnimationWith(t, mt.emptyAnimation, !1, e); return i.mixDuration = n, i.trackEnd = n, i; } setEmptyAnimations(t) { const n = this.queue.drainDisabled; this.queue.drainDisabled = !0; for (let e = 0, i = this.tracks.length; e < i; e++) { const r = this.tracks[e]; r != null && this.setEmptyAnimation(r.trackIndex, t); } this.queue.drainDisabled = n, this.queue.drain(); } expandToIndex(t) { return t < this.tracks.length ? this.tracks[t] : (v.ensureArrayCapacity(this.tracks, t + 1, null), this.tracks.length = t + 1, null); } trackEntry(t, n, e, i) { const r = this.trackEntryPool.obtain(); return r.trackIndex = t, r.animation = n, r.loop = e, r.holdPrevious = !1, r.eventThreshold = 0, r.attachmentThreshold = 0, r.drawOrderThreshold = 0, r.animationStart = 0, r.animationEnd = n.duration, r.animationLast = -1, r.nextAnimationLast = -1, r.delay = 0, r.trackTime = 0, r.trackLast = -1, r.nextTrackLast = -1, r.trackEnd = Number.MAX_VALUE, r.timeScale = 1, r.alpha = 1, r.interruptAlpha = 1, r.mixTime = 0, r.mixDuration = i == null ? 0 : this.data.getMix(i.animation, n), r.mixBlend = A.replace, r; } disposeNext(t) { let n = t.next; for (; n != null;)this.queue.dispose(n), n = n.next; t.next = null; } _animationsChanged() { this.animationsChanged = !1, this.propertyIDs.clear(); for (let t = 0, n = this.tracks.length; t < n; t++) { let e = this.tracks[t]; if (e != null) { for (; e.mixingFrom != null;)e = e.mixingFrom; do (e.mixingFrom == null || e.mixBlend != A.add) && this.computeHold(e), e = e.mixingTo; while (e != null); } } } computeHold(t) { const n = t.mixingTo, e = t.animation.timelines, i = t.animation.timelines.length, r = v.setArraySize(t.timelineMode, i); t.timelineHoldMix.length = 0; const h = v.setArraySize(t.timelineHoldMix, i), l = this.propertyIDs; if (n != null && n.holdPrevious) { for (let s = 0; s < i; s++)r[s] = l.add(e[s].getPropertyId()) ? mt.HOLD_FIRST : mt.HOLD_SUBSEQUENT; return; } t: for (let s = 0; s < i; s++) { const a = e[s], o = a.getPropertyId(); if (!l.add(o)) r[s] = mt.SUBSEQUENT; else if (n == null || a instanceof en || a instanceof xn || a instanceof Yn || !n.animation.hasTimeline(o)) r[s] = mt.FIRST; else { for (let d = n.mixingTo; d != null; d = d.mixingTo)if (!d.animation.hasTimeline(o)) { if (t.mixDuration > 0) { r[s] = mt.HOLD_MIX, h[s] = d; continue t; } break; } r[s] = mt.HOLD_FIRST; } } } getCurrent(t) { return t >= this.tracks.length ? null : this.tracks[t]; } addListener(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("listener cannot be null."); this.listeners.push(t); } removeListener(t) { const n = this.listeners.indexOf(t); n >= 0 && this.listeners.splice(n, 1); } clearListeners() { this.listeners.length = 0; } clearListenerNotifications() { this.queue.clear(); } setAnimationByName(t, n, e) { mt.deprecatedWarning1 || (mt.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: AnimationState.setAnimationByName is deprecated, please use setAnimation from now on.")), this.setAnimation(t, n, e); } addAnimationByName(t, n, e, i) { mt.deprecatedWarning2 || (mt.deprecatedWarning2 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: AnimationState.addAnimationByName is deprecated, please use addAnimation from now on.")), this.addAnimation(t, n, e, i); } hasAnimation(t) { return this.data.skeletonData.findAnimation(t) !== null; } hasAnimationByName(t) { return mt.deprecatedWarning3 || (mt.deprecatedWarning3 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: AnimationState.hasAnimationByName is deprecated, please use hasAnimation from now on.")), this.hasAnimation(t); } }; let ne = mt; ne.emptyAnimation = new Et("<empty>", [], 0), ne.SUBSEQUENT = 0, ne.FIRST = 1, ne.HOLD_SUBSEQUENT = 2, ne.HOLD_FIRST = 3, ne.HOLD_MIX = 4, ne.SETUP = 1, ne.CURRENT = 2, ne.deprecatedWarning1 = !1, ne.deprecatedWarning2 = !1, ne.deprecatedWarning3 = !1; const Ye = class { constructor() { this.mixBlend = A.replace, this.timelineMode = new Array, this.timelineHoldMix = new Array, this.timelinesRotation = new Array; } reset() { this.next = null, this.mixingFrom = null, this.mixingTo = null, this.animation = null, this.listener = null, this.timelineMode.length = 0, this.timelineHoldMix.length = 0, this.timelinesRotation.length = 0; } getAnimationTime() { if (this.loop) { const t = this.animationEnd - this.animationStart; return t == 0 ? this.animationStart : this.trackTime % t + this.animationStart; } return Math.min(this.trackTime + this.animationStart, this.animationEnd); } setAnimationLast(t) { this.animationLast = t, this.nextAnimationLast = t; } isComplete() { return this.trackTime >= this.animationEnd - this.animationStart; } resetRotationDirections() { this.timelinesRotation.length = 0; } get time() { return Ye.deprecatedWarning1 || (Ye.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: TrackEntry.time is deprecated, please use trackTime from now on.")), this.trackTime; } set time(t) { Ye.deprecatedWarning1 || (Ye.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: TrackEntry.time is deprecated, please use trackTime from now on.")), this.trackTime = t; } get endTime() { return Ye.deprecatedWarning2 || (Ye.deprecatedWarning2 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: TrackEntry.endTime is deprecated, please use trackEnd from now on.")), this.trackTime; } set endTime(t) { Ye.deprecatedWarning2 || (Ye.deprecatedWarning2 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: TrackEntry.endTime is deprecated, please use trackEnd from now on.")), this.trackTime = t; } loopsCount() { return Math.floor(this.trackTime / this.trackEnd); } }; let Xn = Ye; Xn.deprecatedWarning1 = !1, Xn.deprecatedWarning2 = !1; const ds = class { constructor(t) { this.objects = [], this.drainDisabled = !1, this.animState = t; } start(t) { this.objects.push(Gt.start), this.objects.push(t), this.animState.animationsChanged = !0; } interrupt(t) { this.objects.push(Gt.interrupt), this.objects.push(t); } end(t) { this.objects.push(Gt.end), this.objects.push(t), this.animState.animationsChanged = !0; } dispose(t) { this.objects.push(Gt.dispose), this.objects.push(t); } complete(t) { this.objects.push(Gt.complete), this.objects.push(t); } event(t, n) { this.objects.push(Gt.event), this.objects.push(t), this.objects.push(n); } deprecateStuff() { return ds.deprecatedWarning1 || (ds.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: onComplete, onStart, onEnd, onEvent art deprecated, please use listeners from now on. 'state.addListener({ complete: function(track, event) { } })'")), !0; } drain() { if (this.drainDisabled) return; this.drainDisabled = !0; const t = this.objects, n = this.animState.listeners; for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e += 2) { const i = t[e], r = t[e + 1]; switch (i) { case Gt.start: r.listener != null && r.listener.start && r.listener.start(r); for (let s = 0; s < n.length; s++)n[s].start && n[s].start(r); r.onStart && this.deprecateStuff() && r.onStart(r.trackIndex), this.animState.onStart && this.deprecateStuff() && this.deprecateStuff && this.animState.onStart(r.trackIndex); break; case Gt.interrupt: r.listener != null && r.listener.interrupt && r.listener.interrupt(r); for (let s = 0; s < n.length; s++)n[s].interrupt && n[s].interrupt(r); break; case Gt.end: r.listener != null && r.listener.end && r.listener.end(r); for (let s = 0; s < n.length; s++)n[s].end && n[s].end(r); r.onEnd && this.deprecateStuff() && r.onEnd(r.trackIndex), this.animState.onEnd && this.deprecateStuff() && this.animState.onEnd(r.trackIndex); case Gt.dispose: r.listener != null && r.listener.dispose && r.listener.dispose(r); for (let s = 0; s < n.length; s++)n[s].dispose && n[s].dispose(r); this.animState.trackEntryPool.free(r); break; case Gt.complete: r.listener != null && r.listener.complete && r.listener.complete(r); for (let s = 0; s < n.length; s++)n[s].complete && n[s].complete(r); const h = C.toInt(r.loopsCount()); r.onComplete && this.deprecateStuff() && r.onComplete(r.trackIndex, h), this.animState.onComplete && this.deprecateStuff() && this.animState.onComplete(r.trackIndex, h); break; case Gt.event: const l = t[e++ + 2]; r.listener != null && r.listener.event && r.listener.event(r, l); for (let s = 0; s < n.length; s++)n[s].event && n[s].event(r, l); r.onEvent && this.deprecateStuff() && r.onEvent(r.trackIndex, l), this.animState.onEvent && this.deprecateStuff() && this.animState.onEvent(r.trackIndex, l); break; } } this.clear(), this.drainDisabled = !1; } clear() { this.objects.length = 0; } }; let fs = ds; fs.deprecatedWarning1 = !1; var Gt = (c => (c[c.start = 0] = "start", c[c.interrupt = 1] = "interrupt", c[c.end = 2] = "end", c[c.dispose = 3] = "dispose", c[c.complete = 4] = "complete", c[c.event = 5] = "event", c))(Gt || {}); let Pr = class { start(t) { } interrupt(t) { } end(t) { } dispose(t) { } complete(t) { } event(t, n) { } }; const us = class { constructor(t) { if (this.animationToMixTime = {}, this.defaultMix = 0, t == null) throw new Error("skeletonData cannot be null."); this.skeletonData = t; } setMix(t, n, e) { const i = this.skeletonData.findAnimation(t); if (i == null) throw new Error(`Animation not found: ${t}`); const r = this.skeletonData.findAnimation(n); if (r == null) throw new Error(`Animation not found: ${n}`); this.setMixWith(i, r, e); } setMixByName(t, n, e) { us.deprecatedWarning1 || (us.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Deprecation Warning: AnimationStateData.setMixByName is deprecated, please use setMix from now on.")), this.setMix(t, n, e); } setMixWith(t, n, e) { if (t == null) throw new Error("from cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("to cannot be null."); const i = `${t.name}.${n.name}`; this.animationToMixTime[i] = e; } getMix(t, n) { const e = `${t.name}.${n.name}`, i = this.animationToMixTime[e]; return i === void 0 ? this.defaultMix : i; } }; let ms = us; ms.deprecatedWarning1 = !1; let gs = class { constructor(t) { this.atlas = t; } newRegionAttachment(t, n, e) { const i = this.atlas.findRegion(e); if (i == null) throw new Error(`Region not found in atlas: ${e} (region attachment: ${n})`); const r = new Q(n); return r.region = i, r; } newMeshAttachment(t, n, e) { const i = this.atlas.findRegion(e); if (i == null) throw new Error(`Region not found in atlas: ${e} (mesh attachment: ${n})`); const r = new mn(n); return r.region = i, r; } newBoundingBoxAttachment(t, n) { return new as(n); } newPathAttachment(t, n) { return new gn(n); } newPointAttachment(t, n) { return new ls(n); } newClippingAttachment(t, n) { return new os(n); } }, xs = class { constructor(t, n, e) { if (this.matrix = new H.Matrix, this.children = new Array, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.rotation = 0, this.scaleX = 0, this.scaleY = 0, this.shearX = 0, this.shearY = 0, this.ax = 0, this.ay = 0, this.arotation = 0, this.ascaleX = 0, this.ascaleY = 0, this.ashearX = 0, this.ashearY = 0, this.appliedValid = !1, this.sorted = !1, this.active = !1, t == null) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.skeleton = n, this.parent = e, this.setToSetupPose(); } get worldX() { return this.matrix.tx; } get worldY() { return this.matrix.ty; } isActive() { return this.active; } update() { this.updateWorldTransformWith(this.x, this.y, this.rotation, this.scaleX, this.scaleY, this.shearX, this.shearY); } updateWorldTransform() { this.updateWorldTransformWith(this.x, this.y, this.rotation, this.scaleX, this.scaleY, this.shearX, this.shearY); } updateWorldTransformWith(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { this.ax = t, this.ay = n, this.arotation = e, this.ascaleX = i, this.ascaleY = r, this.ashearX = h, this.ashearY = l, this.appliedValid = !0; const s = this.parent, a = this.matrix, o = this.skeleton.scaleX, d = zt.yDown ? -this.skeleton.scaleY : this.skeleton.scaleY; if (s == null) { const x = this.skeleton, E = e + 90 + l; a.a = C.cosDeg(e + h) * i * o, a.c = C.cosDeg(E) * r * o, a.b = C.sinDeg(e + h) * i * d, a.d = C.sinDeg(E) * r * d, a.tx = t * o + x.x, a.ty = n * d + x.y; return; } let f = s.matrix.a, u = s.matrix.c, m = s.matrix.b, g = s.matrix.d; switch (a.tx = f * t + u * n + s.matrix.tx, a.ty = m * t + g * n + s.matrix.ty, this.data.transformMode) { case j.Normal: { const x = e + 90 + l, E = C.cosDeg(e + h) * i, w = C.cosDeg(x) * r, b = C.sinDeg(e + h) * i, p = C.sinDeg(x) * r; a.a = f * E + u * b, a.c = f * w + u * p, a.b = m * E + g * b, a.d = m * w + g * p; return; } case j.OnlyTranslation: { const x = e + 90 + l; a.a = C.cosDeg(e + h) * i, a.c = C.cosDeg(x) * r, a.b = C.sinDeg(e + h) * i, a.d = C.sinDeg(x) * r; break; } case j.NoRotationOrReflection: { let x = f * f + m * m, E = 0; x > 1e-4 ? (x = Math.abs(f * g - u * m) / x, f /= this.skeleton.scaleX, m /= this.skeleton.scaleY, u = m * x, g = f * x, E = Math.atan2(m, f) * C.radDeg) : (f = 0, m = 0, E = 90 - Math.atan2(g, u) * C.radDeg); const w = e + h - E, b = e + l - E + 90, p = C.cosDeg(w) * i, S = C.cosDeg(b) * r, y = C.sinDeg(w) * i, M = C.sinDeg(b) * r; a.a = f * p - u * y, a.c = f * S - u * M, a.b = m * p + g * y, a.d = m * S + g * M; break; } case j.NoScale: case j.NoScaleOrReflection: { const x = C.cosDeg(e), E = C.sinDeg(e); let w = (f * x + u * E) / o, b = (m * x + g * E) / d, p = Math.sqrt(w * w + b * b); p > 1e-5 && (p = 1 / p), w *= p, b *= p, p = Math.sqrt(w * w + b * b), this.data.transformMode == j.NoScale && f * g - u * m < 0 != (zt.yDown ? this.skeleton.scaleX < 0 != this.skeleton.scaleY > 0 : this.skeleton.scaleX < 0 != this.skeleton.scaleY < 0) && (p = -p); const S = Math.PI / 2 + Math.atan2(b, w), y = Math.cos(S) * p, M = Math.sin(S) * p, T = C.cosDeg(h) * i, k = C.cosDeg(90 + l) * r, I = C.sinDeg(h) * i, R = C.sinDeg(90 + l) * r; a.a = w * T + y * I, a.c = w * k + y * R, a.b = b * T + M * I, a.d = b * k + M * R; break; } }a.a *= o, a.c *= o, a.b *= d, a.d *= d; } setToSetupPose() { const t = this.data; this.x = t.x, this.y = t.y, this.rotation = t.rotation, this.scaleX = t.scaleX, this.scaleY = t.scaleY, this.shearX = t.shearX, this.shearY = t.shearY; } getWorldRotationX() { return Math.atan2(this.matrix.b, this.matrix.a) * C.radDeg; } getWorldRotationY() { return Math.atan2(this.matrix.d, this.matrix.c) * C.radDeg; } getWorldScaleX() { const t = this.matrix; return Math.sqrt(t.a * t.a + t.c * t.c); } getWorldScaleY() { const t = this.matrix; return Math.sqrt(t.b * t.b + t.d * t.d); } updateAppliedTransform() { this.appliedValid = !0; const t = this.parent, n = this.matrix; if (t == null) { this.ax = n.tx, this.ay = n.ty, this.arotation = Math.atan2(n.b, n.a) * C.radDeg, this.ascaleX = Math.sqrt(n.a * n.a + n.b * n.b), this.ascaleY = Math.sqrt(n.c * n.c + n.d * n.d), this.ashearX = 0, this.ashearY = Math.atan2(n.a * n.c + n.b * n.d, n.a * n.d - n.b * n.c) * C.radDeg; return; } const e = t.matrix, i = 1 / (e.a * e.d - e.b * e.c), r = n.tx - e.tx, h = n.ty - e.ty; this.ax = r * e.d * i - h * e.c * i, this.ay = h * e.a * i - r * e.b * i; const l = i * e.d, s = i * e.a, a = i * e.c, o = i * e.b, d = l * n.a - a * n.b, f = l * n.c - a * n.d, u = s * n.b - o * n.a, m = s * n.d - o * n.c; if (this.ashearX = 0, this.ascaleX = Math.sqrt(d * d + u * u), this.ascaleX > 1e-4) { const g = d * m - f * u; this.ascaleY = g / this.ascaleX, this.ashearY = Math.atan2(d * f + u * m, g) * C.radDeg, this.arotation = Math.atan2(u, d) * C.radDeg; } else this.ascaleX = 0, this.ascaleY = Math.sqrt(f * f + m * m), this.ashearY = 0, this.arotation = 90 - Math.atan2(m, f) * C.radDeg; } worldToLocal(t) { const n = this.matrix, e = n.a, i = n.c, r = n.b, h = n.d, l = 1 / (e * h - i * r), s = t.x - n.tx, a = t.y - n.ty; return t.x = s * h * l - a * i * l, t.y = a * e * l - s * r * l, t; } localToWorld(t) { const n = this.matrix, e = t.x, i = t.y; return t.x = e * n.a + i * n.c + n.tx, t.y = e * n.b + i * n.d + n.ty, t; } worldToLocalRotation(t) { const n = C.sinDeg(t), e = C.cosDeg(t), i = this.matrix; return Math.atan2(i.a * n - i.b * e, i.d * e - i.c * n) * C.radDeg; } localToWorldRotation(t) { const n = C.sinDeg(t), e = C.cosDeg(t), i = this.matrix; return Math.atan2(e * i.b + n * i.d, e * i.a + n * i.c) * C.radDeg; } rotateWorld(t) { const n = this.matrix, e = n.a, i = n.c, r = n.b, h = n.d, l = C.cosDeg(t), s = C.sinDeg(t); n.a = l * e - s * r, n.c = l * i - s * h, n.b = s * e + l * r, n.d = s * i + l * h, this.appliedValid = !1; } }, ps = class { constructor(t, n, e) { if (this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.rotation = 0, this.scaleX = 1, this.scaleY = 1, this.shearX = 0, this.shearY = 0, this.transformMode = j.Normal, this.skinRequired = !1, this.color = new _, t < 0) throw new Error("index must be >= 0."); if (n == null) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); this.index = t, this.name = n, this.parent = e; } }, Nn = class { constructor(t, n, e) { this.name = t, this.order = n, this.skinRequired = e; } }, ws = class { constructor(t, n) { if (n == null) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); this.time = t, this.data = n; } }, bs = class { constructor(t) { this.name = t; } }, Fi = class { constructor(t, n) { if (this.bendDirection = 0, this.compress = !1, this.stretch = !1, this.mix = 1, this.softness = 0, this.active = !1, t == null) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.mix = t.mix, this.softness = t.softness, this.bendDirection = t.bendDirection, this.compress = t.compress, this.stretch = t.stretch, this.bones = new Array; for (let e = 0; e < t.bones.length; e++)this.bones.push(n.findBone(t.bones[e].name)); this.target = n.findBone(t.target.name); } isActive() { return this.active; } apply() { this.update(); } update() { const t = this.target, n = this.bones; switch (n.length) { case 1: this.apply1(n[0], t.worldX, t.worldY, this.compress, this.stretch, this.data.uniform, this.mix); break; case 2: this.apply2(n[0], n[1], t.worldX, t.worldY, this.bendDirection, this.stretch, this.softness, this.mix); break; } } apply1(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { t.appliedValid || t.updateAppliedTransform(); const s = t.parent.matrix, a = s.a; let o = s.c; const d = s.b; let f = s.d, u = -t.ashearX - t.arotation, m = 0, g = 0; switch (t.data.transformMode) { case j.OnlyTranslation: m = n - t.worldX, g = e - t.worldY; break; case j.NoRotationOrReflection: const w = Math.abs(a * f - o * d) / (a * a + d * d), b = a / t.skeleton.scaleX, p = d / t.skeleton.scaleY; o = -p * w * t.skeleton.scaleX, f = b * w * t.skeleton.scaleY, u += Math.atan2(p, b) * C.radDeg; default: const S = n - s.tx, y = e - s.ty, M = a * f - o * d; m = (S * f - y * o) / M - t.ax, g = (y * a - S * d) / M - t.ay; }u += Math.atan2(g, m) * C.radDeg, t.ascaleX < 0 && (u += 180), u > 180 ? u -= 360 : u < -180 && (u += 360); let x = t.ascaleX, E = t.ascaleY; if (i || r) { switch (t.data.transformMode) { case j.NoScale: case j.NoScaleOrReflection: m = n - t.worldX, g = e - t.worldY; }const w = t.data.length * x, b = Math.sqrt(m * m + g * g); if (i && b < w || r && b > w && w > 1e-4) { const p = (b / w - 1) * l + 1; x *= p, h && (E *= p); } } t.updateWorldTransformWith(t.ax, t.ay, t.arotation + u * l, x, E, t.ashearX, t.ashearY); } apply2(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s) { if (s == 0) { n.updateWorldTransform(); return; } t.appliedValid || t.updateAppliedTransform(), n.appliedValid || n.updateAppliedTransform(); const a = t.ax, o = t.ay; let d = t.ascaleX, f = d, u = t.ascaleY, m = n.ascaleX; const g = t.matrix; let x = 0, E = 0, w = 0; d < 0 ? (d = -d, x = 180, w = -1) : (x = 0, w = 1), u < 0 && (u = -u, w = -w), m < 0 ? (m = -m, E = 180) : E = 0; const b = n.ax; let p = 0, S = 0, y = 0, M = g.a, T = g.c, k = g.b, I = g.d; const R = Math.abs(d - u) <= 1e-4; R ? (p = n.ay, S = M * b + T * p + g.tx, y = k * b + I * p + g.ty) : (p = 0, S = M * b + g.tx, y = k * b + g.ty); const V = t.parent.matrix; M = V.a, T = V.c, k = V.b, I = V.d; const F = 1 / (M * I - T * k); let B = S - V.tx, Y = y - V.ty; const N = (B * I - Y * T) * F - a, q = (Y * M - B * k) * F - o, z = Math.sqrt(N * N + q * q); let D = n.data.length * m, X, L; if (z < 1e-4) { this.apply1(t, e, i, !1, h, !1, s), n.updateWorldTransformWith(b, p, 0, n.ascaleX, n.ascaleY, n.ashearX, n.ashearY); return; } B = e - V.tx, Y = i - V.ty; let O = (B * I - Y * T) * F - a, W = (Y * M - B * k) * F - o, U = O * O + W * W; if (l != 0) { l *= d * (m + 1) / 2; const lt = Math.sqrt(U), It = lt - z - D * d + l; if (It > 0) { let ct = Math.min(1, It / (l * 2)) - 1; ct = (It - l * (1 - ct * ct)) / lt, O -= ct * O, W -= ct * W, U = O * O + W * W; } } t: if (R) { D *= d; let lt = (U - z * z - D * D) / (2 * z * D); lt < -1 ? lt = -1 : lt > 1 && (lt = 1, h && (f *= (Math.sqrt(U) / (z + D) - 1) * s + 1)), L = Math.acos(lt) * r, M = z + D * lt, T = D * Math.sin(L), X = Math.atan2(W * M - O * T, O * M + W * T); } else { M = d * D, T = u * D; const lt = M * M, It = T * T, ct = Math.atan2(W, O); k = It * z * z + lt * U - lt * It; const Xt = -2 * It * z, Ut = It - lt; if (I = Xt * Xt - 4 * Ut * k, I >= 0) { let ae = Math.sqrt(I); Xt < 0 && (ae = -ae), ae = -(Xt + ae) / 2; const Ke = ae / Ut, Nt = k / ae, We = Math.abs(Ke) < Math.abs(Nt) ? Ke : Nt; if (We * We <= U) { Y = Math.sqrt(U - We * We) * r, X = ct - Math.atan2(Y, We), L = Math.atan2(Y / u, (We - z) / d); break t; } } let de = C.PI, Me = z - M, Oe = Me * Me, Ve = 0, Ae = 0, Ce = z + M, $e = Ce * Ce, Kt = 0; k = -M * z / (lt - It), k >= -1 && k <= 1 && (k = Math.acos(k), B = M * Math.cos(k) + z, Y = T * Math.sin(k), I = B * B + Y * Y, I < Oe && (de = k, Oe = I, Me = B, Ve = Y), I > $e && (Ae = k, $e = I, Ce = B, Kt = Y)), U <= (Oe + $e) / 2 ? (X = ct - Math.atan2(Ve * r, Me), L = de * r) : (X = ct - Math.atan2(Kt * r, Ce), L = Ae * r); } const $ = Math.atan2(p, b) * w; let G = t.arotation; X = (X - $) * C.radDeg + x - G, X > 180 ? X -= 360 : X < -180 && (X += 360), t.updateWorldTransformWith(a, o, G + X * s, f, t.ascaleY, 0, 0), G = n.arotation, L = ((L + $) * C.radDeg - n.ashearX) * w + E - G, L > 180 ? L -= 360 : L < -180 && (L += 360), n.updateWorldTransformWith(b, p, G + L * s, n.ascaleX, n.ascaleY, n.ashearX, n.ashearY); } }, Es = class extends Nn { constructor(t) { super(t, 0, !1), this.bones = new Array, this.bendDirection = 1, this.compress = !1, this.stretch = !1, this.uniform = !1, this.mix = 1, this.softness = 0; } }, Ss = class extends Nn { constructor(t) { super(t, 0, !1), this.bones = new Array; } }; var vt = (c => (c[c.Length = 0] = "Length", c[c.Fixed = 1] = "Fixed", c[c.Percent = 2] = "Percent", c))(vt || {}); const nn = class { constructor(t, n) { if (this.position = 0, this.spacing = 0, this.rotateMix = 0, this.translateMix = 0, this.spaces = new Array, this.positions = new Array, this.world = new Array, this.curves = new Array, this.lengths = new Array, this.segments = new Array, this.active = !1, t == null) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.bones = new Array; for (let e = 0, i = t.bones.length; e < i; e++)this.bones.push(n.findBone(t.bones[e].name)); this.target = n.findSlot(t.target.name), this.position = t.position, this.spacing = t.spacing, this.rotateMix = t.rotateMix, this.translateMix = t.translateMix; } isActive() { return this.active; } apply() { this.update(); } update() { const t = this.target.getAttachment(); if (!(t instanceof gn)) return; const n = this.rotateMix, e = this.translateMix, i = e > 0, r = n > 0; if (!i && !r) return; const h = this.data, l = h.spacingMode, s = l == vt.Length, a = h.rotateMode, o = a == pt.Tangent, d = a == pt.ChainScale, f = this.bones.length, u = o ? f : f + 1, m = this.bones, g = v.setArraySize(this.spaces, u); let x = null; const E = this.spacing; if (d || s) { d && (x = v.setArraySize(this.lengths, f)); for (let M = 0, T = u - 1; M < T;) { const k = m[M], I = k.data.length; if (I < nn.epsilon) d && (x[M] = 0), g[++M] = 0; else { const R = I * k.matrix.a, V = I * k.matrix.b, F = Math.sqrt(R * R + V * V); d && (x[M] = F), g[++M] = (s ? I + E : E) * F / I; } } } else for (let M = 1; M < u; M++)g[M] = E; const w = this.computeWorldPositions(t, u, o, h.positionMode == dt.Percent, l == vt.Percent); let b = w[0], p = w[1], S = h.offsetRotation, y = !1; if (S == 0) y = a == pt.Chain; else { y = !1; const M = this.target.bone.matrix; S *= M.a * M.d - M.b * M.c > 0 ? C.degRad : -C.degRad; } for (let M = 0, T = 3; M < f; M++, T += 3) { const k = m[M], I = k.matrix; I.tx += (b - I.tx) * e, I.ty += (p - I.ty) * e; const R = w[T], V = w[T + 1], F = R - b, B = V - p; if (d) { const Y = x[M]; if (Y != 0) { const N = (Math.sqrt(F * F + B * B) / Y - 1) * n + 1; I.a *= N, I.b *= N; } } if (b = R, p = V, r) { const Y = I.a, N = I.c, q = I.b, z = I.d; let D = 0, X = 0, L = 0; if (o && (o ? D = w[T - 1] : g[M + 1] == 0 ? D = w[T + 2] : D = Math.atan2(B, F)), D -= Math.atan2(q, Y), y) { X = Math.cos(D), L = Math.sin(D); const O = k.data.length; b += (O * (X * Y - L * q) - F) * n, p += (O * (L * Y + X * q) - B) * n; } else D += S; D > C.PI ? D -= C.PI2 : D < -C.PI && (D += C.PI2), D *= n, X = Math.cos(D), L = Math.sin(D), I.a = X * Y - L * q, I.c = X * N - L * z, I.b = L * Y + X * q, I.d = L * N + X * z; } k.appliedValid = !1; } } computeWorldPositions(t, n, e, i, r) { const h = this.target; let l = this.position; const s = this.spaces, a = v.setArraySize(this.positions, n * 3 + 2); let o = null; const d = t.closed; let f = t.worldVerticesLength, u = f / 6, m = nn.NONE; if (!t.constantSpeed) { const D = t.lengths; u -= d ? 1 : 2; const X = D[u]; if (i && (l *= X), r) for (let L = 0; L < n; L++)s[L] *= X; o = v.setArraySize(this.world, 8); for (let L = 0, O = 0, W = 0; L < n; L++, O += 3) { const U = s[L]; l += U; let $ = l; if (d) $ %= X, $ < 0 && ($ += X), W = 0; else if ($ < 0) { m != nn.BEFORE && (m = nn.BEFORE, t.computeWorldVertices(h, 2, 4, o, 0, 2)), this.addBeforePosition($, o, 0, a, O); continue; } else if ($ > X) { m != nn.AFTER && (m = nn.AFTER, t.computeWorldVertices(h, f - 6, 4, o, 0, 2)), this.addAfterPosition($ - X, o, 0, a, O); continue; } for (; ; W++) { const G = D[W]; if (!($ > G)) { if (W == 0) $ /= G; else { const lt = D[W - 1]; $ = ($ - lt) / (G - lt); } break; } } W != m && (m = W, d && W == u ? (t.computeWorldVertices(h, f - 4, 4, o, 0, 2), t.computeWorldVertices(h, 0, 4, o, 4, 2)) : t.computeWorldVertices(h, W * 6 + 2, 8, o, 0, 2)), this.addCurvePosition($, o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5], o[6], o[7], a, O, e || L > 0 && U == 0); } return a; } d ? (f += 2, o = v.setArraySize(this.world, f), t.computeWorldVertices(h, 2, f - 4, o, 0, 2), t.computeWorldVertices(h, 0, 2, o, f - 4, 2), o[f - 2] = o[0], o[f - 1] = o[1]) : (u--, f -= 4, o = v.setArraySize(this.world, f), t.computeWorldVertices(h, 2, f, o, 0, 2)); const g = v.setArraySize(this.curves, u); let x = 0, E = o[0], w = o[1], b = 0, p = 0, S = 0, y = 0, M = 0, T = 0, k = 0, I = 0, R = 0, V = 0, F = 0, B = 0, Y = 0, N = 0; for (let D = 0, X = 2; D < u; D++, X += 6)b = o[X], p = o[X + 1], S = o[X + 2], y = o[X + 3], M = o[X + 4], T = o[X + 5], k = (E - b * 2 + S) * .1875, I = (w - p * 2 + y) * .1875, R = ((b - S) * 3 - E + M) * .09375, V = ((p - y) * 3 - w + T) * .09375, F = k * 2 + R, B = I * 2 + V, Y = (b - E) * .75 + k + R * .16666667, N = (p - w) * .75 + I + V * .16666667, x += Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), Y += F, N += B, F += R, B += V, x += Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), Y += F, N += B, x += Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), Y += F + R, N += B + V, x += Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), g[D] = x, E = M, w = T; if (i && (l *= x), r) for (let D = 0; D < n; D++)s[D] *= x; const q = this.segments; let z = 0; for (let D = 0, X = 0, L = 0, O = 0; D < n; D++, X += 3) { const W = s[D]; l += W; let U = l; if (d) U %= x, U < 0 && (U += x), L = 0; else if (U < 0) { this.addBeforePosition(U, o, 0, a, X); continue; } else if (U > x) { this.addAfterPosition(U - x, o, f - 4, a, X); continue; } for (; ; L++) { const $ = g[L]; if (!(U > $)) { if (L == 0) U /= $; else { const G = g[L - 1]; U = (U - G) / ($ - G); } break; } } if (L != m) { m = L; let $ = L * 6; for (E = o[$], w = o[$ + 1], b = o[$ + 2], p = o[$ + 3], S = o[$ + 4], y = o[$ + 5], M = o[$ + 6], T = o[$ + 7], k = (E - b * 2 + S) * .03, I = (w - p * 2 + y) * .03, R = ((b - S) * 3 - E + M) * .006, V = ((p - y) * 3 - w + T) * .006, F = k * 2 + R, B = I * 2 + V, Y = (b - E) * .3 + k + R * .16666667, N = (p - w) * .3 + I + V * .16666667, z = Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), q[0] = z, $ = 1; $ < 8; $++)Y += F, N += B, F += R, B += V, z += Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), q[$] = z; Y += F, N += B, z += Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), q[8] = z, Y += F + R, N += B + V, z += Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), q[9] = z, O = 0; } for (U *= z; ; O++) { const $ = q[O]; if (!(U > $)) { if (O == 0) U /= $; else { const G = q[O - 1]; U = O + (U - G) / ($ - G); } break; } } this.addCurvePosition(U * .1, E, w, b, p, S, y, M, T, a, X, e || D > 0 && W == 0); } return a; } addBeforePosition(t, n, e, i, r) { const h = n[e], l = n[e + 1], s = n[e + 2] - h, a = n[e + 3] - l, o = Math.atan2(a, s); i[r] = h + t * Math.cos(o), i[r + 1] = l + t * Math.sin(o), i[r + 2] = o; } addAfterPosition(t, n, e, i, r) { const h = n[e + 2], l = n[e + 3], s = h - n[e], a = l - n[e + 1], o = Math.atan2(a, s); i[r] = h + t * Math.cos(o), i[r + 1] = l + t * Math.sin(o), i[r + 2] = o; } addCurvePosition(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s, a, o, d, f) { (t == 0 || isNaN(t)) && (t = 1e-4); const u = t * t, m = u * t, g = 1 - t, x = g * g, E = x * g, w = g * t, b = w * 3, p = g * b, S = b * t, y = n * E + i * p + h * S + s * m, M = e * E + r * p + l * S + a * m; o[d] = y, o[d + 1] = M, f && (o[d + 2] = Math.atan2(M - (e * x + r * w * 2 + l * u), y - (n * x + i * w * 2 + h * u))); } }; let pn = nn; pn.NONE = -1, pn.BEFORE = -2, pn.AFTER = -3, pn.epsilon = 1e-5; let Yi = class { constructor(t, n) { if (this.rotateMix = 0, this.translateMix = 0, this.scaleMix = 0, this.shearMix = 0, this.temp = new un, this.active = !1, t == null) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.rotateMix = t.rotateMix, this.translateMix = t.translateMix, this.scaleMix = t.scaleMix, this.shearMix = t.shearMix, this.bones = new Array; for (let e = 0; e < t.bones.length; e++)this.bones.push(n.findBone(t.bones[e].name)); this.target = n.findBone(t.target.name); } isActive() { return this.active; } apply() { this.update(); } update() { this.data.local ? this.data.relative ? this.applyRelativeLocal() : this.applyAbsoluteLocal() : this.data.relative ? this.applyRelativeWorld() : this.applyAbsoluteWorld(); } applyAbsoluteWorld() { const t = this.rotateMix, n = this.translateMix, e = this.scaleMix, i = this.shearMix, r = this.target, h = r.matrix, l = h.a, s = h.c, a = h.b, o = h.d, d = l * o - s * a > 0 ? C.degRad : -C.degRad, f = this.data.offsetRotation * d, u = this.data.offsetShearY * d, m = this.bones; for (let g = 0, x = m.length; g < x; g++) { const E = m[g]; let w = !1; const b = E.matrix; if (t != 0) { const p = b.a, S = b.c, y = b.b, M = b.d; let T = Math.atan2(a, l) - Math.atan2(y, p) + f; T > C.PI ? T -= C.PI2 : T < -C.PI && (T += C.PI2), T *= t; const k = Math.cos(T), I = Math.sin(T); b.a = k * p - I * y, b.c = k * S - I * M, b.b = I * p + k * y, b.d = I * S + k * M, w = !0; } if (n != 0) { const p = this.temp; r.localToWorld(p.set(this.data.offsetX, this.data.offsetY)), b.tx += (p.x - b.tx) * n, b.ty += (p.y - b.ty) * n, w = !0; } if (e > 0) { let p = Math.sqrt(b.a * b.a + b.b * b.b), S = Math.sqrt(l * l + a * a); p > 1e-5 && (p = (p + (S - p + this.data.offsetScaleX) * e) / p), b.a *= p, b.b *= p, p = Math.sqrt(b.c * b.c + b.d * b.d), S = Math.sqrt(s * s + o * o), p > 1e-5 && (p = (p + (S - p + this.data.offsetScaleY) * e) / p), b.c *= p, b.d *= p, w = !0; } if (i > 0) { const p = b.c, S = b.d, y = Math.atan2(S, p); let M = Math.atan2(o, s) - Math.atan2(a, l) - (y - Math.atan2(b.b, b.a)); M > C.PI ? M -= C.PI2 : M < -C.PI && (M += C.PI2), M = y + (M + u) * i; const T = Math.sqrt(p * p + S * S); b.c = Math.cos(M) * T, b.d = Math.sin(M) * T, w = !0; } w && (E.appliedValid = !1); } } applyRelativeWorld() { const t = this.rotateMix, n = this.translateMix, e = this.scaleMix, i = this.shearMix, r = this.target, h = r.matrix, l = h.a, s = h.c, a = h.b, o = h.d, d = l * o - s * a > 0 ? C.degRad : -C.degRad, f = this.data.offsetRotation * d, u = this.data.offsetShearY * d, m = this.bones; for (let g = 0, x = m.length; g < x; g++) { const E = m[g]; let w = !1; const b = E.matrix; if (t != 0) { const p = b.a, S = b.c, y = b.b, M = b.d; let T = Math.atan2(a, l) + f; T > C.PI ? T -= C.PI2 : T < -C.PI && (T += C.PI2), T *= t; const k = Math.cos(T), I = Math.sin(T); b.a = k * p - I * y, b.c = k * S - I * M, b.b = I * p + k * y, b.d = I * S + k * M, w = !0; } if (n != 0) { const p = this.temp; r.localToWorld(p.set(this.data.offsetX, this.data.offsetY)), b.tx += p.x * n, b.ty += p.y * n, w = !0; } if (e > 0) { let p = (Math.sqrt(l * l + a * a) - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleX) * e + 1; b.a *= p, b.b *= p, p = (Math.sqrt(s * s + o * o) - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleY) * e + 1, b.c *= p, b.d *= p, w = !0; } if (i > 0) { let p = Math.atan2(o, s) - Math.atan2(a, l); p > C.PI ? p -= C.PI2 : p < -C.PI && (p += C.PI2); const S = b.c, y = b.d; p = Math.atan2(y, S) + (p - C.PI / 2 + u) * i; const M = Math.sqrt(S * S + y * y); b.c = Math.cos(p) * M, b.d = Math.sin(p) * M, w = !0; } w && (E.appliedValid = !1); } } applyAbsoluteLocal() { const t = this.rotateMix, n = this.translateMix, e = this.scaleMix, i = this.shearMix, r = this.target; r.appliedValid || r.updateAppliedTransform(); const h = this.bones; for (let l = 0, s = h.length; l < s; l++) { const a = h[l]; a.appliedValid || a.updateAppliedTransform(); let o = a.arotation; if (t != 0) { let x = r.arotation - o + this.data.offsetRotation; x -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - x / 360 | 0)) * 360, o += x * t; } let d = a.ax, f = a.ay; n != 0 && (d += (r.ax - d + this.data.offsetX) * n, f += (r.ay - f + this.data.offsetY) * n); let u = a.ascaleX, m = a.ascaleY; e > 0 && (u > 1e-5 && (u = (u + (r.ascaleX - u + this.data.offsetScaleX) * e) / u), m > 1e-5 && (m = (m + (r.ascaleY - m + this.data.offsetScaleY) * e) / m)); const g = a.ashearY; if (i > 0) { let x = r.ashearY - g + this.data.offsetShearY; x -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - x / 360 | 0)) * 360, a.shearY += x * i; } a.updateWorldTransformWith(d, f, o, u, m, a.ashearX, g); } } applyRelativeLocal() { const t = this.rotateMix, n = this.translateMix, e = this.scaleMix, i = this.shearMix, r = this.target; r.appliedValid || r.updateAppliedTransform(); const h = this.bones; for (let l = 0, s = h.length; l < s; l++) { const a = h[l]; a.appliedValid || a.updateAppliedTransform(); let o = a.arotation; t != 0 && (o += (r.arotation + this.data.offsetRotation) * t); let d = a.ax, f = a.ay; n != 0 && (d += (r.ax + this.data.offsetX) * n, f += (r.ay + this.data.offsetY) * n); let u = a.ascaleX, m = a.ascaleY; e > 0 && (u > 1e-5 && (u *= (r.ascaleX - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleX) * e + 1), m > 1e-5 && (m *= (r.ascaleY - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleY) * e + 1)); let g = a.ashearY; i > 0 && (g += (r.ashearY + this.data.offsetShearY) * i), a.updateWorldTransformWith(d, f, o, u, m, a.ashearX, g); } } }; const Tn = class { constructor(t) { if (this._updateCache = new Array, this.updateCacheReset = new Array, this.time = 0, this.scaleX = 1, this.scaleY = 1, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, t == null) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.bones = new Array; for (let n = 0; n < t.bones.length; n++) { const e = t.bones[n]; let i; if (e.parent == null) i = new xs(e, this, null); else { const r = this.bones[e.parent.index]; i = new xs(e, this, r), r.children.push(i); } this.bones.push(i); } this.slots = new Array, this.drawOrder = new Array; for (let n = 0; n < t.slots.length; n++) { const e = t.slots[n], i = this.bones[e.boneData.index], r = new cs(e, i); this.slots.push(r), this.drawOrder.push(r); } this.ikConstraints = new Array; for (let n = 0; n < t.ikConstraints.length; n++) { const e = t.ikConstraints[n]; this.ikConstraints.push(new Fi(e, this)); } this.transformConstraints = new Array; for (let n = 0; n < t.transformConstraints.length; n++) { const e = t.transformConstraints[n]; this.transformConstraints.push(new Yi(e, this)); } this.pathConstraints = new Array; for (let n = 0; n < t.pathConstraints.length; n++) { const e = t.pathConstraints[n]; this.pathConstraints.push(new pn(e, this)); } this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), this.updateCache(); } updateCache() { const t = this._updateCache; t.length = 0, this.updateCacheReset.length = 0; const n = this.bones; for (let o = 0, d = n.length; o < d; o++) { const f = n[o]; f.sorted = f.data.skinRequired, f.active = !f.sorted; } if (this.skin != null) { const o = this.skin.bones; for (let d = 0, f = this.skin.bones.length; d < f; d++) { let u = this.bones[o[d].index]; do u.sorted = !1, u.active = !0, u = u.parent; while (u != null); } } const e = this.ikConstraints, i = this.transformConstraints, r = this.pathConstraints, h = e.length, l = i.length, s = r.length, a = h + l + s; t: for (let o = 0; o < a; o++) { for (let d = 0; d < h; d++) { const f = e[d]; if (f.data.order == o) { this.sortIkConstraint(f); continue t; } } for (let d = 0; d < l; d++) { const f = i[d]; if (f.data.order == o) { this.sortTransformConstraint(f); continue t; } } for (let d = 0; d < s; d++) { const f = r[d]; if (f.data.order == o) { this.sortPathConstraint(f); continue t; } } } for (let o = 0, d = n.length; o < d; o++)this.sortBone(n[o]); } sortIkConstraint(t) { if (t.active = t.target.isActive() && (!t.data.skinRequired || this.skin != null && v.contains(this.skin.constraints, t.data, !0)), !t.active) return; const n = t.target; this.sortBone(n); const e = t.bones, i = e[0]; if (this.sortBone(i), e.length > 1) { const r = e[e.length - 1]; this._updateCache.indexOf(r) > -1 || this.updateCacheReset.push(r); } this._updateCache.push(t), this.sortReset(i.children), e[e.length - 1].sorted = !0; } sortPathConstraint(t) { if (t.active = t.target.bone.isActive() && (!t.data.skinRequired || this.skin != null && v.contains(this.skin.constraints, t.data, !0)), !t.active) return; const n = t.target, e = n.data.index, i = n.bone; this.skin != null && this.sortPathConstraintAttachment(this.skin, e, i), this.data.defaultSkin != null && this.data.defaultSkin != this.skin && this.sortPathConstraintAttachment(this.data.defaultSkin, e, i); for (let s = 0, a = this.data.skins.length; s < a; s++)this.sortPathConstraintAttachment(this.data.skins[s], e, i); const r = n.getAttachment(); r instanceof gn && this.sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(r, i); const h = t.bones, l = h.length; for (let s = 0; s < l; s++)this.sortBone(h[s]); this._updateCache.push(t); for (let s = 0; s < l; s++)this.sortReset(h[s].children); for (let s = 0; s < l; s++)h[s].sorted = !0; } sortTransformConstraint(t) { if (t.active = t.target.isActive() && (!t.data.skinRequired || this.skin != null && v.contains(this.skin.constraints, t.data, !0)), !t.active) return; this.sortBone(t.target); const n = t.bones, e = n.length; if (t.data.local) for (let i = 0; i < e; i++) { const r = n[i]; this.sortBone(r.parent), this._updateCache.indexOf(r) > -1 || this.updateCacheReset.push(r); } else for (let i = 0; i < e; i++)this.sortBone(n[i]); this._updateCache.push(t); for (let i = 0; i < e; i++)this.sortReset(n[i].children); for (let i = 0; i < e; i++)n[i].sorted = !0; } sortPathConstraintAttachment(t, n, e) { const i = t.attachments[n]; if (i) for (const r in i) this.sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(i[r], e); } sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(t, n) { if (!(t instanceof gn)) return; const e = t.bones; if (e == null) this.sortBone(n); else { const i = this.bones; let r = 0; for (; r < e.length;) { const h = e[r++]; for (let l = r + h; r < l; r++) { const s = e[r]; this.sortBone(i[s]); } } } } sortBone(t) { if (t.sorted) return; const n = t.parent; n != null && this.sortBone(n), t.sorted = !0, this._updateCache.push(t); } sortReset(t) { for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; n++) { const i = t[n]; i.active && (i.sorted && this.sortReset(i.children), i.sorted = !1); } } updateWorldTransform() { const t = this.updateCacheReset; for (let e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++) { const r = t[e]; r.ax = r.x, r.ay = r.y, r.arotation = r.rotation, r.ascaleX = r.scaleX, r.ascaleY = r.scaleY, r.ashearX = r.shearX, r.ashearY = r.shearY, r.appliedValid = !0; } const n = this._updateCache; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)n[e].update(); } setToSetupPose() { this.setBonesToSetupPose(), this.setSlotsToSetupPose(); } setBonesToSetupPose() { const t = this.bones; for (let r = 0, h = t.length; r < h; r++)t[r].setToSetupPose(); const n = this.ikConstraints; for (let r = 0, h = n.length; r < h; r++) { const l = n[r]; l.mix = l.data.mix, l.softness = l.data.softness, l.bendDirection = l.data.bendDirection, l.compress = l.data.compress, l.stretch = l.data.stretch; } const e = this.transformConstraints; for (let r = 0, h = e.length; r < h; r++) { const l = e[r], s = l.data; l.rotateMix = s.rotateMix, l.translateMix = s.translateMix, l.scaleMix = s.scaleMix, l.shearMix = s.shearMix; } const i = this.pathConstraints; for (let r = 0, h = i.length; r < h; r++) { const l = i[r], s = l.data; l.position = s.position, l.spacing = s.spacing, l.rotateMix = s.rotateMix, l.translateMix = s.translateMix; } } setSlotsToSetupPose() { const t = this.slots; v.arrayCopy(t, 0, this.drawOrder, 0, t.length); for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; n++)t[n].setToSetupPose(); } getRootBone() { return this.bones.length == 0 ? null : this.bones[0]; } findBone(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); const n = this.bones; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.data.name == t) return r; } return null; } findBoneIndex(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); const n = this.bones; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)if (n[e].data.name == t) return e; return -1; } findSlot(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const n = this.slots; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.data.name == t) return r; } return null; } findSlotIndex(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const n = this.slots; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)if (n[e].data.name == t) return e; return -1; } setSkinByName(t) { const n = this.data.findSkin(t); if (n == null) throw new Error(`Skin not found: ${t}`); this.setSkin(n); } setSkin(t) { if (t != this.skin) { if (t != null) if (this.skin != null) t.attachAll(this, this.skin); else { const n = this.slots; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e], h = r.data.attachmentName; if (h != null) { const l = t.getAttachment(e, h); l != null && r.setAttachment(l); } } } this.skin = t, this.updateCache(); } } getAttachmentByName(t, n) { return this.getAttachment(this.data.findSlotIndex(t), n); } getAttachment(t, n) { if (n == null) throw new Error("attachmentName cannot be null."); if (this.skin != null) { const e = this.skin.getAttachment(t, n); if (e != null) return e; } return this.data.defaultSkin != null ? this.data.defaultSkin.getAttachment(t, n) : null; } setAttachment(t, n) { if (t == null) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const e = this.slots; for (let i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; i++) { const h = e[i]; if (h.data.name == t) { let l = null; if (n != null && (l = this.getAttachment(i, n), l == null)) throw new Error(`Attachment not found: ${n}, for slot: ${t}`); h.setAttachment(l); return; } } throw new Error(`Slot not found: ${t}`); } findIkConstraint(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.ikConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.data.name == t) return r; } return null; } findTransformConstraint(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.transformConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.data.name == t) return r; } return null; } findPathConstraint(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.pathConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.data.name == t) return r; } return null; } getBounds(t, n, e = new Array(2)) { if (t == null) throw new Error("offset cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("size cannot be null."); const i = this.drawOrder; let r = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, h = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, l = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, s = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (let a = 0, o = i.length; a < o; a++) { const d = i[a]; if (!d.bone.active) continue; let f = 0, u = null; const m = d.getAttachment(); if (m instanceof Q) f = 8, u = v.setArraySize(e, f, 0), m.computeWorldVertices(d.bone, u, 0, 2); else if (m instanceof mn) { const g = m; f = g.worldVerticesLength, u = v.setArraySize(e, f, 0), g.computeWorldVertices(d, 0, f, u, 0, 2); } if (u != null) for (let g = 0, x = u.length; g < x; g += 2) { const E = u[g], w = u[g + 1]; r = Math.min(r, E), h = Math.min(h, w), l = Math.max(l, E), s = Math.max(s, w); } } t.set(r, h), n.set(l - r, s - h); } update(t) { this.time += t; } get flipX() { return this.scaleX == -1; } set flipX(t) { Tn.deprecatedWarning1 || (Tn.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: `Skeleton.flipX/flipY` was deprecated, please use scaleX/scaleY")), this.scaleX = t ? 1 : -1; } get flipY() { return this.scaleY == -1; } set flipY(t) { Tn.deprecatedWarning1 || (Tn.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: `Skeleton.flipX/flipY` was deprecated, please use scaleX/scaleY")), this.scaleY = t ? 1 : -1; } }; let ys = Tn; ys.deprecatedWarning1 = !1; let Ms = class { constructor() { this.bones = new Array, this.slots = new Array, this.skins = new Array, this.events = new Array, this.animations = new Array, this.ikConstraints = new Array, this.transformConstraints = new Array, this.pathConstraints = new Array, this.fps = 0; } findBone(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); const n = this.bones; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findBoneIndex(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); const n = this.bones; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)if (n[e].name == t) return e; return -1; } findSlot(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const n = this.slots; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findSlotIndex(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const n = this.slots; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)if (n[e].name == t) return e; return -1; } findSkin(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("skinName cannot be null."); const n = this.skins; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findEvent(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("eventDataName cannot be null."); const n = this.events; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findAnimation(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("animationName cannot be null."); const n = this.animations; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findIkConstraint(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.ikConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findTransformConstraint(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.transformConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findPathConstraint(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.pathConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findPathConstraintIndex(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("pathConstraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.pathConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)if (n[e].name == t) return e; return -1; } }, As = class { constructor(t, n, e) { if (this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), t < 0) throw new Error("index must be >= 0."); if (n == null) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); if (e == null) throw new Error("boneData cannot be null."); this.index = t, this.name = n, this.boneData = e; } }, Cs = class extends Nn { constructor(t) { super(t, 0, !1), this.bones = new Array, this.rotateMix = 0, this.translateMix = 0, this.scaleMix = 0, this.shearMix = 0, this.offsetRotation = 0, this.offsetX = 0, this.offsetY = 0, this.offsetScaleX = 0, this.offsetScaleY = 0, this.offsetShearY = 0, this.relative = !1, this.local = !1; } }, Ts = class { constructor(t, n, e) { this.slotIndex = t, this.name = n, this.attachment = e; } }, Bn = class { constructor(t) { if (this.attachments = new Array, this.bones = Array(), this.constraints = new Array, t == null) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); this.name = t; } setAttachment(t, n, e) { if (e == null) throw new Error("attachment cannot be null."); const i = this.attachments; t >= i.length && (i.length = t + 1), i[t] || (i[t] = {}), i[t][n] = e; } addSkin(t) { for (let e = 0; e < t.bones.length; e++) { const i = t.bones[e]; let r = !1; for (let h = 0; h < this.bones.length; h++)if (this.bones[h] == i) { r = !0; break; } r || this.bones.push(i); } for (let e = 0; e < t.constraints.length; e++) { const i = t.constraints[e]; let r = !1; for (let h = 0; h < this.constraints.length; h++)if (this.constraints[h] == i) { r = !0; break; } r || this.constraints.push(i); } const n = t.getAttachments(); for (let e = 0; e < n.length; e++) { const i = n[e]; this.setAttachment(i.slotIndex, i.name, i.attachment); } } copySkin(t) { for (let e = 0; e < t.bones.length; e++) { const i = t.bones[e]; let r = !1; for (let h = 0; h < this.bones.length; h++)if (this.bones[h] == i) { r = !0; break; } r || this.bones.push(i); } for (let e = 0; e < t.constraints.length; e++) { const i = t.constraints[e]; let r = !1; for (let h = 0; h < this.constraints.length; h++)if (this.constraints[h] == i) { r = !0; break; } r || this.constraints.push(i); } const n = t.getAttachments(); for (let e = 0; e < n.length; e++) { const i = n[e]; i.attachment != null && (i.attachment instanceof mn ? (i.attachment = i.attachment.newLinkedMesh(), this.setAttachment(i.slotIndex, i.name, i.attachment)) : (i.attachment = i.attachment.copy(), this.setAttachment(i.slotIndex, i.name, i.attachment))); } } getAttachment(t, n) { const e = this.attachments[t]; return e ? e[n] : null; } removeAttachment(t, n) { const e = this.attachments[t]; e && (e[n] = null); } getAttachments() { const t = new Array; for (let n = 0; n < this.attachments.length; n++) { const e = this.attachments[n]; if (e) for (const i in e) { const r = e[i]; r && t.push(new Ts(n, i, r)); } } return t; } getAttachmentsForSlot(t, n) { const e = this.attachments[t]; if (e) for (const i in e) { const r = e[i]; r && n.push(new Ts(t, i, r)); } } clear() { this.attachments.length = 0, this.bones.length = 0, this.constraints.length = 0; } attachAll(t, n) { let e = 0; for (let i = 0; i < t.slots.length; i++) { const r = t.slots[i], h = r.getAttachment(); if (h && e < n.attachments.length) { const l = n.attachments[e]; for (const s in l) { const a = l[s]; if (h == a) { const o = this.getAttachment(e, s); o != null && r.setAttachment(o); break; } } } e++; } } }; const wt = class { constructor(c) { this.scale = 1, this.linkedMeshes = new Array, this.attachmentLoader = c; } readSkeletonData(c) { const t = this.scale, n = new Ms; n.name = ""; const e = new Mn(c); n.hash = e.readString(), n.version = e.readString(), n.version === "3.8.75" && console.error("Unsupported skeleton data, 3.8.75 is deprecated, please export with a newer version of Spine."), n.x = e.readFloat(), n.y = e.readFloat(), n.width = e.readFloat(), n.height = e.readFloat(); const i = e.readBoolean(); i && (n.fps = e.readFloat(), n.imagesPath = e.readString(), n.audioPath = e.readString()); let r = 0; r = e.readInt(!0); for (let l = 0; l < r; l++)e.strings.push(e.readString()); r = e.readInt(!0); for (let l = 0; l < r; l++) { const s = e.readString(), a = l == 0 ? null : n.bones[e.readInt(!0)], o = new ps(l, s, a); o.rotation = e.readFloat(), o.x = e.readFloat() * t, o.y = e.readFloat() * t, o.scaleX = e.readFloat(), o.scaleY = e.readFloat(), o.shearX = e.readFloat(), o.shearY = e.readFloat(), o.length = e.readFloat() * t, o.transformMode = wt.TransformModeValues[e.readInt(!0)], o.skinRequired = e.readBoolean(), i && _.rgba8888ToColor(o.color, e.readInt32()), n.bones.push(o); } r = e.readInt(!0); for (let l = 0; l < r; l++) { const s = e.readString(), a = n.bones[e.readInt(!0)], o = new As(l, s, a); _.rgba8888ToColor(o.color, e.readInt32()); const d = e.readInt32(); d != -1 && _.rgb888ToColor(o.darkColor = new _, d), o.attachmentName = e.readStringRef(), o.blendMode = wt.BlendModeValues[e.readInt(!0)], n.slots.push(o); } r = e.readInt(!0); for (let l = 0, s; l < r; l++) { const a = new Es(e.readString()); a.order = e.readInt(!0), a.skinRequired = e.readBoolean(), s = e.readInt(!0); for (let o = 0; o < s; o++)a.bones.push(n.bones[e.readInt(!0)]); a.target = n.bones[e.readInt(!0)], a.mix = e.readFloat(), a.softness = e.readFloat() * t, a.bendDirection = e.readByte(), a.compress = e.readBoolean(), a.stretch = e.readBoolean(), a.uniform = e.readBoolean(), n.ikConstraints.push(a); } r = e.readInt(!0); for (let l = 0, s; l < r; l++) { const a = new Cs(e.readString()); a.order = e.readInt(!0), a.skinRequired = e.readBoolean(), s = e.readInt(!0); for (let o = 0; o < s; o++)a.bones.push(n.bones[e.readInt(!0)]); a.target = n.bones[e.readInt(!0)], a.local = e.readBoolean(), a.relative = e.readBoolean(), a.offsetRotation = e.readFloat(), a.offsetX = e.readFloat() * t, a.offsetY = e.readFloat() * t, a.offsetScaleX = e.readFloat(), a.offsetScaleY = e.readFloat(), a.offsetShearY = e.readFloat(), a.rotateMix = e.readFloat(), a.translateMix = e.readFloat(), a.scaleMix = e.readFloat(), a.shearMix = e.readFloat(), n.transformConstraints.push(a); } r = e.readInt(!0); for (let l = 0, s; l < r; l++) { const a = new Ss(e.readString()); a.order = e.readInt(!0), a.skinRequired = e.readBoolean(), s = e.readInt(!0); for (let o = 0; o < s; o++)a.bones.push(n.bones[e.readInt(!0)]); a.target = n.slots[e.readInt(!0)], a.positionMode = wt.PositionModeValues[e.readInt(!0)], a.spacingMode = wt.SpacingModeValues[e.readInt(!0)], a.rotateMode = wt.RotateModeValues[e.readInt(!0)], a.offsetRotation = e.readFloat(), a.position = e.readFloat(), a.positionMode == dt.Fixed && (a.position *= t), a.spacing = e.readFloat(), (a.spacingMode == vt.Length || a.spacingMode == vt.Fixed) && (a.spacing *= t), a.rotateMix = e.readFloat(), a.translateMix = e.readFloat(), n.pathConstraints.push(a); } const h = this.readSkin(e, n, !0, i); h != null && (n.defaultSkin = h, n.skins.push(h)); { let l = n.skins.length; for (v.setArraySize(n.skins, r = l + e.readInt(!0)); l < r; l++)n.skins[l] = this.readSkin(e, n, !1, i); } r = this.linkedMeshes.length; for (let l = 0; l < r; l++) { const s = this.linkedMeshes[l], a = s.skin == null ? n.defaultSkin : n.findSkin(s.skin); if (a == null) throw new Error(`Skin not found: ${s.skin}`); const o = a.getAttachment(s.slotIndex, s.parent); if (o == null) throw new Error(`Parent mesh not found: ${s.parent}`); s.mesh.deformAttachment = s.inheritDeform ? o : s.mesh, s.mesh.setParentMesh(o); } this.linkedMeshes.length = 0, r = e.readInt(!0); for (let l = 0; l < r; l++) { const s = new bs(e.readStringRef()); s.intValue = e.readInt(!1), s.floatValue = e.readFloat(), s.stringValue = e.readString(), s.audioPath = e.readString(), s.audioPath != null && (s.volume = e.readFloat(), s.balance = e.readFloat()), n.events.push(s); } r = e.readInt(!0); for (let l = 0; l < r; l++)n.animations.push(this.readAnimation(e, e.readString(), n)); return n; } readSkin(c, t, n, e) { let i = null, r = 0; if (n) { if (r = c.readInt(!0), r == 0) return null; i = new Bn("default"); } else { i = new Bn(c.readStringRef()), i.bones.length = c.readInt(!0); for (let h = 0, l = i.bones.length; h < l; h++)i.bones[h] = t.bones[c.readInt(!0)]; for (let h = 0, l = c.readInt(!0); h < l; h++)i.constraints.push(t.ikConstraints[c.readInt(!0)]); for (let h = 0, l = c.readInt(!0); h < l; h++)i.constraints.push(t.transformConstraints[c.readInt(!0)]); for (let h = 0, l = c.readInt(!0); h < l; h++)i.constraints.push(t.pathConstraints[c.readInt(!0)]); r = c.readInt(!0); } for (let h = 0; h < r; h++) { const l = c.readInt(!0); for (let s = 0, a = c.readInt(!0); s < a; s++) { const o = c.readStringRef(), d = this.readAttachment(c, t, i, l, o, e); d != null && i.setAttachment(l, o, d); } } return i; } readAttachment(c, t, n, e, i, r) { const h = this.scale; let l = c.readStringRef(); l == null && (l = i); const s = c.readByte(); switch (wt.AttachmentTypeValues[s]) { case Z.Region: { let o = c.readStringRef(); const d = c.readFloat(), f = c.readFloat(), u = c.readFloat(), m = c.readFloat(), g = c.readFloat(), x = c.readFloat(), E = c.readFloat(), w = c.readInt32(); o == null && (o = l); const b = this.attachmentLoader.newRegionAttachment(n, l, o); return b == null ? null : (b.path = o, b.x = f * h, b.y = u * h, b.scaleX = m, b.scaleY = g, b.rotation = d, b.width = x * h, b.height = E * h, _.rgba8888ToColor(b.color, w), b); } case Z.BoundingBox: { const o = c.readInt(!0), d = this.readVertices(c, o), f = r ? c.readInt32() : 0, u = this.attachmentLoader.newBoundingBoxAttachment(n, l); return u == null ? null : (u.worldVerticesLength = o << 1, u.vertices = d.vertices, u.bones = d.bones, r && _.rgba8888ToColor(u.color, f), u); } case Z.Mesh: { let o = c.readStringRef(); const d = c.readInt32(), f = c.readInt(!0), u = this.readFloatArray(c, f << 1, 1), m = this.readShortArray(c), g = this.readVertices(c, f), x = c.readInt(!0); let E = null, w = 0, b = 0; r && (E = this.readShortArray(c), w = c.readFloat(), b = c.readFloat()), o == null && (o = l); const p = this.attachmentLoader.newMeshAttachment(n, l, o); return p == null ? null : (p.path = o, _.rgba8888ToColor(p.color, d), p.bones = g.bones, p.vertices = g.vertices, p.worldVerticesLength = f << 1, p.triangles = m, p.regionUVs = new Float32Array(u), p.hullLength = x << 1, r && (p.edges = E, p.width = w * h, p.height = b * h), p); } case Z.LinkedMesh: { let o = c.readStringRef(); const d = c.readInt32(), f = c.readStringRef(), u = c.readStringRef(), m = c.readBoolean(); let g = 0, x = 0; r && (g = c.readFloat(), x = c.readFloat()), o == null && (o = l); const E = this.attachmentLoader.newMeshAttachment(n, l, o); return E == null ? null : (E.path = o, _.rgba8888ToColor(E.color, d), r && (E.width = g * h, E.height = x * h), this.linkedMeshes.push(new Vr(E, f, e, u, m)), E); } case Z.Path: { const o = c.readBoolean(), d = c.readBoolean(), f = c.readInt(!0), u = this.readVertices(c, f), m = v.newArray(f / 3, 0); for (let E = 0, w = m.length; E < w; E++)m[E] = c.readFloat() * h; const g = r ? c.readInt32() : 0, x = this.attachmentLoader.newPathAttachment(n, l); return x == null ? null : (x.closed = o, x.constantSpeed = d, x.worldVerticesLength = f << 1, x.vertices = u.vertices, x.bones = u.bones, x.lengths = m, r && _.rgba8888ToColor(x.color, g), x); } case Z.Point: { const o = c.readFloat(), d = c.readFloat(), f = c.readFloat(), u = r ? c.readInt32() : 0, m = this.attachmentLoader.newPointAttachment(n, l); return m == null ? null : (m.x = d * h, m.y = f * h, m.rotation = o, r && _.rgba8888ToColor(m.color, u), m); } case Z.Clipping: { const o = c.readInt(!0), d = c.readInt(!0), f = this.readVertices(c, d), u = r ? c.readInt32() : 0, m = this.attachmentLoader.newClippingAttachment(n, l); return m == null ? null : (m.endSlot = t.slots[o], m.worldVerticesLength = d << 1, m.vertices = f.vertices, m.bones = f.bones, r && _.rgba8888ToColor(m.color, u), m); } }return null; } readVertices(c, t) { const n = t << 1, e = new Fr, i = this.scale; if (!c.readBoolean()) return e.vertices = this.readFloatArray(c, n, i), e; const r = new Array, h = new Array; for (let l = 0; l < t; l++) { const s = c.readInt(!0); h.push(s); for (let a = 0; a < s; a++)h.push(c.readInt(!0)), r.push(c.readFloat() * i), r.push(c.readFloat() * i), r.push(c.readFloat()); } return e.vertices = v.toFloatArray(r), e.bones = h, e; } readFloatArray(c, t, n) { const e = new Array(t); if (n == 1) for (let i = 0; i < t; i++)e[i] = c.readFloat(); else for (let i = 0; i < t; i++)e[i] = c.readFloat() * n; return e; } readShortArray(c) { const t = c.readInt(!0), n = new Array(t); for (let e = 0; e < t; e++)n[e] = c.readShort(); return n; } readAnimation(c, t, n) { const e = new Array, i = this.scale; let r = 0; const h = new _, l = new _; for (let o = 0, d = c.readInt(!0); o < d; o++) { const f = c.readInt(!0); for (let u = 0, m = c.readInt(!0); u < m; u++) { const g = c.readByte(), x = c.readInt(!0); switch (g) { case wt.SLOT_ATTACHMENT: { const E = new en(x); E.slotIndex = f; for (let w = 0; w < x; w++)E.setFrame(w, c.readFloat(), c.readStringRef()); e.push(E), r = Math.max(r, E.frames[x - 1]); break; } case wt.SLOT_COLOR: { const E = new Lt(x); E.slotIndex = f; for (let w = 0; w < x; w++) { const b = c.readFloat(); _.rgba8888ToColor(h, c.readInt32()), E.setFrame(w, b, h.r, h.g, h.b, h.a), w < x - 1 && this.readCurve(c, w, E); } e.push(E), r = Math.max(r, E.frames[(x - 1) * Lt.ENTRIES]); break; } case wt.SLOT_TWO_COLOR: { const E = new yt(x); E.slotIndex = f; for (let w = 0; w < x; w++) { const b = c.readFloat(); _.rgba8888ToColor(h, c.readInt32()), _.rgb888ToColor(l, c.readInt32()), E.setFrame(w, b, h.r, h.g, h.b, h.a, l.r, l.g, l.b), w < x - 1 && this.readCurve(c, w, E); } e.push(E), r = Math.max(r, E.frames[(x - 1) * yt.ENTRIES]); break; } } } } for (let o = 0, d = c.readInt(!0); o < d; o++) { const f = c.readInt(!0); for (let u = 0, m = c.readInt(!0); u < m; u++) { const g = c.readByte(), x = c.readInt(!0); switch (g) { case wt.BONE_ROTATE: { const E = new Vt(x); E.boneIndex = f; for (let w = 0; w < x; w++)E.setFrame(w, c.readFloat(), c.readFloat()), w < x - 1 && this.readCurve(c, w, E); e.push(E), r = Math.max(r, E.frames[(x - 1) * Vt.ENTRIES]); break; } case wt.BONE_TRANSLATE: case wt.BONE_SCALE: case wt.BONE_SHEAR: { let E, w = 1; g == wt.BONE_SCALE ? E = new te(x) : g == wt.BONE_SHEAR ? E = new ee(x) : (E = new Jt(x), w = i), E.boneIndex = f; for (let b = 0; b < x; b++)E.setFrame(b, c.readFloat(), c.readFloat() * w, c.readFloat() * w), b < x - 1 && this.readCurve(c, b, E); e.push(E), r = Math.max(r, E.frames[(x - 1) * Jt.ENTRIES]); break; } } } } for (let o = 0, d = c.readInt(!0); o < d; o++) { const f = c.readInt(!0), u = c.readInt(!0), m = new Ft(u); m.ikConstraintIndex = f; for (let g = 0; g < u; g++)m.setFrame(g, c.readFloat(), c.readFloat(), c.readFloat() * i, c.readByte(), c.readBoolean(), c.readBoolean()), g < u - 1 && this.readCurve(c, g, m); e.push(m), r = Math.max(r, m.frames[(u - 1) * Ft.ENTRIES]); } for (let o = 0, d = c.readInt(!0); o < d; o++) { const f = c.readInt(!0), u = c.readInt(!0), m = new _t(u); m.transformConstraintIndex = f; for (let g = 0; g < u; g++)m.setFrame(g, c.readFloat(), c.readFloat(), c.readFloat(), c.readFloat(), c.readFloat()), g < u - 1 && this.readCurve(c, g, m); e.push(m), r = Math.max(r, m.frames[(u - 1) * _t.ENTRIES]); } for (let o = 0, d = c.readInt(!0); o < d; o++) { const f = c.readInt(!0), u = n.pathConstraints[f]; for (let m = 0, g = c.readInt(!0); m < g; m++) { const x = c.readByte(), E = c.readInt(!0); switch (x) { case wt.PATH_POSITION: case wt.PATH_SPACING: { let w, b = 1; x == wt.PATH_SPACING ? (w = new ke(E), (u.spacingMode == vt.Length || u.spacingMode == vt.Fixed) && (b = i)) : (w = new Te(E), u.positionMode == dt.Fixed && (b = i)), w.pathConstraintIndex = f; for (let p = 0; p < E; p++)w.setFrame(p, c.readFloat(), c.readFloat() * b), p < E - 1 && this.readCurve(c, p, w); e.push(w), r = Math.max(r, w.frames[(E - 1) * Te.ENTRIES]); break; } case wt.PATH_MIX: { const w = new me(E); w.pathConstraintIndex = f; for (let b = 0; b < E; b++)w.setFrame(b, c.readFloat(), c.readFloat(), c.readFloat()), b < E - 1 && this.readCurve(c, b, w); e.push(w), r = Math.max(r, w.frames[(E - 1) * me.ENTRIES]); break; } } } } for (let o = 0, d = c.readInt(!0); o < d; o++) { const f = n.skins[c.readInt(!0)]; for (let u = 0, m = c.readInt(!0); u < m; u++) { const g = c.readInt(!0); for (let x = 0, E = c.readInt(!0); x < E; x++) { const w = f.getAttachment(g, c.readStringRef()), b = w.bones != null, p = w.vertices, S = b ? p.length / 3 * 2 : p.length, y = c.readInt(!0), M = new hs(y); M.slotIndex = g, M.attachment = w; for (let T = 0; T < y; T++) { const k = c.readFloat(); let I, R = c.readInt(!0); if (R == 0) I = b ? v.newFloatArray(S) : p; else { I = v.newFloatArray(S); const V = c.readInt(!0); if (R += V, i == 1) for (let F = V; F < R; F++)I[F] = c.readFloat(); else for (let F = V; F < R; F++)I[F] = c.readFloat() * i; if (!b) for (let F = 0, B = I.length; F < B; F++)I[F] += p[F]; } M.setFrame(T, k, I), T < y - 1 && this.readCurve(c, T, M); } e.push(M), r = Math.max(r, M.frames[y - 1]); } } } const s = c.readInt(!0); if (s > 0) { const o = new xn(s), d = n.slots.length; for (let f = 0; f < s; f++) { const u = c.readFloat(), m = c.readInt(!0), g = v.newArray(d, 0); for (let b = d - 1; b >= 0; b--)g[b] = -1; const x = v.newArray(d - m, 0); let E = 0, w = 0; for (let b = 0; b < m; b++) { const p = c.readInt(!0); for (; E != p;)x[w++] = E++; g[E + c.readInt(!0)] = E++; } for (; E < d;)x[w++] = E++; for (let b = d - 1; b >= 0; b--)g[b] == -1 && (g[b] = x[--w]); o.setFrame(f, u, g); } e.push(o), r = Math.max(r, o.frames[s - 1]); } const a = c.readInt(!0); if (a > 0) { const o = new Yn(a); for (let d = 0; d < a; d++) { const f = c.readFloat(), u = n.events[c.readInt(!0)], m = new ws(f, u); m.intValue = c.readInt(!1), m.floatValue = c.readFloat(), m.stringValue = c.readBoolean() ? c.readString() : u.stringValue, m.data.audioPath != null && (m.volume = c.readFloat(), m.balance = c.readFloat()), o.setFrame(d, m); } e.push(o), r = Math.max(r, o.frames[a - 1]); } return new Et(t, e, r); } readCurve(c, t, n) { switch (c.readByte()) { case wt.CURVE_STEPPED: n.setStepped(t); break; case wt.CURVE_BEZIER: this.setCurve(n, t, c.readFloat(), c.readFloat(), c.readFloat(), c.readFloat()); break; } } setCurve(c, t, n, e, i, r) { c.setCurve(t, n, e, i, r); } }; let Mt = wt; Mt.AttachmentTypeValues = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], Mt.TransformModeValues = [j.Normal, j.OnlyTranslation, j.NoRotationOrReflection, j.NoScale, j.NoScaleOrReflection], Mt.PositionModeValues = [dt.Fixed, dt.Percent], Mt.SpacingModeValues = [vt.Length, vt.Fixed, vt.Percent], Mt.RotateModeValues = [pt.Tangent, pt.Chain, pt.ChainScale], Mt.BlendModeValues = [H.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL, H.BLEND_MODES.ADD, H.BLEND_MODES.MULTIPLY, H.BLEND_MODES.SCREEN], Mt.BONE_ROTATE = 0, Mt.BONE_TRANSLATE = 1, Mt.BONE_SCALE = 2, Mt.BONE_SHEAR = 3, Mt.SLOT_ATTACHMENT = 0, Mt.SLOT_COLOR = 1, Mt.SLOT_TWO_COLOR = 2, Mt.PATH_POSITION = 0, Mt.PATH_SPACING = 1, Mt.PATH_MIX = 2, Mt.CURVE_LINEAR = 0, Mt.CURVE_STEPPED = 1, Mt.CURVE_BEZIER = 2; let Vr = class { constructor(t, n, e, i, r) { this.mesh = t, this.skin = n, this.slotIndex = e, this.parent = i, this.inheritDeform = r; } }, Fr = class { constructor(t = null, n = null) { this.bones = t, this.vertices = n; } }, Yr = class extends Cn { }, sn = class { constructor(t) { this.scale = 1, this.linkedMeshes = new Array, this.attachmentLoader = t; } readSkeletonData(t) { const n = this.scale, e = new Ms, i = typeof t == "string" ? JSON.parse(t) : t, r = i.skeleton; if (r != null) { if (e.hash = r.hash, e.version = r.spine, e.version.substr(0, 3) !== "3.8") { const h = `Spine 3.8 loader cant load version ${r.spine}. Please configure your pixi-spine bundle`; console.error(h); } e.version === "3.8.75" && console.error("Unsupported skeleton data, 3.8.75 is deprecated, please export with a newer version of Spine."), e.x = r.x, e.y = r.y, e.width = r.width, e.height = r.height, e.fps = r.fps, e.imagesPath = r.images; } if (i.bones) for (let h = 0; h < i.bones.length; h++) { const l = i.bones[h]; let s = null; const a = this.getValue(l, "parent", null); if (a != null && (s = e.findBone(a), s == null)) throw new Error(`Parent bone not found: ${a}`); const o = new ps(e.bones.length, l.name, s); o.length = this.getValue(l, "length", 0) * n, o.x = this.getValue(l, "x", 0) * n, o.y = this.getValue(l, "y", 0) * n, o.rotation = this.getValue(l, "rotation", 0), o.scaleX = this.getValue(l, "scaleX", 1), o.scaleY = this.getValue(l, "scaleY", 1), o.shearX = this.getValue(l, "shearX", 0), o.shearY = this.getValue(l, "shearY", 0), o.transformMode = sn.transformModeFromString(this.getValue(l, "transform", "normal")), o.skinRequired = this.getValue(l, "skin", !1), e.bones.push(o); } if (i.slots) for (let h = 0; h < i.slots.length; h++) { const l = i.slots[h], s = l.name, a = l.bone, o = e.findBone(a); if (o == null) throw new Error(`Slot bone not found: ${a}`); const d = new As(e.slots.length, s, o), f = this.getValue(l, "color", null); f != null && d.color.setFromString(f); const u = this.getValue(l, "dark", null); u != null && (d.darkColor = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), d.darkColor.setFromString(u)), d.attachmentName = this.getValue(l, "attachment", null), d.blendMode = sn.blendModeFromString(this.getValue(l, "blend", "normal")), e.slots.push(d); } if (i.ik) for (let h = 0; h < i.ik.length; h++) { const l = i.ik[h], s = new Es(l.name); s.order = this.getValue(l, "order", 0), s.skinRequired = this.getValue(l, "skin", !1); for (let o = 0; o < l.bones.length; o++) { const d = l.bones[o], f = e.findBone(d); if (f == null) throw new Error(`IK bone not found: ${d}`); s.bones.push(f); } const a = l.target; if (s.target = e.findBone(a), s.target == null) throw new Error(`IK target bone not found: ${a}`); s.mix = this.getValue(l, "mix", 1), s.softness = this.getValue(l, "softness", 0) * n, s.bendDirection = this.getValue(l, "bendPositive", !0) ? 1 : -1, s.compress = this.getValue(l, "compress", !1), s.stretch = this.getValue(l, "stretch", !1), s.uniform = this.getValue(l, "uniform", !1), e.ikConstraints.push(s); } if (i.transform) for (let h = 0; h < i.transform.length; h++) { const l = i.transform[h], s = new Cs(l.name); s.order = this.getValue(l, "order", 0), s.skinRequired = this.getValue(l, "skin", !1); for (let o = 0; o < l.bones.length; o++) { const d = l.bones[o], f = e.findBone(d); if (f == null) throw new Error(`Transform constraint bone not found: ${d}`); s.bones.push(f); } const a = l.target; if (s.target = e.findBone(a), s.target == null) throw new Error(`Transform constraint target bone not found: ${a}`); s.local = this.getValue(l, "local", !1), s.relative = this.getValue(l, "relative", !1), s.offsetRotation = this.getValue(l, "rotation", 0), s.offsetX = this.getValue(l, "x", 0) * n, s.offsetY = this.getValue(l, "y", 0) * n, s.offsetScaleX = this.getValue(l, "scaleX", 0), s.offsetScaleY = this.getValue(l, "scaleY", 0), s.offsetShearY = this.getValue(l, "shearY", 0), s.rotateMix = this.getValue(l, "rotateMix", 1), s.translateMix = this.getValue(l, "translateMix", 1), s.scaleMix = this.getValue(l, "scaleMix", 1), s.shearMix = this.getValue(l, "shearMix", 1), e.transformConstraints.push(s); } if (i.path) for (let h = 0; h < i.path.length; h++) { const l = i.path[h], s = new Ss(l.name); s.order = this.getValue(l, "order", 0), s.skinRequired = this.getValue(l, "skin", !1); for (let o = 0; o < l.bones.length; o++) { const d = l.bones[o], f = e.findBone(d); if (f == null) throw new Error(`Transform constraint bone not found: ${d}`); s.bones.push(f); } const a = l.target; if (s.target = e.findSlot(a), s.target == null) throw new Error(`Path target slot not found: ${a}`); s.positionMode = sn.positionModeFromString(this.getValue(l, "positionMode", "percent")), s.spacingMode = sn.spacingModeFromString(this.getValue(l, "spacingMode", "length")), s.rotateMode = sn.rotateModeFromString(this.getValue(l, "rotateMode", "tangent")), s.offsetRotation = this.getValue(l, "rotation", 0), s.position = this.getValue(l, "position", 0), s.positionMode == dt.Fixed && (s.position *= n), s.spacing = this.getValue(l, "spacing", 0), (s.spacingMode == vt.Length || s.spacingMode == vt.Fixed) && (s.spacing *= n), s.rotateMix = this.getValue(l, "rotateMix", 1), s.translateMix = this.getValue(l, "translateMix", 1), e.pathConstraints.push(s); } if (i.skins) for (let h = 0; h < i.skins.length; h++) { const l = i.skins[h], s = new Bn(l.name); if (l.bones) for (let a = 0; a < l.bones.length; a++) { const o = e.findBone(l.bones[a]); if (o == null) throw new Error(`Skin bone not found: ${l.bones[h]}`); s.bones.push(o); } if (l.ik) for (let a = 0; a < l.ik.length; a++) { const o = e.findIkConstraint(l.ik[a]); if (o == null) throw new Error(`Skin IK constraint not found: ${l.ik[h]}`); s.constraints.push(o); } if (l.transform) for (let a = 0; a < l.transform.length; a++) { const o = e.findTransformConstraint(l.transform[a]); if (o == null) throw new Error(`Skin transform constraint not found: ${l.transform[h]}`); s.constraints.push(o); } if (l.path) for (let a = 0; a < l.path.length; a++) { const o = e.findPathConstraint(l.path[a]); if (o == null) throw new Error(`Skin path constraint not found: ${l.path[h]}`); s.constraints.push(o); } for (const a in l.attachments) { const o = e.findSlot(a); if (o == null) throw new Error(`Slot not found: ${a}`); const d = l.attachments[a]; for (const f in d) { const u = this.readAttachment(d[f], s, o.index, f, e); u != null && s.setAttachment(o.index, f, u); } } e.skins.push(s), s.name == "default" && (e.defaultSkin = s); } for (let h = 0, l = this.linkedMeshes.length; h < l; h++) { const s = this.linkedMeshes[h], a = s.skin == null ? e.defaultSkin : e.findSkin(s.skin); if (a == null) throw new Error(`Skin not found: ${s.skin}`); const o = a.getAttachment(s.slotIndex, s.parent); if (o == null) throw new Error(`Parent mesh not found: ${s.parent}`); s.mesh.deformAttachment = s.inheritDeform ? o : s.mesh, s.mesh.setParentMesh(o); } if (this.linkedMeshes.length = 0, i.events) for (const h in i.events) { const l = i.events[h], s = new bs(h); s.intValue = this.getValue(l, "int", 0), s.floatValue = this.getValue(l, "float", 0), s.stringValue = this.getValue(l, "string", ""), s.audioPath = this.getValue(l, "audio", null), s.audioPath != null && (s.volume = this.getValue(l, "volume", 1), s.balance = this.getValue(l, "balance", 0)), e.events.push(s); } if (i.animations) for (const h in i.animations) { const l = i.animations[h]; this.readAnimation(l, h, e); } return e; } readAttachment(t, n, e, i, r) { const h = this.scale; switch (i = this.getValue(t, "name", i), this.getValue(t, "type", "region")) { case "region": { const s = this.getValue(t, "path", i), a = this.attachmentLoader.newRegionAttachment(n, i, s); if (a == null) return null; a.path = s, a.x = this.getValue(t, "x", 0) * h, a.y = this.getValue(t, "y", 0) * h, a.scaleX = this.getValue(t, "scaleX", 1), a.scaleY = this.getValue(t, "scaleY", 1), a.rotation = this.getValue(t, "rotation", 0), a.width = t.width * h, a.height = t.height * h; const o = this.getValue(t, "color", null); return o != null && a.color.setFromString(o), a; } case "boundingbox": { const s = this.attachmentLoader.newBoundingBoxAttachment(n, i); if (s == null) return null; this.readVertices(t, s, t.vertexCount << 1); const a = this.getValue(t, "color", null); return a != null && s.color.setFromString(a), s; } case "mesh": case "linkedmesh": { const s = this.getValue(t, "path", i), a = this.attachmentLoader.newMeshAttachment(n, i, s); if (a == null) return null; a.path = s; const o = this.getValue(t, "color", null); o != null && a.color.setFromString(o), a.width = this.getValue(t, "width", 0) * h, a.height = this.getValue(t, "height", 0) * h; const d = this.getValue(t, "parent", null); if (d != null) return this.linkedMeshes.push(new Xr(a, this.getValue(t, "skin", null), e, d, this.getValue(t, "deform", !0))), a; const f = t.uvs; return this.readVertices(t, a, f.length), a.triangles = t.triangles, a.regionUVs = new Float32Array(f), a.edges = this.getValue(t, "edges", null), a.hullLength = this.getValue(t, "hull", 0) * 2, a; } case "path": { const s = this.attachmentLoader.newPathAttachment(n, i); if (s == null) return null; s.closed = this.getValue(t, "closed", !1), s.constantSpeed = this.getValue(t, "constantSpeed", !0); const a = t.vertexCount; this.readVertices(t, s, a << 1); const o = v.newArray(a / 3, 0); for (let f = 0; f < t.lengths.length; f++)o[f] = t.lengths[f] * h; s.lengths = o; const d = this.getValue(t, "color", null); return d != null && s.color.setFromString(d), s; } case "point": { const s = this.attachmentLoader.newPointAttachment(n, i); if (s == null) return null; s.x = this.getValue(t, "x", 0) * h, s.y = this.getValue(t, "y", 0) * h, s.rotation = this.getValue(t, "rotation", 0); const a = this.getValue(t, "color", null); return a != null && s.color.setFromString(a), s; } case "clipping": { const s = this.attachmentLoader.newClippingAttachment(n, i); if (s == null) return null; const a = this.getValue(t, "end", null); if (a != null) { const f = r.findSlot(a); if (f == null) throw new Error(`Clipping end slot not found: ${a}`); s.endSlot = f; } const o = t.vertexCount; this.readVertices(t, s, o << 1); const d = this.getValue(t, "color", null); return d != null && s.color.setFromString(d), s; } }return null; } readVertices(t, n, e) { const i = this.scale; n.worldVerticesLength = e; const r = t.vertices; if (e == r.length) { const s = v.toFloatArray(r); if (i != 1) for (let a = 0, o = r.length; a < o; a++)s[a] *= i; n.vertices = s; return; } const h = new Array, l = new Array; for (let s = 0, a = r.length; s < a;) { const o = r[s++]; l.push(o); for (let d = s + o * 4; s < d; s += 4)l.push(r[s]), h.push(r[s + 1] * i), h.push(r[s + 2] * i), h.push(r[s + 3]); } n.bones = l, n.vertices = v.toFloatArray(h); } readAnimation(t, n, e) { const i = this.scale, r = new Array; let h = 0; if (t.slots) for (const s in t.slots) { const a = t.slots[s], o = e.findSlotIndex(s); if (o == -1) throw new Error(`Slot not found: ${s}`); for (const d in a) { const f = a[d]; if (d == "attachment") { const u = new en(f.length); u.slotIndex = o; let m = 0; for (let g = 0; g < f.length; g++) { const x = f[g]; u.setFrame(m++, this.getValue(x, "time", 0), x.name); } r.push(u), h = Math.max(h, u.frames[u.getFrameCount() - 1]); } else if (d == "color") { const u = new Lt(f.length); u.slotIndex = o; let m = 0; for (let g = 0; g < f.length; g++) { const x = f[g], E = new _; E.setFromString(x.color || "ffffffff"), u.setFrame(m, this.getValue(x, "time", 0), E.r, E.g, E.b, E.a), this.readCurve(x, u, m), m++; } r.push(u), h = Math.max(h, u.frames[(u.getFrameCount() - 1) * Lt.ENTRIES]); } else if (d == "twoColor") { const u = new yt(f.length); u.slotIndex = o; let m = 0; for (let g = 0; g < f.length; g++) { const x = f[g], E = new _, w = new _; E.setFromString(x.light), w.setFromString(x.dark), u.setFrame(m, this.getValue(x, "time", 0), E.r, E.g, E.b, E.a, w.r, w.g, w.b), this.readCurve(x, u, m), m++; } r.push(u), h = Math.max(h, u.frames[(u.getFrameCount() - 1) * yt.ENTRIES]); } else throw new Error(`Invalid timeline type for a slot: ${d} (${s})`); } } if (t.bones) for (const s in t.bones) { const a = t.bones[s], o = e.findBoneIndex(s); if (o == -1) throw new Error(`Bone not found: ${s}`); for (const d in a) { const f = a[d]; if (d === "rotate") { const u = new Vt(f.length); u.boneIndex = o; let m = 0; for (let g = 0; g < f.length; g++) { const x = f[g]; u.setFrame(m, this.getValue(x, "time", 0), this.getValue(x, "angle", 0)), this.readCurve(x, u, m), m++; } r.push(u), h = Math.max(h, u.frames[(u.getFrameCount() - 1) * Vt.ENTRIES]); } else if (d === "translate" || d === "scale" || d === "shear") { let u = null, m = 1, g = 0; d === "scale" ? (u = new te(f.length), g = 1) : d === "shear" ? u = new ee(f.length) : (u = new Jt(f.length), m = i), u.boneIndex = o; let x = 0; for (let E = 0; E < f.length; E++) { const w = f[E], b = this.getValue(w, "x", g), p = this.getValue(w, "y", g); u.setFrame(x, this.getValue(w, "time", 0), b * m, p * m), this.readCurve(w, u, x), x++; } r.push(u), h = Math.max(h, u.frames[(u.getFrameCount() - 1) * Jt.ENTRIES]); } else throw new Error(`Invalid timeline type for a bone: ${d} (${s})`); } } if (t.ik) for (const s in t.ik) { const a = t.ik[s], o = e.findIkConstraint(s), d = new Ft(a.length); d.ikConstraintIndex = e.ikConstraints.indexOf(o); let f = 0; for (let u = 0; u < a.length; u++) { const m = a[u]; d.setFrame(f, this.getValue(m, "time", 0), this.getValue(m, "mix", 1), this.getValue(m, "softness", 0) * i, this.getValue(m, "bendPositive", !0) ? 1 : -1, this.getValue(m, "compress", !1), this.getValue(m, "stretch", !1)), this.readCurve(m, d, f), f++; } r.push(d), h = Math.max(h, d.frames[(d.getFrameCount() - 1) * Ft.ENTRIES]); } if (t.transform) for (const s in t.transform) { const a = t.transform[s], o = e.findTransformConstraint(s), d = new _t(a.length); d.transformConstraintIndex = e.transformConstraints.indexOf(o); let f = 0; for (let u = 0; u < a.length; u++) { const m = a[u]; d.setFrame(f, this.getValue(m, "time", 0), this.getValue(m, "rotateMix", 1), this.getValue(m, "translateMix", 1), this.getValue(m, "scaleMix", 1), this.getValue(m, "shearMix", 1)), this.readCurve(m, d, f), f++; } r.push(d), h = Math.max(h, d.frames[(d.getFrameCount() - 1) * _t.ENTRIES]); } if (t.path) for (const s in t.path) { const a = t.path[s], o = e.findPathConstraintIndex(s); if (o == -1) throw new Error(`Path constraint not found: ${s}`); const d = e.pathConstraints[o]; for (const f in a) { const u = a[f]; if (f === "position" || f === "spacing") { let m = null, g = 1; f === "spacing" ? (m = new ke(u.length), (d.spacingMode == vt.Length || d.spacingMode == vt.Fixed) && (g = i)) : (m = new Te(u.length), d.positionMode == dt.Fixed && (g = i)), m.pathConstraintIndex = o; let x = 0; for (let E = 0; E < u.length; E++) { const w = u[E]; m.setFrame(x, this.getValue(w, "time", 0), this.getValue(w, f, 0) * g), this.readCurve(w, m, x), x++; } r.push(m), h = Math.max(h, m.frames[(m.getFrameCount() - 1) * Te.ENTRIES]); } else if (f === "mix") { const m = new me(u.length); m.pathConstraintIndex = o; let g = 0; for (let x = 0; x < u.length; x++) { const E = u[x]; m.setFrame(g, this.getValue(E, "time", 0), this.getValue(E, "rotateMix", 1), this.getValue(E, "translateMix", 1)), this.readCurve(E, m, g), g++; } r.push(m), h = Math.max(h, m.frames[(m.getFrameCount() - 1) * me.ENTRIES]); } } } if (t.deform) for (const s in t.deform) { const a = t.deform[s], o = e.findSkin(s); if (o == null) { if (zt.FAIL_ON_NON_EXISTING_SKIN) throw new Error(`Skin not found: ${s}`); continue; } for (const d in a) { const f = a[d], u = e.findSlotIndex(d); if (u == -1) throw new Error(`Slot not found: ${f.name}`); for (const m in f) { const g = f[m], x = o.getAttachment(u, m); if (x == null) throw new Error(`Deform attachment not found: ${g.name}`); const E = x.bones != null, w = x.vertices, b = E ? w.length / 3 * 2 : w.length, p = new hs(g.length); p.slotIndex = u, p.attachment = x; let S = 0; for (let y = 0; y < g.length; y++) { const M = g[y]; let T; const k = this.getValue(M, "vertices", null); if (k == null) T = E ? v.newFloatArray(b) : w; else { T = v.newFloatArray(b); const I = this.getValue(M, "offset", 0); if (v.arrayCopy(k, 0, T, I, k.length), i != 1) for (let R = I, V = R + k.length; R < V; R++)T[R] *= i; if (!E) for (let R = 0; R < b; R++)T[R] += w[R]; } p.setFrame(S, this.getValue(M, "time", 0), T), this.readCurve(M, p, S), S++; } r.push(p), h = Math.max(h, p.frames[p.getFrameCount() - 1]); } } } let l = t.drawOrder; if (l == null && (l = t.draworder), l != null) { const s = new xn(l.length), a = e.slots.length; let o = 0; for (let d = 0; d < l.length; d++) { const f = l[d]; let u = null; const m = this.getValue(f, "offsets", null); if (m != null) { u = v.newArray(a, -1); const g = v.newArray(a - m.length, 0); let x = 0, E = 0; for (let w = 0; w < m.length; w++) { const b = m[w], p = e.findSlotIndex(b.slot); if (p == -1) throw new Error(`Slot not found: ${b.slot}`); for (; x != p;)g[E++] = x++; u[x + b.offset] = x++; } for (; x < a;)g[E++] = x++; for (let w = a - 1; w >= 0; w--)u[w] == -1 && (u[w] = g[--E]); } s.setFrame(o++, this.getValue(f, "time", 0), u); } r.push(s), h = Math.max(h, s.frames[s.getFrameCount() - 1]); } if (t.events) { const s = new Yn(t.events.length); let a = 0; for (let o = 0; o < t.events.length; o++) { const d = t.events[o], f = e.findEvent(d.name); if (f == null) throw new Error(`Event not found: ${d.name}`); const u = new ws(v.toSinglePrecision(this.getValue(d, "time", 0)), f); u.intValue = this.getValue(d, "int", f.intValue), u.floatValue = this.getValue(d, "float", f.floatValue), u.stringValue = this.getValue(d, "string", f.stringValue), u.data.audioPath != null && (u.volume = this.getValue(d, "volume", 1), u.balance = this.getValue(d, "balance", 0)), s.setFrame(a++, u); } r.push(s), h = Math.max(h, s.frames[s.getFrameCount() - 1]); } if (isNaN(h)) throw new Error("Error while parsing animation, duration is NaN"); e.animations.push(new Et(n, r, h)); } readCurve(t, n, e) { if (t.hasOwnProperty("curve")) if (t.curve === "stepped") n.setStepped(e); else { const i = t.curve; n.setCurve(e, i, this.getValue(t, "c2", 0), this.getValue(t, "c3", 1), this.getValue(t, "c4", 1)); } } getValue(t, n, e) { return t[n] !== void 0 ? t[n] : e; } static blendModeFromString(t) { if (t = t.toLowerCase(), t == "normal") return H.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL; if (t == "additive") return H.BLEND_MODES.ADD; if (t == "multiply") return H.BLEND_MODES.MULTIPLY; if (t == "screen") return H.BLEND_MODES.SCREEN; throw new Error(`Unknown blend mode: ${t}`); } static positionModeFromString(t) { if (t = t.toLowerCase(), t == "fixed") return dt.Fixed; if (t == "percent") return dt.Percent; throw new Error(`Unknown position mode: ${t}`); } static spacingModeFromString(t) { if (t = t.toLowerCase(), t == "length") return vt.Length; if (t == "fixed") return vt.Fixed; if (t == "percent") return vt.Percent; throw new Error(`Unknown position mode: ${t}`); } static rotateModeFromString(t) { if (t = t.toLowerCase(), t == "tangent") return pt.Tangent; if (t == "chain") return pt.Chain; if (t == "chainscale") return pt.ChainScale; throw new Error(`Unknown rotate mode: ${t}`); } static transformModeFromString(t) { if (t = t.toLowerCase(), t == "normal") return j.Normal; if (t == "onlytranslation") return j.OnlyTranslation; if (t == "norotationorreflection") return j.NoRotationOrReflection; if (t == "noscale") return j.NoScale; if (t == "noscaleorreflection") return j.NoScaleOrReflection; throw new Error(`Unknown transform mode: ${t}`); } }, Xr = class { constructor(t, n, e, i, r) { this.mesh = t, this.skin = n, this.slotIndex = e, this.parent = i, this.inheritDeform = r; } }; var Nr = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, Animation: Et, AnimationState: ne, AnimationStateAdapter: Pr, AnimationStateData: ms, AtlasAttachmentLoader: gs, Attachment: rs, AttachmentTimeline: en, Bone: xs, BoneData: ps, BoundingBoxAttachment: as, ClippingAttachment: os, ColorTimeline: Lt, ConstraintData: Nn, CurveTimeline: Ht, DeformTimeline: hs, DrawOrderTimeline: xn, Event: ws, EventData: bs, EventQueue: fs, EventTimeline: Yn, EventType: Gt, IkConstraint: Fi, IkConstraintData: Es, IkConstraintTimeline: Ft, JitterEffect: vr, MeshAttachment: mn, PathAttachment: gn, PathConstraint: pn, PathConstraintData: Ss, PathConstraintMixTimeline: me, PathConstraintPositionTimeline: Te, PathConstraintSpacingTimeline: ke, PointAttachment: ls, RegionAttachment: Q, RotateTimeline: Vt, ScaleTimeline: te, ShearTimeline: ee, Skeleton: ys, SkeletonBinary: Mt, SkeletonBounds: Yr, SkeletonData: Ms, SkeletonJson: sn, Skin: Bn, SkinEntry: Ts, Slot: cs, SlotData: As, SpacingMode: vt, Spine: class extends tn { createSkeleton(t) { this.skeleton = new ys(t), this.skeleton.updateWorldTransform(), this.stateData = new ms(t), this.state = new ne(this.stateData); } }, SwirlEffect: vi, TimelineType: Pi, TrackEntry: Xn, TransformConstraint: Yi, TransformConstraintData: Cs, TransformConstraintTimeline: _t, TranslateTimeline: Jt, TwoColorTimeline: yt, VertexAttachment: ze }); let ks = class { constructor(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); this.name = t; } }; const Xi = class extends ks { constructor(t) { super(t), this.id = (Xi.nextID++ & 65535) << 11, this.worldVerticesLength = 0; } computeWorldVerticesOld(t, n) { this.computeWorldVertices(t, 0, this.worldVerticesLength, n, 0, 2); } computeWorldVertices(t, n, e, i, r, h) { e = r + (e >> 1) * h; const l = t.bone.skeleton, s = t.attachmentVertices; let a = this.vertices; const o = this.bones; if (o == null) { s.length > 0 && (a = s); const m = t.bone.matrix, g = m.tx, x = m.ty, E = m.a, w = m.c, b = m.b, p = m.d; for (let S = n, y = r; y < e; S += 2, y += h) { const M = a[S], T = a[S + 1]; i[y] = M * E + T * w + g, i[y + 1] = M * b + T * p + x; } return; } let d = 0, f = 0; for (let m = 0; m < n; m += 2) { const g = o[d]; d += g + 1, f += g; } const u = l.bones; if (s.length == 0) for (let m = r, g = f * 3; m < e; m += h) { let x = 0, E = 0, w = o[d++]; for (w += d; d < w; d++, g += 3) { const b = u[o[d]].matrix, p = a[g], S = a[g + 1], y = a[g + 2]; x += (p * b.a + S * b.c + b.tx) * y, E += (p * b.b + S * b.d + b.ty) * y; } i[m] = x, i[m + 1] = E; } else { const m = s; for (let g = r, x = f * 3, E = f << 1; g < e; g += h) { let w = 0, b = 0, p = o[d++]; for (p += d; d < p; d++, x += 3, E += 2) { const S = u[o[d]].matrix, y = a[x] + m[E], M = a[x + 1] + m[E + 1], T = a[x + 2]; w += (y * S.a + M * S.c + S.tx) * T, b += (y * S.b + M * S.d + S.ty) * T; } i[g] = w, i[g + 1] = b; } } } applyDeform(t) { return this == t; } }; let Ge = Xi; Ge.nextID = 0; let Ni = class extends Ge { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.BoundingBox, this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1); } }, Bi = class extends Ge { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.Clipping, this.color = new _(.2275, .2275, .8078, 1); } }, Is = class extends Ge { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.Mesh, this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), this.inheritDeform = !1, this.tempColor = new _(0, 0, 0, 0); } applyDeform(t) { return this == t || this.inheritDeform && this.parentMesh == t; } getParentMesh() { return this.parentMesh; } setParentMesh(t) { this.parentMesh = t, t != null && (this.bones = t.bones, this.vertices = t.vertices, this.worldVerticesLength = t.worldVerticesLength, this.regionUVs = t.regionUVs, this.triangles = t.triangles, this.hullLength = t.hullLength, this.worldVerticesLength = t.worldVerticesLength); } }, kn = class extends Ge { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.Path, this.closed = !1, this.constantSpeed = !1, this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1); } }, Di = class extends Ge { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.Point, this.color = new _(.38, .94, 0, 1); } computeWorldPosition(t, n) { const e = t.matrix; return n.x = this.x * e.a + this.y * e.c + t.worldX, n.y = this.x * e.b + this.y * e.d + t.worldY, n; } computeWorldRotation(t) { const n = t.matrix, e = C.cosDeg(this.rotation), i = C.sinDeg(this.rotation), r = e * n.a + i * n.c, h = e * n.b + i * n.d; return Math.atan2(h, r) * C.radDeg; } }, Rs = class { constructor(t, n) { if (this.attachmentVertices = new Array, t == null) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("bone cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.bone = n, this.color = new _, this.darkColor = t.darkColor == null ? null : new _, this.setToSetupPose(), this.blendMode = this.data.blendMode; } getAttachment() { return this.attachment; } setAttachment(t) { this.attachment != t && (this.attachment = t, this.attachmentTime = this.bone.skeleton.time, this.attachmentVertices.length = 0); } setAttachmentTime(t) { this.attachmentTime = this.bone.skeleton.time - t; } getAttachmentTime() { return this.bone.skeleton.time - this.attachmentTime; } setToSetupPose() { this.color.setFromColor(this.data.color), this.darkColor != null && this.darkColor.setFromColor(this.data.darkColor), this.data.attachmentName == null ? this.attachment = null : (this.attachment = null, this.setAttachment(this.bone.skeleton.getAttachment(this.data.index, this.data.attachmentName))); } }; const Yt = class extends ks { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.Region, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.scaleX = 1, this.scaleY = 1, this.rotation = 0, this.width = 0, this.height = 0, this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), this.offset = v.newFloatArray(8), this.uvs = v.newFloatArray(8), this.tempColor = new _(1, 1, 1, 1); } updateOffset() { const t = this.width / this.region.originalWidth * this.scaleX, n = this.height / this.region.originalHeight * this.scaleY, e = -this.width / 2 * this.scaleX + this.region.offsetX * t, i = -this.height / 2 * this.scaleY + this.region.offsetY * n, r = e + this.region.width * t, h = i + this.region.height * n, l = this.rotation * Math.PI / 180, s = Math.cos(l), a = Math.sin(l), o = e * s + this.x, d = e * a, f = i * s + this.y, u = i * a, m = r * s + this.x, g = r * a, x = h * s + this.y, E = h * a, w = this.offset; w[Yt.OX1] = o - u, w[Yt.OY1] = f + d, w[Yt.OX2] = o - E, w[Yt.OY2] = x + d, w[Yt.OX3] = m - E, w[Yt.OY3] = x + g, w[Yt.OX4] = m - u, w[Yt.OY4] = f + g; } setRegion(t) { this.region = t; const n = this.uvs; t.rotate ? (n[2] = t.u, n[3] = t.v2, n[4] = t.u, n[5] = t.v, n[6] = t.u2, n[7] = t.v, n[0] = t.u2, n[1] = t.v2) : (n[0] = t.u, n[1] = t.v2, n[2] = t.u, n[3] = t.v, n[4] = t.u2, n[5] = t.v, n[6] = t.u2, n[7] = t.v2); } computeWorldVertices(t, n, e, i) { const r = this.offset, h = t instanceof Rs ? t.bone.matrix : t.matrix, l = h.tx, s = h.ty, a = h.a, o = h.c, d = h.b, f = h.d; let u = 0, m = 0; u = r[Yt.OX1], m = r[Yt.OY1], n[e] = u * a + m * o + l, n[e + 1] = u * d + m * f + s, e += i, u = r[Yt.OX2], m = r[Yt.OY2], n[e] = u * a + m * o + l, n[e + 1] = u * d + m * f + s, e += i, u = r[Yt.OX3], m = r[Yt.OY3], n[e] = u * a + m * o + l, n[e + 1] = u * d + m * f + s, e += i, u = r[Yt.OX4], m = r[Yt.OY4], n[e] = u * a + m * o + l, n[e + 1] = u * d + m * f + s; } }; let K = Yt; K.OX1 = 0, K.OY1 = 1, K.OX2 = 2, K.OY2 = 3, K.OX3 = 4, K.OY3 = 5, K.OX4 = 6, K.OY4 = 7, K.X1 = 0, K.Y1 = 1, K.C1R = 2, K.C1G = 3, K.C1B = 4, K.C1A = 5, K.U1 = 6, K.V1 = 7, K.X2 = 8, K.Y2 = 9, K.C2R = 10, K.C2G = 11, K.C2B = 12, K.C2A = 13, K.U2 = 14, K.V2 = 15, K.X3 = 16, K.Y3 = 17, K.C3R = 18, K.C3G = 19, K.C3B = 20, K.C3A = 21, K.U3 = 22, K.V3 = 23, K.X4 = 24, K.Y4 = 25, K.C4R = 26, K.C4G = 27, K.C4B = 28, K.C4A = 29, K.U4 = 30, K.V4 = 31; class Br { constructor(t, n) { this.jitterX = 0, this.jitterY = 0, this.jitterX = t, this.jitterY = n; } begin(t) { } transform(t, n, e, i) { t.x += C.randomTriangular(-this.jitterX, this.jitterY), t.y += C.randomTriangular(-this.jitterX, this.jitterY); } end() { } } const Li = class { constructor(c) { this.centerX = 0, this.centerY = 0, this.radius = 0, this.angle = 0, this.worldX = 0, this.worldY = 0, this.radius = c; } begin(c) { this.worldX = c.x + this.centerX, this.worldY = c.y + this.centerY; } transform(c, t, n, e) { const i = this.angle * C.degreesToRadians, r = c.x - this.worldX, h = c.y - this.worldY, l = Math.sqrt(r * r + h * h); if (l < this.radius) { const s = Li.interpolation.apply(0, i, (this.radius - l) / this.radius), a = Math.cos(s), o = Math.sin(s); c.x = a * r - o * h + this.worldX, c.y = o * r + a * h + this.worldY; } } end() { } }; let _i = Li; _i.interpolation = new is(2); let Ct = class { constructor(t, n, e) { if (t == null) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("timelines cannot be null."); this.name = t, this.timelines = n, this.duration = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s) { if (t == null) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); i && this.duration != 0 && (e %= this.duration, n > 0 && (n %= this.duration)); const a = this.timelines; for (let o = 0, d = a.length; o < d; o++)a[o].apply(t, n, e, r, h, l, s); } static binarySearch(t, n, e = 1) { let i = 0, r = t.length / e - 2; if (r == 0) return e; let h = r >>> 1; for (; ;) { if (t[(h + 1) * e] <= n ? i = h + 1 : r = h, i == r) return (i + 1) * e; h = i + r >>> 1; } } static linearSearch(t, n, e) { for (let i = 0, r = t.length - e; i <= r; i += e)if (t[i] > n) return i; return -1; } }; var Oi = (c => (c[c.rotate = 0] = "rotate", c[c.translate = 1] = "translate", c[c.scale = 2] = "scale", c[c.shear = 3] = "shear", c[c.attachment = 4] = "attachment", c[c.color = 5] = "color", c[c.deform = 6] = "deform", c[c.event = 7] = "event", c[c.drawOrder = 8] = "drawOrder", c[c.ikConstraint = 9] = "ikConstraint", c[c.transformConstraint = 10] = "transformConstraint", c[c.pathConstraintPosition = 11] = "pathConstraintPosition", c[c.pathConstraintSpacing = 12] = "pathConstraintSpacing", c[c.pathConstraintMix = 13] = "pathConstraintMix", c[c.twoColor = 14] = "twoColor", c))(Oi || {}); const At = class { constructor(c) { if (c <= 0) throw new Error(`frameCount must be > 0: ${c}`); this.curves = v.newFloatArray((c - 1) * At.BEZIER_SIZE); } getFrameCount() { return this.curves.length / At.BEZIER_SIZE + 1; } setLinear(c) { this.curves[c * At.BEZIER_SIZE] = At.LINEAR; } setStepped(c) { this.curves[c * At.BEZIER_SIZE] = At.STEPPED; } getCurveType(c) { const t = c * At.BEZIER_SIZE; if (t == this.curves.length) return At.LINEAR; const n = this.curves[t]; return n == At.LINEAR ? At.LINEAR : n == At.STEPPED ? At.STEPPED : At.BEZIER; } setCurve(c, t, n, e, i) { const r = (-t * 2 + e) * .03, h = (-n * 2 + i) * .03, l = ((t - e) * 3 + 1) * .006, s = ((n - i) * 3 + 1) * .006; let a = r * 2 + l, o = h * 2 + s, d = t * .3 + r + l * .16666667, f = n * .3 + h + s * .16666667, u = c * At.BEZIER_SIZE; const m = this.curves; m[u++] = At.BEZIER; let g = d, x = f; for (let E = u + At.BEZIER_SIZE - 1; u < E; u += 2)m[u] = g, m[u + 1] = x, d += a, f += o, a += l, o += s, g += d, x += f; } getCurvePercent(c, t) { t = C.clamp(t, 0, 1); const n = this.curves; let e = c * At.BEZIER_SIZE; const i = n[e]; if (i == At.LINEAR) return t; if (i == At.STEPPED) return 0; e++; let r = 0; for (let l = e, s = e + At.BEZIER_SIZE - 1; e < s; e += 2)if (r = n[e], r >= t) { let a, o; return e == l ? (a = 0, o = 0) : (a = n[e - 2], o = n[e - 1]), o + (n[e + 1] - o) * (t - a) / (r - a); } const h = n[e - 1]; return h + (1 - h) * (t - r) / (1 - r); } }; let jt = At; jt.LINEAR = 0, jt.STEPPED = 1, jt.BEZIER = 2, jt.BEZIER_SIZE = 10 * 2 - 1; const je = class extends jt { constructor(c) { super(c), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(c << 1); } getPropertyId() { return (0 << 24) + this.boneIndex; } setFrame(c, t, n) { c <<= 1, this.frames[c] = t, this.frames[c + je.ROTATION] = n; } apply(c, t, n, e, i, r, h) { const l = this.frames, s = c.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (n < l[0]) { switch (r) { case A.setup: s.rotation = s.data.rotation; return; case A.first: const m = s.data.rotation - s.rotation; s.rotation += (m - (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - m / 360 | 0)) * 360) * i; }return; } if (n >= l[l.length - je.ENTRIES]) { let m = l[l.length + je.PREV_ROTATION]; switch (r) { case A.setup: s.rotation = s.data.rotation + m * i; break; case A.first: case A.replace: m += s.data.rotation - s.rotation, m -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - m / 360 | 0)) * 360; case A.add: s.rotation += m * i; }return; } const a = Ct.binarySearch(l, n, je.ENTRIES), o = l[a + je.PREV_ROTATION], d = l[a], f = this.getCurvePercent((a >> 1) - 1, 1 - (n - d) / (l[a + je.PREV_TIME] - d)); let u = l[a + je.ROTATION] - o; switch (u = o + (u - (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - u / 360 | 0)) * 360) * f, r) { case A.setup: s.rotation = s.data.rotation + (u - (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - u / 360 | 0)) * 360) * i; break; case A.first: case A.replace: u += s.data.rotation - s.rotation; case A.add: s.rotation += (u - (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - u / 360 | 0)) * 360) * i; } } }; let $t = je; $t.ENTRIES = 2, $t.PREV_TIME = -2, $t.PREV_ROTATION = -1, $t.ROTATION = 1; const Wt = class extends jt { constructor(c) { super(c), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(c * Wt.ENTRIES); } getPropertyId() { return (1 << 24) + this.boneIndex; } setFrame(c, t, n, e) { c *= Wt.ENTRIES, this.frames[c] = t, this.frames[c + Wt.X] = n, this.frames[c + Wt.Y] = e; } apply(c, t, n, e, i, r, h) { const l = this.frames, s = c.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (n < l[0]) { switch (r) { case A.setup: s.x = s.data.x, s.y = s.data.y; return; case A.first: s.x += (s.data.x - s.x) * i, s.y += (s.data.y - s.y) * i; }return; } let a = 0, o = 0; if (n >= l[l.length - Wt.ENTRIES]) a = l[l.length + Wt.PREV_X], o = l[l.length + Wt.PREV_Y]; else { const d = Ct.binarySearch(l, n, Wt.ENTRIES); a = l[d + Wt.PREV_X], o = l[d + Wt.PREV_Y]; const f = l[d], u = this.getCurvePercent(d / Wt.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (n - f) / (l[d + Wt.PREV_TIME] - f)); a += (l[d + Wt.X] - a) * u, o += (l[d + Wt.Y] - o) * u; } switch (r) { case A.setup: s.x = s.data.x + a * i, s.y = s.data.y + o * i; break; case A.first: case A.replace: s.x += (s.data.x + a - s.x) * i, s.y += (s.data.y + o - s.y) * i; break; case A.add: s.x += a * i, s.y += o * i; } } }; let ge = Wt; ge.ENTRIES = 3, ge.PREV_TIME = -3, ge.PREV_X = -2, ge.PREV_Y = -1, ge.X = 1, ge.Y = 2; let le = class extends ge { constructor(t) { super(t); } getPropertyId() { return (2 << 24) + this.boneIndex; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = this.frames, a = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (e < s[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: a.scaleX = a.data.scaleX, a.scaleY = a.data.scaleY; return; case A.first: a.scaleX += (a.data.scaleX - a.scaleX) * r, a.scaleY += (a.data.scaleY - a.scaleY) * r; }return; } let o = 0, d = 0; if (e >= s[s.length - le.ENTRIES]) o = s[s.length + le.PREV_X] * a.data.scaleX, d = s[s.length + le.PREV_Y] * a.data.scaleY; else { const f = Ct.binarySearch(s, e, le.ENTRIES); o = s[f + le.PREV_X], d = s[f + le.PREV_Y]; const u = s[f], m = this.getCurvePercent(f / le.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (e - u) / (s[f + le.PREV_TIME] - u)); o = (o + (s[f + le.X] - o) * m) * a.data.scaleX, d = (d + (s[f + le.Y] - d) * m) * a.data.scaleY; } if (r == 1) h == A.add ? (a.scaleX += o - a.data.scaleX, a.scaleY += d - a.data.scaleY) : (a.scaleX = o, a.scaleY = d); else { let f = 0, u = 0; if (l == J.mixOut) switch (h) { case A.setup: f = a.data.scaleX, u = a.data.scaleY, a.scaleX = f + (Math.abs(o) * C.signum(f) - f) * r, a.scaleY = u + (Math.abs(d) * C.signum(u) - u) * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: f = a.scaleX, u = a.scaleY, a.scaleX = f + (Math.abs(o) * C.signum(f) - f) * r, a.scaleY = u + (Math.abs(d) * C.signum(u) - u) * r; break; case A.add: f = a.scaleX, u = a.scaleY, a.scaleX = f + (Math.abs(o) * C.signum(f) - a.data.scaleX) * r, a.scaleY = u + (Math.abs(d) * C.signum(u) - a.data.scaleY) * r; } else switch (h) { case A.setup: f = Math.abs(a.data.scaleX) * C.signum(o), u = Math.abs(a.data.scaleY) * C.signum(d), a.scaleX = f + (o - f) * r, a.scaleY = u + (d - u) * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: f = Math.abs(a.scaleX) * C.signum(o), u = Math.abs(a.scaleY) * C.signum(d), a.scaleX = f + (o - f) * r, a.scaleY = u + (d - u) * r; break; case A.add: f = C.signum(o), u = C.signum(d), a.scaleX = Math.abs(a.scaleX) * f + (o - Math.abs(a.data.scaleX) * f) * r, a.scaleY = Math.abs(a.scaleY) * u + (d - Math.abs(a.data.scaleY) * u) * r; } } } }, ce = class extends ge { constructor(t) { super(t); } getPropertyId() { return (3 << 24) + this.boneIndex; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = this.frames, a = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (e < s[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: a.shearX = a.data.shearX, a.shearY = a.data.shearY; return; case A.first: a.shearX += (a.data.shearX - a.shearX) * r, a.shearY += (a.data.shearY - a.shearY) * r; }return; } let o = 0, d = 0; if (e >= s[s.length - ce.ENTRIES]) o = s[s.length + ce.PREV_X], d = s[s.length + ce.PREV_Y]; else { const f = Ct.binarySearch(s, e, ce.ENTRIES); o = s[f + ce.PREV_X], d = s[f + ce.PREV_Y]; const u = s[f], m = this.getCurvePercent(f / ce.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (e - u) / (s[f + ce.PREV_TIME] - u)); o = o + (s[f + ce.X] - o) * m, d = d + (s[f + ce.Y] - d) * m; } switch (h) { case A.setup: a.shearX = a.data.shearX + o * r, a.shearY = a.data.shearY + d * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: a.shearX += (a.data.shearX + o - a.shearX) * r, a.shearY += (a.data.shearY + d - a.shearY) * r; break; case A.add: a.shearX += o * r, a.shearY += d * r; } } }; const gt = class extends jt { constructor(c) { super(c), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(c * gt.ENTRIES); } getPropertyId() { return (5 << 24) + this.slotIndex; } setFrame(c, t, n, e, i, r) { c *= gt.ENTRIES, this.frames[c] = t, this.frames[c + gt.R] = n, this.frames[c + gt.G] = e, this.frames[c + gt.B] = i, this.frames[c + gt.A] = r; } apply(c, t, n, e, i, r, h) { const l = c.slots[this.slotIndex], s = this.frames; if (n < s[0]) { switch (r) { case A.setup: l.color.setFromColor(l.data.color); return; case A.first: const u = l.color, m = l.data.color; u.add((m.r - u.r) * i, (m.g - u.g) * i, (m.b - u.b) * i, (m.a - u.a) * i); }return; } let a = 0, o = 0, d = 0, f = 0; if (n >= s[s.length - gt.ENTRIES]) { const u = s.length; a = s[u + gt.PREV_R], o = s[u + gt.PREV_G], d = s[u + gt.PREV_B], f = s[u + gt.PREV_A]; } else { const u = Ct.binarySearch(s, n, gt.ENTRIES); a = s[u + gt.PREV_R], o = s[u + gt.PREV_G], d = s[u + gt.PREV_B], f = s[u + gt.PREV_A]; const m = s[u], g = this.getCurvePercent(u / gt.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (n - m) / (s[u + gt.PREV_TIME] - m)); a += (s[u + gt.R] - a) * g, o += (s[u + gt.G] - o) * g, d += (s[u + gt.B] - d) * g, f += (s[u + gt.A] - f) * g; } if (i == 1) l.color.set(a, o, d, f); else { const u = l.color; r == A.setup && u.setFromColor(l.data.color), u.add((a - u.r) * i, (o - u.g) * i, (d - u.b) * i, (f - u.a) * i); } } }; let se = gt; se.ENTRIES = 5, se.PREV_TIME = -5, se.PREV_R = -4, se.PREV_G = -3, se.PREV_B = -2, se.PREV_A = -1, se.R = 1, se.G = 2, se.B = 3, se.A = 4; const st = class extends jt { constructor(c) { super(c), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(c * st.ENTRIES); } getPropertyId() { return (14 << 24) + this.slotIndex; } setFrame(c, t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s) { c *= st.ENTRIES, this.frames[c] = t, this.frames[c + st.R] = n, this.frames[c + st.G] = e, this.frames[c + st.B] = i, this.frames[c + st.A] = r, this.frames[c + st.R2] = h, this.frames[c + st.G2] = l, this.frames[c + st.B2] = s; } apply(c, t, n, e, i, r, h) { const l = c.slots[this.slotIndex], s = this.frames; if (n < s[0]) { switch (r) { case A.setup: l.color.setFromColor(l.data.color), l.darkColor.setFromColor(l.data.darkColor); return; case A.first: const x = l.color, E = l.darkColor, w = l.data.color, b = l.data.darkColor; x.add((w.r - x.r) * i, (w.g - x.g) * i, (w.b - x.b) * i, (w.a - x.a) * i), E.add((b.r - E.r) * i, (b.g - E.g) * i, (b.b - E.b) * i, 0); }return; } let a = 0, o = 0, d = 0, f = 0, u = 0, m = 0, g = 0; if (n >= s[s.length - st.ENTRIES]) { const x = s.length; a = s[x + st.PREV_R], o = s[x + st.PREV_G], d = s[x + st.PREV_B], f = s[x + st.PREV_A], u = s[x + st.PREV_R2], m = s[x + st.PREV_G2], g = s[x + st.PREV_B2]; } else { const x = Ct.binarySearch(s, n, st.ENTRIES); a = s[x + st.PREV_R], o = s[x + st.PREV_G], d = s[x + st.PREV_B], f = s[x + st.PREV_A], u = s[x + st.PREV_R2], m = s[x + st.PREV_G2], g = s[x + st.PREV_B2]; const E = s[x], w = this.getCurvePercent(x / st.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (n - E) / (s[x + st.PREV_TIME] - E)); a += (s[x + st.R] - a) * w, o += (s[x + st.G] - o) * w, d += (s[x + st.B] - d) * w, f += (s[x + st.A] - f) * w, u += (s[x + st.R2] - u) * w, m += (s[x + st.G2] - m) * w, g += (s[x + st.B2] - g) * w; } if (i == 1) l.color.set(a, o, d, f), l.darkColor.set(u, m, g, 1); else { const x = l.color, E = l.darkColor; r == A.setup && (x.setFromColor(l.data.color), E.setFromColor(l.data.darkColor)), x.add((a - x.r) * i, (o - x.g) * i, (d - x.b) * i, (f - x.a) * i), E.add((u - E.r) * i, (m - E.g) * i, (g - E.b) * i, 0); } } }; let Tt = st; Tt.ENTRIES = 8, Tt.PREV_TIME = -8, Tt.PREV_R = -7, Tt.PREV_G = -6, Tt.PREV_B = -5, Tt.PREV_A = -4, Tt.PREV_R2 = -3, Tt.PREV_G2 = -2, Tt.PREV_B2 = -1, Tt.R = 1, Tt.G = 2, Tt.B = 3, Tt.A = 4, Tt.R2 = 5, Tt.G2 = 6, Tt.B2 = 7; let Dn = class { constructor(t) { this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t), this.attachmentNames = new Array(t); } getPropertyId() { return (4 << 24) + this.slotIndex; } getFrameCount() { return this.frames.length; } setFrame(t, n, e) { this.frames[t] = n, this.attachmentNames[t] = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.slots[this.slotIndex]; if (l == J.mixOut && h == A.setup) { const f = s.data.attachmentName; s.setAttachment(f == null ? null : t.getAttachment(this.slotIndex, f)); return; } const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { if (h == A.setup || h == A.first) { const f = s.data.attachmentName; s.setAttachment(f == null ? null : t.getAttachment(this.slotIndex, f)); } return; } let o = 0; e >= a[a.length - 1] ? o = a.length - 1 : o = Ct.binarySearch(a, e, 1) - 1; const d = this.attachmentNames[o]; t.slots[this.slotIndex].setAttachment(d == null ? null : t.getAttachment(this.slotIndex, d)); } }, $i = null, Wi = class extends jt { constructor(t) { super(t), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t), this.frameVertices = new Array(t), $i == null && ($i = v.newFloatArray(64)); } getPropertyId() { return (6 << 27) + Number(this.attachment.id) + this.slotIndex; } setFrame(t, n, e) { this.frames[t] = n, this.frameVertices[t] = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.slots[this.slotIndex], a = s.getAttachment(); if (!(a instanceof Ge) || !a.applyDeform(this.attachment)) return; const o = s.attachmentVertices; o.length == 0 && (h = A.setup); const d = this.frameVertices, f = d[0].length, u = this.frames; if (e < u[0]) { const p = a; switch (h) { case A.setup: o.length = 0; return; case A.first: if (r == 1) { o.length = 0; break; } const S = v.setArraySize(o, f); if (p.bones == null) { const y = p.vertices; for (let M = 0; M < f; M++)S[M] += (y[M] - S[M]) * r; } else { r = 1 - r; for (let y = 0; y < f; y++)S[y] *= r; } }return; } const m = v.setArraySize(o, f); if (e >= u[u.length - 1]) { const p = d[u.length - 1]; if (r == 1) if (h == A.add) { const S = a; if (S.bones == null) { const y = S.vertices; for (let M = 0; M < f; M++)m[M] += p[M] - y[M]; } else for (let y = 0; y < f; y++)m[y] += p[y]; } else v.arrayCopy(p, 0, m, 0, f); else switch (h) { case A.setup: { const y = a; if (y.bones == null) { const M = y.vertices; for (let T = 0; T < f; T++) { const k = M[T]; m[T] = k + (p[T] - k) * r; } } else for (let M = 0; M < f; M++)m[M] = p[M] * r; break; } case A.first: case A.replace: for (let y = 0; y < f; y++)m[y] += (p[y] - m[y]) * r; case A.add: const S = a; if (S.bones == null) { const y = S.vertices; for (let M = 0; M < f; M++)m[M] += (p[M] - y[M]) * r; } else for (let y = 0; y < f; y++)m[y] += p[y] * r; }return; } const g = Ct.binarySearch(u, e), x = d[g - 1], E = d[g], w = u[g], b = this.getCurvePercent(g - 1, 1 - (e - w) / (u[g - 1] - w)); if (r == 1) if (h == A.add) { const p = a; if (p.bones == null) { const S = p.vertices; for (let y = 0; y < f; y++) { const M = x[y]; m[y] += M + (E[y] - M) * b - S[y]; } } else for (let S = 0; S < f; S++) { const y = x[S]; m[S] += y + (E[S] - y) * b; } } else for (let p = 0; p < f; p++) { const S = x[p]; m[p] = S + (E[p] - S) * b; } else switch (h) { case A.setup: { const S = a; if (S.bones == null) { const y = S.vertices; for (let M = 0; M < f; M++) { const T = x[M], k = y[M]; m[M] = k + (T + (E[M] - T) * b - k) * r; } } else for (let y = 0; y < f; y++) { const M = x[y]; m[y] = (M + (E[y] - M) * b) * r; } break; } case A.first: case A.replace: for (let S = 0; S < f; S++) { const y = x[S]; m[S] += (y + (E[S] - y) * b - m[S]) * r; } break; case A.add: const p = a; if (p.bones == null) { const S = p.vertices; for (let y = 0; y < f; y++) { const M = x[y]; m[y] += (M + (E[y] - M) * b - S[y]) * r; } } else for (let S = 0; S < f; S++) { const y = x[S]; m[S] += (y + (E[S] - y) * b) * r; } } } }, qi = class { constructor(t) { this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t), this.events = new Array(t); } getPropertyId() { return 7 << 24; } getFrameCount() { return this.frames.length; } setFrame(t, n) { this.frames[t] = n.time, this.events[t] = n; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { if (i == null) return; const s = this.frames, a = this.frames.length; if (n > e) this.apply(t, n, Number.MAX_VALUE, i, r, h, l), n = -1; else if (n >= s[a - 1]) return; if (e < s[0]) return; let o = 0; if (n < s[0]) o = 0; else { o = Ct.binarySearch(s, n); const d = s[o]; for (; o > 0 && s[o - 1] == d;)o--; } for (; o < a && e >= s[o]; o++)i.push(this.events[o]); } }, Ln = class { constructor(t) { this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t), this.drawOrders = new Array(t); } getPropertyId() { return 8 << 24; } getFrameCount() { return this.frames.length; } setFrame(t, n, e) { this.frames[t] = n, this.drawOrders[t] = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.drawOrder, a = t.slots; if (l == J.mixOut && h == A.setup) { v.arrayCopy(t.slots, 0, t.drawOrder, 0, t.slots.length); return; } const o = this.frames; if (e < o[0]) { (h == A.setup || h == A.first) && v.arrayCopy(t.slots, 0, t.drawOrder, 0, t.slots.length); return; } let d = 0; e >= o[o.length - 1] ? d = o.length - 1 : d = Ct.binarySearch(o, e) - 1; const f = this.drawOrders[d]; if (f == null) v.arrayCopy(a, 0, s, 0, a.length); else for (let u = 0, m = f.length; u < m; u++)s[u] = a[f[u]]; } }; const ht = class extends jt { constructor(c) { super(c), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(c * ht.ENTRIES); } getPropertyId() { return (9 << 24) + this.ikConstraintIndex; } setFrame(c, t, n, e, i, r) { c *= ht.ENTRIES, this.frames[c] = t, this.frames[c + ht.MIX] = n, this.frames[c + ht.BEND_DIRECTION] = e, this.frames[c + ht.COMPRESS] = i ? 1 : 0, this.frames[c + ht.STRETCH] = r ? 1 : 0; } apply(c, t, n, e, i, r, h) { const l = this.frames, s = c.ikConstraints[this.ikConstraintIndex]; if (n < l[0]) { switch (r) { case A.setup: s.mix = s.data.mix, s.bendDirection = s.data.bendDirection, s.compress = s.data.compress, s.stretch = s.data.stretch; return; case A.first: s.mix += (s.data.mix - s.mix) * i, s.bendDirection = s.data.bendDirection, s.compress = s.data.compress, s.stretch = s.data.stretch; }return; } if (n >= l[l.length - ht.ENTRIES]) { r == A.setup ? (s.mix = s.data.mix + (l[l.length + ht.PREV_MIX] - s.data.mix) * i, h == J.mixOut ? (s.bendDirection = s.data.bendDirection, s.compress = s.data.compress, s.stretch = s.data.stretch) : (s.bendDirection = l[l.length + ht.PREV_BEND_DIRECTION], s.compress = l[l.length + ht.PREV_COMPRESS] != 0, s.stretch = l[l.length + ht.PREV_STRETCH] != 0)) : (s.mix += (l[l.length + ht.PREV_MIX] - s.mix) * i, h == J.mixIn && (s.bendDirection = l[l.length + ht.PREV_BEND_DIRECTION], s.compress = l[l.length + ht.PREV_COMPRESS] != 0, s.stretch = l[l.length + ht.PREV_STRETCH] != 0)); return; } const a = Ct.binarySearch(l, n, ht.ENTRIES), o = l[a + ht.PREV_MIX], d = l[a], f = this.getCurvePercent(a / ht.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (n - d) / (l[a + ht.PREV_TIME] - d)); r == A.setup ? (s.mix = s.data.mix + (o + (l[a + ht.MIX] - o) * f - s.data.mix) * i, h == J.mixOut ? (s.bendDirection = s.data.bendDirection, s.compress = s.data.compress, s.stretch = s.data.stretch) : (s.bendDirection = l[a + ht.PREV_BEND_DIRECTION], s.compress = l[a + ht.PREV_COMPRESS] != 0, s.stretch = l[a + ht.PREV_STRETCH] != 0)) : (s.mix += (o + (l[a + ht.MIX] - o) * f - s.mix) * i, h == J.mixIn && (s.bendDirection = l[a + ht.PREV_BEND_DIRECTION], s.compress = l[a + ht.PREV_COMPRESS] != 0, s.stretch = l[a + ht.PREV_STRETCH] != 0)); } }; let ie = ht; ie.ENTRIES = 5, ie.PREV_TIME = -5, ie.PREV_MIX = -4, ie.PREV_BEND_DIRECTION = -3, ie.PREV_COMPRESS = -2, ie.PREV_STRETCH = -1, ie.MIX = 1, ie.BEND_DIRECTION = 2, ie.COMPRESS = 3, ie.STRETCH = 4; const xt = class extends jt { constructor(c) { super(c), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(c * xt.ENTRIES); } getPropertyId() { return (10 << 24) + this.transformConstraintIndex; } setFrame(c, t, n, e, i, r) { c *= xt.ENTRIES, this.frames[c] = t, this.frames[c + xt.ROTATE] = n, this.frames[c + xt.TRANSLATE] = e, this.frames[c + xt.SCALE] = i, this.frames[c + xt.SHEAR] = r; } apply(c, t, n, e, i, r, h) { const l = this.frames, s = c.transformConstraints[this.transformConstraintIndex]; if (n < l[0]) { const u = s.data; switch (r) { case A.setup: s.rotateMix = u.rotateMix, s.translateMix = u.translateMix, s.scaleMix = u.scaleMix, s.shearMix = u.shearMix; return; case A.first: s.rotateMix += (u.rotateMix - s.rotateMix) * i, s.translateMix += (u.translateMix - s.translateMix) * i, s.scaleMix += (u.scaleMix - s.scaleMix) * i, s.shearMix += (u.shearMix - s.shearMix) * i; }return; } let a = 0, o = 0, d = 0, f = 0; if (n >= l[l.length - xt.ENTRIES]) { const u = l.length; a = l[u + xt.PREV_ROTATE], o = l[u + xt.PREV_TRANSLATE], d = l[u + xt.PREV_SCALE], f = l[u + xt.PREV_SHEAR]; } else { const u = Ct.binarySearch(l, n, xt.ENTRIES); a = l[u + xt.PREV_ROTATE], o = l[u + xt.PREV_TRANSLATE], d = l[u + xt.PREV_SCALE], f = l[u + xt.PREV_SHEAR]; const m = l[u], g = this.getCurvePercent(u / xt.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (n - m) / (l[u + xt.PREV_TIME] - m)); a += (l[u + xt.ROTATE] - a) * g, o += (l[u + xt.TRANSLATE] - o) * g, d += (l[u + xt.SCALE] - d) * g, f += (l[u + xt.SHEAR] - f) * g; } if (r == A.setup) { const u = s.data; s.rotateMix = u.rotateMix + (a - u.rotateMix) * i, s.translateMix = u.translateMix + (o - u.translateMix) * i, s.scaleMix = u.scaleMix + (d - u.scaleMix) * i, s.shearMix = u.shearMix + (f - u.shearMix) * i; } else s.rotateMix += (a - s.rotateMix) * i, s.translateMix += (o - s.translateMix) * i, s.scaleMix += (d - s.scaleMix) * i, s.shearMix += (f - s.shearMix) * i; } }; let re = xt; re.ENTRIES = 5, re.PREV_TIME = -5, re.PREV_ROTATE = -4, re.PREV_TRANSLATE = -3, re.PREV_SCALE = -2, re.PREV_SHEAR = -1, re.ROTATE = 1, re.TRANSLATE = 2, re.SCALE = 3, re.SHEAR = 4; const xe = class extends jt { constructor(c) { super(c), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(c * xe.ENTRIES); } getPropertyId() { return (11 << 24) + this.pathConstraintIndex; } setFrame(c, t, n) { c *= xe.ENTRIES, this.frames[c] = t, this.frames[c + xe.VALUE] = n; } apply(c, t, n, e, i, r, h) { const l = this.frames, s = c.pathConstraints[this.pathConstraintIndex]; if (n < l[0]) { switch (r) { case A.setup: s.position = s.data.position; return; case A.first: s.position += (s.data.position - s.position) * i; }return; } let a = 0; if (n >= l[l.length - xe.ENTRIES]) a = l[l.length + xe.PREV_VALUE]; else { const o = Ct.binarySearch(l, n, xe.ENTRIES); a = l[o + xe.PREV_VALUE]; const d = l[o], f = this.getCurvePercent(o / xe.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (n - d) / (l[o + xe.PREV_TIME] - d)); a += (l[o + xe.VALUE] - a) * f; } r == A.setup ? s.position = s.data.position + (a - s.data.position) * i : s.position += (a - s.position) * i; } }; let Ze = xe; Ze.ENTRIES = 2, Ze.PREV_TIME = -2, Ze.PREV_VALUE = -1, Ze.VALUE = 1; let Xe = class extends Ze { constructor(t) { super(t); } getPropertyId() { return (12 << 24) + this.pathConstraintIndex; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = this.frames, a = t.pathConstraints[this.pathConstraintIndex]; if (e < s[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: a.spacing = a.data.spacing; return; case A.first: a.spacing += (a.data.spacing - a.spacing) * r; }return; } let o = 0; if (e >= s[s.length - Xe.ENTRIES]) o = s[s.length + Xe.PREV_VALUE]; else { const d = Ct.binarySearch(s, e, Xe.ENTRIES); o = s[d + Xe.PREV_VALUE]; const f = s[d], u = this.getCurvePercent(d / Xe.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (e - f) / (s[d + Xe.PREV_TIME] - f)); o += (s[d + Xe.VALUE] - o) * u; } h == A.setup ? a.spacing = a.data.spacing + (o - a.data.spacing) * r : a.spacing += (o - a.spacing) * r; } }; const qt = class extends jt { constructor(c) { super(c), this.frames = v.newFloatArray(c * qt.ENTRIES); } getPropertyId() { return (13 << 24) + this.pathConstraintIndex; } setFrame(c, t, n, e) { c *= qt.ENTRIES, this.frames[c] = t, this.frames[c + qt.ROTATE] = n, this.frames[c + qt.TRANSLATE] = e; } apply(c, t, n, e, i, r, h) { const l = this.frames, s = c.pathConstraints[this.pathConstraintIndex]; if (n < l[0]) { switch (r) { case A.setup: s.rotateMix = s.data.rotateMix, s.translateMix = s.data.translateMix; return; case A.first: s.rotateMix += (s.data.rotateMix - s.rotateMix) * i, s.translateMix += (s.data.translateMix - s.translateMix) * i; }return; } let a = 0, o = 0; if (n >= l[l.length - qt.ENTRIES]) a = l[l.length + qt.PREV_ROTATE], o = l[l.length + qt.PREV_TRANSLATE]; else { const d = Ct.binarySearch(l, n, qt.ENTRIES); a = l[d + qt.PREV_ROTATE], o = l[d + qt.PREV_TRANSLATE]; const f = l[d], u = this.getCurvePercent(d / qt.ENTRIES - 1, 1 - (n - f) / (l[d + qt.PREV_TIME] - f)); a += (l[d + qt.ROTATE] - a) * u, o += (l[d + qt.TRANSLATE] - o) * u; } r == A.setup ? (s.rotateMix = s.data.rotateMix + (a - s.data.rotateMix) * i, s.translateMix = s.data.translateMix + (o - s.data.translateMix) * i) : (s.rotateMix += (a - s.rotateMix) * i, s.translateMix += (o - s.translateMix) * i); } }; let Ne = qt; Ne.ENTRIES = 3, Ne.PREV_TIME = -3, Ne.PREV_ROTATE = -2, Ne.PREV_TRANSLATE = -1, Ne.ROTATE = 1, Ne.TRANSLATE = 2; const Pt = class { constructor(t) { this.tracks = new Array, this.events = new Array, this.listeners = new Array, this.queue = new Ps(this), this.propertyIDs = new ns, this.animationsChanged = !1, this.timeScale = 1, this.trackEntryPool = new An(() => new _n), this.data = t; } update(t) { t *= this.timeScale; const n = this.tracks; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r == null) continue; r.animationLast = r.nextAnimationLast, r.trackLast = r.nextTrackLast; let h = t * r.timeScale; if (r.delay > 0) { if (r.delay -= h, r.delay > 0) continue; h = -r.delay, r.delay = 0; } let l = r.next; if (l != null) { const s = r.trackLast - l.delay; if (s >= 0) { for (l.delay = 0, l.trackTime = r.timeScale == 0 ? 0 : (s / r.timeScale + t) * l.timeScale, r.trackTime += h, this.setCurrent(e, l, !0); l.mixingFrom != null;)l.mixTime += t, l = l.mixingFrom; continue; } } else if (r.trackLast >= r.trackEnd && r.mixingFrom == null) { n[e] = null, this.queue.end(r), this.disposeNext(r); continue; } if (r.mixingFrom != null && this.updateMixingFrom(r, t)) { let s = r.mixingFrom; for (r.mixingFrom = null, s != null && (s.mixingTo = null); s != null;)this.queue.end(s), s = s.mixingFrom; } r.trackTime += h; } this.queue.drain(); } updateMixingFrom(t, n) { const e = t.mixingFrom; if (e == null) return !0; const i = this.updateMixingFrom(e, n); return e.animationLast = e.nextAnimationLast, e.trackLast = e.nextTrackLast, t.mixTime > 0 && t.mixTime >= t.mixDuration ? ((e.totalAlpha == 0 || t.mixDuration == 0) && (t.mixingFrom = e.mixingFrom, e.mixingFrom != null && (e.mixingFrom.mixingTo = t), t.interruptAlpha = e.interruptAlpha, this.queue.end(e)), i) : (e.trackTime += n * e.timeScale, t.mixTime += n, !1); } apply(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.animationsChanged && this._animationsChanged(); const n = this.events, e = this.tracks; let i = !1; for (let r = 0, h = e.length; r < h; r++) { const l = e[r]; if (l == null || l.delay > 0) continue; i = !0; const s = r == 0 ? A.first : l.mixBlend; let a = l.alpha; l.mixingFrom != null ? a *= this.applyMixingFrom(l, t, s) : l.trackTime >= l.trackEnd && l.next == null && (a = 0); const o = l.animationLast, d = l.getAnimationTime(), f = l.animation.timelines.length, u = l.animation.timelines; if (r == 0 && a == 1 || s == A.add) for (let m = 0; m < f; m++)v.webkit602BugfixHelper(a, s), u[m].apply(t, o, d, n, a, s, J.mixIn); else { const m = l.timelineMode, g = l.timelinesRotation.length == 0; g && v.setArraySize(l.timelinesRotation, f << 1, null); const x = l.timelinesRotation; for (let E = 0; E < f; E++) { const w = u[E], b = m[E] == Pt.SUBSEQUENT ? s : A.setup; w instanceof $t ? this.applyRotateTimeline(w, t, d, a, b, x, E << 1, g) : (v.webkit602BugfixHelper(a, s), w.apply(t, o, d, n, a, b, J.mixIn)); } } this.queueEvents(l, d), n.length = 0, l.nextAnimationLast = d, l.nextTrackLast = l.trackTime; } return this.queue.drain(), i; } applyMixingFrom(t, n, e) { const i = t.mixingFrom; i.mixingFrom != null && this.applyMixingFrom(i, n, e); let r = 0; t.mixDuration == 0 ? (r = 1, e == A.first && (e = A.setup)) : (r = t.mixTime / t.mixDuration, r > 1 && (r = 1), e != A.first && (e = i.mixBlend)); const h = r < i.eventThreshold ? this.events : null, l = r < i.attachmentThreshold, s = r < i.drawOrderThreshold, a = i.animationLast, o = i.getAnimationTime(), d = i.animation.timelines.length, f = i.animation.timelines, u = i.alpha * t.interruptAlpha, m = u * (1 - r); if (e == A.add) for (let g = 0; g < d; g++)f[g].apply(n, a, o, h, m, e, J.mixOut); else { const g = i.timelineMode, x = i.timelineHoldMix, E = i.timelinesRotation.length == 0; E && v.setArraySize(i.timelinesRotation, d << 1, null); const w = i.timelinesRotation; i.totalAlpha = 0; for (let b = 0; b < d; b++) { const p = f[b]; let S = J.mixOut, y, M = 0; switch (g[b]) { case Pt.SUBSEQUENT: if (!l && p instanceof Dn || !s && p instanceof Ln) continue; y = e, M = m; break; case Pt.FIRST: y = A.setup, M = m; break; case Pt.HOLD: y = A.setup, M = u; break; default: y = A.setup; const T = x[b]; M = u * Math.max(0, 1 - T.mixTime / T.mixDuration); break; }i.totalAlpha += M, p instanceof $t ? this.applyRotateTimeline(p, n, o, M, y, w, b << 1, E) : (v.webkit602BugfixHelper(M, e), y == A.setup && (p instanceof Dn ? l && (S = J.mixOut) : p instanceof Ln && s && (S = J.mixOut)), p.apply(n, a, o, h, M, y, S)); } } return t.mixDuration > 0 && this.queueEvents(i, o), this.events.length = 0, i.nextAnimationLast = o, i.nextTrackLast = i.trackTime, r; } applyRotateTimeline(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s) { if (s && (h[l] = 0), i == 1) { t.apply(n, 0, e, null, 1, r, J.mixIn); return; } const a = t, o = a.frames, d = n.bones[a.boneIndex]; let f = 0, u = 0; if (e < o[0]) switch (r) { case A.setup: d.rotation = d.data.rotation; default: return; case A.first: f = d.rotation, u = d.data.rotation; } else if (f = r == A.setup ? d.data.rotation : d.rotation, e >= o[o.length - $t.ENTRIES]) u = d.data.rotation + o[o.length + $t.PREV_ROTATION]; else { const x = Ct.binarySearch(o, e, $t.ENTRIES), E = o[x + $t.PREV_ROTATION], w = o[x], b = a.getCurvePercent((x >> 1) - 1, 1 - (e - w) / (o[x + $t.PREV_TIME] - w)); u = o[x + $t.ROTATION] - E, u -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - u / 360 | 0)) * 360, u = E + u * b + d.data.rotation, u -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - u / 360 | 0)) * 360; } let m = 0, g = u - f; if (g -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - g / 360 | 0)) * 360, g == 0) m = h[l]; else { let x = 0, E = 0; s ? (x = 0, E = g) : (x = h[l], E = h[l + 1]); const w = g > 0; let b = x >= 0; C.signum(E) != C.signum(g) && Math.abs(E) <= 90 && (Math.abs(x) > 180 && (x += 360 * C.signum(x)), b = w), m = g + x - x % 360, b != w && (m += 360 * C.signum(x)), h[l] = m; } h[l + 1] = g, f += m * i, d.rotation = f - (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - f / 360 | 0)) * 360; } queueEvents(t, n) { const e = t.animationStart, i = t.animationEnd, r = i - e, h = t.trackLast % r, l = this.events; let s = 0; const a = l.length; for (; s < a; s++) { const d = l[s]; if (d.time < h) break; d.time > i || this.queue.event(t, d); } let o = !1; for (t.loop ? o = r == 0 || h > t.trackTime % r : o = n >= i && t.animationLast < i, o && this.queue.complete(t); s < a; s++)l[s].time < e || this.queue.event(t, l[s]); } clearTracks() { const t = this.queue.drainDisabled; this.queue.drainDisabled = !0; for (let n = 0, e = this.tracks.length; n < e; n++)this.clearTrack(n); this.tracks.length = 0, this.queue.drainDisabled = t, this.queue.drain(); } clearTrack(t) { if (t >= this.tracks.length) return; const n = this.tracks[t]; if (n == null) return; this.queue.end(n), this.disposeNext(n); let e = n; for (; ;) { const i = e.mixingFrom; if (i == null) break; this.queue.end(i), e.mixingFrom = null, e.mixingTo = null, e = i; } this.tracks[n.trackIndex] = null, this.queue.drain(); } setCurrent(t, n, e) { const i = this.expandToIndex(t); this.tracks[t] = n, i != null && (e && this.queue.interrupt(i), n.mixingFrom = i, i.mixingTo = n, n.mixTime = 0, i.mixingFrom != null && i.mixDuration > 0 && (n.interruptAlpha *= Math.min(1, i.mixTime / i.mixDuration)), i.timelinesRotation.length = 0), this.queue.start(n); } setAnimation(t, n, e) { const i = this.data.skeletonData.findAnimation(n); if (i == null) throw new Error(`Animation not found: ${n}`); return this.setAnimationWith(t, i, e); } setAnimationWith(t, n, e) { if (n == null) throw new Error("animation cannot be null."); let i = !0, r = this.expandToIndex(t); r != null && (r.nextTrackLast == -1 ? (this.tracks[t] = r.mixingFrom, this.queue.interrupt(r), this.queue.end(r), this.disposeNext(r), r = r.mixingFrom, i = !1) : this.disposeNext(r)); const h = this.trackEntry(t, n, e, r); return this.setCurrent(t, h, i), this.queue.drain(), h; } addAnimation(t, n, e, i) { const r = this.data.skeletonData.findAnimation(n); if (r == null) throw new Error(`Animation not found: ${n}`); return this.addAnimationWith(t, r, e, i); } addAnimationWith(t, n, e, i) { if (n == null) throw new Error("animation cannot be null."); let r = this.expandToIndex(t); if (r != null) for (; r.next != null;)r = r.next; const h = this.trackEntry(t, n, e, r); if (r == null) this.setCurrent(t, h, !0), this.queue.drain(); else if (r.next = h, i <= 0) { const l = r.animationEnd - r.animationStart; l != 0 ? (r.loop ? i += l * (1 + (r.trackTime / l | 0)) : i += Math.max(l, r.trackTime), i -= this.data.getMix(r.animation, n)) : i = r.trackTime; } return h.delay = i, h; } setEmptyAnimation(t, n) { const e = this.setAnimationWith(t, Pt.emptyAnimation, !1); return e.mixDuration = n, e.trackEnd = n, e; } addEmptyAnimation(t, n, e) { e <= 0 && (e -= n); const i = this.addAnimationWith(t, Pt.emptyAnimation, !1, e); return i.mixDuration = n, i.trackEnd = n, i; } setEmptyAnimations(t) { const n = this.queue.drainDisabled; this.queue.drainDisabled = !0; for (let e = 0, i = this.tracks.length; e < i; e++) { const r = this.tracks[e]; r != null && this.setEmptyAnimation(r.trackIndex, t); } this.queue.drainDisabled = n, this.queue.drain(); } expandToIndex(t) { return t < this.tracks.length ? this.tracks[t] : (v.ensureArrayCapacity(this.tracks, t - this.tracks.length + 1, null), this.tracks.length = t + 1, null); } trackEntry(t, n, e, i) { const r = this.trackEntryPool.obtain(); return r.trackIndex = t, r.animation = n, r.loop = e, r.holdPrevious = !1, r.eventThreshold = 0, r.attachmentThreshold = 0, r.drawOrderThreshold = 0, r.animationStart = 0, r.animationEnd = n.duration, r.animationLast = -1, r.nextAnimationLast = -1, r.delay = 0, r.trackTime = 0, r.trackLast = -1, r.nextTrackLast = -1, r.trackEnd = Number.MAX_VALUE, r.timeScale = 1, r.alpha = 1, r.interruptAlpha = 1, r.mixTime = 0, r.mixDuration = i == null ? 0 : this.data.getMix(i.animation, n), r; } disposeNext(t) { let n = t.next; for (; n != null;)this.queue.dispose(n), n = n.next; t.next = null; } _animationsChanged() { this.animationsChanged = !1, this.propertyIDs.clear(); for (let t = 0, n = this.tracks.length; t < n; t++) { let e = this.tracks[t]; if (e != null) { for (; e.mixingFrom != null;)e = e.mixingFrom; do (e.mixingFrom == null || e.mixBlend != A.add) && this.setTimelineModes(e), e = e.mixingTo; while (e != null); } } } setTimelineModes(t) { const n = t.mixingTo, e = t.animation.timelines, i = t.animation.timelines.length, r = v.setArraySize(t.timelineMode, i); t.timelineHoldMix.length = 0; const h = v.setArraySize(t.timelineHoldMix, i), l = this.propertyIDs; if (n != null && n.holdPrevious) { for (let s = 0; s < i; s++)l.add(e[s].getPropertyId()), r[s] = Pt.HOLD; return; } t: for (let s = 0; s < i; s++) { const a = e[s].getPropertyId(); if (!l.add(a)) r[s] = Pt.SUBSEQUENT; else if (n == null || !this.hasTimeline(n, a)) r[s] = Pt.FIRST; else { for (let o = n.mixingTo; o != null; o = o.mixingTo)if (!this.hasTimeline(o, a)) { if (t.mixDuration > 0) { r[s] = Pt.HOLD_MIX, h[s] = o; continue t; } break; } r[s] = Pt.HOLD; } } } hasTimeline(t, n) { const e = t.animation.timelines; for (let i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; i++)if (e[i].getPropertyId() == n) return !0; return !1; } getCurrent(t) { return t >= this.tracks.length ? null : this.tracks[t]; } addListener(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("listener cannot be null."); this.listeners.push(t); } removeListener(t) { const n = this.listeners.indexOf(t); n >= 0 && this.listeners.splice(n, 1); } clearListeners() { this.listeners.length = 0; } clearListenerNotifications() { this.queue.clear(); } setAnimationByName(t, n, e) { Pt.deprecatedWarning1 || (Pt.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: AnimationState.setAnimationByName is deprecated, please use setAnimation from now on.")), this.setAnimation(t, n, e); } addAnimationByName(t, n, e, i) { Pt.deprecatedWarning2 || (Pt.deprecatedWarning2 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: AnimationState.addAnimationByName is deprecated, please use addAnimation from now on.")), this.addAnimation(t, n, e, i); } hasAnimation(t) { return this.data.skeletonData.findAnimation(t) !== null; } hasAnimationByName(t) { return Pt.deprecatedWarning3 || (Pt.deprecatedWarning3 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: AnimationState.hasAnimationByName is deprecated, please use hasAnimation from now on.")), this.hasAnimation(t); } }; let Ie = Pt; Ie.emptyAnimation = new Ct("<empty>", [], 0), Ie.SUBSEQUENT = 0, Ie.FIRST = 1, Ie.HOLD = 2, Ie.HOLD_MIX = 3, Ie.deprecatedWarning1 = !1, Ie.deprecatedWarning2 = !1, Ie.deprecatedWarning3 = !1; const Be = class { constructor() { this.mixBlend = A.replace, this.timelineMode = new Array, this.timelineHoldMix = new Array, this.timelinesRotation = new Array; } reset() { this.next = null, this.mixingFrom = null, this.mixingTo = null, this.animation = null, this.listener = null, this.timelineMode.length = 0, this.timelineHoldMix.length = 0, this.timelinesRotation.length = 0; } getAnimationTime() { if (this.loop) { const t = this.animationEnd - this.animationStart; return t == 0 ? this.animationStart : this.trackTime % t + this.animationStart; } return Math.min(this.trackTime + this.animationStart, this.animationEnd); } setAnimationLast(t) { this.animationLast = t, this.nextAnimationLast = t; } isComplete() { return this.trackTime >= this.animationEnd - this.animationStart; } resetRotationDirections() { this.timelinesRotation.length = 0; } get time() { return Be.deprecatedWarning1 || (Be.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: TrackEntry.time is deprecated, please use trackTime from now on.")), this.trackTime; } set time(t) { Be.deprecatedWarning1 || (Be.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: TrackEntry.time is deprecated, please use trackTime from now on.")), this.trackTime = t; } get endTime() { return Be.deprecatedWarning2 || (Be.deprecatedWarning2 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: TrackEntry.endTime is deprecated, please use trackEnd from now on.")), this.trackTime; } set endTime(t) { Be.deprecatedWarning2 || (Be.deprecatedWarning2 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: TrackEntry.endTime is deprecated, please use trackEnd from now on.")), this.trackTime = t; } loopsCount() { return Math.floor(this.trackTime / this.trackEnd); } }; let _n = Be; _n.deprecatedWarning1 = !1, _n.deprecatedWarning2 = !1; const vs = class { constructor(c) { this.objects = [], this.drainDisabled = !1, this.animState = c; } start(c) { this.objects.push(Zt.start), this.objects.push(c), this.animState.animationsChanged = !0; } interrupt(c) { this.objects.push(Zt.interrupt), this.objects.push(c); } end(c) { this.objects.push(Zt.end), this.objects.push(c), this.animState.animationsChanged = !0; } dispose(c) { this.objects.push(Zt.dispose), this.objects.push(c); } complete(c) { this.objects.push(Zt.complete), this.objects.push(c); } event(c, t) { this.objects.push(Zt.event), this.objects.push(c), this.objects.push(t); } deprecateStuff() { return vs.deprecatedWarning1 || (vs.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: onComplete, onStart, onEnd, onEvent art deprecated, please use listeners from now on. 'state.addListener({ complete: function(track, event) { } })'")), !0; } drain() { if (this.drainDisabled) return; this.drainDisabled = !0; const c = this.objects, t = this.animState.listeners; for (let n = 0; n < c.length; n += 2) { const e = c[n], i = c[n + 1]; switch (e) { case Zt.start: i.listener != null && i.listener.start && i.listener.start(i); for (let l = 0; l < t.length; l++)t[l].start && t[l].start(i); i.onStart && this.deprecateStuff() && i.onStart(i.trackIndex), this.animState.onStart && this.deprecateStuff() && this.deprecateStuff && this.animState.onStart(i.trackIndex); break; case Zt.interrupt: i.listener != null && i.listener.interrupt && i.listener.interrupt(i); for (let l = 0; l < t.length; l++)t[l].interrupt && t[l].interrupt(i); break; case Zt.end: i.listener != null && i.listener.end && i.listener.end(i); for (let l = 0; l < t.length; l++)t[l].end && t[l].end(i); i.onEnd && this.deprecateStuff() && i.onEnd(i.trackIndex), this.animState.onEnd && this.deprecateStuff() && this.animState.onEnd(i.trackIndex); case Zt.dispose: i.listener != null && i.listener.dispose && i.listener.dispose(i); for (let l = 0; l < t.length; l++)t[l].dispose && t[l].dispose(i); this.animState.trackEntryPool.free(i); break; case Zt.complete: i.listener != null && i.listener.complete && i.listener.complete(i); for (let l = 0; l < t.length; l++)t[l].complete && t[l].complete(i); const r = C.toInt(i.loopsCount()); i.onComplete && this.deprecateStuff() && i.onComplete(i.trackIndex, r), this.animState.onComplete && this.deprecateStuff() && this.animState.onComplete(i.trackIndex, r); break; case Zt.event: const h = c[n++ + 2]; i.listener != null && i.listener.event && i.listener.event(i, h); for (let l = 0; l < t.length; l++)t[l].event && t[l].event(i, h); i.onEvent && this.deprecateStuff() && i.onEvent(i.trackIndex, h), this.animState.onEvent && this.deprecateStuff() && this.animState.onEvent(i.trackIndex, h); break; } } this.clear(), this.drainDisabled = !1; } clear() { this.objects.length = 0; } }; let Ps = vs; Ps.deprecatedWarning1 = !1; var Zt = (c => (c[c.start = 0] = "start", c[c.interrupt = 1] = "interrupt", c[c.end = 2] = "end", c[c.dispose = 3] = "dispose", c[c.complete = 4] = "complete", c[c.event = 5] = "event", c))(Zt || {}); class Dr { start(t) { } interrupt(t) { } end(t) { } dispose(t) { } complete(t) { } event(t, n) { } } const Vs = class { constructor(c) { if (this.animationToMixTime = {}, this.defaultMix = 0, c == null) throw new Error("skeletonData cannot be null."); this.skeletonData = c; } setMix(c, t, n) { const e = this.skeletonData.findAnimation(c); if (e == null) throw new Error(`Animation not found: ${c}`); const i = this.skeletonData.findAnimation(t); if (i == null) throw new Error(`Animation not found: ${t}`); this.setMixWith(e, i, n); } setMixByName(c, t, n) { Vs.deprecatedWarning1 || (Vs.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Deprecation Warning: AnimationStateData.setMixByName is deprecated, please use setMix from now on.")), this.setMix(c, t, n); } setMixWith(c, t, n) { if (c == null) throw new Error("from cannot be null."); if (t == null) throw new Error("to cannot be null."); const e = `${c.name}.${t.name}`; this.animationToMixTime[e] = n; } getMix(c, t) { const n = `${c.name}.${t.name}`, e = this.animationToMixTime[n]; return e === void 0 ? this.defaultMix : e; } }; let Fs = Vs; Fs.deprecatedWarning1 = !1; let Ui = class { constructor(t) { this.atlas = t; } newRegionAttachment(t, n, e) { const i = this.atlas.findRegion(e); if (i == null) throw new Error(`Region not found in atlas: ${e} (region attachment: ${n})`); const r = new K(n); return r.region = i, r; } newMeshAttachment(t, n, e) { const i = this.atlas.findRegion(e); if (i == null) throw new Error(`Region not found in atlas: ${e} (mesh attachment: ${n})`); const r = new Is(n); return r.region = i, r; } newBoundingBoxAttachment(t, n) { return new Ni(n); } newPathAttachment(t, n) { return new kn(n); } newPointAttachment(t, n) { return new Di(n); } newClippingAttachment(t, n) { return new Bi(n); } }, Ys = class { constructor(t, n, e) { if (this.matrix = new H.Matrix, this.children = new Array, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.rotation = 0, this.scaleX = 0, this.scaleY = 0, this.shearX = 0, this.shearY = 0, this.ax = 0, this.ay = 0, this.arotation = 0, this.ascaleX = 0, this.ascaleY = 0, this.ashearX = 0, this.ashearY = 0, this.appliedValid = !1, this.sorted = !1, this.active = !0, t == null) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.skeleton = n, this.parent = e, this.setToSetupPose(); } get worldX() { return this.matrix.tx; } get worldY() { return this.matrix.ty; } update() { this.updateWorldTransformWith(this.x, this.y, this.rotation, this.scaleX, this.scaleY, this.shearX, this.shearY); } updateWorldTransform() { this.updateWorldTransformWith(this.x, this.y, this.rotation, this.scaleX, this.scaleY, this.shearX, this.shearY); } updateWorldTransformWith(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { this.ax = t, this.ay = n, this.arotation = e, this.ascaleX = i, this.ascaleY = r, this.ashearX = h, this.ashearY = l, this.appliedValid = !0; const s = this.parent, a = this.matrix, o = this.skeleton.scaleX, d = zt.yDown ? -this.skeleton.scaleY : this.skeleton.scaleY; if (s == null) { const x = this.skeleton, E = e + 90 + l; a.a = C.cosDeg(e + h) * i * o, a.c = C.cosDeg(E) * r * o, a.b = C.sinDeg(e + h) * i * d, a.d = C.sinDeg(E) * r * d, a.tx = t * o + x.x, a.ty = n * d + x.y; return; } let f = s.matrix.a, u = s.matrix.c, m = s.matrix.b, g = s.matrix.d; switch (a.tx = f * t + u * n + s.matrix.tx, a.ty = m * t + g * n + s.matrix.ty, this.data.transformMode) { case j.Normal: { const x = e + 90 + l, E = C.cosDeg(e + h) * i, w = C.cosDeg(x) * r, b = C.sinDeg(e + h) * i, p = C.sinDeg(x) * r; a.a = f * E + u * b, a.c = f * w + u * p, a.b = m * E + g * b, a.d = m * w + g * p; return; } case j.OnlyTranslation: { const x = e + 90 + l; a.a = C.cosDeg(e + h) * i, a.c = C.cosDeg(x) * r, a.b = C.sinDeg(e + h) * i, a.d = C.sinDeg(x) * r; break; } case j.NoRotationOrReflection: { let x = f * f + m * m, E = 0; x > 1e-4 ? (x = Math.abs(f * g - u * m) / x, u = m * x, g = f * x, E = Math.atan2(m, f) * C.radDeg) : (f = 0, m = 0, E = 90 - Math.atan2(g, u) * C.radDeg); const w = e + h - E, b = e + l - E + 90, p = C.cosDeg(w) * i, S = C.cosDeg(b) * r, y = C.sinDeg(w) * i, M = C.sinDeg(b) * r; a.a = f * p - u * y, a.c = f * S - u * M, a.b = m * p + g * y, a.d = m * S + g * M; break; } case j.NoScale: case j.NoScaleOrReflection: { const x = C.cosDeg(e), E = C.sinDeg(e); let w = (f * x + u * E) / o, b = (m * x + g * E) / d, p = Math.sqrt(w * w + b * b); p > 1e-5 && (p = 1 / p), w *= p, b *= p, p = Math.sqrt(w * w + b * b), this.data.transformMode == j.NoScale && f * g - u * m < 0 != (zt.yDown ? this.skeleton.scaleX < 0 != this.skeleton.scaleY > 0 : this.skeleton.scaleX < 0 != this.skeleton.scaleY < 0) && (p = -p); const S = Math.PI / 2 + Math.atan2(b, w), y = Math.cos(S) * p, M = Math.sin(S) * p, T = C.cosDeg(h) * i, k = C.cosDeg(90 + l) * r, I = C.sinDeg(h) * i, R = C.sinDeg(90 + l) * r; a.a = w * T + y * I, a.c = w * k + y * R, a.b = b * T + M * I, a.d = b * k + M * R; break; } }a.a *= o, a.c *= o, a.b *= d, a.d *= d; } setToSetupPose() { const t = this.data; this.x = t.x, this.y = t.y, this.rotation = t.rotation, this.scaleX = t.scaleX, this.scaleY = t.scaleY, this.shearX = t.shearX, this.shearY = t.shearY; } getWorldRotationX() { return Math.atan2(this.matrix.b, this.matrix.a) * C.radDeg; } getWorldRotationY() { return Math.atan2(this.matrix.d, this.matrix.c) * C.radDeg; } getWorldScaleX() { const t = this.matrix; return Math.sqrt(t.a * t.a + t.c * t.c); } getWorldScaleY() { const t = this.matrix; return Math.sqrt(t.b * t.b + t.d * t.d); } updateAppliedTransform() { this.appliedValid = !0; const t = this.parent, n = this.matrix; if (t == null) { this.ax = n.tx, this.ay = n.ty, this.arotation = Math.atan2(n.b, n.a) * C.radDeg, this.ascaleX = Math.sqrt(n.a * n.a + n.b * n.b), this.ascaleY = Math.sqrt(n.c * n.c + n.d * n.d), this.ashearX = 0, this.ashearY = Math.atan2(n.a * n.c + n.b * n.d, n.a * n.d - n.b * n.c) * C.radDeg; return; } const e = t.matrix, i = 1 / (e.a * e.d - e.b * e.c), r = n.tx - e.tx, h = n.ty - e.ty; this.ax = r * e.d * i - h * e.c * i, this.ay = h * e.a * i - r * e.b * i; const l = i * e.d, s = i * e.a, a = i * e.c, o = i * e.b, d = l * n.a - a * n.b, f = l * n.c - a * n.d, u = s * n.b - o * n.a, m = s * n.d - o * n.c; if (this.ashearX = 0, this.ascaleX = Math.sqrt(d * d + u * u), this.ascaleX > 1e-4) { const g = d * m - f * u; this.ascaleY = g / this.ascaleX, this.ashearY = Math.atan2(d * f + u * m, g) * C.radDeg, this.arotation = Math.atan2(u, d) * C.radDeg; } else this.ascaleX = 0, this.ascaleY = Math.sqrt(f * f + m * m), this.ashearY = 0, this.arotation = 90 - Math.atan2(m, f) * C.radDeg; } worldToLocal(t) { const n = this.matrix, e = n.a, i = n.c, r = n.b, h = n.d, l = 1 / (e * h - i * r), s = t.x - n.tx, a = t.y - n.ty; return t.x = s * h * l - a * i * l, t.y = a * e * l - s * r * l, t; } localToWorld(t) { const n = this.matrix, e = t.x, i = t.y; return t.x = e * n.a + i * n.c + n.tx, t.y = e * n.b + i * n.d + n.ty, t; } worldToLocalRotation(t) { const n = C.sinDeg(t), e = C.cosDeg(t), i = this.matrix; return Math.atan2(i.a * n - i.b * e, i.d * e - i.c * n) * C.radDeg; } localToWorldRotation(t) { const n = C.sinDeg(t), e = C.cosDeg(t), i = this.matrix; return Math.atan2(e * i.b + n * i.d, e * i.a + n * i.c) * C.radDeg; } rotateWorld(t) { const n = this.matrix, e = n.a, i = n.c, r = n.b, h = n.d, l = C.cosDeg(t), s = C.sinDeg(t); n.a = l * e - s * r, n.c = l * i - s * h, n.b = s * e + l * r, n.d = s * i + l * h, this.appliedValid = !1; } }, zi = class { constructor(t, n, e) { if (this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.rotation = 0, this.scaleX = 1, this.scaleY = 1, this.shearX = 0, this.shearY = 0, this.transformMode = j.Normal, t < 0) throw new Error("index must be >= 0."); if (n == null) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); this.index = t, this.name = n, this.parent = e; } }, Hi = class { constructor(t, n) { if (n == null) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); this.time = t, this.data = n; } }, Gi = class { constructor(t) { this.name = t; } }, ji = class { constructor(t, n) { if (this.bendDirection = 0, this.compress = !1, this.stretch = !1, this.mix = 1, t == null) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.mix = t.mix, this.bendDirection = t.bendDirection, this.compress = t.compress, this.stretch = t.stretch, this.bones = new Array; for (let e = 0; e < t.bones.length; e++)this.bones.push(n.findBone(t.bones[e].name)); this.target = n.findBone(t.target.name); } getOrder() { return this.data.order; } apply() { this.update(); } update() { const t = this.target, n = this.bones; switch (n.length) { case 1: this.apply1(n[0], t.worldX, t.worldY, this.compress, this.stretch, this.data.uniform, this.mix); break; case 2: this.apply2(n[0], n[1], t.worldX, t.worldY, this.bendDirection, this.stretch, this.mix); break; } } apply1(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { t.appliedValid || t.updateAppliedTransform(); const s = t.parent.matrix, a = 1 / (s.a * s.d - s.b * s.c), o = n - s.tx, d = e - s.ty, f = (o * s.d - d * s.c) * a - t.ax, u = (d * s.a - o * s.b) * a - t.ay; let m = Math.atan2(u, f) * C.radDeg - t.ashearX - t.arotation; t.ascaleX < 0 && (m += 180), m > 180 ? m -= 360 : m < -180 && (m += 360); let g = t.ascaleX, x = t.ascaleY; if (i || r) { const E = t.data.length * g, w = Math.sqrt(f * f + u * u); if (i && w < E || r && w > E && E > 1e-4) { const b = (w / E - 1) * l + 1; g *= b, h && (x *= b); } } t.updateWorldTransformWith(t.ax, t.ay, t.arotation + m * l, g, x, t.ashearX, t.ashearY); } apply2(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { if (l == 0) { n.updateWorldTransform(); return; } t.appliedValid || t.updateAppliedTransform(), n.appliedValid || n.updateAppliedTransform(); const s = t.ax, a = t.ay; let o = t.ascaleX, d = o, f = t.ascaleY, u = n.ascaleX; const m = t.matrix; let g = 0, x = 0, E = 0; o < 0 ? (o = -o, g = 180, E = -1) : (g = 0, E = 1), f < 0 && (f = -f, E = -E), u < 0 ? (u = -u, x = 180) : x = 0; const w = n.ax; let b = 0, p = 0, S = 0, y = m.a, M = m.c, T = m.b, k = m.d; const I = Math.abs(o - f) <= 1e-4; I ? (b = n.ay, p = y * w + M * b + m.tx, S = T * w + k * b + m.ty) : (b = 0, p = y * w + m.tx, S = T * w + m.ty); const R = t.parent.matrix; y = R.a, M = R.c, T = R.b, k = R.d; const V = 1 / (y * k - M * T); let F = e - R.tx, B = i - R.ty; const Y = (F * k - B * M) * V - s, N = (B * y - F * T) * V - a, q = Y * Y + N * N; F = p - R.tx, B = S - R.ty; const z = (F * k - B * M) * V - s, D = (B * y - F * T) * V - a, X = Math.sqrt(z * z + D * D); let L = n.data.length * u, O = 0, W = 0; t: if (I) { L *= o; let G = (q - X * X - L * L) / (2 * X * L); G < -1 ? G = -1 : G > 1 && (G = 1, h && X + L > 1e-4 && (d *= (Math.sqrt(q) / (X + L) - 1) * l + 1)), W = Math.acos(G) * r, y = X + L * G, M = L * Math.sin(W), O = Math.atan2(N * y - Y * M, Y * y + N * M); } else { y = o * L, M = f * L; const G = y * y, lt = M * M, It = Math.atan2(N, Y); T = lt * X * X + G * q - G * lt; const ct = -2 * lt * X, Xt = lt - G; if (k = ct * ct - 4 * Xt * T, k >= 0) { let Kt = Math.sqrt(k); ct < 0 && (Kt = -Kt), Kt = -(ct + Kt) / 2; const ae = Kt / Xt, Ke = T / Kt, Nt = Math.abs(ae) < Math.abs(Ke) ? ae : Ke; if (Nt * Nt <= q) { B = Math.sqrt(q - Nt * Nt) * r, O = It - Math.atan2(B, Nt), W = Math.atan2(B / f, (Nt - X) / o); break t; } } let Ut = C.PI, de = X - y, Me = de * de, Oe = 0, Ve = 0, Ae = X + y, Ce = Ae * Ae, $e = 0; T = -y * X / (G - lt), T >= -1 && T <= 1 && (T = Math.acos(T), F = y * Math.cos(T) + X, B = M * Math.sin(T), k = F * F + B * B, k < Me && (Ut = T, Me = k, de = F, Oe = B), k > Ce && (Ve = T, Ce = k, Ae = F, $e = B)), q <= (Me + Ce) / 2 ? (O = It - Math.atan2(Oe * r, de), W = Ut * r) : (O = It - Math.atan2($e * r, Ae), W = Ve * r); } const U = Math.atan2(b, w) * E; let $ = t.arotation; O = (O - U) * C.radDeg + g - $, O > 180 ? O -= 360 : O < -180 && (O += 360), t.updateWorldTransformWith(s, a, $ + O * l, d, t.ascaleY, 0, 0), $ = n.arotation, W = ((W + U) * C.radDeg - n.ashearX) * E + x - $, W > 180 ? W -= 360 : W < -180 && (W += 360), n.updateWorldTransformWith(w, b, $ + W * l, n.ascaleX, n.ascaleY, n.ashearX, n.ashearY); } }, Zi = class { constructor(t) { this.order = 0, this.bones = new Array, this.bendDirection = 1, this.compress = !1, this.stretch = !1, this.uniform = !1, this.mix = 1, this.name = t; } }, Qi = class { constructor(t) { this.order = 0, this.bones = new Array, this.name = t; } }; var pe = (c => (c[c.Length = 0] = "Length", c[c.Fixed = 1] = "Fixed", c[c.Percent = 2] = "Percent", c))(pe || {}); const rn = class { constructor(t, n) { if (this.position = 0, this.spacing = 0, this.rotateMix = 0, this.translateMix = 0, this.spaces = new Array, this.positions = new Array, this.world = new Array, this.curves = new Array, this.lengths = new Array, this.segments = new Array, t == null) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.bones = new Array; for (let e = 0, i = t.bones.length; e < i; e++)this.bones.push(n.findBone(t.bones[e].name)); this.target = n.findSlot(t.target.name), this.position = t.position, this.spacing = t.spacing, this.rotateMix = t.rotateMix, this.translateMix = t.translateMix; } apply() { this.update(); } update() { const t = this.target.getAttachment(); if (!(t instanceof kn)) return; const n = this.rotateMix, e = this.translateMix, i = e > 0, r = n > 0; if (!i && !r) return; const h = this.data, l = h.spacingMode, s = l == pe.Length, a = h.rotateMode, o = a == pt.Tangent, d = a == pt.ChainScale, f = this.bones.length, u = o ? f : f + 1, m = this.bones, g = v.setArraySize(this.spaces, u); let x = null; const E = this.spacing; if (d || s) { d && (x = v.setArraySize(this.lengths, f)); for (let M = 0, T = u - 1; M < T;) { const k = m[M], I = k.data.length; if (I < rn.epsilon) d && (x[M] = 0), g[++M] = 0; else { const R = I * k.matrix.a, V = I * k.matrix.b, F = Math.sqrt(R * R + V * V); d && (x[M] = F), g[++M] = (s ? I + E : E) * F / I; } } } else for (let M = 1; M < u; M++)g[M] = E; const w = this.computeWorldPositions(t, u, o, h.positionMode == dt.Percent, l == pe.Percent); let b = w[0], p = w[1], S = h.offsetRotation, y = !1; if (S == 0) y = a == pt.Chain; else { y = !1; const M = this.target.bone.matrix; S *= M.a * M.d - M.b * M.c > 0 ? C.degRad : -C.degRad; } for (let M = 0, T = 3; M < f; M++, T += 3) { const k = m[M], I = k.matrix; I.tx += (b - I.tx) * e, I.ty += (p - I.ty) * e; const R = w[T], V = w[T + 1], F = R - b, B = V - p; if (d) { const Y = x[M]; if (Y != 0) { const N = (Math.sqrt(F * F + B * B) / Y - 1) * n + 1; I.a *= N, I.b *= N; } } if (b = R, p = V, r) { const Y = I.a, N = I.c, q = I.b, z = I.d; let D = 0, X = 0, L = 0; if (o && (o ? D = w[T - 1] : g[M + 1] == 0 ? D = w[T + 2] : D = Math.atan2(B, F)), D -= Math.atan2(q, Y), y) { X = Math.cos(D), L = Math.sin(D); const O = k.data.length; b += (O * (X * Y - L * q) - F) * n, p += (O * (L * Y + X * q) - B) * n; } else D += S; D > C.PI ? D -= C.PI2 : D < -C.PI && (D += C.PI2), D *= n, X = Math.cos(D), L = Math.sin(D), I.a = X * Y - L * q, I.c = X * N - L * z, I.b = L * Y + X * q, I.d = L * N + X * z; } k.appliedValid = !1; } } computeWorldPositions(t, n, e, i, r) { const h = this.target; let l = this.position; const s = this.spaces, a = v.setArraySize(this.positions, n * 3 + 2); let o = null; const d = t.closed; let f = t.worldVerticesLength, u = f / 6, m = rn.NONE; if (!t.constantSpeed) { const D = t.lengths; u -= d ? 1 : 2; const X = D[u]; if (i && (l *= X), r) for (let L = 0; L < n; L++)s[L] *= X; o = v.setArraySize(this.world, 8); for (let L = 0, O = 0, W = 0; L < n; L++, O += 3) { const U = s[L]; l += U; let $ = l; if (d) $ %= X, $ < 0 && ($ += X), W = 0; else if ($ < 0) { m != rn.BEFORE && (m = rn.BEFORE, t.computeWorldVertices(h, 2, 4, o, 0, 2)), this.addBeforePosition($, o, 0, a, O); continue; } else if ($ > X) { m != rn.AFTER && (m = rn.AFTER, t.computeWorldVertices(h, f - 6, 4, o, 0, 2)), this.addAfterPosition($ - X, o, 0, a, O); continue; } for (; ; W++) { const G = D[W]; if (!($ > G)) { if (W == 0) $ /= G; else { const lt = D[W - 1]; $ = ($ - lt) / (G - lt); } break; } } W != m && (m = W, d && W == u ? (t.computeWorldVertices(h, f - 4, 4, o, 0, 2), t.computeWorldVertices(h, 0, 4, o, 4, 2)) : t.computeWorldVertices(h, W * 6 + 2, 8, o, 0, 2)), this.addCurvePosition($, o[0], o[1], o[2], o[3], o[4], o[5], o[6], o[7], a, O, e || L > 0 && U == 0); } return a; } d ? (f += 2, o = v.setArraySize(this.world, f), t.computeWorldVertices(h, 2, f - 4, o, 0, 2), t.computeWorldVertices(h, 0, 2, o, f - 4, 2), o[f - 2] = o[0], o[f - 1] = o[1]) : (u--, f -= 4, o = v.setArraySize(this.world, f), t.computeWorldVertices(h, 2, f, o, 0, 2)); const g = v.setArraySize(this.curves, u); let x = 0, E = o[0], w = o[1], b = 0, p = 0, S = 0, y = 0, M = 0, T = 0, k = 0, I = 0, R = 0, V = 0, F = 0, B = 0, Y = 0, N = 0; for (let D = 0, X = 2; D < u; D++, X += 6)b = o[X], p = o[X + 1], S = o[X + 2], y = o[X + 3], M = o[X + 4], T = o[X + 5], k = (E - b * 2 + S) * .1875, I = (w - p * 2 + y) * .1875, R = ((b - S) * 3 - E + M) * .09375, V = ((p - y) * 3 - w + T) * .09375, F = k * 2 + R, B = I * 2 + V, Y = (b - E) * .75 + k + R * .16666667, N = (p - w) * .75 + I + V * .16666667, x += Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), Y += F, N += B, F += R, B += V, x += Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), Y += F, N += B, x += Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), Y += F + R, N += B + V, x += Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), g[D] = x, E = M, w = T; if (i && (l *= x), r) for (let D = 0; D < n; D++)s[D] *= x; const q = this.segments; let z = 0; for (let D = 0, X = 0, L = 0, O = 0; D < n; D++, X += 3) { const W = s[D]; l += W; let U = l; if (d) U %= x, U < 0 && (U += x), L = 0; else if (U < 0) { this.addBeforePosition(U, o, 0, a, X); continue; } else if (U > x) { this.addAfterPosition(U - x, o, f - 4, a, X); continue; } for (; ; L++) { const $ = g[L]; if (!(U > $)) { if (L == 0) U /= $; else { const G = g[L - 1]; U = (U - G) / ($ - G); } break; } } if (L != m) { m = L; let $ = L * 6; for (E = o[$], w = o[$ + 1], b = o[$ + 2], p = o[$ + 3], S = o[$ + 4], y = o[$ + 5], M = o[$ + 6], T = o[$ + 7], k = (E - b * 2 + S) * .03, I = (w - p * 2 + y) * .03, R = ((b - S) * 3 - E + M) * .006, V = ((p - y) * 3 - w + T) * .006, F = k * 2 + R, B = I * 2 + V, Y = (b - E) * .3 + k + R * .16666667, N = (p - w) * .3 + I + V * .16666667, z = Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), q[0] = z, $ = 1; $ < 8; $++)Y += F, N += B, F += R, B += V, z += Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), q[$] = z; Y += F, N += B, z += Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), q[8] = z, Y += F + R, N += B + V, z += Math.sqrt(Y * Y + N * N), q[9] = z, O = 0; } for (U *= z; ; O++) { const $ = q[O]; if (!(U > $)) { if (O == 0) U /= $; else { const G = q[O - 1]; U = O + (U - G) / ($ - G); } break; } } this.addCurvePosition(U * .1, E, w, b, p, S, y, M, T, a, X, e || D > 0 && W == 0); } return a; } addBeforePosition(t, n, e, i, r) { const h = n[e], l = n[e + 1], s = n[e + 2] - h, a = n[e + 3] - l, o = Math.atan2(a, s); i[r] = h + t * Math.cos(o), i[r + 1] = l + t * Math.sin(o), i[r + 2] = o; } addAfterPosition(t, n, e, i, r) { const h = n[e + 2], l = n[e + 3], s = h - n[e], a = l - n[e + 1], o = Math.atan2(a, s); i[r] = h + t * Math.cos(o), i[r + 1] = l + t * Math.sin(o), i[r + 2] = o; } addCurvePosition(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s, a, o, d, f) { (t == 0 || isNaN(t)) && (t = 1e-4); const u = t * t, m = u * t, g = 1 - t, x = g * g, E = x * g, w = g * t, b = w * 3, p = g * b, S = b * t, y = n * E + i * p + h * S + s * m, M = e * E + r * p + l * S + a * m; o[d] = y, o[d + 1] = M, f && (o[d + 2] = Math.atan2(M - (e * x + r * w * 2 + l * u), y - (n * x + i * w * 2 + h * u))); } getOrder() { return this.data.order; } }; let wn = rn; wn.NONE = -1, wn.BEFORE = -2, wn.AFTER = -3, wn.epsilon = 1e-5; let Ki = class { constructor(t, n) { if (this.rotateMix = 0, this.translateMix = 0, this.scaleMix = 0, this.shearMix = 0, this.temp = new un, t == null) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.rotateMix = t.rotateMix, this.translateMix = t.translateMix, this.scaleMix = t.scaleMix, this.shearMix = t.shearMix, this.bones = new Array; for (let e = 0; e < t.bones.length; e++)this.bones.push(n.findBone(t.bones[e].name)); this.target = n.findBone(t.target.name); } apply() { this.update(); } update() { this.data.local ? this.data.relative ? this.applyRelativeLocal() : this.applyAbsoluteLocal() : this.data.relative ? this.applyRelativeWorld() : this.applyAbsoluteWorld(); } applyAbsoluteWorld() { const t = this.rotateMix, n = this.translateMix, e = this.scaleMix, i = this.shearMix, r = this.target, h = r.matrix, l = h.a, s = h.c, a = h.b, o = h.d, d = l * o - s * a > 0 ? C.degRad : -C.degRad, f = this.data.offsetRotation * d, u = this.data.offsetShearY * d, m = this.bones; for (let g = 0, x = m.length; g < x; g++) { const E = m[g]; let w = !1; const b = E.matrix; if (t != 0) { const p = b.a, S = b.c, y = b.b, M = b.d; let T = Math.atan2(a, l) - Math.atan2(y, p) + f; T > C.PI ? T -= C.PI2 : T < -C.PI && (T += C.PI2), T *= t; const k = Math.cos(T), I = Math.sin(T); b.a = k * p - I * y, b.c = k * S - I * M, b.b = I * p + k * y, b.d = I * S + k * M, w = !0; } if (n != 0) { const p = this.temp; r.localToWorld(p.set(this.data.offsetX, this.data.offsetY)), b.tx += (p.x - b.tx) * n, b.ty += (p.y - b.ty) * n, w = !0; } if (e > 0) { let p = Math.sqrt(b.a * b.a + b.b * b.b), S = Math.sqrt(l * l + a * a); p > 1e-5 && (p = (p + (S - p + this.data.offsetScaleX) * e) / p), b.a *= p, b.b *= p, p = Math.sqrt(b.c * b.c + b.d * b.d), S = Math.sqrt(s * s + o * o), p > 1e-5 && (p = (p + (S - p + this.data.offsetScaleY) * e) / p), b.c *= p, b.d *= p, w = !0; } if (i > 0) { const p = b.c, S = b.d, y = Math.atan2(S, p); let M = Math.atan2(o, s) - Math.atan2(a, l) - (y - Math.atan2(b.b, b.a)); M > C.PI ? M -= C.PI2 : M < -C.PI && (M += C.PI2), M = y + (M + u) * i; const T = Math.sqrt(p * p + S * S); b.c = Math.cos(M) * T, b.d = Math.sin(M) * T, w = !0; } w && (E.appliedValid = !1); } } applyRelativeWorld() { const t = this.rotateMix, n = this.translateMix, e = this.scaleMix, i = this.shearMix, r = this.target, h = r.matrix, l = h.a, s = h.c, a = h.b, o = h.d, d = l * o - s * a > 0 ? C.degRad : -C.degRad, f = this.data.offsetRotation * d, u = this.data.offsetShearY * d, m = this.bones; for (let g = 0, x = m.length; g < x; g++) { const E = m[g]; let w = !1; const b = E.matrix; if (t != 0) { const p = b.a, S = b.c, y = b.b, M = b.d; let T = Math.atan2(a, l) + f; T > C.PI ? T -= C.PI2 : T < -C.PI && (T += C.PI2), T *= t; const k = Math.cos(T), I = Math.sin(T); b.a = k * p - I * y, b.c = k * S - I * M, b.b = I * p + k * y, b.d = I * S + k * M, w = !0; } if (n != 0) { const p = this.temp; r.localToWorld(p.set(this.data.offsetX, this.data.offsetY)), b.tx += p.x * n, b.ty += p.y * n, w = !0; } if (e > 0) { let p = (Math.sqrt(l * l + a * a) - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleX) * e + 1; b.a *= p, b.b *= p, p = (Math.sqrt(s * s + o * o) - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleY) * e + 1, b.c *= p, b.d *= p, w = !0; } if (i > 0) { let p = Math.atan2(o, s) - Math.atan2(a, l); p > C.PI ? p -= C.PI2 : p < -C.PI && (p += C.PI2); const S = b.c, y = b.d; p = Math.atan2(y, S) + (p - C.PI / 2 + u) * i; const M = Math.sqrt(S * S + y * y); b.c = Math.cos(p) * M, b.d = Math.sin(p) * M, w = !0; } w && (E.appliedValid = !1); } } applyAbsoluteLocal() { const t = this.rotateMix, n = this.translateMix, e = this.scaleMix, i = this.shearMix, r = this.target; r.appliedValid || r.updateAppliedTransform(); const h = this.bones; for (let l = 0, s = h.length; l < s; l++) { const a = h[l]; a.appliedValid || a.updateAppliedTransform(); let o = a.arotation; if (t != 0) { let x = r.arotation - o + this.data.offsetRotation; x -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - x / 360 | 0)) * 360, o += x * t; } let d = a.ax, f = a.ay; n != 0 && (d += (r.ax - d + this.data.offsetX) * n, f += (r.ay - f + this.data.offsetY) * n); let u = a.ascaleX, m = a.ascaleY; e > 0 && (u > 1e-5 && (u = (u + (r.ascaleX - u + this.data.offsetScaleX) * e) / u), m > 1e-5 && (m = (m + (r.ascaleY - m + this.data.offsetScaleY) * e) / m)); const g = a.ashearY; if (i > 0) { let x = r.ashearY - g + this.data.offsetShearY; x -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - x / 360 | 0)) * 360, a.shearY += x * i; } a.updateWorldTransformWith(d, f, o, u, m, a.ashearX, g); } } applyRelativeLocal() { const t = this.rotateMix, n = this.translateMix, e = this.scaleMix, i = this.shearMix, r = this.target; r.appliedValid || r.updateAppliedTransform(); const h = this.bones; for (let l = 0, s = h.length; l < s; l++) { const a = h[l]; a.appliedValid || a.updateAppliedTransform(); let o = a.arotation; t != 0 && (o += (r.arotation + this.data.offsetRotation) * t); let d = a.ax, f = a.ay; n != 0 && (d += (r.ax + this.data.offsetX) * n, f += (r.ay + this.data.offsetY) * n); let u = a.ascaleX, m = a.ascaleY; e > 0 && (u > 1e-5 && (u *= (r.ascaleX - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleX) * e + 1), m > 1e-5 && (m *= (r.ascaleY - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleY) * e + 1)); let g = a.ashearY; i > 0 && (g += (r.ashearY + this.data.offsetShearY) * i), a.updateWorldTransformWith(d, f, o, u, m, a.ashearX, g); } } getOrder() { return this.data.order; } }; const In = class { constructor(t) { if (this._updateCache = new Array, this.updateCacheReset = new Array, this.time = 0, this.scaleX = 1, this.scaleY = 1, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, t == null) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.bones = new Array; for (let n = 0; n < t.bones.length; n++) { const e = t.bones[n]; let i; if (e.parent == null) i = new Ys(e, this, null); else { const r = this.bones[e.parent.index]; i = new Ys(e, this, r), r.children.push(i); } this.bones.push(i); } this.slots = new Array, this.drawOrder = new Array; for (let n = 0; n < t.slots.length; n++) { const e = t.slots[n], i = this.bones[e.boneData.index], r = new Rs(e, i); this.slots.push(r), this.drawOrder.push(r); } this.ikConstraints = new Array; for (let n = 0; n < t.ikConstraints.length; n++) { const e = t.ikConstraints[n]; this.ikConstraints.push(new ji(e, this)); } this.transformConstraints = new Array; for (let n = 0; n < t.transformConstraints.length; n++) { const e = t.transformConstraints[n]; this.transformConstraints.push(new Ki(e, this)); } this.pathConstraints = new Array; for (let n = 0; n < t.pathConstraints.length; n++) { const e = t.pathConstraints[n]; this.pathConstraints.push(new wn(e, this)); } this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), this.updateCache(); } updateCache() { const t = this._updateCache; t.length = 0, this.updateCacheReset.length = 0; const n = this.bones; for (let o = 0, d = n.length; o < d; o++)n[o].sorted = !1; const e = this.ikConstraints, i = this.transformConstraints, r = this.pathConstraints, h = e.length, l = i.length, s = r.length, a = h + l + s; t: for (let o = 0; o < a; o++) { for (let d = 0; d < h; d++) { const f = e[d]; if (f.data.order == o) { this.sortIkConstraint(f); continue t; } } for (let d = 0; d < l; d++) { const f = i[d]; if (f.data.order == o) { this.sortTransformConstraint(f); continue t; } } for (let d = 0; d < s; d++) { const f = r[d]; if (f.data.order == o) { this.sortPathConstraint(f); continue t; } } } for (let o = 0, d = n.length; o < d; o++)this.sortBone(n[o]); } sortIkConstraint(t) { const n = t.target; this.sortBone(n); const e = t.bones, i = e[0]; if (this.sortBone(i), e.length > 1) { const r = e[e.length - 1]; this._updateCache.indexOf(r) > -1 || this.updateCacheReset.push(r); } this._updateCache.push(t), this.sortReset(i.children), e[e.length - 1].sorted = !0; } sortPathConstraint(t) { const n = t.target, e = n.data.index, i = n.bone; this.skin != null && this.sortPathConstraintAttachment(this.skin, e, i), this.data.defaultSkin != null && this.data.defaultSkin != this.skin && this.sortPathConstraintAttachment(this.data.defaultSkin, e, i); for (let s = 0, a = this.data.skins.length; s < a; s++)this.sortPathConstraintAttachment(this.data.skins[s], e, i); const r = n.getAttachment(); r instanceof kn && this.sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(r, i); const h = t.bones, l = h.length; for (let s = 0; s < l; s++)this.sortBone(h[s]); this._updateCache.push(t); for (let s = 0; s < l; s++)this.sortReset(h[s].children); for (let s = 0; s < l; s++)h[s].sorted = !0; } sortTransformConstraint(t) { this.sortBone(t.target); const n = t.bones, e = n.length; if (t.data.local) for (let i = 0; i < e; i++) { const r = n[i]; this.sortBone(r.parent), this._updateCache.indexOf(r) > -1 || this.updateCacheReset.push(r); } else for (let i = 0; i < e; i++)this.sortBone(n[i]); this._updateCache.push(t); for (let i = 0; i < e; i++)this.sortReset(n[i].children); for (let i = 0; i < e; i++)n[i].sorted = !0; } sortPathConstraintAttachment(t, n, e) { const i = t.attachments[n]; if (i) for (const r in i) this.sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(i[r], e); } sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(t, n) { if (!(t instanceof kn)) return; const e = t.bones; if (e == null) this.sortBone(n); else { const i = this.bones; let r = 0; for (; r < e.length;) { const h = e[r++]; for (let l = r + h; r < l; r++) { const s = e[r]; this.sortBone(i[s]); } } } } sortBone(t) { if (t.sorted) return; const n = t.parent; n != null && this.sortBone(n), t.sorted = !0, this._updateCache.push(t); } sortReset(t) { for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; n++) { const i = t[n]; i.sorted && this.sortReset(i.children), i.sorted = !1; } } updateWorldTransform() { const t = this.updateCacheReset; for (let e = 0, i = t.length; e < i; e++) { const r = t[e]; r.ax = r.x, r.ay = r.y, r.arotation = r.rotation, r.ascaleX = r.scaleX, r.ascaleY = r.scaleY, r.ashearX = r.shearX, r.ashearY = r.shearY, r.appliedValid = !0; } const n = this._updateCache; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)n[e].update(); } setToSetupPose() { this.setBonesToSetupPose(), this.setSlotsToSetupPose(); } setBonesToSetupPose() { const t = this.bones; for (let r = 0, h = t.length; r < h; r++)t[r].setToSetupPose(); const n = this.ikConstraints; for (let r = 0, h = n.length; r < h; r++) { const l = n[r]; l.bendDirection = l.data.bendDirection, l.mix = l.data.mix; } const e = this.transformConstraints; for (let r = 0, h = e.length; r < h; r++) { const l = e[r], s = l.data; l.rotateMix = s.rotateMix, l.translateMix = s.translateMix, l.scaleMix = s.scaleMix, l.shearMix = s.shearMix; } const i = this.pathConstraints; for (let r = 0, h = i.length; r < h; r++) { const l = i[r], s = l.data; l.position = s.position, l.spacing = s.spacing, l.rotateMix = s.rotateMix, l.translateMix = s.translateMix; } } setSlotsToSetupPose() { const t = this.slots; v.arrayCopy(t, 0, this.drawOrder, 0, t.length); for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; n++)t[n].setToSetupPose(); } getRootBone() { return this.bones.length == 0 ? null : this.bones[0]; } findBone(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); const n = this.bones; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.data.name == t) return r; } return null; } findBoneIndex(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); const n = this.bones; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)if (n[e].data.name == t) return e; return -1; } findSlot(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const n = this.slots; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.data.name == t) return r; } return null; } findSlotIndex(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const n = this.slots; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)if (n[e].data.name == t) return e; return -1; } setSkinByName(t) { const n = this.data.findSkin(t); if (n == null) throw new Error(`Skin not found: ${t}`); this.setSkin(n); } setSkin(t) { if (t != null) if (this.skin != null) t.attachAll(this, this.skin); else { const n = this.slots; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e], h = r.data.attachmentName; if (h != null) { const l = t.getAttachment(e, h); l != null && r.setAttachment(l); } } } this.skin = t; } getAttachmentByName(t, n) { return this.getAttachment(this.data.findSlotIndex(t), n); } getAttachment(t, n) { if (n == null) throw new Error("attachmentName cannot be null."); if (this.skin != null) { const e = this.skin.getAttachment(t, n); if (e != null) return e; } return this.data.defaultSkin != null ? this.data.defaultSkin.getAttachment(t, n) : null; } setAttachment(t, n) { if (t == null) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const e = this.slots; for (let i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; i++) { const h = e[i]; if (h.data.name == t) { let l = null; if (n != null && (l = this.getAttachment(i, n), l == null)) throw new Error(`Attachment not found: ${n}, for slot: ${t}`); h.setAttachment(l); return; } } throw new Error(`Slot not found: ${t}`); } findIkConstraint(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.ikConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.data.name == t) return r; } return null; } findTransformConstraint(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.transformConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.data.name == t) return r; } return null; } findPathConstraint(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.pathConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.data.name == t) return r; } return null; } getBounds(t, n, e) { if (t == null) throw new Error("offset cannot be null."); if (n == null) throw new Error("size cannot be null."); const i = this.drawOrder; let r = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, h = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, l = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, s = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (let a = 0, o = i.length; a < o; a++) { const d = i[a]; let f = 0, u = null; const m = d.getAttachment(); if (m instanceof K) f = 8, u = v.setArraySize(e, f, 0), m.computeWorldVertices(d.bone, u, 0, 2); else if (m instanceof Is) { const g = m; f = g.worldVerticesLength, u = v.setArraySize(e, f, 0), g.computeWorldVertices(d, 0, f, u, 0, 2); } if (u != null) for (let g = 0, x = u.length; g < x; g += 2) { const E = u[g], w = u[g + 1]; r = Math.min(r, E), h = Math.min(h, w), l = Math.max(l, E), s = Math.max(s, w); } } t.set(r, h), n.set(l - r, s - h); } update(t) { this.time += t; } get flipX() { return this.scaleX == -1; } set flipX(t) { In.deprecatedWarning1 || (In.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: `Skeleton.flipX/flipY` was deprecated, please use scaleX/scaleY")), this.scaleX = t ? 1 : -1; } get flipY() { return this.scaleY == -1; } set flipY(t) { In.deprecatedWarning1 || (In.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: `Skeleton.flipX/flipY` was deprecated, please use scaleX/scaleY")), this.scaleY = t ? 1 : -1; } }; let Xs = In; Xs.deprecatedWarning1 = !1; let Lr = class extends Cn { }, Ji = class { constructor() { this.bones = new Array, this.slots = new Array, this.skins = new Array, this.events = new Array, this.animations = new Array, this.ikConstraints = new Array, this.transformConstraints = new Array, this.pathConstraints = new Array, this.fps = 0; } findBone(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); const n = this.bones; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findBoneIndex(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); const n = this.bones; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)if (n[e].name == t) return e; return -1; } findSlot(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const n = this.slots; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findSlotIndex(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const n = this.slots; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)if (n[e].name == t) return e; return -1; } findSkin(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("skinName cannot be null."); const n = this.skins; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findEvent(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("eventDataName cannot be null."); const n = this.events; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findAnimation(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("animationName cannot be null."); const n = this.animations; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findIkConstraint(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.ikConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findTransformConstraint(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.transformConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findPathConstraint(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.pathConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findPathConstraintIndex(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("pathConstraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.pathConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)if (n[e].name == t) return e; return -1; } }, tr = class { constructor(t, n, e) { if (this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), t < 0) throw new Error("index must be >= 0."); if (n == null) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); if (e == null) throw new Error("boneData cannot be null."); this.index = t, this.name = n, this.boneData = e; } }, er = class { constructor(t) { if (this.order = 0, this.bones = new Array, this.rotateMix = 0, this.translateMix = 0, this.scaleMix = 0, this.shearMix = 0, this.offsetRotation = 0, this.offsetX = 0, this.offsetY = 0, this.offsetScaleX = 0, this.offsetScaleY = 0, this.offsetShearY = 0, this.relative = !1, this.local = !1, t == null) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); this.name = t; } }, nr = class { constructor(t) { if (this.attachments = new Array, t == null) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); this.name = t; } addAttachment(t, n, e) { if (e == null) throw new Error("attachment cannot be null."); const i = this.attachments; t >= i.length && (i.length = t + 1), i[t] || (i[t] = {}), i[t][n] = e; } getAttachment(t, n) { const e = this.attachments[t]; return e ? e[n] : null; } attachAll(t, n) { let e = 0; for (let i = 0; i < t.slots.length; i++) { const r = t.slots[i], h = r.getAttachment(); if (h && e < n.attachments.length) { const l = n.attachments[e]; for (const s in l) { const a = l[s]; if (h == a) { const o = this.getAttachment(e, s); o != null && r.setAttachment(o); break; } } } e++; } } }, an = class { constructor(t) { this.scale = 1, this.linkedMeshes = new Array, this.attachmentLoader = t; } readSkeletonData(t) { const n = this.scale, e = new Ji, i = typeof t == "string" ? JSON.parse(t) : t, r = i.skeleton; if (r != null && (e.hash = r.hash, e.version = r.spine, e.width = r.width, e.height = r.height, e.fps = r.fps, e.imagesPath = r.images), i.bones) for (let h = 0; h < i.bones.length; h++) { const l = i.bones[h]; let s = null; const a = this.getValue(l, "parent", null); if (a != null && (s = e.findBone(a), s == null)) throw new Error(`Parent bone not found: ${a}`); const o = new zi(e.bones.length, l.name, s); o.length = this.getValue(l, "length", 0) * n, o.x = this.getValue(l, "x", 0) * n, o.y = this.getValue(l, "y", 0) * n, o.rotation = this.getValue(l, "rotation", 0), o.scaleX = this.getValue(l, "scaleX", 1), o.scaleY = this.getValue(l, "scaleY", 1), o.shearX = this.getValue(l, "shearX", 0), o.shearY = this.getValue(l, "shearY", 0), o.transformMode = an.transformModeFromString(this.getValue(l, "transform", "normal")), e.bones.push(o); } if (i.slots) for (let h = 0; h < i.slots.length; h++) { const l = i.slots[h], s = l.name, a = l.bone, o = e.findBone(a); if (o == null) throw new Error(`Slot bone not found: ${a}`); const d = new tr(e.slots.length, s, o), f = this.getValue(l, "color", null); f != null && d.color.setFromString(f); const u = this.getValue(l, "dark", null); u != null && (d.darkColor = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), d.darkColor.setFromString(u)), d.attachmentName = this.getValue(l, "attachment", null), d.blendMode = an.blendModeFromString(this.getValue(l, "blend", "normal")), e.slots.push(d); } if (i.ik) for (let h = 0; h < i.ik.length; h++) { const l = i.ik[h], s = new Zi(l.name); s.order = this.getValue(l, "order", 0); for (let o = 0; o < l.bones.length; o++) { const d = l.bones[o], f = e.findBone(d); if (f == null) throw new Error(`IK bone not found: ${d}`); s.bones.push(f); } const a = l.target; if (s.target = e.findBone(a), s.target == null) throw new Error(`IK target bone not found: ${a}`); s.bendDirection = this.getValue(l, "bendPositive", !0) ? 1 : -1, s.mix = this.getValue(l, "mix", 1), e.ikConstraints.push(s); } if (i.transform) for (let h = 0; h < i.transform.length; h++) { const l = i.transform[h], s = new er(l.name); s.order = this.getValue(l, "order", 0); for (let o = 0; o < l.bones.length; o++) { const d = l.bones[o], f = e.findBone(d); if (f == null) throw new Error(`Transform constraint bone not found: ${d}`); s.bones.push(f); } const a = l.target; if (s.target = e.findBone(a), s.target == null) throw new Error(`Transform constraint target bone not found: ${a}`); s.local = this.getValue(l, "local", !1), s.relative = this.getValue(l, "relative", !1), s.offsetRotation = this.getValue(l, "rotation", 0), s.offsetX = this.getValue(l, "x", 0) * n, s.offsetY = this.getValue(l, "y", 0) * n, s.offsetScaleX = this.getValue(l, "scaleX", 0), s.offsetScaleY = this.getValue(l, "scaleY", 0), s.offsetShearY = this.getValue(l, "shearY", 0), s.rotateMix = this.getValue(l, "rotateMix", 1), s.translateMix = this.getValue(l, "translateMix", 1), s.scaleMix = this.getValue(l, "scaleMix", 1), s.shearMix = this.getValue(l, "shearMix", 1), e.transformConstraints.push(s); } if (i.path) for (let h = 0; h < i.path.length; h++) { const l = i.path[h], s = new Qi(l.name); s.order = this.getValue(l, "order", 0); for (let o = 0; o < l.bones.length; o++) { const d = l.bones[o], f = e.findBone(d); if (f == null) throw new Error(`Transform constraint bone not found: ${d}`); s.bones.push(f); } const a = l.target; if (s.target = e.findSlot(a), s.target == null) throw new Error(`Path target slot not found: ${a}`); s.positionMode = an.positionModeFromString(this.getValue(l, "positionMode", "percent")), s.spacingMode = an.spacingModeFromString(this.getValue(l, "spacingMode", "length")), s.rotateMode = an.rotateModeFromString(this.getValue(l, "rotateMode", "tangent")), s.offsetRotation = this.getValue(l, "rotation", 0), s.position = this.getValue(l, "position", 0), s.positionMode == dt.Fixed && (s.position *= n), s.spacing = this.getValue(l, "spacing", 0), (s.spacingMode == pe.Length || s.spacingMode == pe.Fixed) && (s.spacing *= n), s.rotateMix = this.getValue(l, "rotateMix", 1), s.translateMix = this.getValue(l, "translateMix", 1), e.pathConstraints.push(s); } if (i.skins) for (const h in i.skins) { const l = i.skins[h], s = new nr(h); for (const a in l) { const o = e.findSlotIndex(a); if (o == -1) throw new Error(`Slot not found: ${a}`); const d = l[a]; for (const f in d) { const u = this.readAttachment(d[f], s, o, f, e); u != null && s.addAttachment(o, f, u); } } e.skins.push(s), s.name == "default" && (e.defaultSkin = s); } for (let h = 0, l = this.linkedMeshes.length; h < l; h++) { const s = this.linkedMeshes[h], a = s.skin == null ? e.defaultSkin : e.findSkin(s.skin); if (a == null) throw new Error(`Skin not found: ${s.skin}`); const o = a.getAttachment(s.slotIndex, s.parent); if (o == null) throw new Error(`Parent mesh not found: ${s.parent}`); s.mesh.setParentMesh(o); } if (this.linkedMeshes.length = 0, i.events) for (const h in i.events) { const l = i.events[h], s = new Gi(h); s.intValue = this.getValue(l, "int", 0), s.floatValue = this.getValue(l, "float", 0), s.stringValue = this.getValue(l, "string", ""), s.audioPath = this.getValue(l, "audio", null), s.audioPath != null && (s.volume = this.getValue(l, "volume", 1), s.balance = this.getValue(l, "balance", 0)), e.events.push(s); } if (i.animations) for (const h in i.animations) { const l = i.animations[h]; this.readAnimation(l, h, e); } return e; } readAttachment(t, n, e, i, r) { const h = this.scale; switch (i = this.getValue(t, "name", i), this.getValue(t, "type", "region")) { case "region": { const s = this.getValue(t, "path", i), a = this.attachmentLoader.newRegionAttachment(n, i, s); if (a == null) return null; a.path = s, a.x = this.getValue(t, "x", 0) * h, a.y = this.getValue(t, "y", 0) * h, a.scaleX = this.getValue(t, "scaleX", 1), a.scaleY = this.getValue(t, "scaleY", 1), a.rotation = this.getValue(t, "rotation", 0), a.width = t.width * h, a.height = t.height * h; const o = this.getValue(t, "color", null); return o != null && a.color.setFromString(o), a; } case "boundingbox": { const s = this.attachmentLoader.newBoundingBoxAttachment(n, i); if (s == null) return null; this.readVertices(t, s, t.vertexCount << 1); const a = this.getValue(t, "color", null); return a != null && s.color.setFromString(a), s; } case "mesh": case "linkedmesh": { const s = this.getValue(t, "path", i), a = this.attachmentLoader.newMeshAttachment(n, i, s); if (a == null) return null; a.path = s; const o = this.getValue(t, "color", null); o != null && a.color.setFromString(o); const d = this.getValue(t, "parent", null); if (d != null) return a.inheritDeform = this.getValue(t, "deform", !0), this.linkedMeshes.push(new _r(a, this.getValue(t, "skin", null), e, d)), a; const f = t.uvs; return this.readVertices(t, a, f.length), a.triangles = t.triangles, a.regionUVs = new Float32Array(f), a.hullLength = this.getValue(t, "hull", 0) * 2, a; } case "path": { const s = this.attachmentLoader.newPathAttachment(n, i); if (s == null) return null; s.closed = this.getValue(t, "closed", !1), s.constantSpeed = this.getValue(t, "constantSpeed", !0); const a = t.vertexCount; this.readVertices(t, s, a << 1); const o = v.newArray(a / 3, 0); for (let f = 0; f < t.lengths.length; f++)o[f] = t.lengths[f] * h; s.lengths = o; const d = this.getValue(t, "color", null); return d != null && s.color.setFromString(d), s; } case "point": { const s = this.attachmentLoader.newPointAttachment(n, i); if (s == null) return null; s.x = this.getValue(t, "x", 0) * h, s.y = this.getValue(t, "y", 0) * h, s.rotation = this.getValue(t, "rotation", 0); const a = this.getValue(t, "color", null); return a != null && s.color.setFromString(a), s; } case "clipping": { const s = this.attachmentLoader.newClippingAttachment(n, i); if (s == null) return null; const a = this.getValue(t, "end", null); if (a != null) { const f = r.findSlot(a); if (f == null) throw new Error(`Clipping end slot not found: ${a}`); s.endSlot = f; } const o = t.vertexCount; this.readVertices(t, s, o << 1); const d = this.getValue(t, "color", null); return d != null && s.color.setFromString(d), s; } }return null; } readVertices(t, n, e) { const i = this.scale; n.worldVerticesLength = e; const r = t.vertices; if (e == r.length) { const s = v.toFloatArray(r); if (i != 1) for (let a = 0, o = r.length; a < o; a++)s[a] *= i; n.vertices = s; return; } const h = new Array, l = new Array; for (let s = 0, a = r.length; s < a;) { const o = r[s++]; l.push(o); for (let d = s + o * 4; s < d; s += 4)l.push(r[s]), h.push(r[s + 1] * i), h.push(r[s + 2] * i), h.push(r[s + 3]); } n.bones = l, n.vertices = v.toFloatArray(h); } readAnimation(t, n, e) { const i = this.scale, r = new Array; let h = 0; if (t.slots) for (const s in t.slots) { const a = t.slots[s], o = e.findSlotIndex(s); if (o == -1) throw new Error(`Slot not found: ${s}`); for (const d in a) { const f = a[d]; if (d == "attachment") { const u = new Dn(f.length); u.slotIndex = o; let m = 0; for (let g = 0; g < f.length; g++) { const x = f[g]; u.setFrame(m++, x.time, x.name); } r.push(u), h = Math.max(h, u.frames[u.getFrameCount() - 1]); } else if (d == "color") { const u = new se(f.length); u.slotIndex = o; let m = 0; for (let g = 0; g < f.length; g++) { const x = f[g], E = new _; E.setFromString(x.color || "ffffffff"), u.setFrame(m, x.time, E.r, E.g, E.b, E.a), this.readCurve(x, u, m), m++; } r.push(u), h = Math.max(h, u.frames[(u.getFrameCount() - 1) * se.ENTRIES]); } else if (d == "twoColor") { const u = new Tt(f.length); u.slotIndex = o; let m = 0; for (let g = 0; g < f.length; g++) { const x = f[g], E = new _, w = new _; E.setFromString(x.light), w.setFromString(x.dark), u.setFrame(m, x.time, E.r, E.g, E.b, E.a, w.r, w.g, w.b), this.readCurve(x, u, m), m++; } r.push(u), h = Math.max(h, u.frames[(u.getFrameCount() - 1) * Tt.ENTRIES]); } else throw new Error(`Invalid timeline type for a slot: ${d} (${s})`); } } if (t.bones) for (const s in t.bones) { const a = t.bones[s], o = e.findBoneIndex(s); if (o == -1) throw new Error(`Bone not found: ${s}`); for (const d in a) { const f = a[d]; if (d === "rotate") { const u = new $t(f.length); u.boneIndex = o; let m = 0; for (let g = 0; g < f.length; g++) { const x = f[g]; u.setFrame(m, x.time, x.angle), this.readCurve(x, u, m), m++; } r.push(u), h = Math.max(h, u.frames[(u.getFrameCount() - 1) * $t.ENTRIES]); } else if (d === "translate" || d === "scale" || d === "shear") { let u = null, m = 1; d === "scale" ? u = new le(f.length) : d === "shear" ? u = new ce(f.length) : (u = new ge(f.length), m = i), u.boneIndex = o; let g = 0; for (let x = 0; x < f.length; x++) { const E = f[x], w = this.getValue(E, "x", 0), b = this.getValue(E, "y", 0); u.setFrame(g, E.time, w * m, b * m), this.readCurve(E, u, g), g++; } r.push(u), h = Math.max(h, u.frames[(u.getFrameCount() - 1) * ge.ENTRIES]); } else throw new Error(`Invalid timeline type for a bone: ${d} (${s})`); } } if (t.ik) for (const s in t.ik) { const a = t.ik[s], o = e.findIkConstraint(s), d = new ie(a.length); d.ikConstraintIndex = e.ikConstraints.indexOf(o); let f = 0; for (let u = 0; u < a.length; u++) { const m = a[u]; d.setFrame(f, m.time, this.getValue(m, "mix", 1), this.getValue(m, "bendPositive", !0) ? 1 : -1, this.getValue(m, "compress", !1), this.getValue(m, "stretch", !1)), this.readCurve(m, d, f), f++; } r.push(d), h = Math.max(h, d.frames[(d.getFrameCount() - 1) * ie.ENTRIES]); } if (t.transform) for (const s in t.transform) { const a = t.transform[s], o = e.findTransformConstraint(s), d = new re(a.length); d.transformConstraintIndex = e.transformConstraints.indexOf(o); let f = 0; for (let u = 0; u < a.length; u++) { const m = a[u]; d.setFrame(f, m.time, this.getValue(m, "rotateMix", 1), this.getValue(m, "translateMix", 1), this.getValue(m, "scaleMix", 1), this.getValue(m, "shearMix", 1)), this.readCurve(m, d, f), f++; } r.push(d), h = Math.max(h, d.frames[(d.getFrameCount() - 1) * re.ENTRIES]); } if (t.paths) for (const s in t.paths) { const a = t.paths[s], o = e.findPathConstraintIndex(s); if (o == -1) throw new Error(`Path constraint not found: ${s}`); const d = e.pathConstraints[o]; for (const f in a) { const u = a[f]; if (f === "position" || f === "spacing") { let m = null, g = 1; f === "spacing" ? (m = new Xe(u.length), (d.spacingMode == pe.Length || d.spacingMode == pe.Fixed) && (g = i)) : (m = new Ze(u.length), d.positionMode == dt.Fixed && (g = i)), m.pathConstraintIndex = o; let x = 0; for (let E = 0; E < u.length; E++) { const w = u[E]; m.setFrame(x, w.time, this.getValue(w, f, 0) * g), this.readCurve(w, m, x), x++; } r.push(m), h = Math.max(h, m.frames[(m.getFrameCount() - 1) * Ze.ENTRIES]); } else if (f === "mix") { const m = new Ne(u.length); m.pathConstraintIndex = o; let g = 0; for (let x = 0; x < u.length; x++) { const E = u[x]; m.setFrame(g, E.time, this.getValue(E, "rotateMix", 1), this.getValue(E, "translateMix", 1)), this.readCurve(E, m, g), g++; } r.push(m), h = Math.max(h, m.frames[(m.getFrameCount() - 1) * Ne.ENTRIES]); } } } if (t.deform) for (const s in t.deform) { const a = t.deform[s], o = e.findSkin(s); if (o == null) { if (zt.FAIL_ON_NON_EXISTING_SKIN) throw new Error(`Skin not found: ${s}`); continue; } for (const d in a) { const f = a[d], u = e.findSlotIndex(d); if (u == -1) throw new Error(`Slot not found: ${f.name}`); for (const m in f) { const g = f[m], x = o.getAttachment(u, m); if (x == null) throw new Error(`Deform attachment not found: ${g.name}`); const E = x.bones != null, w = x.vertices, b = E ? w.length / 3 * 2 : w.length, p = new Wi(g.length); p.slotIndex = u, p.attachment = x; let S = 0; for (let y = 0; y < g.length; y++) { const M = g[y]; let T; const k = this.getValue(M, "vertices", null); if (k == null) T = E ? v.newFloatArray(b) : w; else { T = v.newFloatArray(b); const I = this.getValue(M, "offset", 0); if (v.arrayCopy(k, 0, T, I, k.length), i != 1) for (let R = I, V = R + k.length; R < V; R++)T[R] *= i; if (!E) for (let R = 0; R < b; R++)T[R] += w[R]; } p.setFrame(S, M.time, T), this.readCurve(M, p, S), S++; } r.push(p), h = Math.max(h, p.frames[p.getFrameCount() - 1]); } } } let l = t.drawOrder; if (l == null && (l = t.draworder), l != null) { const s = new Ln(l.length), a = e.slots.length; let o = 0; for (let d = 0; d < l.length; d++) { const f = l[d]; let u = null; const m = this.getValue(f, "offsets", null); if (m != null) { u = v.newArray(a, -1); const g = v.newArray(a - m.length, 0); let x = 0, E = 0; for (let w = 0; w < m.length; w++) { const b = m[w], p = e.findSlotIndex(b.slot); if (p == -1) throw new Error(`Slot not found: ${b.slot}`); for (; x != p;)g[E++] = x++; u[x + b.offset] = x++; } for (; x < a;)g[E++] = x++; for (let w = a - 1; w >= 0; w--)u[w] == -1 && (u[w] = g[--E]); } s.setFrame(o++, f.time, u); } r.push(s), h = Math.max(h, s.frames[s.getFrameCount() - 1]); } if (t.events) { const s = new qi(t.events.length); let a = 0; for (let o = 0; o < t.events.length; o++) { const d = t.events[o], f = e.findEvent(d.name); if (f == null) throw new Error(`Event not found: ${d.name}`); const u = new Hi(v.toSinglePrecision(d.time), f); u.intValue = this.getValue(d, "int", f.intValue), u.floatValue = this.getValue(d, "float", f.floatValue), u.stringValue = this.getValue(d, "string", f.stringValue), u.data.audioPath != null && (u.volume = this.getValue(d, "volume", 1), u.balance = this.getValue(d, "balance", 0)), s.setFrame(a++, u); } r.push(s), h = Math.max(h, s.frames[s.getFrameCount() - 1]); } if (isNaN(h)) throw new Error("Error while parsing animation, duration is NaN"); e.animations.push(new Ct(n, r, h)); } readCurve(t, n, e) { if (t.curve) { if (t.curve === "stepped") n.setStepped(e); else if (Object.prototype.toString.call(t.curve) === "[object Array]") { const i = t.curve; n.setCurve(e, i[0], i[1], i[2], i[3]); } } } getValue(t, n, e) { return t[n] !== void 0 ? t[n] : e; } static blendModeFromString(t) { if (t = t.toLowerCase(), t == "normal") return H.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL; if (t == "additive") return H.BLEND_MODES.ADD; if (t == "multiply") return H.BLEND_MODES.MULTIPLY; if (t == "screen") return H.BLEND_MODES.SCREEN; throw new Error(`Unknown blend mode: ${t}`); } static positionModeFromString(t) { if (t = t.toLowerCase(), t == "fixed") return dt.Fixed; if (t == "percent") return dt.Percent; throw new Error(`Unknown position mode: ${t}`); } static spacingModeFromString(t) { if (t = t.toLowerCase(), t == "length") return pe.Length; if (t == "fixed") return pe.Fixed; if (t == "percent") return pe.Percent; throw new Error(`Unknown position mode: ${t}`); } static rotateModeFromString(t) { if (t = t.toLowerCase(), t == "tangent") return pt.Tangent; if (t == "chain") return pt.Chain; if (t == "chainscale") return pt.ChainScale; throw new Error(`Unknown rotate mode: ${t}`); } static transformModeFromString(t) { if (t = t.toLowerCase(), t == "normal") return j.Normal; if (t == "onlytranslation") return j.OnlyTranslation; if (t == "norotationorreflection") return j.NoRotationOrReflection; if (t == "noscale") return j.NoScale; if (t == "noscaleorreflection") return j.NoScaleOrReflection; throw new Error(`Unknown transform mode: ${t}`); } }, _r = class { constructor(t, n, e, i) { this.mesh = t, this.skin = n, this.slotIndex = e, this.parent = i; } }; var Or = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, Animation: Ct, AnimationState: Ie, AnimationStateAdapter2: Dr, AnimationStateData: Fs, AtlasAttachmentLoader: Ui, Attachment: ks, AttachmentTimeline: Dn, Bone: Ys, BoneData: zi, BoundingBoxAttachment: Ni, ClippingAttachment: Bi, ColorTimeline: se, CurveTimeline: jt, DeformTimeline: Wi, DrawOrderTimeline: Ln, Event: Hi, EventData: Gi, EventQueue: Ps, EventTimeline: qi, EventType: Zt, IkConstraint: ji, IkConstraintData: Zi, IkConstraintTimeline: ie, JitterEffect: Br, MeshAttachment: Is, PathAttachment: kn, PathConstraint: wn, PathConstraintData: Qi, PathConstraintMixTimeline: Ne, PathConstraintPositionTimeline: Ze, PathConstraintSpacingTimeline: Xe, PointAttachment: Di, RegionAttachment: K, RotateTimeline: $t, ScaleTimeline: le, ShearTimeline: ce, Skeleton: Xs, SkeletonBounds: Lr, SkeletonData: Ji, SkeletonJson: an, Skin: nr, Slot: Rs, SlotData: tr, SpacingMode: pe, Spine: class extends tn { createSkeleton(t) { this.skeleton = new Xs(t), this.skeleton.updateWorldTransform(), this.stateData = new Fs(t), this.state = new Ie(this.stateData); } }, SwirlEffect: _i, TimelineType: Oi, TrackEntry: _n, TransformConstraint: Ki, TransformConstraintData: er, TransformConstraintTimeline: re, TranslateTimeline: ge, TwoColorTimeline: Tt, VertexAttachment: Ge }); class Ns { constructor(t) { if (!t) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); this.name = t; } } const sr = class extends Ns { constructor(c) { super(c), this.id = sr.nextID++, this.bones = null, this.vertices = [], this.worldVerticesLength = 0, this.timelineAttachment = this; } computeWorldVerticesOld(c, t) { this.computeWorldVertices(c, 0, this.worldVerticesLength, t, 0, 2); } computeWorldVertices(c, t, n, e, i, r) { n = i + (n >> 1) * r; const h = c.bone.skeleton, l = c.deform; let s = this.vertices; const a = this.bones; if (!a) { l.length > 0 && (s = l); const u = c.bone.matrix, m = u.tx, g = u.ty, x = u.a, E = u.c, w = u.b, b = u.d; for (let p = t, S = i; S < n; p += 2, S += r) { const y = s[p], M = s[p + 1]; e[S] = y * x + M * E + m, e[S + 1] = y * w + M * b + g; } return; } let o = 0, d = 0; for (let u = 0; u < t; u += 2) { const m = a[o]; o += m + 1, d += m; } const f = h.bones; if (l.length == 0) for (let u = i, m = d * 3; u < n; u += r) { let g = 0, x = 0, E = a[o++]; for (E += o; o < E; o++, m += 3) { const w = f[a[o]].matrix, b = s[m], p = s[m + 1], S = s[m + 2]; g += (b * w.a + p * w.c + w.tx) * S, x += (b * w.b + p * w.d + w.ty) * S; } e[u] = g, e[u + 1] = x; } else { const u = l; for (let m = i, g = d * 3, x = d << 1; m < n; m += r) { let E = 0, w = 0, b = a[o++]; for (b += o; o < b; o++, g += 3, x += 2) { const p = f[a[o]].matrix, S = s[g] + u[x], y = s[g + 1] + u[x + 1], M = s[g + 2]; E += (S * p.a + y * p.c + p.tx) * M, w += (S * p.b + y * p.d + p.ty) * M; } e[m] = E, e[m + 1] = w; } } } copyTo(c) { this.bones ? (c.bones = new Array(this.bones.length), v.arrayCopy(this.bones, 0, c.bones, 0, this.bones.length)) : c.bones = null, this.vertices && (c.vertices = v.newFloatArray(this.vertices.length), v.arrayCopy(this.vertices, 0, c.vertices, 0, this.vertices.length)), c.worldVerticesLength = this.worldVerticesLength, c.timelineAttachment = this.timelineAttachment; } }; let we = sr; we.nextID = 0; class On extends we { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.BoundingBox, this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1); } copy() { const t = new On(this.name); return this.copyTo(t), t.color.setFromColor(this.color), t; } } class $n extends we { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.Clipping, this.endSlot = null, this.color = new _(.2275, .2275, .8078, 1); } copy() { const t = new $n(this.name); return this.copyTo(t), t.endSlot = this.endSlot, t.color.setFromColor(this.color), t; } } class on extends we { constructor(t, n) { super(t), this.type = Z.Mesh, this.region = null, this.triangles = [], this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), this.width = 0, this.height = 0, this.hullLength = 0, this.edges = [], this.parentMesh = null, this.sequence = null, this.tempColor = new _(0, 0, 0, 0), this.path = n; } getParentMesh() { return this.parentMesh; } setParentMesh(t) { this.parentMesh = t, t && (this.bones = t.bones, this.vertices = t.vertices, this.worldVerticesLength = t.worldVerticesLength, this.regionUVs = t.regionUVs, this.triangles = t.triangles, this.hullLength = t.hullLength, this.worldVerticesLength = t.worldVerticesLength); } copy() { if (this.parentMesh) return this.newLinkedMesh(); const t = new on(this.name, this.path); return t.region = this.region, t.color.setFromColor(this.color), this.copyTo(t), t.regionUVs = new Float32Array(this.regionUVs.length), v.arrayCopy(this.regionUVs, 0, t.regionUVs, 0, this.regionUVs.length), t.triangles = new Array(this.triangles.length), v.arrayCopy(this.triangles, 0, t.triangles, 0, this.triangles.length), t.hullLength = this.hullLength, t.sequence = this.sequence != null ? this.sequence.copy() : null, this.edges && (t.edges = new Array(this.edges.length), v.arrayCopy(this.edges, 0, t.edges, 0, this.edges.length)), t.width = this.width, t.height = this.height, t; } computeWorldVertices(t, n, e, i, r, h) { this.sequence != null && this.sequence.apply(t, this), super.computeWorldVertices(t, n, e, i, r, h); } newLinkedMesh() { const t = new on(this.name, this.path); return t.region = this.region, t.color.setFromColor(this.color), t.timelineAttachment = this.timelineAttachment, t.setParentMesh(this.parentMesh ? this.parentMesh : this), t; } } class ln extends we { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.Path, this.lengths = [], this.closed = !1, this.constantSpeed = !1, this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1); } copy() { const t = new ln(this.name); return this.copyTo(t), t.lengths = new Array(this.lengths.length), v.arrayCopy(this.lengths, 0, t.lengths, 0, this.lengths.length), t.closed = closed, t.constantSpeed = this.constantSpeed, t.color.setFromColor(this.color), t; } } class Wn extends we { constructor(t) { super(t), this.type = Z.Point, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.rotation = 0, this.color = new _(.38, .94, 0, 1); } computeWorldPosition(t, n) { const e = t.matrix; return n.x = this.x * e.a + this.y * e.c + t.worldX, n.y = this.x * e.b + this.y * e.d + t.worldY, n; } computeWorldRotation(t) { const n = t.matrix, e = C.cosDeg(this.rotation), i = C.sinDeg(this.rotation), r = e * n.a + i * n.c, h = e * n.b + i * n.d; return Math.atan2(h, r) * C.radDeg; } copy() { const t = new Wn(this.name); return t.x = this.x, t.y = this.y, t.rotation = this.rotation, t.color.setFromColor(this.color), t; } } const ir = class extends Ns { constructor(c, t) { super(c), this.type = Z.Region, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.scaleX = 1, this.scaleY = 1, this.rotation = 0, this.width = 0, this.height = 0, this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), this.rendererObject = null, this.region = null, this.sequence = null, this.offset = v.newFloatArray(8), this.uvs = v.newFloatArray(8), this.tempColor = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), this.path = t; } updateRegion() { if (!this.region) throw new Error("Region not set."); const c = this.region, t = this.width / this.region.originalWidth * this.scaleX, n = this.height / this.region.originalHeight * this.scaleY, e = -this.width / 2 * this.scaleX + this.region.offsetX * t, i = -this.height / 2 * this.scaleY + this.region.offsetY * n, r = e + this.region.width * t, h = i + this.region.height * n, l = this.rotation * Math.PI / 180, s = Math.cos(l), a = Math.sin(l), o = this.x, d = this.y, f = e * s + o, u = e * a, m = i * s + d, g = i * a, x = r * s + o, E = r * a, w = h * s + d, b = h * a, p = this.offset; p[0] = f - g, p[1] = m + u, p[2] = f - b, p[3] = w + u, p[4] = x - b, p[5] = w + E, p[6] = x - g, p[7] = m + E; const S = this.uvs; c.degrees == 90 ? (S[2] = c.u, S[3] = c.v2, S[4] = c.u, S[5] = c.v, S[6] = c.u2, S[7] = c.v, S[0] = c.u2, S[1] = c.v2) : (S[0] = c.u, S[1] = c.v2, S[2] = c.u, S[3] = c.v, S[4] = c.u2, S[5] = c.v, S[6] = c.u2, S[7] = c.v2); } computeWorldVertices(c, t, n, e) { this.sequence != null && this.sequence.apply(c, this); const i = c.bone, r = this.offset, h = i.matrix, l = h.tx, s = h.ty, a = h.a, o = h.c, d = h.b, f = h.d; let u = 0, m = 0; u = r[0], m = r[1], t[n] = u * a + m * o + l, t[n + 1] = u * d + m * f + s, n += e, u = r[2], m = r[3], t[n] = u * a + m * o + l, t[n + 1] = u * d + m * f + s, n += e, u = r[4], m = r[5], t[n] = u * a + m * o + l, t[n + 1] = u * d + m * f + s, n += e, u = r[6], m = r[7], t[n] = u * a + m * o + l, t[n + 1] = u * d + m * f + s; } copy() { const c = new ir(this.name, this.path); return c.region = this.region, c.rendererObject = this.rendererObject, c.x = this.x, c.y = this.y, c.scaleX = this.scaleX, c.scaleY = this.scaleY, c.rotation = this.rotation, c.width = this.width, c.height = this.height, v.arrayCopy(this.uvs, 0, c.uvs, 0, 8), v.arrayCopy(this.offset, 0, c.offset, 0, 8), c.color.setFromColor(this.color), c.sequence = this.sequence != null ? this.sequence.copy() : null, c; } }; let it = ir; it.X1 = 0, it.Y1 = 1, it.C1R = 2, it.C1G = 3, it.C1B = 4, it.C1A = 5, it.U1 = 6, it.V1 = 7, it.X2 = 8, it.Y2 = 9, it.C2R = 10, it.C2G = 11, it.C2B = 12, it.C2A = 13, it.U2 = 14, it.V2 = 15, it.X3 = 16, it.Y3 = 17, it.C3R = 18, it.C3G = 19, it.C3B = 20, it.C3A = 21, it.U3 = 22, it.V3 = 23, it.X4 = 24, it.Y4 = 25, it.C4R = 26, it.C4G = 27, it.C4B = 28, it.C4A = 29, it.U4 = 30, it.V4 = 31; const qn = class { constructor(c) { this.id = qn.nextID(), this.start = 0, this.digits = 0, this.setupIndex = 0, this.regions = new Array(c); } copy() { const c = new qn(this.regions.length); return v.arrayCopy(this.regions, 0, c.regions, 0, this.regions.length), c.start = this.start, c.digits = this.digits, c.setupIndex = this.setupIndex, c; } apply(c, t) { let n = c.sequenceIndex; n == -1 && (n = this.setupIndex), n >= this.regions.length && (n = this.regions.length - 1); const e = this.regions[n]; t.region != e && (t.region = e); } getPath(c, t) { let n = c; const e = (this.start + t).toString(); for (let i = this.digits - e.length; i > 0; i--)n += "0"; return n += e, n; } static nextID() { return qn._nextID++; } }; let Un = qn; Un._nextID = 0; var Re = (c => (c[c.hold = 0] = "hold", c[c.once = 1] = "once", c[c.loop = 2] = "loop", c[c.pingpong = 3] = "pingpong", c[c.onceReverse = 4] = "onceReverse", c[c.loopReverse = 5] = "loopReverse", c[c.pingpongReverse = 6] = "pingpongReverse", c))(Re || {}); const Bs = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]; class zn { constructor(t, n, e) { if (this.timelines = [], this.timelineIds = new ss, !t) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); this.name = t, this.setTimelines(n), this.duration = e; } setTimelines(t) { if (!t) throw new Error("timelines cannot be null."); this.timelines = t, this.timelineIds.clear(); for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++)this.timelineIds.addAll(t[n].getPropertyIds()); } hasTimeline(t) { for (let n = 0; n < t.length; n++)if (this.timelineIds.contains(t[n])) return !0; return !1; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s) { if (!t) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); i && this.duration != 0 && (e %= this.duration, n > 0 && (n %= this.duration)); const a = this.timelines; for (let o = 0, d = a.length; o < d; o++)a[o].apply(t, n, e, r, h, l, s); } } const ot = { rotate: 0, x: 1, y: 2, scaleX: 3, scaleY: 4, shearX: 5, shearY: 6, rgb: 7, alpha: 8, rgb2: 9, attachment: 10, deform: 11, event: 12, drawOrder: 13, ikConstraint: 14, transformConstraint: 15, pathConstraintPosition: 16, pathConstraintSpacing: 17, pathConstraintMix: 18, sequence: 19 }; class bt { constructor(t, n) { this.propertyIds = n, this.frames = v.newFloatArray(t * this.getFrameEntries()); } getPropertyIds() { return this.propertyIds; } getFrameEntries() { return 1; } getFrameCount() { return this.frames.length / this.getFrameEntries(); } getDuration() { return this.frames[this.frames.length - this.getFrameEntries()]; } static search1(t, n) { const e = t.length; for (let i = 1; i < e; i++)if (t[i] > n) return i - 1; return e - 1; } static search(t, n, e) { const i = t.length; for (let r = e; r < i; r += e)if (t[r] > n) return r - e; return i - e; } } class be extends bt { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, e), this.curves = v.newFloatArray(t + n * 18), this.curves[t - 1] = 1; } setLinear(t) { this.curves[t] = 0; } setStepped(t) { this.curves[t] = 1; } shrink(t) { const n = this.getFrameCount() + t * 18; if (this.curves.length > n) { const e = v.newFloatArray(n); v.arrayCopy(this.curves, 0, e, 0, n), this.curves = e; } } setBezier(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s, a, o, d) { const f = this.curves; let u = this.getFrameCount() + t * 18; e == 0 && (f[n] = 2 + u); const m = (i - h * 2 + s) * .03, g = (r - l * 2 + a) * .03, x = ((h - s) * 3 - i + o) * .006, E = ((l - a) * 3 - r + d) * .006; let w = m * 2 + x, b = g * 2 + E, p = (h - i) * .3 + m + x * .16666667, S = (l - r) * .3 + g + E * .16666667, y = i + p, M = r + S; for (let T = u + 18; u < T; u += 2)f[u] = y, f[u + 1] = M, p += w, S += b, w += x, b += E, y += p, M += S; } getBezierValue(t, n, e, i) { const r = this.curves; if (r[i] > t) { const a = this.frames[n], o = this.frames[n + e]; return o + (t - a) / (r[i] - a) * (r[i + 1] - o); } const h = i + 18; for (i += 2; i < h; i += 2)if (r[i] >= t) { const a = r[i - 2], o = r[i - 1]; return o + (t - a) / (r[i] - a) * (r[i + 1] - o); } n += this.getFrameEntries(); const l = r[h - 2], s = r[h - 1]; return s + (t - l) / (this.frames[n] - l) * (this.frames[n + e] - s); } } class Ee extends be { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, [e]); } getFrameEntries() { return 2; } setFrame(t, n, e) { t <<= 1, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + 1] = e; } getCurveValue(t) { const n = this.frames; let e = n.length - 2; for (let r = 2; r <= e; r += 2)if (n[r] > t) { e = r - 2; break; } const i = this.curves[e >> 1]; switch (i) { case 0: const r = n[e], h = n[e + 1]; return h + (t - r) / (n[e + 2] - r) * (n[e + 2 + 1] - h); case 1: return n[e + 1]; }return this.getBezierValue(t, e, 1, i - 2); } } class Hn extends be { constructor(t, n, e, i) { super(t, n, [e, i]); } getFrameEntries() { return 3; } setFrame(t, n, e, i) { t *= 3, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + 1] = e, this.frames[t + 2] = i; } } class Rn extends Ee { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, `${ot.rotate}|${e}`), this.boneIndex = 0, this.boneIndex = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.rotation = s.data.rotation; return; case A.first: s.rotation += (s.data.rotation - s.rotation) * r; }return; } let o = this.getCurveValue(e); switch (h) { case A.setup: s.rotation = s.data.rotation + o * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: o += s.data.rotation - s.rotation; case A.add: s.rotation += o * r; } } } class Ds extends Hn { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, `${ot.x}|${e}`, `${ot.y}|${e}`), this.boneIndex = 0, this.boneIndex = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.x = s.data.x, s.y = s.data.y; return; case A.first: s.x += (s.data.x - s.x) * r, s.y += (s.data.y - s.y) * r; }return; } let o = 0, d = 0; const f = bt.search(a, e, 3), u = this.curves[f / 3]; switch (u) { case 0: const m = a[f]; o = a[f + 1], d = a[f + 2]; const g = (e - m) / (a[f + 3] - m); o += (a[f + 3 + 1] - o) * g, d += (a[f + 3 + 2] - d) * g; break; case 1: o = a[f + 1], d = a[f + 2]; break; default: o = this.getBezierValue(e, f, 1, u - 2), d = this.getBezierValue(e, f, 2, u + 18 - 2); }switch (h) { case A.setup: s.x = s.data.x + o * r, s.y = s.data.y + d * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: s.x += (s.data.x + o - s.x) * r, s.y += (s.data.y + d - s.y) * r; break; case A.add: s.x += o * r, s.y += d * r; } } } class Ls extends Ee { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, `${ot.x}|${e}`), this.boneIndex = 0, this.boneIndex = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.x = s.data.x; return; case A.first: s.x += (s.data.x - s.x) * r; }return; } const o = this.getCurveValue(e); switch (h) { case A.setup: s.x = s.data.x + o * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: s.x += (s.data.x + o - s.x) * r; break; case A.add: s.x += o * r; } } } class _s extends Ee { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, `${ot.y}|${e}`), this.boneIndex = 0, this.boneIndex = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.y = s.data.y; return; case A.first: s.y += (s.data.y - s.y) * r; }return; } const o = this.getCurveValue(e); switch (h) { case A.setup: s.y = s.data.y + o * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: s.y += (s.data.y + o - s.y) * r; break; case A.add: s.y += o * r; } } } class Os extends Hn { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, `${ot.scaleX}|${e}`, `${ot.scaleY}|${e}`), this.boneIndex = 0, this.boneIndex = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.scaleX = s.data.scaleX, s.scaleY = s.data.scaleY; return; case A.first: s.scaleX += (s.data.scaleX - s.scaleX) * r, s.scaleY += (s.data.scaleY - s.scaleY) * r; }return; } let o, d; const f = bt.search(a, e, 3), u = this.curves[f / 3]; switch (u) { case 0: const m = a[f]; o = a[f + 1], d = a[f + 2]; const g = (e - m) / (a[f + 3] - m); o += (a[f + 3 + 1] - o) * g, d += (a[f + 3 + 2] - d) * g; break; case 1: o = a[f + 1], d = a[f + 2]; break; default: o = this.getBezierValue(e, f, 1, u - 2), d = this.getBezierValue(e, f, 2, u + 18 - 2); }if (o *= s.data.scaleX, d *= s.data.scaleY, r == 1) h == A.add ? (s.scaleX += o - s.data.scaleX, s.scaleY += d - s.data.scaleY) : (s.scaleX = o, s.scaleY = d); else { let m = 0, g = 0; if (l == J.mixOut) switch (h) { case A.setup: m = s.data.scaleX, g = s.data.scaleY, s.scaleX = m + (Math.abs(o) * C.signum(m) - m) * r, s.scaleY = g + (Math.abs(d) * C.signum(g) - g) * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: m = s.scaleX, g = s.scaleY, s.scaleX = m + (Math.abs(o) * C.signum(m) - m) * r, s.scaleY = g + (Math.abs(d) * C.signum(g) - g) * r; break; case A.add: s.scaleX += (o - s.data.scaleX) * r, s.scaleY += (d - s.data.scaleY) * r; } else switch (h) { case A.setup: m = Math.abs(s.data.scaleX) * C.signum(o), g = Math.abs(s.data.scaleY) * C.signum(d), s.scaleX = m + (o - m) * r, s.scaleY = g + (d - g) * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: m = Math.abs(s.scaleX) * C.signum(o), g = Math.abs(s.scaleY) * C.signum(d), s.scaleX = m + (o - m) * r, s.scaleY = g + (d - g) * r; break; case A.add: s.scaleX += (o - s.data.scaleX) * r, s.scaleY += (d - s.data.scaleY) * r; } } } } class $s extends Ee { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, `${ot.scaleX}|${e}`), this.boneIndex = 0, this.boneIndex = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.scaleX = s.data.scaleX; return; case A.first: s.scaleX += (s.data.scaleX - s.scaleX) * r; }return; } const o = this.getCurveValue(e) * s.data.scaleX; if (r == 1) h == A.add ? s.scaleX += o - s.data.scaleX : s.scaleX = o; else { let d = 0; if (l == J.mixOut) switch (h) { case A.setup: d = s.data.scaleX, s.scaleX = d + (Math.abs(o) * C.signum(d) - d) * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: d = s.scaleX, s.scaleX = d + (Math.abs(o) * C.signum(d) - d) * r; break; case A.add: s.scaleX += (o - s.data.scaleX) * r; } else switch (h) { case A.setup: d = Math.abs(s.data.scaleX) * C.signum(o), s.scaleX = d + (o - d) * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: d = Math.abs(s.scaleX) * C.signum(o), s.scaleX = d + (o - d) * r; break; case A.add: s.scaleX += (o - s.data.scaleX) * r; } } } } class Ws extends Ee { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, `${ot.scaleY}|${e}`), this.boneIndex = 0, this.boneIndex = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.scaleY = s.data.scaleY; return; case A.first: s.scaleY += (s.data.scaleY - s.scaleY) * r; }return; } const o = this.getCurveValue(e) * s.data.scaleY; if (r == 1) h == A.add ? s.scaleY += o - s.data.scaleY : s.scaleY = o; else { let d = 0; if (l == J.mixOut) switch (h) { case A.setup: d = s.data.scaleY, s.scaleY = d + (Math.abs(o) * C.signum(d) - d) * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: d = s.scaleY, s.scaleY = d + (Math.abs(o) * C.signum(d) - d) * r; break; case A.add: s.scaleY += (o - s.data.scaleY) * r; } else switch (h) { case A.setup: d = Math.abs(s.data.scaleY) * C.signum(o), s.scaleY = d + (o - d) * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: d = Math.abs(s.scaleY) * C.signum(o), s.scaleY = d + (o - d) * r; break; case A.add: s.scaleY += (o - s.data.scaleY) * r; } } } } class qs extends Hn { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, `${ot.shearX}|${e}`, `${ot.shearY}|${e}`), this.boneIndex = 0, this.boneIndex = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.shearX = s.data.shearX, s.shearY = s.data.shearY; return; case A.first: s.shearX += (s.data.shearX - s.shearX) * r, s.shearY += (s.data.shearY - s.shearY) * r; }return; } let o = 0, d = 0; const f = bt.search(a, e, 3), u = this.curves[f / 3]; switch (u) { case 0: const m = a[f]; o = a[f + 1], d = a[f + 2]; const g = (e - m) / (a[f + 3] - m); o += (a[f + 3 + 1] - o) * g, d += (a[f + 3 + 2] - d) * g; break; case 1: o = a[f + 1], d = a[f + 2]; break; default: o = this.getBezierValue(e, f, 1, u - 2), d = this.getBezierValue(e, f, 2, u + 18 - 2); }switch (h) { case A.setup: s.shearX = s.data.shearX + o * r, s.shearY = s.data.shearY + d * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: s.shearX += (s.data.shearX + o - s.shearX) * r, s.shearY += (s.data.shearY + d - s.shearY) * r; break; case A.add: s.shearX += o * r, s.shearY += d * r; } } } class Us extends Ee { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, `${ot.shearX}|${e}`), this.boneIndex = 0, this.boneIndex = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.shearX = s.data.shearX; return; case A.first: s.shearX += (s.data.shearX - s.shearX) * r; }return; } const o = this.getCurveValue(e); switch (h) { case A.setup: s.shearX = s.data.shearX + o * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: s.shearX += (s.data.shearX + o - s.shearX) * r; break; case A.add: s.shearX += o * r; } } } class zs extends Ee { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, `${ot.shearY}|${e}`), this.boneIndex = 0, this.boneIndex = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.bones[this.boneIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.shearY = s.data.shearY; return; case A.first: s.shearY += (s.data.shearY - s.shearY) * r; }return; } const o = this.getCurveValue(e); switch (h) { case A.setup: s.shearY = s.data.shearY + o * r; break; case A.first: case A.replace: s.shearY += (s.data.shearY + o - s.shearY) * r; break; case A.add: s.shearY += o * r; } } } class Hs extends be { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, [`${ot.rgb}|${e}`, `${ot.alpha}|${e}`]), this.slotIndex = 0, this.slotIndex = e; } getFrameEntries() { return 5; } setFrame(t, n, e, i, r, h) { t *= 5, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + 1] = e, this.frames[t + 2] = i, this.frames[t + 3] = r, this.frames[t + 4] = h; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.slots[this.slotIndex]; if (!s.bone.active) return; const a = this.frames, o = s.color; if (e < a[0]) { const E = s.data.color; switch (h) { case A.setup: o.setFromColor(E); return; case A.first: o.add((E.r - o.r) * r, (E.g - o.g) * r, (E.b - o.b) * r, (E.a - o.a) * r); }return; } let d = 0, f = 0, u = 0, m = 0; const g = bt.search(a, e, 5), x = this.curves[g / 5]; switch (x) { case 0: const E = a[g]; d = a[g + 1], f = a[g + 2], u = a[g + 3], m = a[g + 4]; const w = (e - E) / (a[g + 5] - E); d += (a[g + 5 + 1] - d) * w, f += (a[g + 5 + 2] - f) * w, u += (a[g + 5 + 3] - u) * w, m += (a[g + 5 + 4] - m) * w; break; case 1: d = a[g + 1], f = a[g + 2], u = a[g + 3], m = a[g + 4]; break; default: d = this.getBezierValue(e, g, 1, x - 2), f = this.getBezierValue(e, g, 2, x + 18 - 2), u = this.getBezierValue(e, g, 3, x + 18 * 2 - 2), m = this.getBezierValue(e, g, 4, x + 18 * 3 - 2); }r == 1 ? o.set(d, f, u, m) : (h == A.setup && o.setFromColor(s.data.color), o.add((d - o.r) * r, (f - o.g) * r, (u - o.b) * r, (m - o.a) * r)); } } class Gs extends be { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, [`${ot.rgb}|${e}`]), this.slotIndex = 0, this.slotIndex = e; } getFrameEntries() { return 4; } setFrame(t, n, e, i, r) { t <<= 2, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + 1] = e, this.frames[t + 2] = i, this.frames[t + 3] = r; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.slots[this.slotIndex]; if (!s.bone.active) return; const a = this.frames, o = s.color; if (e < a[0]) { const x = s.data.color; switch (h) { case A.setup: o.r = x.r, o.g = x.g, o.b = x.b; return; case A.first: o.r += (x.r - o.r) * r, o.g += (x.g - o.g) * r, o.b += (x.b - o.b) * r; }return; } let d = 0, f = 0, u = 0; const m = bt.search(a, e, 4), g = this.curves[m >> 2]; switch (g) { case 0: const x = a[m]; d = a[m + 1], f = a[m + 2], u = a[m + 3]; const E = (e - x) / (a[m + 4] - x); d += (a[m + 4 + 1] - d) * E, f += (a[m + 4 + 2] - f) * E, u += (a[m + 4 + 3] - u) * E; break; case 1: d = a[m + 1], f = a[m + 2], u = a[m + 3]; break; default: d = this.getBezierValue(e, m, 1, g - 2), f = this.getBezierValue(e, m, 2, g + 18 - 2), u = this.getBezierValue(e, m, 3, g + 18 * 2 - 2); }if (r == 1) o.r = d, o.g = f, o.b = u; else { if (h == A.setup) { const x = s.data.color; o.r = x.r, o.g = x.g, o.b = x.b; } o.r += (d - o.r) * r, o.g += (f - o.g) * r, o.b += (u - o.b) * r; } } } class js extends Ee { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, `${ot.alpha}|${e}`), this.slotIndex = 0, this.slotIndex = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.slots[this.slotIndex]; if (!s.bone.active) return; const a = s.color; if (e < this.frames[0]) { const d = s.data.color; switch (h) { case A.setup: a.a = d.a; return; case A.first: a.a += (d.a - a.a) * r; }return; } const o = this.getCurveValue(e); r == 1 ? a.a = o : (h == A.setup && (a.a = s.data.color.a), a.a += (o - a.a) * r); } } class Zs extends be { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, [`${ot.rgb}|${e}`, `${ot.alpha}|${e}`, `${ot.rgb2}|${e}`]), this.slotIndex = 0, this.slotIndex = e; } getFrameEntries() { return 8; } setFrame(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s, a) { t <<= 3, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + 1] = e, this.frames[t + 2] = i, this.frames[t + 3] = r, this.frames[t + 4] = h, this.frames[t + 5] = l, this.frames[t + 6] = s, this.frames[t + 7] = a; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.slots[this.slotIndex]; if (!s.bone.active) return; const a = this.frames, o = s.color, d = s.darkColor; if (e < a[0]) { const S = s.data.color, y = s.data.darkColor; switch (h) { case A.setup: o.setFromColor(S), d.r = y.r, d.g = y.g, d.b = y.b; return; case A.first: o.add((S.r - o.r) * r, (S.g - o.g) * r, (S.b - o.b) * r, (S.a - o.a) * r), d.r += (y.r - d.r) * r, d.g += (y.g - d.g) * r, d.b += (y.b - d.b) * r; }return; } let f = 0, u = 0, m = 0, g = 0, x = 0, E = 0, w = 0; const b = bt.search(a, e, 8), p = this.curves[b >> 3]; switch (p) { case 0: const S = a[b]; f = a[b + 1], u = a[b + 2], m = a[b + 3], g = a[b + 4], x = a[b + 5], E = a[b + 6], w = a[b + 7]; const y = (e - S) / (a[b + 8] - S); f += (a[b + 8 + 1] - f) * y, u += (a[b + 8 + 2] - u) * y, m += (a[b + 8 + 3] - m) * y, g += (a[b + 8 + 4] - g) * y, x += (a[b + 8 + 5] - x) * y, E += (a[b + 8 + 6] - E) * y, w += (a[b + 8 + 7] - w) * y; break; case 1: f = a[b + 1], u = a[b + 2], m = a[b + 3], g = a[b + 4], x = a[b + 5], E = a[b + 6], w = a[b + 7]; break; default: f = this.getBezierValue(e, b, 1, p - 2), u = this.getBezierValue(e, b, 2, p + 18 - 2), m = this.getBezierValue(e, b, 3, p + 18 * 2 - 2), g = this.getBezierValue(e, b, 4, p + 18 * 3 - 2), x = this.getBezierValue(e, b, 5, p + 18 * 4 - 2), E = this.getBezierValue(e, b, 6, p + 18 * 5 - 2), w = this.getBezierValue(e, b, 7, p + 18 * 6 - 2); }if (r == 1) o.set(f, u, m, g), d.r = x, d.g = E, d.b = w; else { if (h == A.setup) { o.setFromColor(s.data.color); const S = s.data.darkColor; d.r = S.r, d.g = S.g, d.b = S.b; } o.add((f - o.r) * r, (u - o.g) * r, (m - o.b) * r, (g - o.a) * r), d.r += (x - d.r) * r, d.g += (E - d.g) * r, d.b += (w - d.b) * r; } } } class Qs extends be { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, [`${ot.rgb}|${e}`, `${ot.rgb2}|${e}`]), this.slotIndex = 0, this.slotIndex = e; } getFrameEntries() { return 7; } setFrame(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s) { t *= 7, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + 1] = e, this.frames[t + 2] = i, this.frames[t + 3] = r, this.frames[t + 4] = h, this.frames[t + 5] = l, this.frames[t + 6] = s; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.slots[this.slotIndex]; if (!s.bone.active) return; const a = this.frames, o = s.color, d = s.darkColor; if (e < a[0]) { const p = s.data.color, S = s.data.darkColor; switch (h) { case A.setup: o.r = p.r, o.g = p.g, o.b = p.b, d.r = S.r, d.g = S.g, d.b = S.b; return; case A.first: o.r += (p.r - o.r) * r, o.g += (p.g - o.g) * r, o.b += (p.b - o.b) * r, d.r += (S.r - d.r) * r, d.g += (S.g - d.g) * r, d.b += (S.b - d.b) * r; }return; } let f = 0, u = 0, m = 0, g = 0, x = 0, E = 0; const w = bt.search(a, e, 7), b = this.curves[w / 7]; switch (b) { case 0: const p = a[w]; f = a[w + 1], u = a[w + 2], m = a[w + 3], g = a[w + 4], x = a[w + 5], E = a[w + 6]; const S = (e - p) / (a[w + 7] - p); f += (a[w + 7 + 1] - f) * S, u += (a[w + 7 + 2] - u) * S, m += (a[w + 7 + 3] - m) * S, g += (a[w + 7 + 4] - g) * S, x += (a[w + 7 + 5] - x) * S, E += (a[w + 7 + 6] - E) * S; break; case 1: f = a[w + 1], u = a[w + 2], m = a[w + 3], g = a[w + 4], x = a[w + 5], E = a[w + 6]; break; default: f = this.getBezierValue(e, w, 1, b - 2), u = this.getBezierValue(e, w, 2, b + 18 - 2), m = this.getBezierValue(e, w, 3, b + 18 * 2 - 2), g = this.getBezierValue(e, w, 4, b + 18 * 3 - 2), x = this.getBezierValue(e, w, 5, b + 18 * 4 - 2), E = this.getBezierValue(e, w, 6, b + 18 * 5 - 2); }if (r == 1) o.r = f, o.g = u, o.b = m, d.r = g, d.g = x, d.b = E; else { if (h == A.setup) { const p = s.data.color, S = s.data.darkColor; o.r = p.r, o.g = p.g, o.b = p.b, d.r = S.r, d.g = S.g, d.b = S.b; } o.r += (f - o.r) * r, o.g += (u - o.g) * r, o.b += (m - o.b) * r, d.r += (g - d.r) * r, d.g += (x - d.g) * r, d.b += (E - d.b) * r; } } } class cn extends bt { constructor(t, n) { super(t, [`${ot.attachment}|${n}`]), this.slotIndex = 0, this.slotIndex = n, this.attachmentNames = new Array(t); } getFrameCount() { return this.frames.length; } setFrame(t, n, e) { this.frames[t] = n, this.attachmentNames[t] = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.slots[this.slotIndex]; if (s.bone.active) { if (l == J.mixOut) { h == A.setup && this.setAttachment(t, s, s.data.attachmentName); return; } if (e < this.frames[0]) { (h == A.setup || h == A.first) && this.setAttachment(t, s, s.data.attachmentName); return; } this.setAttachment(t, s, this.attachmentNames[bt.search1(this.frames, e)]); } } setAttachment(t, n, e) { n.setAttachment(e ? t.getAttachment(this.slotIndex, e) : null); } } class Ks extends be { constructor(t, n, e, i) { super(t, n, [`${ot.deform}|${e}|${i.id}`]), this.slotIndex = 0, this.slotIndex = e, this.attachment = i, this.vertices = new Array(t); } getFrameCount() { return this.frames.length; } setFrame(t, n, e) { this.frames[t] = n, this.vertices[t] = e; } setBezier(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s, a, o, d) { const f = this.curves; let u = this.getFrameCount() + t * 18; e == 0 && (f[n] = 2 + u); const m = (i - h * 2 + s) * .03, g = a * .03 - l * .06, x = ((h - s) * 3 - i + o) * .006, E = (l - a + .33333333) * .018; let w = m * 2 + x, b = g * 2 + E, p = (h - i) * .3 + m + x * .16666667, S = l * .3 + g + E * .16666667, y = i + p, M = S; for (let T = u + 18; u < T; u += 2)f[u] = y, f[u + 1] = M, p += w, S += b, w += x, b += E, y += p, M += S; } getCurvePercent(t, n) { const e = this.curves; let i = e[n]; switch (i) { case 0: const s = this.frames[n]; return (t - s) / (this.frames[n + this.getFrameEntries()] - s); case 1: return 0; }if (i -= 2, e[i] > t) { const s = this.frames[n]; return e[i + 1] * (t - s) / (e[i] - s); } const r = i + 18; for (i += 2; i < r; i += 2)if (e[i] >= t) { const s = e[i - 2], a = e[i - 1]; return a + (t - s) / (e[i] - s) * (e[i + 1] - a); } const h = e[r - 2], l = e[r - 1]; return l + (1 - l) * (t - h) / (this.frames[n + this.getFrameEntries()] - h); } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.slots[this.slotIndex]; if (!s.bone.active) return; const a = s.getAttachment(); if (!a || !(a instanceof we) || a.timelineAttachment != this.attachment) return; const o = s.deform; o.length == 0 && (h = A.setup); const d = this.vertices, f = d[0].length, u = this.frames; if (e < u[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: o.length = 0; return; case A.first: if (r == 1) { o.length = 0; return; } o.length = f; const w = a; if (w.bones) { r = 1 - r; for (let b = 0; b < f; b++)o[b] *= r; } else { const b = w.vertices; for (let p = 0; p < f; p++)o[p] += (b[p] - o[p]) * r; } }return; } if (o.length = f, e >= u[u.length - 1]) { const w = d[u.length - 1]; if (r == 1) if (h == A.add) { const b = a; if (b.bones) for (let p = 0; p < f; p++)o[p] += w[p]; else { const p = b.vertices; for (let S = 0; S < f; S++)o[S] += w[S] - p[S]; } } else v.arrayCopy(w, 0, o, 0, f); else switch (h) { case A.setup: { const p = a; if (p.bones) for (let S = 0; S < f; S++)o[S] = w[S] * r; else { const S = p.vertices; for (let y = 0; y < f; y++) { const M = S[y]; o[y] = M + (w[y] - M) * r; } } break; } case A.first: case A.replace: for (let p = 0; p < f; p++)o[p] += (w[p] - o[p]) * r; break; case A.add: const b = a; if (b.bones) for (let p = 0; p < f; p++)o[p] += w[p] * r; else { const p = b.vertices; for (let S = 0; S < f; S++)o[S] += (w[S] - p[S]) * r; } }return; } const m = bt.search1(u, e), g = this.getCurvePercent(e, m), x = d[m], E = d[m + 1]; if (r == 1) if (h == A.add) { const w = a; if (w.bones) for (let b = 0; b < f; b++) { const p = x[b]; o[b] += p + (E[b] - p) * g; } else { const b = w.vertices; for (let p = 0; p < f; p++) { const S = x[p]; o[p] += S + (E[p] - S) * g - b[p]; } } } else for (let w = 0; w < f; w++) { const b = x[w]; o[w] = b + (E[w] - b) * g; } else switch (h) { case A.setup: { const b = a; if (b.bones) for (let p = 0; p < f; p++) { const S = x[p]; o[p] = (S + (E[p] - S) * g) * r; } else { const p = b.vertices; for (let S = 0; S < f; S++) { const y = x[S], M = p[S]; o[S] = M + (y + (E[S] - y) * g - M) * r; } } break; } case A.first: case A.replace: for (let b = 0; b < f; b++) { const p = x[b]; o[b] += (p + (E[b] - p) * g - o[b]) * r; } break; case A.add: const w = a; if (w.bones) for (let b = 0; b < f; b++) { const p = x[b]; o[b] += (p + (E[b] - p) * g) * r; } else { const b = w.vertices; for (let p = 0; p < f; p++) { const S = x[p]; o[p] += (S + (E[p] - S) * g - b[p]) * r; } } } } } const rr = class extends bt { constructor(c) { super(c, rr.propertyIds), this.events = new Array(c); } getFrameCount() { return this.frames.length; } setFrame(c, t) { this.frames[c] = t.time, this.events[c] = t; } apply(c, t, n, e, i, r, h) { if (!e) return; const l = this.frames, s = this.frames.length; if (t > n) this.apply(c, t, Number.MAX_VALUE, e, i, r, h), t = -1; else if (t >= l[s - 1]) return; if (n < l[0]) return; let a = 0; if (t < l[0]) a = 0; else { a = bt.search1(l, t) + 1; const o = l[a]; for (; a > 0 && l[a - 1] == o;)a--; } for (; a < s && n >= l[a]; a++)e.push(this.events[a]); } }; let vn = rr; vn.propertyIds = [`${ot.event}`]; const ar = class extends bt { constructor(c) { super(c, ar.propertyIds), this.drawOrders = new Array(c); } getFrameCount() { return this.frames.length; } setFrame(c, t, n) { this.frames[c] = t, this.drawOrders[c] = n; } apply(c, t, n, e, i, r, h) { if (h == J.mixOut) { r == A.setup && v.arrayCopy(c.slots, 0, c.drawOrder, 0, c.slots.length); return; } if (n < this.frames[0]) { (r == A.setup || r == A.first) && v.arrayCopy(c.slots, 0, c.drawOrder, 0, c.slots.length); return; } const l = bt.search1(this.frames, n), s = this.drawOrders[l]; if (!s) v.arrayCopy(c.slots, 0, c.drawOrder, 0, c.slots.length); else { const a = c.drawOrder, o = c.slots; for (let d = 0, f = s.length; d < f; d++)a[d] = o[s[d]]; } } }; let hn = ar; hn.propertyIds = [`${ot.drawOrder}`]; class Js extends be { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, [`${ot.ikConstraint}|${e}`]), this.ikConstraintIndex = 0, this.ikConstraintIndex = e; } getFrameEntries() { return 6; } setFrame(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { t *= 6, this.frames[t] = n, this.frames[t + 1] = e, this.frames[t + 2] = i, this.frames[t + 3] = r, this.frames[t + 4] = h ? 1 : 0, this.frames[t + 5] = l ? 1 : 0; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.ikConstraints[this.ikConstraintIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.mix = s.data.mix, s.softness = s.data.softness, s.bendDirection = s.data.bendDirection, s.compress = s.data.compress, s.stretch = s.data.stretch; return; case A.first: s.mix += (s.data.mix - s.mix) * r, s.softness += (s.data.softness - s.softness) * r, s.bendDirection = s.data.bendDirection, s.compress = s.data.compress, s.stretch = s.data.stretch; }return; } let o = 0, d = 0; const f = bt.search(a, e, 6), u = this.curves[f / 6]; switch (u) { case 0: const m = a[f]; o = a[f + 1], d = a[f + 2]; const g = (e - m) / (a[f + 6] - m); o += (a[f + 6 + 1] - o) * g, d += (a[f + 6 + 2] - d) * g; break; case 1: o = a[f + 1], d = a[f + 2]; break; default: o = this.getBezierValue(e, f, 1, u - 2), d = this.getBezierValue(e, f, 2, u + 18 - 2); }h == A.setup ? (s.mix = s.data.mix + (o - s.data.mix) * r, s.softness = s.data.softness + (d - s.data.softness) * r, l == J.mixOut ? (s.bendDirection = s.data.bendDirection, s.compress = s.data.compress, s.stretch = s.data.stretch) : (s.bendDirection = a[f + 3], s.compress = a[f + 4] != 0, s.stretch = a[f + 5] != 0)) : (s.mix += (o - s.mix) * r, s.softness += (d - s.softness) * r, l == J.mixIn && (s.bendDirection = a[f + 3], s.compress = a[f + 4] != 0, s.stretch = a[f + 5] != 0)); } } class ti extends be { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, [`${ot.transformConstraint}|${e}`]), this.transformConstraintIndex = 0, this.transformConstraintIndex = e; } getFrameEntries() { return 7; } setFrame(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s) { const a = this.frames; t *= 7, a[t] = n, a[t + 1] = e, a[t + 2] = i, a[t + 3] = r, a[t + 4] = h, a[t + 5] = l, a[t + 6] = s; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.transformConstraints[this.transformConstraintIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { const w = s.data; switch (h) { case A.setup: s.mixRotate = w.mixRotate, s.mixX = w.mixX, s.mixY = w.mixY, s.mixScaleX = w.mixScaleX, s.mixScaleY = w.mixScaleY, s.mixShearY = w.mixShearY; return; case A.first: s.mixRotate += (w.mixRotate - s.mixRotate) * r, s.mixX += (w.mixX - s.mixX) * r, s.mixY += (w.mixY - s.mixY) * r, s.mixScaleX += (w.mixScaleX - s.mixScaleX) * r, s.mixScaleY += (w.mixScaleY - s.mixScaleY) * r, s.mixShearY += (w.mixShearY - s.mixShearY) * r; }return; } let o, d, f, u, m, g; const x = bt.search(a, e, 7), E = this.curves[x / 7]; switch (E) { case 0: const w = a[x]; o = a[x + 1], d = a[x + 2], f = a[x + 3], u = a[x + 4], m = a[x + 5], g = a[x + 6]; const b = (e - w) / (a[x + 7] - w); o += (a[x + 7 + 1] - o) * b, d += (a[x + 7 + 2] - d) * b, f += (a[x + 7 + 3] - f) * b, u += (a[x + 7 + 4] - u) * b, m += (a[x + 7 + 5] - m) * b, g += (a[x + 7 + 6] - g) * b; break; case 1: o = a[x + 1], d = a[x + 2], f = a[x + 3], u = a[x + 4], m = a[x + 5], g = a[x + 6]; break; default: o = this.getBezierValue(e, x, 1, E - 2), d = this.getBezierValue(e, x, 2, E + 18 - 2), f = this.getBezierValue(e, x, 3, E + 18 * 2 - 2), u = this.getBezierValue(e, x, 4, E + 18 * 3 - 2), m = this.getBezierValue(e, x, 5, E + 18 * 4 - 2), g = this.getBezierValue(e, x, 6, E + 18 * 5 - 2); }if (h == A.setup) { const w = s.data; s.mixRotate = w.mixRotate + (o - w.mixRotate) * r, s.mixX = w.mixX + (d - w.mixX) * r, s.mixY = w.mixY + (f - w.mixY) * r, s.mixScaleX = w.mixScaleX + (u - w.mixScaleX) * r, s.mixScaleY = w.mixScaleY + (m - w.mixScaleY) * r, s.mixShearY = w.mixShearY + (g - w.mixShearY) * r; } else s.mixRotate += (o - s.mixRotate) * r, s.mixX += (d - s.mixX) * r, s.mixY += (f - s.mixY) * r, s.mixScaleX += (u - s.mixScaleX) * r, s.mixScaleY += (m - s.mixScaleY) * r, s.mixShearY += (g - s.mixShearY) * r; } } class ei extends Ee { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, `${ot.pathConstraintPosition}|${e}`), this.pathConstraintIndex = 0, this.pathConstraintIndex = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.pathConstraints[this.pathConstraintIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.position = s.data.position; return; case A.first: s.position += (s.data.position - s.position) * r; }return; } const o = this.getCurveValue(e); h == A.setup ? s.position = s.data.position + (o - s.data.position) * r : s.position += (o - s.position) * r; } } class ni extends Ee { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, `${ot.pathConstraintSpacing}|${e}`), this.pathConstraintIndex = 0, this.pathConstraintIndex = e; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.pathConstraints[this.pathConstraintIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.spacing = s.data.spacing; return; case A.first: s.spacing += (s.data.spacing - s.spacing) * r; }return; } const o = this.getCurveValue(e); h == A.setup ? s.spacing = s.data.spacing + (o - s.data.spacing) * r : s.spacing += (o - s.spacing) * r; } } class si extends be { constructor(t, n, e) { super(t, n, [`${ot.pathConstraintMix}|${e}`]), this.pathConstraintIndex = 0, this.pathConstraintIndex = e; } getFrameEntries() { return 4; } setFrame(t, n, e, i, r) { const h = this.frames; t <<= 2, h[t] = n, h[t + 1] = e, h[t + 2] = i, h[t + 3] = r; } apply(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.pathConstraints[this.pathConstraintIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = this.frames; if (e < a[0]) { switch (h) { case A.setup: s.mixRotate = s.data.mixRotate, s.mixX = s.data.mixX, s.mixY = s.data.mixY; return; case A.first: s.mixRotate += (s.data.mixRotate - s.mixRotate) * r, s.mixX += (s.data.mixX - s.mixX) * r, s.mixY += (s.data.mixY - s.mixY) * r; }return; } let o, d, f; const u = bt.search(a, e, 4), m = this.curves[u >> 2]; switch (m) { case 0: const g = a[u]; o = a[u + 1], d = a[u + 2], f = a[u + 3]; const x = (e - g) / (a[u + 4] - g); o += (a[u + 4 + 1] - o) * x, d += (a[u + 4 + 2] - d) * x, f += (a[u + 4 + 3] - f) * x; break; case 1: o = a[u + 1], d = a[u + 2], f = a[u + 3]; break; default: o = this.getBezierValue(e, u, 1, m - 2), d = this.getBezierValue(e, u, 2, m + 18 - 2), f = this.getBezierValue(e, u, 3, m + 18 * 2 - 2); }if (h == A.setup) { const g = s.data; s.mixRotate = g.mixRotate + (o - g.mixRotate) * r, s.mixX = g.mixX + (d - g.mixX) * r, s.mixY = g.mixY + (f - g.mixY) * r; } else s.mixRotate += (o - s.mixRotate) * r, s.mixX += (d - s.mixX) * r, s.mixY += (f - s.mixY) * r; } } const Qe = class extends bt { constructor(c, t, n) { super(c, [`${ot.sequence}|${t}|${n.sequence.id}`]), this.slotIndex = t, this.attachment = n; } getFrameEntries() { return Qe.ENTRIES; } getSlotIndex() { return this.slotIndex; } getAttachment() { return this.attachment; } setFrame(c, t, n, e, i) { const r = this.frames; c *= Qe.ENTRIES, r[c] = t, r[c + Qe.MODE] = n | e << 4, r[c + Qe.DELAY] = i; } apply(c, t, n, e, i, r, h) { const l = c.slots[this.slotIndex]; if (!l.bone.active) return; const s = l.attachment, a = this.attachment; if (s != a && (!(s instanceof we) || s.timelineAttachment != a)) return; const o = this.frames; if (n < o[0]) { (r == A.setup || r == A.first) && (l.sequenceIndex = -1); return; } const d = bt.search(o, n, Qe.ENTRIES), f = o[d], u = o[d + Qe.MODE], m = o[d + Qe.DELAY]; if (!this.attachment.sequence) return; let g = u >> 4; const x = this.attachment.sequence.regions.length, E = Bs[u & 15]; if (E != Re.hold) switch (g += (n - f) / m + 1e-5 | 0, E) { case Re.once: g = Math.min(x - 1, g); break; case Re.loop: g %= x; break; case Re.pingpong: { const w = (x << 1) - 2; g = w == 0 ? 0 : g % w, g >= x && (g = w - g); break; } case Re.onceReverse: g = Math.max(x - 1 - g, 0); break; case Re.loopReverse: g = x - 1 - g % x; break; case Re.pingpongReverse: { const w = (x << 1) - 2; g = w == 0 ? 0 : (g + x - 1) % w, g >= x && (g = w - g); } }l.sequenceIndex = g; } }; let bn = Qe; bn.ENTRIES = 3, bn.MODE = 1, bn.DELAY = 2; const ve = class { constructor(c) { this.tracks = new Array, this.timeScale = 1, this.unkeyedState = 0, this.events = new Array, this.listeners = new Array, this.queue = new or(this), this.propertyIDs = new ss, this.animationsChanged = !1, this.trackEntryPool = new An(() => new Gn), this.data = c; } static emptyAnimation() { return ve._emptyAnimation; } update(c) { c *= this.timeScale; const t = this.tracks; for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; n++) { const i = t[n]; if (!i) continue; i.animationLast = i.nextAnimationLast, i.trackLast = i.nextTrackLast; let r = c * i.timeScale; if (i.delay > 0) { if (i.delay -= r, i.delay > 0) continue; r = -i.delay, i.delay = 0; } let h = i.next; if (h) { const l = i.trackLast - h.delay; if (l >= 0) { for (h.delay = 0, h.trackTime += i.timeScale == 0 ? 0 : (l / i.timeScale + c) * h.timeScale, i.trackTime += r, this.setCurrent(n, h, !0); h.mixingFrom;)h.mixTime += c, h = h.mixingFrom; continue; } } else if (i.trackLast >= i.trackEnd && !i.mixingFrom) { t[n] = null, this.queue.end(i), this.clearNext(i); continue; } if (i.mixingFrom && this.updateMixingFrom(i, c)) { let l = i.mixingFrom; for (i.mixingFrom = null, l && (l.mixingTo = null); l;)this.queue.end(l), l = l.mixingFrom; } i.trackTime += r; } this.queue.drain(); } updateMixingFrom(c, t) { const n = c.mixingFrom; if (!n) return !0; const e = this.updateMixingFrom(n, t); return n.animationLast = n.nextAnimationLast, n.trackLast = n.nextTrackLast, c.mixTime > 0 && c.mixTime >= c.mixDuration ? ((n.totalAlpha == 0 || c.mixDuration == 0) && (c.mixingFrom = n.mixingFrom, n.mixingFrom && (n.mixingFrom.mixingTo = c), c.interruptAlpha = n.interruptAlpha, this.queue.end(n)), e) : (n.trackTime += t * n.timeScale, c.mixTime += t, !1); } apply(c) { if (!c) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.animationsChanged && this._animationsChanged(); const t = this.events, n = this.tracks; let e = !1; for (let h = 0, l = n.length; h < l; h++) { const s = n[h]; if (!s || s.delay > 0) continue; e = !0; const a = h == 0 ? A.first : s.mixBlend; let o = s.alpha; s.mixingFrom ? o *= this.applyMixingFrom(s, c, a) : s.trackTime >= s.trackEnd && !s.next && (o = 0); const d = s.animationLast, f = s.getAnimationTime(); let u = f, m = t; s.reverse && (u = s.animation.duration - u, m = null); const g = s.animation.timelines, x = g.length; if (h == 0 && o == 1 || a == A.add) for (let E = 0; E < x; E++) { v.webkit602BugfixHelper(o, a); const w = g[E]; w instanceof cn ? this.applyAttachmentTimeline(w, c, u, a, !0) : w.apply(c, d, u, m, o, a, J.mixIn); } else { const E = s.timelineMode, w = s.shortestRotation, b = !w && s.timelinesRotation.length != x << 1; b && (s.timelinesRotation.length = x << 1); for (let p = 0; p < x; p++) { const S = g[p], y = E[p] == ii ? a : A.setup; !w && S instanceof Rn ? this.applyRotateTimeline(S, c, u, o, y, s.timelinesRotation, p << 1, b) : S instanceof cn ? this.applyAttachmentTimeline(S, c, u, a, !0) : (v.webkit602BugfixHelper(o, a), S.apply(c, d, u, m, o, y, J.mixIn)); } } this.queueEvents(s, f), t.length = 0, s.nextAnimationLast = f, s.nextTrackLast = s.trackTime; } const i = this.unkeyedState + hr, r = c.slots; for (let h = 0, l = c.slots.length; h < l; h++) { const s = r[h]; if (s.attachmentState == i) { const a = s.data.attachmentName; s.setAttachment(a ? c.getAttachment(s.data.index, a) : null); } } return this.unkeyedState += 2, this.queue.drain(), e; } applyMixingFrom(c, t, n) { const e = c.mixingFrom; e.mixingFrom && this.applyMixingFrom(e, t, n); let i = 0; c.mixDuration == 0 ? (i = 1, n == A.first && (n = A.setup)) : (i = c.mixTime / c.mixDuration, i > 1 && (i = 1), n != A.first && (n = e.mixBlend)); const r = i < e.attachmentThreshold, h = i < e.drawOrderThreshold, l = e.animation.timelines, s = l.length, a = e.alpha * c.interruptAlpha, o = a * (1 - i), d = e.animationLast, f = e.getAnimationTime(); let u = f, m = null; if (e.reverse ? u = e.animation.duration - u : i < e.eventThreshold && (m = this.events), n == A.add) for (let g = 0; g < s; g++)l[g].apply(t, d, u, m, o, n, J.mixOut); else { const g = e.timelineMode, x = e.timelineHoldMix, E = e.shortestRotation, w = !E && e.timelinesRotation.length != s << 1; w && (e.timelinesRotation.length = s << 1), e.totalAlpha = 0; for (let b = 0; b < s; b++) { const p = l[b]; let S = J.mixOut, y, M = 0; switch (g[b]) { case ii: if (!h && p instanceof hn) continue; y = n, M = o; break; case lr: y = A.setup, M = o; break; case cr: y = n, M = a; break; case ri: y = A.setup, M = a; break; default: y = A.setup; const T = x[b]; M = a * Math.max(0, 1 - T.mixTime / T.mixDuration); break; }e.totalAlpha += M, !E && p instanceof Rn ? this.applyRotateTimeline(p, t, u, M, y, e.timelinesRotation, b << 1, w) : p instanceof cn ? this.applyAttachmentTimeline(p, t, u, y, r) : (v.webkit602BugfixHelper(M, n), h && p instanceof hn && y == A.setup && (S = J.mixIn), p.apply(t, d, u, m, M, y, S)); } } return c.mixDuration > 0 && this.queueEvents(e, f), this.events.length = 0, e.nextAnimationLast = f, e.nextTrackLast = e.trackTime, i; } applyAttachmentTimeline(c, t, n, e, i) { const r = t.slots[c.slotIndex]; r.bone.active && (n < c.frames[0] ? (e == A.setup || e == A.first) && this.setAttachment(t, r, r.data.attachmentName, i) : this.setAttachment(t, r, c.attachmentNames[bt.search1(c.frames, n)], i), r.attachmentState <= this.unkeyedState && (r.attachmentState = this.unkeyedState + hr)); } setAttachment(c, t, n, e) { t.setAttachment(n ? c.getAttachment(t.data.index, n) : null), e && (t.attachmentState = this.unkeyedState + qr); } applyRotateTimeline(c, t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { if (l && (r[h] = 0), e == 1) { c.apply(t, 0, n, null, 1, i, J.mixIn); return; } const s = t.bones[c.boneIndex]; if (!s.active) return; const a = c.frames; let o = 0, d = 0; if (n < a[0]) switch (i) { case A.setup: s.rotation = s.data.rotation; default: return; case A.first: o = s.rotation, d = s.data.rotation; } else o = i == A.setup ? s.data.rotation : s.rotation, d = s.data.rotation + c.getCurveValue(n); let f = 0, u = d - o; if (u -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - u / 360 | 0)) * 360, u == 0) f = r[h]; else { let m = 0, g = 0; l ? (m = 0, g = u) : (m = r[h], g = r[h + 1]); const x = u > 0; let E = m >= 0; C.signum(g) != C.signum(u) && Math.abs(g) <= 90 && (Math.abs(m) > 180 && (m += 360 * C.signum(m)), E = x), f = u + m - m % 360, E != x && (f += 360 * C.signum(m)), r[h] = f; } r[h + 1] = u, s.rotation = o + f * e; } queueEvents(c, t) { const n = c.animationStart, e = c.animationEnd, i = e - n, r = c.trackLast % i, h = this.events; let l = 0; const s = h.length; for (; l < s; l++) { const o = h[l]; if (o.time < r) break; o.time > e || this.queue.event(c, o); } let a = !1; for (c.loop ? a = i == 0 || r > c.trackTime % i : a = t >= e && c.animationLast < e, a && this.queue.complete(c); l < s; l++) { const o = h[l]; o.time < n || this.queue.event(c, o); } } clearTracks() { const c = this.queue.drainDisabled; this.queue.drainDisabled = !0; for (let t = 0, n = this.tracks.length; t < n; t++)this.clearTrack(t); this.tracks.length = 0, this.queue.drainDisabled = c, this.queue.drain(); } clearTrack(c) { if (c >= this.tracks.length) return; const t = this.tracks[c]; if (!t) return; this.queue.end(t), this.clearNext(t); let n = t; for (; ;) { const e = n.mixingFrom; if (!e) break; this.queue.end(e), n.mixingFrom = null, n.mixingTo = null, n = e; } this.tracks[t.trackIndex] = null, this.queue.drain(); } setCurrent(c, t, n) { const e = this.expandToIndex(c); this.tracks[c] = t, t.previous = null, e && (n && this.queue.interrupt(e), t.mixingFrom = e, e.mixingTo = t, t.mixTime = 0, e.mixingFrom && e.mixDuration > 0 && (t.interruptAlpha *= Math.min(1, e.mixTime / e.mixDuration)), e.timelinesRotation.length = 0), this.queue.start(t); } setAnimation(c, t, n = !1) { const e = this.data.skeletonData.findAnimation(t); if (!e) throw new Error(`Animation not found: ${t}`); return this.setAnimationWith(c, e, n); } setAnimationWith(c, t, n = !1) { if (!t) throw new Error("animation cannot be null."); let e = !0, i = this.expandToIndex(c); i && (i.nextTrackLast == -1 ? (this.tracks[c] = i.mixingFrom, this.queue.interrupt(i), this.queue.end(i), this.clearNext(i), i = i.mixingFrom, e = !1) : this.clearNext(i)); const r = this.trackEntry(c, t, n, i); return this.setCurrent(c, r, e), this.queue.drain(), r; } addAnimation(c, t, n = !1, e = 0) { const i = this.data.skeletonData.findAnimation(t); if (!i) throw new Error(`Animation not found: ${t}`); return this.addAnimationWith(c, i, n, e); } addAnimationWith(c, t, n = !1, e = 0) { if (!t) throw new Error("animation cannot be null."); let i = this.expandToIndex(c); if (i) for (; i.next;)i = i.next; const r = this.trackEntry(c, t, n, i); return i ? (i.next = r, r.previous = i, e <= 0 && (e += i.getTrackComplete() - r.mixDuration)) : (this.setCurrent(c, r, !0), this.queue.drain()), r.delay = e, r; } setEmptyAnimation(c, t = 0) { const n = this.setAnimationWith(c, ve.emptyAnimation(), !1); return n.mixDuration = t, n.trackEnd = t, n; } addEmptyAnimation(c, t = 0, n = 0) { const e = this.addAnimationWith(c, ve.emptyAnimation(), !1, n); return n <= 0 && (e.delay += e.mixDuration - t), e.mixDuration = t, e.trackEnd = t, e; } setEmptyAnimations(c = 0) { const t = this.queue.drainDisabled; this.queue.drainDisabled = !0; for (let n = 0, e = this.tracks.length; n < e; n++) { const i = this.tracks[n]; i && this.setEmptyAnimation(i.trackIndex, c); } this.queue.drainDisabled = t, this.queue.drain(); } expandToIndex(c) { return c < this.tracks.length ? this.tracks[c] : (v.ensureArrayCapacity(this.tracks, c + 1, null), this.tracks.length = c + 1, null); } trackEntry(c, t, n, e) { const i = this.trackEntryPool.obtain(); return i.reset(), i.trackIndex = c, i.animation = t, i.loop = n, i.holdPrevious = !1, i.reverse = !1, i.shortestRotation = !1, i.eventThreshold = 0, i.attachmentThreshold = 0, i.drawOrderThreshold = 0, i.animationStart = 0, i.animationEnd = t.duration, i.animationLast = -1, i.nextAnimationLast = -1, i.delay = 0, i.trackTime = 0, i.trackLast = -1, i.nextTrackLast = -1, i.trackEnd = Number.MAX_VALUE, i.timeScale = 1, i.alpha = 1, i.mixTime = 0, i.mixDuration = e ? this.data.getMix(e.animation, t) : 0, i.interruptAlpha = 1, i.totalAlpha = 0, i.mixBlend = A.replace, i; } clearNext(c) { let t = c.next; for (; t;)this.queue.dispose(t), t = t.next; c.next = null; } _animationsChanged() { this.animationsChanged = !1, this.propertyIDs.clear(); const c = this.tracks; for (let t = 0, n = c.length; t < n; t++) { let e = c[t]; if (e) { for (; e.mixingFrom;)e = e.mixingFrom; do (!e.mixingTo || e.mixBlend != A.add) && this.computeHold(e), e = e.mixingTo; while (e); } } } computeHold(c) { const t = c.mixingTo, n = c.animation.timelines, e = c.animation.timelines.length, i = c.timelineMode; i.length = e; const r = c.timelineHoldMix; r.length = 0; const h = this.propertyIDs; if (t && t.holdPrevious) { for (let l = 0; l < e; l++)i[l] = h.addAll(n[l].getPropertyIds()) ? ri : cr; return; } t: for (let l = 0; l < e; l++) { const s = n[l], a = s.getPropertyIds(); if (!h.addAll(a)) i[l] = ii; else if (!t || s instanceof cn || s instanceof hn || s instanceof vn || !t.animation.hasTimeline(a)) i[l] = lr; else { for (let o = t.mixingTo; o; o = o.mixingTo)if (!o.animation.hasTimeline(a)) { if (c.mixDuration > 0) { i[l] = Wr, r[l] = o; continue t; } break; } i[l] = ri; } } } getCurrent(c) { return c >= this.tracks.length ? null : this.tracks[c]; } addListener(c) { if (!c) throw new Error("listener cannot be null."); this.listeners.push(c); } removeListener(c) { const t = this.listeners.indexOf(c); t >= 0 && this.listeners.splice(t, 1); } clearListeners() { this.listeners.length = 0; } clearListenerNotifications() { this.queue.clear(); } setAnimationByName(c, t, n) { ve.deprecatedWarning1 || (ve.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: AnimationState.setAnimationByName is deprecated, please use setAnimation from now on.")), this.setAnimation(c, t, n); } addAnimationByName(c, t, n, e) { ve.deprecatedWarning2 || (ve.deprecatedWarning2 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: AnimationState.addAnimationByName is deprecated, please use addAnimation from now on.")), this.addAnimation(c, t, n, e); } hasAnimation(c) { return this.data.skeletonData.findAnimation(c) !== null; } hasAnimationByName(c) { return ve.deprecatedWarning3 || (ve.deprecatedWarning3 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: AnimationState.hasAnimationByName is deprecated, please use hasAnimation from now on.")), this.hasAnimation(c); } }; let En = ve; En._emptyAnimation = new zn("<empty>", [], 0), En.deprecatedWarning1 = !1, En.deprecatedWarning2 = !1, En.deprecatedWarning3 = !1; const De = class { constructor() { this.animation = null, this.previous = null, this.next = null, this.mixingFrom = null, this.mixingTo = null, this.listener = null, this.trackIndex = 0, this.loop = !1, this.holdPrevious = !1, this.reverse = !1, this.shortestRotation = !1, this.eventThreshold = 0, this.attachmentThreshold = 0, this.drawOrderThreshold = 0, this.animationStart = 0, this.animationEnd = 0, this.animationLast = 0, this.nextAnimationLast = 0, this.delay = 0, this.trackTime = 0, this.trackLast = 0, this.nextTrackLast = 0, this.trackEnd = 0, this.timeScale = 0, this.alpha = 0, this.mixTime = 0, this.mixDuration = 0, this.interruptAlpha = 0, this.totalAlpha = 0, this.mixBlend = A.replace, this.timelineMode = new Array, this.timelineHoldMix = new Array, this.timelinesRotation = new Array; } reset() { this.next = null, this.previous = null, this.mixingFrom = null, this.mixingTo = null, this.animation = null, this.listener = null, this.timelineMode.length = 0, this.timelineHoldMix.length = 0, this.timelinesRotation.length = 0; } getAnimationTime() { if (this.loop) { const c = this.animationEnd - this.animationStart; return c == 0 ? this.animationStart : this.trackTime % c + this.animationStart; } return Math.min(this.trackTime + this.animationStart, this.animationEnd); } setAnimationLast(c) { this.animationLast = c, this.nextAnimationLast = c; } isComplete() { return this.trackTime >= this.animationEnd - this.animationStart; } resetRotationDirections() { this.timelinesRotation.length = 0; } getTrackComplete() { const c = this.animationEnd - this.animationStart; if (c != 0) { if (this.loop) return c * (1 + (this.trackTime / c | 0)); if (this.trackTime < c) return c; } return this.trackTime; } get time() { return De.deprecatedWarning1 || (De.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: TrackEntry.time is deprecated, please use trackTime from now on.")), this.trackTime; } set time(c) { De.deprecatedWarning1 || (De.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: TrackEntry.time is deprecated, please use trackTime from now on.")), this.trackTime = c; } get endTime() { return De.deprecatedWarning2 || (De.deprecatedWarning2 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: TrackEntry.endTime is deprecated, please use trackEnd from now on.")), this.trackTime; } set endTime(c) { De.deprecatedWarning2 || (De.deprecatedWarning2 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: TrackEntry.endTime is deprecated, please use trackEnd from now on.")), this.trackTime = c; } loopsCount() { return Math.floor(this.trackTime / this.trackEnd); } }; let Gn = De; Gn.deprecatedWarning1 = !1, Gn.deprecatedWarning2 = !1; class or { constructor(t) { this.objects = [], this.drainDisabled = !1, this.animState = t; } start(t) { this.objects.push(Qt.start), this.objects.push(t), this.animState.animationsChanged = !0; } interrupt(t) { this.objects.push(Qt.interrupt), this.objects.push(t); } end(t) { this.objects.push(Qt.end), this.objects.push(t), this.animState.animationsChanged = !0; } dispose(t) { this.objects.push(Qt.dispose), this.objects.push(t); } complete(t) { this.objects.push(Qt.complete), this.objects.push(t); } event(t, n) { this.objects.push(Qt.event), this.objects.push(t), this.objects.push(n); } drain() { if (this.drainDisabled) return; this.drainDisabled = !0; const t = this.objects, n = this.animState.listeners; for (let e = 0; e < t.length; e += 2) { const i = t[e], r = t[e + 1]; switch (i) { case Qt.start: r.listener && r.listener.start && r.listener.start(r); for (let l = 0; l < n.length; l++) { const s = n[l]; s.start && s.start(r); } break; case Qt.interrupt: r.listener && r.listener.interrupt && r.listener.interrupt(r); for (let l = 0; l < n.length; l++) { const s = n[l]; s.interrupt && s.interrupt(r); } break; case Qt.end: r.listener && r.listener.end && r.listener.end(r); for (let l = 0; l < n.length; l++) { const s = n[l]; s.end && s.end(r); } case Qt.dispose: r.listener && r.listener.dispose && r.listener.dispose(r); for (let l = 0; l < n.length; l++) { const s = n[l]; s.dispose && s.dispose(r); } this.animState.trackEntryPool.free(r); break; case Qt.complete: r.listener && r.listener.complete && r.listener.complete(r); for (let l = 0; l < n.length; l++) { const s = n[l]; s.complete && s.complete(r); } break; case Qt.event: const h = t[e++ + 2]; r.listener && r.listener.event && r.listener.event(r, h); for (let l = 0; l < n.length; l++) { const s = n[l]; s.event && s.event(r, h); } break; } } this.clear(), this.drainDisabled = !1; } clear() { this.objects.length = 0; } } var Qt = (c => (c[c.start = 0] = "start", c[c.interrupt = 1] = "interrupt", c[c.end = 2] = "end", c[c.dispose = 3] = "dispose", c[c.complete = 4] = "complete", c[c.event = 5] = "event", c))(Qt || {}); class $r { start(t) { } interrupt(t) { } end(t) { } dispose(t) { } complete(t) { } event(t, n) { } } const ii = 0, lr = 1, cr = 2, ri = 3, Wr = 4, hr = 1, qr = 2; class dr { constructor(t) { if (this.animationToMixTime = {}, this.defaultMix = 0, !t) throw new Error("skeletonData cannot be null."); this.skeletonData = t; } setMix(t, n, e) { const i = this.skeletonData.findAnimation(t); if (!i) throw new Error(`Animation not found: ${t}`); const r = this.skeletonData.findAnimation(n); if (!r) throw new Error(`Animation not found: ${n}`); this.setMixWith(i, r, e); } setMixWith(t, n, e) { if (!t) throw new Error("from cannot be null."); if (!n) throw new Error("to cannot be null."); const i = `${t.name}.${n.name}`; this.animationToMixTime[i] = e; } getMix(t, n) { const e = `${t.name}.${n.name}`, i = this.animationToMixTime[e]; return i === void 0 ? this.defaultMix : i; } } class ai { constructor(t) { this.atlas = t; } loadSequence(t, n, e) { const i = e.regions; for (let r = 0, h = i.length; r < h; r++) { const l = e.getPath(n, r), s = this.atlas.findRegion(l); if (s == null) throw new Error(`Region not found in atlas: ${l} (sequence: ${t})`); i[r] = s, i[r].renderObject = i[r]; } } newRegionAttachment(t, n, e, i) { const r = new it(n, e); if (i != null) this.loadSequence(n, e, i); else { const h = this.atlas.findRegion(e); if (!h) throw new Error(`Region not found in atlas: ${e} (region attachment: ${n})`); h.renderObject = h, r.region = h; } return r; } newMeshAttachment(t, n, e, i) { const r = new on(n, e); if (i != null) this.loadSequence(n, e, i); else { const h = this.atlas.findRegion(e); if (!h) throw new Error(`Region not found in atlas: ${e} (mesh attachment: ${n})`); h.renderObject = h, r.region = h; } return r; } newBoundingBoxAttachment(t, n) { return new On(n); } newPathAttachment(t, n) { return new ln(n); } newPointAttachment(t, n) { return new Wn(n); } newClippingAttachment(t, n) { return new $n(n); } } class oi { constructor(t, n, e) { if (this.matrix = new H.Matrix, this.parent = null, this.children = new Array, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.rotation = 0, this.scaleX = 0, this.scaleY = 0, this.shearX = 0, this.shearY = 0, this.ax = 0, this.ay = 0, this.arotation = 0, this.ascaleX = 0, this.ascaleY = 0, this.ashearX = 0, this.ashearY = 0, this.sorted = !1, this.active = !1, !t) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (!n) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.skeleton = n, this.parent = e, this.setToSetupPose(); } get worldX() { return this.matrix.tx; } get worldY() { return this.matrix.ty; } isActive() { return this.active; } update() { this.updateWorldTransformWith(this.ax, this.ay, this.arotation, this.ascaleX, this.ascaleY, this.ashearX, this.ashearY); } updateWorldTransform() { this.updateWorldTransformWith(this.x, this.y, this.rotation, this.scaleX, this.scaleY, this.shearX, this.shearY); } updateWorldTransformWith(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { this.ax = t, this.ay = n, this.arotation = e, this.ascaleX = i, this.ascaleY = r, this.ashearX = h, this.ashearY = l; const s = this.parent, a = this.matrix, o = this.skeleton.scaleX, d = zt.yDown ? -this.skeleton.scaleY : this.skeleton.scaleY; if (!s) { const x = this.skeleton, E = e + 90 + l; a.a = C.cosDeg(e + h) * i * o, a.c = C.cosDeg(E) * r * o, a.b = C.sinDeg(e + h) * i * d, a.d = C.sinDeg(E) * r * d, a.tx = t * o + x.x, a.ty = n * d + x.y; return; } let f = s.matrix.a, u = s.matrix.c, m = s.matrix.b, g = s.matrix.d; switch (a.tx = f * t + u * n + s.matrix.tx, a.ty = m * t + g * n + s.matrix.ty, this.data.transformMode) { case j.Normal: { const x = e + 90 + l, E = C.cosDeg(e + h) * i, w = C.cosDeg(x) * r, b = C.sinDeg(e + h) * i, p = C.sinDeg(x) * r; a.a = f * E + u * b, a.c = f * w + u * p, a.b = m * E + g * b, a.d = m * w + g * p; return; } case j.OnlyTranslation: { const x = e + 90 + l; a.a = C.cosDeg(e + h) * i, a.c = C.cosDeg(x) * r, a.b = C.sinDeg(e + h) * i, a.d = C.sinDeg(x) * r; break; } case j.NoRotationOrReflection: { let x = f * f + m * m, E = 0; x > 1e-4 ? (x = Math.abs(f * g - u * m) / x, f /= o, m /= d, u = m * x, g = f * x, E = Math.atan2(m, f) * C.radDeg) : (f = 0, m = 0, E = 90 - Math.atan2(g, u) * C.radDeg); const w = e + h - E, b = e + l - E + 90, p = C.cosDeg(w) * i, S = C.cosDeg(b) * r, y = C.sinDeg(w) * i, M = C.sinDeg(b) * r; a.a = f * p - u * y, a.c = f * S - u * M, a.b = m * p + g * y, a.d = m * S + g * M; break; } case j.NoScale: case j.NoScaleOrReflection: { const x = C.cosDeg(e), E = C.sinDeg(e); let w = (f * x + u * E) / o, b = (m * x + g * E) / d, p = Math.sqrt(w * w + b * b); p > 1e-5 && (p = 1 / p), w *= p, b *= p, p = Math.sqrt(w * w + b * b), this.data.transformMode == j.NoScale && f * g - u * m < 0 != (o < 0 != d < 0) && (p = -p); const S = Math.PI / 2 + Math.atan2(b, w), y = Math.cos(S) * p, M = Math.sin(S) * p, T = C.cosDeg(h) * i, k = C.cosDeg(90 + l) * r, I = C.sinDeg(h) * i, R = C.sinDeg(90 + l) * r; a.a = w * T + y * I, a.c = w * k + y * R, a.b = b * T + M * I, a.d = b * k + M * R; break; } }a.a *= o, a.c *= o, a.b *= d, a.d *= d; } setToSetupPose() { const t = this.data; this.x = t.x, this.y = t.y, this.rotation = t.rotation, this.scaleX = t.scaleX, this.scaleY = t.scaleY, this.shearX = t.shearX, this.shearY = t.shearY; } getWorldRotationX() { return Math.atan2(this.matrix.b, this.matrix.a) * C.radDeg; } getWorldRotationY() { return Math.atan2(this.matrix.d, this.matrix.c) * C.radDeg; } getWorldScaleX() { const t = this.matrix; return Math.sqrt(t.a * t.a + t.b * t.b); } getWorldScaleY() { const t = this.matrix; return Math.sqrt(t.c * t.c + t.d * t.d); } updateAppliedTransform() { const t = this.parent, n = this.matrix; if (!t) { this.ax = n.tx - this.skeleton.x, this.ay = n.ty - this.skeleton.y, this.arotation = Math.atan2(n.b, n.a) * C.radDeg, this.ascaleX = Math.sqrt(n.a * n.a + n.b * n.b), this.ascaleY = Math.sqrt(n.c * n.c + n.d * n.d), this.ashearX = 0, this.ashearY = Math.atan2(n.a * n.c + n.b * n.d, n.a * n.d - n.b * n.c) * C.radDeg; return; } const e = t.matrix, i = 1 / (e.a * e.d - e.b * e.c), r = n.tx - e.tx, h = n.ty - e.ty; this.ax = r * e.d * i - h * e.c * i, this.ay = h * e.a * i - r * e.b * i; const l = i * e.d, s = i * e.a, a = i * e.c, o = i * e.b, d = l * n.a - a * n.b, f = l * n.c - a * n.d, u = s * n.b - o * n.a, m = s * n.d - o * n.c; if (this.ashearX = 0, this.ascaleX = Math.sqrt(d * d + u * u), this.ascaleX > 1e-4) { const g = d * m - f * u; this.ascaleY = g / this.ascaleX, this.ashearY = Math.atan2(d * f + u * m, g) * C.radDeg, this.arotation = Math.atan2(u, d) * C.radDeg; } else this.ascaleX = 0, this.ascaleY = Math.sqrt(f * f + m * m), this.ashearY = 0, this.arotation = 90 - Math.atan2(m, f) * C.radDeg; } worldToLocal(t) { const n = this.matrix, e = n.a, i = n.c, r = n.b, h = n.d, l = 1 / (e * h - i * r), s = t.x - n.tx, a = t.y - n.ty; return t.x = s * h * l - a * i * l, t.y = a * e * l - s * r * l, t; } localToWorld(t) { const n = this.matrix, e = t.x, i = t.y; return t.x = e * n.a + i * n.c + n.tx, t.y = e * n.b + i * n.d + n.ty, t; } worldToLocalRotation(t) { const n = C.sinDeg(t), e = C.cosDeg(t), i = this.matrix; return Math.atan2(i.a * n - i.b * e, i.d * e - i.c * n) * C.radDeg; } localToWorldRotation(t) { t -= this.rotation - this.shearX; const n = C.sinDeg(t), e = C.cosDeg(t), i = this.matrix; return Math.atan2(e * i.b + n * i.d, e * i.a + n * i.c) * C.radDeg; } rotateWorld(t) { const n = this.matrix, e = n.a, i = n.c, r = n.b, h = n.d, l = C.cosDeg(t), s = C.sinDeg(t); n.a = l * e - s * r, n.c = l * i - s * h, n.b = s * e + l * r, n.d = s * i + l * h; } } class li { constructor(t, n, e) { if (this.index = 0, this.parent = null, this.length = 0, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.rotation = 0, this.scaleX = 1, this.scaleY = 1, this.shearX = 0, this.shearY = 0, this.transformMode = j.Normal, this.skinRequired = !1, this.color = new _, t < 0) throw new Error("index must be >= 0."); if (!n) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); this.index = t, this.name = n, this.parent = e; } } class jn { constructor(t, n, e) { this.name = t, this.order = n, this.skinRequired = e; } } class ci { constructor(t, n) { if (this.intValue = 0, this.floatValue = 0, this.stringValue = null, this.time = 0, this.volume = 0, this.balance = 0, !n) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); this.time = t, this.data = n; } } class hi { constructor(t) { this.intValue = 0, this.floatValue = 0, this.stringValue = null, this.audioPath = null, this.volume = 0, this.balance = 0, this.name = t; } } class fr { constructor(t, n) { if (this.bendDirection = 0, this.compress = !1, this.stretch = !1, this.mix = 1, this.softness = 0, this.active = !1, !t) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (!n) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.mix = t.mix, this.softness = t.softness, this.bendDirection = t.bendDirection, this.compress = t.compress, this.stretch = t.stretch, this.bones = new Array; for (let i = 0; i < t.bones.length; i++) { const r = n.findBone(t.bones[i].name); if (!r) throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${t.bones[i].name}`); this.bones.push(r); } const e = n.findBone(t.target.name); if (!e) throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${t.target.name}`); this.target = e; } isActive() { return this.active; } update() { if (this.mix == 0) return; const t = this.target, n = this.bones; switch (n.length) { case 1: this.apply1(n[0], t.worldX, t.worldY, this.compress, this.stretch, this.data.uniform, this.mix); break; case 2: this.apply2(n[0], n[1], t.worldX, t.worldY, this.bendDirection, this.stretch, this.data.uniform, this.softness, this.mix); break; } } apply1(t, n, e, i, r, h, l) { const s = t.parent.matrix; if (!s) throw new Error("IK bone must have parent."); const a = s.a; let o = s.c; const d = s.b; let f = s.d, u = -t.ashearX - t.arotation, m = 0, g = 0; const x = t.skeleton.scaleX, E = zt.yDown ? -t.skeleton.scaleY : t.skeleton.scaleY; switch (t.data.transformMode) { case j.OnlyTranslation: m = n - t.worldX, g = e - t.worldY, zt.yDown && (g = -g); break; case j.NoRotationOrReflection: const p = Math.abs(a * f - o * d) / (a * a + d * d), S = a / x, y = d / E; o = -y * p * x, f = S * p * E, u += Math.atan2(y, S) * C.radDeg; default: const M = n - s.tx, T = e - s.ty, k = a * f - o * d; m = (M * f - T * o) / k - t.ax, g = (T * a - M * d) / k - t.ay; }u += Math.atan2(g, m) * C.radDeg, t.ascaleX < 0 && (u += 180), u > 180 ? u -= 360 : u < -180 && (u += 360); let w = t.ascaleX, b = t.ascaleY; if (i || r) { switch (t.data.transformMode) { case j.NoScale: case j.NoScaleOrReflection: m = n - t.worldX, g = e - t.worldY; }const p = t.data.length * w, S = Math.sqrt(m * m + g * g); if (i && S < p || r && S > p && p > 1e-4) { const y = (S / p - 1) * l + 1; w *= y, h && (b *= y); } } t.updateWorldTransformWith(t.ax, t.ay, t.arotation + u * l, w, b, t.ashearX, t.ashearY); } apply2(t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s, a) { const o = t.ax, d = t.ay; let f = t.ascaleX, u = t.ascaleY, m = f, g = u, x = n.ascaleX; const E = t.matrix; let w = 0, b = 0, p = 0; f < 0 ? (f = -f, w = 180, p = -1) : (w = 0, p = 1), u < 0 && (u = -u, p = -p), x < 0 ? (x = -x, b = 180) : b = 0; const S = n.ax; let y = 0, M = 0, T = 0, k = E.a, I = E.c, R = E.b, V = E.d; const F = Math.abs(f - u) <= 1e-4; !F || h ? (y = 0, M = k * S + E.tx, T = R * S + E.ty) : (y = n.ay, M = k * S + I * y + E.tx, T = R * S + V * y + E.ty); const B = t.parent.matrix; if (!B) throw new Error("IK parent must itself have a parent."); k = B.a, I = B.c, R = B.b, V = B.d; const Y = 1 / (k * V - I * R); let N = M - B.tx, q = T - B.ty; const z = (N * V - q * I) * Y - o, D = (q * k - N * R) * Y - d, X = Math.sqrt(z * z + D * D); let L = n.data.length * x, O, W; if (X < 1e-4) { this.apply1(t, e, i, !1, h, !1, a), n.updateWorldTransformWith(S, y, 0, n.ascaleX, n.ascaleY, n.ashearX, n.ashearY); return; } N = e - B.tx, q = i - B.ty; let U = (N * V - q * I) * Y - o, $ = (q * k - N * R) * Y - d, G = U * U + $ * $; if (s != 0) { s *= f * (x + 1) * .5; const ct = Math.sqrt(G), Xt = ct - X - L * f + s; if (Xt > 0) { let Ut = Math.min(1, Xt / (s * 2)) - 1; Ut = (Xt - s * (1 - Ut * Ut)) / ct, U -= Ut * U, $ -= Ut * $, G = U * U + $ * $; } } t: if (F) { L *= f; let ct = (G - X * X - L * L) / (2 * X * L); ct < -1 ? (ct = -1, W = Math.PI * r) : ct > 1 ? (ct = 1, W = 0, h && (k = (Math.sqrt(G) / (X + L) - 1) * a + 1, m *= k, l && (g *= k))) : W = Math.acos(ct) * r, k = X + L * ct, I = L * Math.sin(W), O = Math.atan2($ * k - U * I, U * k + $ * I); } else { k = f * L, I = u * L; const ct = k * k, Xt = I * I, Ut = Math.atan2($, U); R = Xt * X * X + ct * G - ct * Xt; const de = -2 * Xt * X, Me = Xt - ct; if (V = de * de - 4 * Me * R, V >= 0) { let Nt = Math.sqrt(V); de < 0 && (Nt = -Nt), Nt = -(de + Nt) * .5; const We = Nt / Me, pr = R / Nt, yn = Math.abs(We) < Math.abs(pr) ? We : pr; if (yn * yn <= G) { q = Math.sqrt(G - yn * yn) * r, O = Ut - Math.atan2(q, yn), W = Math.atan2(q / u, (yn - X) / f); break t; } } let Oe = C.PI, Ve = X - k, Ae = Ve * Ve, Ce = 0, $e = 0, Kt = X + k, ae = Kt * Kt, Ke = 0; R = -k * X / (ct - Xt), R >= -1 && R <= 1 && (R = Math.acos(R), N = k * Math.cos(R) + X, q = I * Math.sin(R), V = N * N + q * q, V < Ae && (Oe = R, Ae = V, Ve = N, Ce = q), V > ae && ($e = R, ae = V, Kt = N, Ke = q)), G <= (Ae + ae) * .5 ? (O = Ut - Math.atan2(Ce * r, Ve), W = Oe * r) : (O = Ut - Math.atan2(Ke * r, Kt), W = $e * r); } const lt = Math.atan2(y, S) * p; let It = t.arotation; O = (O - lt) * C.radDeg + w - It, O > 180 ? O -= 360 : O < -180 && (O += 360), t.updateWorldTransformWith(o, d, It + O * a, m, g, 0, 0), It = n.arotation, W = ((W + lt) * C.radDeg - n.ashearX) * p + b - It, W > 180 ? W -= 360 : W < -180 && (W += 360), n.updateWorldTransformWith(S, y, It + W * a, n.ascaleX, n.ascaleY, n.ashearX, n.ashearY); } } class di extends jn { constructor(t) { super(t, 0, !1), this.bones = new Array, this._target = null, this.bendDirection = 1, this.compress = !1, this.stretch = !1, this.uniform = !1, this.mix = 1, this.softness = 0; } set target(t) { this._target = t; } get target() { if (this._target) return this._target; throw new Error("BoneData not set."); } } class fi extends jn { constructor(t) { super(t, 0, !1), this.bones = new Array, this._target = null, this.positionMode = dt.Fixed, this.spacingMode = kt.Fixed, this.rotateMode = pt.Chain, this.offsetRotation = 0, this.position = 0, this.spacing = 0, this.mixRotate = 0, this.mixX = 0, this.mixY = 0; } set target(t) { this._target = t; } get target() { if (this._target) return this._target; throw new Error("SlotData not set."); } } var kt = (c => (c[c.Length = 0] = "Length", c[c.Fixed = 1] = "Fixed", c[c.Percent = 2] = "Percent", c[c.Proportional = 3] = "Proportional", c))(kt || {}); const Le = class { constructor(c, t) { if (this.position = 0, this.spacing = 0, this.mixRotate = 0, this.mixX = 0, this.mixY = 0, this.spaces = new Array, this.positions = new Array, this.world = new Array, this.curves = new Array, this.lengths = new Array, this.segments = new Array, this.active = !1, !c) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (!t) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.data = c, this.bones = new Array; for (let e = 0, i = c.bones.length; e < i; e++) { const r = t.findBone(c.bones[e].name); if (!r) throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${c.bones[e].name}.`); this.bones.push(r); } const n = t.findSlot(c.target.name); if (!n) throw new Error(`Couldn't find target bone ${c.target.name}`); this.target = n, this.position = c.position, this.spacing = c.spacing, this.mixRotate = c.mixRotate, this.mixX = c.mixX, this.mixY = c.mixY; } isActive() { return this.active; } update() { const c = this.target.getAttachment(); if (!(c instanceof ln)) return; const t = this.mixRotate, n = this.mixX, e = this.mixY; if (t == 0 && n == 0 && e == 0) return; const i = this.data, r = i.rotateMode == pt.Tangent, h = i.rotateMode == pt.ChainScale, l = this.bones, s = l.length, a = r ? s : s + 1, o = v.setArraySize(this.spaces, a), d = h ? this.lengths = v.setArraySize(this.lengths, s) : [], f = this.spacing; switch (i.spacingMode) { case kt.Percent: if (h) for (let p = 0, S = a - 1; p < S; p++) { const y = l[p], M = y.data.length; if (M < Le.epsilon) d[p] = 0; else { const T = M * y.matrix.a, k = M * y.matrix.b; d[p] = Math.sqrt(T * T + k * k); } } v.arrayFill(o, 1, a, f); break; case kt.Proportional: let w = 0; for (let p = 0, S = a - 1; p < S;) { const y = l[p], M = y.data.length; if (M < Le.epsilon) h && (d[p] = 0), o[++p] = f; else { const T = M * y.matrix.a, k = M * y.matrix.b, I = Math.sqrt(T * T + k * k); h && (d[p] = I), o[++p] = I, w += I; } } if (w > 0) { w = a / w * f; for (let p = 1; p < a; p++)o[p] *= w; } break; default: const b = i.spacingMode == kt.Length; for (let p = 0, S = a - 1; p < S;) { const y = l[p], M = y.data.length; if (M < Le.epsilon) h && (d[p] = 0), o[++p] = f; else { const T = M * y.matrix.a, k = M * y.matrix.b, I = Math.sqrt(T * T + k * k); h && (d[p] = I), o[++p] = (b ? M + f : f) * I / M; } } }const u = this.computeWorldPositions(c, a, r); let m = u[0], g = u[1], x = i.offsetRotation, E = !1; if (x == 0) E = i.rotateMode == pt.Chain; else { E = !1; const w = this.target.bone.matrix; x *= w.a * w.d - w.b * w.c > 0 ? C.degRad : -C.degRad; } for (let w = 0, b = 3; w < s; w++, b += 3) { const p = l[w], S = p.matrix; S.tx += (m - S.tx) * n, S.ty += (g - S.ty) * e; const y = u[b], M = u[b + 1], T = y - m, k = M - g; if (h) { const I = d[w]; if (I != 0) { const R = (Math.sqrt(T * T + k * k) / I - 1) * t + 1; S.a *= R, S.b *= R; } } if (m = y, g = M, t > 0) { const I = S.a, R = S.c, V = S.b, F = S.d; let B = 0, Y = 0, N = 0; if (r ? B = u[b - 1] : o[w + 1] == 0 ? B = u[b + 2] : B = Math.atan2(k, T), B -= Math.atan2(V, I), E) { Y = Math.cos(B), N = Math.sin(B); const q = p.data.length; m += (q * (Y * I - N * V) - T) * t, g += (q * (N * I + Y * V) - k) * t; } else B += x; B > C.PI ? B -= C.PI2 : B < -C.PI && (B += C.PI2), B *= t, Y = Math.cos(B), N = Math.sin(B), S.a = Y * I - N * V, S.c = Y * R - N * F, S.b = N * I + Y * V, S.d = N * R + Y * F; } p.updateAppliedTransform(); } } computeWorldPositions(c, t, n) { const e = this.target; let i = this.position; const r = this.spaces, h = v.setArraySize(this.positions, t * 3 + 2); let l = this.world; const s = c.closed; let a = c.worldVerticesLength, o = a / 6, d = Le.NONE; if (!c.constantSpeed) { const q = c.lengths; o -= s ? 1 : 2; const z = q[o]; this.data.positionMode == dt.Percent && (i *= z); let D; switch (this.data.spacingMode) { case kt.Percent: D = z; break; case kt.Proportional: D = z / t; break; default: D = 1; }l = v.setArraySize(this.world, 8); for (let X = 0, L = 0, O = 0; X < t; X++, L += 3) { const W = r[X] * D; i += W; let U = i; if (s) U %= z, U < 0 && (U += z), O = 0; else if (U < 0) { d != Le.BEFORE && (d = Le.BEFORE, c.computeWorldVertices(e, 2, 4, l, 0, 2)), this.addBeforePosition(U, l, 0, h, L); continue; } else if (U > z) { d != Le.AFTER && (d = Le.AFTER, c.computeWorldVertices(e, a - 6, 4, l, 0, 2)), this.addAfterPosition(U - z, l, 0, h, L); continue; } for (; ; O++) { const $ = q[O]; if (!(U > $)) { if (O == 0) U /= $; else { const G = q[O - 1]; U = (U - G) / ($ - G); } break; } } O != d && (d = O, s && O == o ? (c.computeWorldVertices(e, a - 4, 4, l, 0, 2), c.computeWorldVertices(e, 0, 4, l, 4, 2)) : c.computeWorldVertices(e, O * 6 + 2, 8, l, 0, 2)), this.addCurvePosition(U, l[0], l[1], l[2], l[3], l[4], l[5], l[6], l[7], h, L, n || X > 0 && W == 0); } return h; } s ? (a += 2, l = v.setArraySize(this.world, a), c.computeWorldVertices(e, 2, a - 4, l, 0, 2), c.computeWorldVertices(e, 0, 2, l, a - 4, 2), l[a - 2] = l[0], l[a - 1] = l[1]) : (o--, a -= 4, l = v.setArraySize(this.world, a), c.computeWorldVertices(e, 2, a, l, 0, 2)); const f = v.setArraySize(this.curves, o); let u = 0, m = l[0], g = l[1], x = 0, E = 0, w = 0, b = 0, p = 0, S = 0, y = 0, M = 0, T = 0, k = 0, I = 0, R = 0, V = 0, F = 0; for (let q = 0, z = 2; q < o; q++, z += 6)x = l[z], E = l[z + 1], w = l[z + 2], b = l[z + 3], p = l[z + 4], S = l[z + 5], y = (m - x * 2 + w) * .1875, M = (g - E * 2 + b) * .1875, T = ((x - w) * 3 - m + p) * .09375, k = ((E - b) * 3 - g + S) * .09375, I = y * 2 + T, R = M * 2 + k, V = (x - m) * .75 + y + T * .16666667, F = (E - g) * .75 + M + k * .16666667, u += Math.sqrt(V * V + F * F), V += I, F += R, I += T, R += k, u += Math.sqrt(V * V + F * F), V += I, F += R, u += Math.sqrt(V * V + F * F), V += I + T, F += R + k, u += Math.sqrt(V * V + F * F), f[q] = u, m = p, g = S; this.data.positionMode == dt.Percent && (i *= u); let B; switch (this.data.spacingMode) { case kt.Percent: B = u; break; case kt.Proportional: B = u / t; break; default: B = 1; }const Y = this.segments; let N = 0; for (let q = 0, z = 0, D = 0, X = 0; q < t; q++, z += 3) { const L = r[q] * B; i += L; let O = i; if (s) O %= u, O < 0 && (O += u), D = 0; else if (O < 0) { this.addBeforePosition(O, l, 0, h, z); continue; } else if (O > u) { this.addAfterPosition(O - u, l, a - 4, h, z); continue; } for (; ; D++) { const W = f[D]; if (!(O > W)) { if (D == 0) O /= W; else { const U = f[D - 1]; O = (O - U) / (W - U); } break; } } if (D != d) { d = D; let W = D * 6; for (m = l[W], g = l[W + 1], x = l[W + 2], E = l[W + 3], w = l[W + 4], b = l[W + 5], p = l[W + 6], S = l[W + 7], y = (m - x * 2 + w) * .03, M = (g - E * 2 + b) * .03, T = ((x - w) * 3 - m + p) * .006, k = ((E - b) * 3 - g + S) * .006, I = y * 2 + T, R = M * 2 + k, V = (x - m) * .3 + y + T * .16666667, F = (E - g) * .3 + M + k * .16666667, N = Math.sqrt(V * V + F * F), Y[0] = N, W = 1; W < 8; W++)V += I, F += R, I += T, R += k, N += Math.sqrt(V * V + F * F), Y[W] = N; V += I, F += R, N += Math.sqrt(V * V + F * F), Y[8] = N, V += I + T, F += R + k, N += Math.sqrt(V * V + F * F), Y[9] = N, X = 0; } for (O *= N; ; X++) { const W = Y[X]; if (!(O > W)) { if (X == 0) O /= W; else { const U = Y[X - 1]; O = X + (O - U) / (W - U); } break; } } this.addCurvePosition(O * .1, m, g, x, E, w, b, p, S, h, z, n || q > 0 && L == 0); } return h; } addBeforePosition(c, t, n, e, i) { const r = t[n], h = t[n + 1], l = t[n + 2] - r, s = t[n + 3] - h, a = Math.atan2(s, l); e[i] = r + c * Math.cos(a), e[i + 1] = h + c * Math.sin(a), e[i + 2] = a; } addAfterPosition(c, t, n, e, i) { const r = t[n + 2], h = t[n + 3], l = r - t[n], s = h - t[n + 1], a = Math.atan2(s, l); e[i] = r + c * Math.cos(a), e[i + 1] = h + c * Math.sin(a), e[i + 2] = a; } addCurvePosition(c, t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s, a, o, d) { if (c == 0 || isNaN(c)) { a[o] = t, a[o + 1] = n, a[o + 2] = Math.atan2(i - n, e - t); return; } const f = c * c, u = f * c, m = 1 - c, g = m * m, x = g * m, E = m * c, w = E * 3, b = m * w, p = w * c, S = t * x + e * b + r * p + l * u, y = n * x + i * b + h * p + s * u; a[o] = S, a[o + 1] = y, d && (c < .001 ? a[o + 2] = Math.atan2(i - n, e - t) : a[o + 2] = Math.atan2(y - (n * g + i * E * 2 + h * f), S - (t * g + e * E * 2 + r * f))); } }; let Sn = Le; Sn.NONE = -1, Sn.BEFORE = -2, Sn.AFTER = -3, Sn.epsilon = 1e-5; class ur { constructor(t, n) { if (this.darkColor = null, this.attachment = null, this.attachmentState = 0, this.sequenceIndex = -1, this.deform = new Array, !t) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (!n) throw new Error("bone cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.bone = n, this.color = new _, this.darkColor = t.darkColor ? new _ : null, this.setToSetupPose(), this.blendMode = this.data.blendMode; } getSkeleton() { return this.bone.skeleton; } getAttachment() { return this.attachment; } setAttachment(t) { this.attachment != t && ((!(t instanceof we) || !(this.attachment instanceof we) || t.timelineAttachment != this.attachment.timelineAttachment) && (this.deform.length = 0), this.attachment = t, this.sequenceIndex = -1); } setToSetupPose() { this.color.setFromColor(this.data.color), this.darkColor && this.darkColor.setFromColor(this.data.darkColor), this.data.attachmentName ? (this.attachment = null, this.setAttachment(this.bone.skeleton.getAttachment(this.data.index, this.data.attachmentName))) : this.attachment = null; } } class mr { constructor(t, n) { if (this.mixRotate = 0, this.mixX = 0, this.mixY = 0, this.mixScaleX = 0, this.mixScaleY = 0, this.mixShearY = 0, this.temp = new un, this.active = !1, !t) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); if (!n) throw new Error("skeleton cannot be null."); this.data = t, this.mixRotate = t.mixRotate, this.mixX = t.mixX, this.mixY = t.mixY, this.mixScaleX = t.mixScaleX, this.mixScaleY = t.mixScaleY, this.mixShearY = t.mixShearY, this.bones = new Array; for (let i = 0; i < t.bones.length; i++) { const r = n.findBone(t.bones[i].name); if (!r) throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${t.bones[i].name}.`); this.bones.push(r); } const e = n.findBone(t.target.name); if (!e) throw new Error(`Couldn't find target bone ${t.target.name}.`); this.target = e; } isActive() { return this.active; } update() { this.mixRotate == 0 && this.mixX == 0 && this.mixY == 0 && this.mixScaleX == 0 && this.mixScaleX == 0 && this.mixShearY == 0 || (this.data.local ? this.data.relative ? this.applyRelativeLocal() : this.applyAbsoluteLocal() : this.data.relative ? this.applyRelativeWorld() : this.applyAbsoluteWorld()); } applyAbsoluteWorld() { const t = this.mixRotate, n = this.mixX, e = this.mixY, i = this.mixScaleX, r = this.mixScaleY, h = this.mixShearY, l = n != 0 || e != 0, s = this.target, a = s.matrix, o = a.a, d = a.c, f = a.b, u = a.d, m = o * u - d * f > 0 ? C.degRad : -C.degRad, g = this.data.offsetRotation * m, x = this.data.offsetShearY * m, E = this.bones; for (let w = 0, b = E.length; w < b; w++) { const p = E[w], S = p.matrix; if (t != 0) { const y = S.a, M = S.c, T = S.b, k = S.d; let I = Math.atan2(f, o) - Math.atan2(T, y) + g; I > C.PI ? I -= C.PI2 : I < -C.PI && (I += C.PI2), I *= t; const R = Math.cos(I), V = Math.sin(I); S.a = R * y - V * T, S.c = R * M - V * k, S.b = V * y + R * T, S.d = V * M + R * k; } if (l) { const y = this.temp; s.localToWorld(y.set(this.data.offsetX, this.data.offsetY)), S.tx += (y.x - S.tx) * n, S.ty += (y.y - S.ty) * e; } if (i != 0) { let y = Math.sqrt(S.a * S.a + S.b * S.b); y != 0 && (y = (y + (Math.sqrt(o * o + f * f) - y + this.data.offsetScaleX) * i) / y), S.a *= y, S.b *= y; } if (r != 0) { let y = Math.sqrt(S.c * S.c + S.d * S.d); y != 0 && (y = (y + (Math.sqrt(d * d + u * u) - y + this.data.offsetScaleY) * r) / y), S.c *= y, S.d *= y; } if (h > 0) { const y = S.c, M = S.d, T = Math.atan2(M, y); let k = Math.atan2(u, d) - Math.atan2(f, o) - (T - Math.atan2(S.b, S.a)); k > C.PI ? k -= C.PI2 : k < -C.PI && (k += C.PI2), k = T + (k + x) * h; const I = Math.sqrt(y * y + M * M); S.c = Math.cos(k) * I, S.d = Math.sin(k) * I; } p.updateAppliedTransform(); } } applyRelativeWorld() { const t = this.mixRotate, n = this.mixX, e = this.mixY, i = this.mixScaleX, r = this.mixScaleY, h = this.mixShearY, l = n != 0 || e != 0, s = this.target, a = s.matrix, o = a.a, d = a.c, f = a.b, u = a.d, m = o * u - d * f > 0 ? C.degRad : -C.degRad, g = this.data.offsetRotation * m, x = this.data.offsetShearY * m, E = this.bones; for (let w = 0, b = E.length; w < b; w++) { const p = E[w], S = p.matrix; if (t != 0) { const y = S.a, M = S.c, T = S.b, k = S.d; let I = Math.atan2(f, o) + g; I > C.PI ? I -= C.PI2 : I < -C.PI && (I += C.PI2), I *= t; const R = Math.cos(I), V = Math.sin(I); S.a = R * y - V * T, S.c = R * M - V * k, S.b = V * y + R * T, S.d = V * M + R * k; } if (l) { const y = this.temp; s.localToWorld(y.set(this.data.offsetX, this.data.offsetY)), S.tx += y.x * n, S.ty += y.y * e; } if (i != 0) { const y = (Math.sqrt(o * o + f * f) - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleX) * i + 1; S.a *= y, S.b *= y; } if (r != 0) { const y = (Math.sqrt(d * d + u * u) - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleY) * r + 1; S.c *= y, S.d *= y; } if (h > 0) { let y = Math.atan2(u, d) - Math.atan2(f, o); y > C.PI ? y -= C.PI2 : y < -C.PI && (y += C.PI2); const M = S.c, T = S.d; y = Math.atan2(T, M) + (y - C.PI / 2 + x) * h; const k = Math.sqrt(M * M + T * T); S.c = Math.cos(y) * k, S.d = Math.sin(y) * k; } p.updateAppliedTransform(); } } applyAbsoluteLocal() { const t = this.mixRotate, n = this.mixX, e = this.mixY, i = this.mixScaleX, r = this.mixScaleY, h = this.mixShearY, l = this.target, s = this.bones; for (let a = 0, o = s.length; a < o; a++) { const d = s[a]; let f = d.arotation; if (t != 0) { let w = l.arotation - f + this.data.offsetRotation; w -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - w / 360 | 0)) * 360, f += w * t; } let u = d.ax, m = d.ay; u += (l.ax - u + this.data.offsetX) * n, m += (l.ay - m + this.data.offsetY) * e; let g = d.ascaleX, x = d.ascaleY; i != 0 && g != 0 && (g = (g + (l.ascaleX - g + this.data.offsetScaleX) * i) / g), r != 0 && x != 0 && (x = (x + (l.ascaleY - x + this.data.offsetScaleY) * r) / x); let E = d.ashearY; if (h != 0) { let w = l.ashearY - E + this.data.offsetShearY; w -= (16384 - (16384.499999999996 - w / 360 | 0)) * 360, E += w * h; } d.updateWorldTransformWith(u, m, f, g, x, d.ashearX, E); } } applyRelativeLocal() { const t = this.mixRotate, n = this.mixX, e = this.mixY, i = this.mixScaleX, r = this.mixScaleY, h = this.mixShearY, l = this.target, s = this.bones; for (let a = 0, o = s.length; a < o; a++) { const d = s[a], f = d.arotation + (l.arotation + this.data.offsetRotation) * t, u = d.ax + (l.ax + this.data.offsetX) * n, m = d.ay + (l.ay + this.data.offsetY) * e, g = d.ascaleX * ((l.ascaleX - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleX) * i + 1), x = d.ascaleY * ((l.ascaleY - 1 + this.data.offsetScaleY) * r + 1), E = d.ashearY + (l.ashearY + this.data.offsetShearY) * h; d.updateWorldTransformWith(u, m, f, g, x, d.ashearX, E); } } } const Pn = class { constructor(c) { if (this._updateCache = new Array, this.skin = null, this.scaleX = 1, this.scaleY = 1, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, !c) throw new Error("data cannot be null."); this.data = c, this.bones = new Array; for (let t = 0; t < c.bones.length; t++) { const n = c.bones[t]; let e; if (!n.parent) e = new oi(n, this, null); else { const i = this.bones[n.parent.index]; e = new oi(n, this, i), i.children.push(e); } this.bones.push(e); } this.slots = new Array, this.drawOrder = new Array; for (let t = 0; t < c.slots.length; t++) { const n = c.slots[t], e = this.bones[n.boneData.index], i = new ur(n, e); this.slots.push(i), this.drawOrder.push(i); } this.ikConstraints = new Array; for (let t = 0; t < c.ikConstraints.length; t++) { const n = c.ikConstraints[t]; this.ikConstraints.push(new fr(n, this)); } this.transformConstraints = new Array; for (let t = 0; t < c.transformConstraints.length; t++) { const n = c.transformConstraints[t]; this.transformConstraints.push(new mr(n, this)); } this.pathConstraints = new Array; for (let t = 0; t < c.pathConstraints.length; t++) { const n = c.pathConstraints[t]; this.pathConstraints.push(new Sn(n, this)); } this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), this.updateCache(); } updateCache() { const c = this._updateCache; c.length = 0; const t = this.bones; for (let a = 0, o = t.length; a < o; a++) { const d = t[a]; d.sorted = d.data.skinRequired, d.active = !d.sorted; } if (this.skin) { const a = this.skin.bones; for (let o = 0, d = this.skin.bones.length; o < d; o++) { let f = this.bones[a[o].index]; do f.sorted = !1, f.active = !0, f = f.parent; while (f); } } const n = this.ikConstraints, e = this.transformConstraints, i = this.pathConstraints, r = n.length, h = e.length, l = i.length, s = r + h + l; t: for (let a = 0; a < s; a++) { for (let o = 0; o < r; o++) { const d = n[o]; if (d.data.order == a) { this.sortIkConstraint(d); continue t; } } for (let o = 0; o < h; o++) { const d = e[o]; if (d.data.order == a) { this.sortTransformConstraint(d); continue t; } } for (let o = 0; o < l; o++) { const d = i[o]; if (d.data.order == a) { this.sortPathConstraint(d); continue t; } } } for (let a = 0, o = t.length; a < o; a++)this.sortBone(t[a]); } sortIkConstraint(c) { if (c.active = c.target.isActive() && (!c.data.skinRequired || this.skin && v.contains(this.skin.constraints, c.data, !0)), !c.active) return; const t = c.target; this.sortBone(t); const n = c.bones, e = n[0]; if (this.sortBone(e), n.length == 1) this._updateCache.push(c), this.sortReset(e.children); else { const i = n[n.length - 1]; this.sortBone(i), this._updateCache.push(c), this.sortReset(e.children), i.sorted = !0; } } sortPathConstraint(c) { if (c.active = c.target.bone.isActive() && (!c.data.skinRequired || this.skin && v.contains(this.skin.constraints, c.data, !0)), !c.active) return; const t = c.target, n = t.data.index, e = t.bone; this.skin && this.sortPathConstraintAttachment(this.skin, n, e), this.data.defaultSkin && this.data.defaultSkin != this.skin && this.sortPathConstraintAttachment(this.data.defaultSkin, n, e); for (let l = 0, s = this.data.skins.length; l < s; l++)this.sortPathConstraintAttachment(this.data.skins[l], n, e); const i = t.getAttachment(); i instanceof ln && this.sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(i, e); const r = c.bones, h = r.length; for (let l = 0; l < h; l++)this.sortBone(r[l]); this._updateCache.push(c); for (let l = 0; l < h; l++)this.sortReset(r[l].children); for (let l = 0; l < h; l++)r[l].sorted = !0; } sortTransformConstraint(c) { if (c.active = c.target.isActive() && (!c.data.skinRequired || this.skin && v.contains(this.skin.constraints, c.data, !0)), !c.active) return; this.sortBone(c.target); const t = c.bones, n = t.length; if (c.data.local) for (let e = 0; e < n; e++) { const i = t[e]; this.sortBone(i.parent), this.sortBone(i); } else for (let e = 0; e < n; e++)this.sortBone(t[e]); this._updateCache.push(c); for (let e = 0; e < n; e++)this.sortReset(t[e].children); for (let e = 0; e < n; e++)t[e].sorted = !0; } sortPathConstraintAttachment(c, t, n) { const e = c.attachments[t]; if (e) for (const i in e) this.sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(e[i], n); } sortPathConstraintAttachmentWith(c, t) { if (!(c instanceof ln)) return; const n = c.bones; if (!n) this.sortBone(t); else { const e = this.bones; for (let i = 0, r = n.length; i < r;) { let h = n[i++]; for (h += i; i < h;)this.sortBone(e[n[i++]]); } } } sortBone(c) { if (!c || c.sorted) return; const t = c.parent; t && this.sortBone(t), c.sorted = !0, this._updateCache.push(c); } sortReset(c) { for (let t = 0, n = c.length; t < n; t++) { const e = c[t]; e.active && (e.sorted && this.sortReset(e.children), e.sorted = !1); } } updateWorldTransform() { const c = this.bones; for (let n = 0, e = c.length; n < e; n++) { const i = c[n]; i.ax = i.x, i.ay = i.y, i.arotation = i.rotation, i.ascaleX = i.scaleX, i.ascaleY = i.scaleY, i.ashearX = i.shearX, i.ashearY = i.shearY; } const t = this._updateCache; for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; n++)t[n].update(); } updateWorldTransformWith(c) { const t = this.getRootBone(), n = c.matrix.a, e = c.matrix.c, i = c.matrix.b, r = c.matrix.d; t.matrix.tx = n * this.x + e * this.y + c.worldX, t.matrix.ty = i * this.x + r * this.y + c.worldY; const h = t.rotation + 90 + t.shearY, l = C.cosDeg(t.rotation + t.shearX) * t.scaleX, s = C.cosDeg(h) * t.scaleY, a = C.sinDeg(t.rotation + t.shearX) * t.scaleX, o = C.sinDeg(h) * t.scaleY, d = this.scaleX, f = zt.yDown ? -this.scaleY : this.scaleY; t.matrix.a = (n * l + e * a) * d, t.matrix.c = (n * s + e * o) * d, t.matrix.b = (i * l + r * a) * f, t.matrix.d = (i * s + r * o) * f; const u = this._updateCache; for (let m = 0, g = u.length; m < g; m++) { const x = u[m]; x != t && x.update(); } } setToSetupPose() { this.setBonesToSetupPose(), this.setSlotsToSetupPose(); } setBonesToSetupPose() { const c = this.bones; for (let i = 0, r = c.length; i < r; i++)c[i].setToSetupPose(); const t = this.ikConstraints; for (let i = 0, r = t.length; i < r; i++) { const h = t[i]; h.mix = h.data.mix, h.softness = h.data.softness, h.bendDirection = h.data.bendDirection, h.compress = h.data.compress, h.stretch = h.data.stretch; } const n = this.transformConstraints; for (let i = 0, r = n.length; i < r; i++) { const h = n[i], l = h.data; h.mixRotate = l.mixRotate, h.mixX = l.mixX, h.mixY = l.mixY, h.mixScaleX = l.mixScaleX, h.mixScaleY = l.mixScaleY, h.mixShearY = l.mixShearY; } const e = this.pathConstraints; for (let i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; i++) { const h = e[i], l = h.data; h.position = l.position, h.spacing = l.spacing, h.mixRotate = l.mixRotate, h.mixX = l.mixX, h.mixY = l.mixY; } } setSlotsToSetupPose() { const c = this.slots; v.arrayCopy(c, 0, this.drawOrder, 0, c.length); for (let t = 0, n = c.length; t < n; t++)c[t].setToSetupPose(); } getRootBone() { return this.bones.length == 0 ? null : this.bones[0]; } findBone(c) { if (!c) throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); const t = this.bones; for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; n++) { const i = t[n]; if (i.data.name == c) return i; } return null; } findBoneIndex(c) { if (!c) throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); const t = this.bones; for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; n++)if (t[n].data.name == c) return n; return -1; } findSlot(c) { if (!c) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const t = this.slots; for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; n++) { const i = t[n]; if (i.data.name == c) return i; } return null; } findSlotIndex(c) { if (!c) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const t = this.slots; for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; n++)if (t[n].data.name == c) return n; return -1; } setSkinByName(c) { const t = this.data.findSkin(c); if (!t) throw new Error(`Skin not found: ${c}`); this.setSkin(t); } setSkin(c) { if (c != this.skin) { if (c) if (this.skin) c.attachAll(this, this.skin); else { const t = this.slots; for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; n++) { const i = t[n], r = i.data.attachmentName; if (r) { const h = c.getAttachment(n, r); h && i.setAttachment(h); } } } this.skin = c, this.updateCache(); } } getAttachmentByName(c, t) { const n = this.data.findSlot(c); if (!n) throw new Error(`Can't find slot with name ${c}`); return this.getAttachment(n.index, t); } getAttachment(c, t) { if (!t) throw new Error("attachmentName cannot be null."); if (this.skin) { const n = this.skin.getAttachment(c, t); if (n) return n; } return this.data.defaultSkin ? this.data.defaultSkin.getAttachment(c, t) : null; } setAttachment(c, t) { if (!c) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const n = this.slots; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.data.name == c) { let h = null; if (t && (h = this.getAttachment(e, t), !h)) throw new Error(`Attachment not found: ${t}, for slot: ${c}`); r.setAttachment(h); return; } } throw new Error(`Slot not found: ${c}`); } findIkConstraint(c) { if (!c) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const t = this.ikConstraints; for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; n++) { const i = t[n]; if (i.data.name == c) return i; } return null; } findTransformConstraint(c) { if (!c) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const t = this.transformConstraints; for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; n++) { const i = t[n]; if (i.data.name == c) return i; } return null; } findPathConstraint(c) { if (!c) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const t = this.pathConstraints; for (let n = 0, e = t.length; n < e; n++) { const i = t[n]; if (i.data.name == c) return i; } return null; } getBoundsRect() { const c = new un, t = new un; return this.getBounds(c, t), { x: c.x, y: c.y, width: t.x, height: t.y }; } getBounds(c, t, n = new Array(2)) { if (!c) throw new Error("offset cannot be null."); if (!t) throw new Error("size cannot be null."); const e = this.drawOrder; let i = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, r = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, h = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, l = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (let s = 0, a = e.length; s < a; s++) { const o = e[s]; if (!o.bone.active) continue; let d = 0, f = null; const u = o.getAttachment(); if (u instanceof it) d = 8, f = v.setArraySize(n, d, 0), u.computeWorldVertices(o, f, 0, 2); else if (u instanceof on) { const m = u; d = m.worldVerticesLength, f = v.setArraySize(n, d, 0), m.computeWorldVertices(o, 0, d, f, 0, 2); } if (f) for (let m = 0, g = f.length; m < g; m += 2) { const x = f[m], E = f[m + 1]; i = Math.min(i, x), r = Math.min(r, E), h = Math.max(h, x), l = Math.max(l, E); } } c.set(i, r), t.set(h - i, l - r); } get flipX() { return this.scaleX == -1; } set flipX(c) { Pn.deprecatedWarning1 || (Pn.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: `Skeleton.flipX/flipY` was deprecated, please use scaleX/scaleY")), this.scaleX = c ? 1 : -1; } get flipY() { return this.scaleY == -1; } set flipY(c) { Pn.deprecatedWarning1 || (Pn.deprecatedWarning1 = !0, console.warn("Spine Deprecation Warning: `Skeleton.flipX/flipY` was deprecated, please use scaleX/scaleY")), this.scaleY = c ? 1 : -1; } }; let ui = Pn; ui.deprecatedWarning1 = !1; class mi { constructor() { this.name = null, this.bones = new Array, this.slots = new Array, this.skins = new Array, this.defaultSkin = null, this.events = new Array, this.animations = new Array, this.ikConstraints = new Array, this.transformConstraints = new Array, this.pathConstraints = new Array, this.x = 0, this.y = 0, this.width = 0, this.height = 0, this.version = null, this.hash = null, this.fps = 0, this.imagesPath = null, this.audioPath = null; } findBone(t) { if (!t) throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); const n = this.bones; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findBoneIndex(t) { if (!t) throw new Error("boneName cannot be null."); const n = this.bones; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)if (n[e].name == t) return e; return -1; } findSlot(t) { if (!t) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const n = this.slots; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findSlotIndex(t) { if (!t) throw new Error("slotName cannot be null."); const n = this.slots; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)if (n[e].name == t) return e; return -1; } findSkin(t) { if (!t) throw new Error("skinName cannot be null."); const n = this.skins; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findEvent(t) { if (!t) throw new Error("eventDataName cannot be null."); const n = this.events; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findAnimation(t) { if (!t) throw new Error("animationName cannot be null."); const n = this.animations; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findIkConstraint(t) { if (!t) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.ikConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findTransformConstraint(t) { if (!t) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.transformConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findPathConstraint(t) { if (!t) throw new Error("constraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.pathConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++) { const r = n[e]; if (r.name == t) return r; } return null; } findPathConstraintIndex(t) { if (t == null) throw new Error("pathConstraintName cannot be null."); const n = this.pathConstraints; for (let e = 0, i = n.length; e < i; e++)if (n[e].name == t) return e; return -1; } } class gi { constructor(t, n, e) { if (this.index = 0, this.color = new _(1, 1, 1, 1), this.darkColor = null, this.attachmentName = null, this.blendMode = H.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL, t < 0) throw new Error("index must be >= 0."); if (!n) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); if (!e) throw new Error("boneData cannot be null."); this.index = t, this.name = n, this.boneData = e; } } class xi extends jn { constructor(t) { super(t, 0, !1), this.bones = new Array, this._target = null, this.mixRotate = 0, this.mixX = 0, this.mixY = 0, this.mixScaleX = 0, this.mixScaleY = 0, this.mixShearY = 0, this.offsetRotation = 0, this.offsetX = 0, this.offsetY = 0, this.offsetScaleX = 0, this.offsetScaleY = 0, this.offsetShearY = 0, this.relative = !1, this.local = !1; } set target(t) { this._target = t; } get target() { if (this._target) return this._target; throw new Error("BoneData not set."); } } class pi { constructor(t, n, e) { this.slotIndex = t, this.name = n, this.attachment = e; } } class Zn { constructor(t) { if (this.attachments = new Array, this.bones = Array(), this.constraints = new Array, !t) throw new Error("name cannot be null."); this.name = t; } setAttachment(t, n, e) { if (!e) throw new Error("attachment cannot be null."); const i = this.attachments; t >= i.length && (i.length = t + 1), i[t] || (i[t] = {}), i[t][n] = e; } addSkin(t) { for (let e = 0; e < t.bones.length; e++) { const i = t.bones[e]; let r = !1; for (let h = 0; h < this.bones.length; h++)if (this.bones[h] == i) { r = !0; break; } r || this.bones.push(i); } for (let e = 0; e < t.constraints.length; e++) { const i = t.constraints[e]; let r = !1; for (let h = 0; h < this.constraints.length; h++)if (this.constraints[h] == i) { r = !0; break; } r || this.constraints.push(i); } const n = t.getAttachments(); for (let e = 0; e < n.length; e++) { const i = n[e]; this.setAttachment(i.slotIndex, i.name, i.attachment); } } copySkin(t) { for (let e = 0; e < t.bones.length; e++) { const i = t.bones[e]; let r = !1; for (let h = 0; h < this.bones.length; h++)if (this.bones[h] == i) { r = !0; break; } r || this.bones.push(i); } for (let e = 0; e < t.constraints.length; e++) { const i = t.constraints[e]; let r = !1; for (let h = 0; h < this.constraints.length; h++)if (this.constraints[h] == i) { r = !0; break; } r || this.constraints.push(i); } const n = t.getAttachments(); for (let e = 0; e < n.length; e++) { const i = n[e]; i.attachment && (i.attachment instanceof on ? (i.attachment = i.attachment.newLinkedMesh(), this.setAttachment(i.slotIndex, i.name, i.attachment)) : (i.attachment = i.attachment.copy(), this.setAttachment(i.slotIndex, i.name, i.attachment))); } } getAttachment(t, n) { const e = this.attachments[t]; return e ? e[n] : null; } removeAttachment(t, n) { const e = this.attachments[t]; e && delete e[n]; } getAttachments() { const t = new Array; for (let n = 0; n < this.attachments.length; n++) { const e = this.attachments[n]; if (e) for (const i in e) { const r = e[i]; r && t.push(new pi(n, i, r)); } } return t; } getAttachmentsForSlot(t, n) { const e = this.attachments[t]; if (e) for (const i in e) { const r = e[i]; r && n.push(new pi(t, i, r)); } } clear() { this.attachments.length = 0, this.bones.length = 0, this.constraints.length = 0; } attachAll(t, n) { let e = 0; for (let i = 0; i < t.slots.length; i++) { const r = t.slots[i], h = r.getAttachment(); if (h && e < n.attachments.length) { const l = n.attachments[e]; for (const s in l) { const a = l[s]; if (h == a) { const o = this.getAttachment(e, s); o && r.setAttachment(o); break; } } } e++; } } } class wi { constructor(t) { this.ver40 = !1, this.scale = 1, this.linkedMeshes = new Array, this.attachmentLoader = t; } readSkeletonData(t) { const n = this.scale, e = new mi; e.name = ""; const i = new Mn(t), r = i.readInt32(), h = i.readInt32(); e.hash = h == 0 && r == 0 ? null : h.toString(16) + r.toString(16), e.version = i.readString(); const l = e.version.substr(0, 3); if (l !== "4.0" && l !== "4.1") { const d = `Spine 4.1 loader cant load version ${e.version}. Please configure your pixi-spine bundle`; console.error(d); } this.ver40 = l === "4.0", e.x = i.readFloat(), e.y = i.readFloat(), e.width = i.readFloat(), e.height = i.readFloat(); const s = i.readBoolean(); s && (e.fps = i.readFloat(), e.imagesPath = i.readString(), e.audioPath = i.readString()); let a = 0; a = i.readInt(!0); for (let d = 0; d < a; d++) { const f = i.readString(); if (!f) throw new Error("String in string table must not be null."); i.strings.push(f); } a = i.readInt(!0); for (let d = 0; d < a; d++) { const f = i.readString(); if (!f) throw new Error("Bone name must not be null."); const u = d == 0 ? null : e.bones[i.readInt(!0)], m = new li(d, f, u); m.rotation = i.readFloat(), m.x = i.readFloat() * n, m.y = i.readFloat() * n, m.scaleX = i.readFloat(), m.scaleY = i.readFloat(), m.shearX = i.readFloat(), m.shearY = i.readFloat(), m.length = i.readFloat() * n, m.transformMode = i.readInt(!0), m.skinRequired = i.readBoolean(), s && _.rgba8888ToColor(m.color, i.readInt32()), e.bones.push(m); } a = i.readInt(!0); for (let d = 0; d < a; d++) { const f = i.readString(); if (!f) throw new Error("Slot name must not be null."); const u = e.bones[i.readInt(!0)], m = new gi(d, f, u); _.rgba8888ToColor(m.color, i.readInt32()); const g = i.readInt32(); g != -1 && _.rgb888ToColor(m.darkColor = new _, g), m.attachmentName = i.readStringRef(), m.blendMode = i.readInt(!0), e.slots.push(m); } a = i.readInt(!0); for (let d = 0, f; d < a; d++) { const u = i.readString(); if (!u) throw new Error("IK constraint data name must not be null."); const m = new di(u); m.order = i.readInt(!0), m.skinRequired = i.readBoolean(), f = i.readInt(!0); for (let g = 0; g < f; g++)m.bones.push(e.bones[i.readInt(!0)]); m.target = e.bones[i.readInt(!0)], m.mix = i.readFloat(), m.softness = i.readFloat() * n, m.bendDirection = i.readByte(), m.compress = i.readBoolean(), m.stretch = i.readBoolean(), m.uniform = i.readBoolean(), e.ikConstraints.push(m); } a = i.readInt(!0); for (let d = 0, f; d < a; d++) { const u = i.readString(); if (!u) throw new Error("Transform constraint data name must not be null."); const m = new xi(u); m.order = i.readInt(!0), m.skinRequired = i.readBoolean(), f = i.readInt(!0); for (let g = 0; g < f; g++)m.bones.push(e.bones[i.readInt(!0)]); m.target = e.bones[i.readInt(!0)], m.local = i.readBoolean(), m.relative = i.readBoolean(), m.offsetRotation = i.readFloat(), m.offsetX = i.readFloat() * n, m.offsetY = i.readFloat() * n, m.offsetScaleX = i.readFloat(), m.offsetScaleY = i.readFloat(), m.offsetShearY = i.readFloat(), m.mixRotate = i.readFloat(), m.mixX = i.readFloat(), m.mixY = i.readFloat(), m.mixScaleX = i.readFloat(), m.mixScaleY = i.readFloat(), m.mixShearY = i.readFloat(), e.transformConstraints.push(m); } a = i.readInt(!0); for (let d = 0, f; d < a; d++) { const u = i.readString(); if (!u) throw new Error("Path constraint data name must not be null."); const m = new fi(u); m.order = i.readInt(!0), m.skinRequired = i.readBoolean(), f = i.readInt(!0); for (let g = 0; g < f; g++)m.bones.push(e.bones[i.readInt(!0)]); m.target = e.slots[i.readInt(!0)], m.positionMode = i.readInt(!0), m.spacingMode = i.readInt(!0), m.rotateMode = i.readInt(!0), m.offsetRotation = i.readFloat(), m.position = i.readFloat(), m.positionMode == dt.Fixed && (m.position *= n), m.spacing = i.readFloat(), (m.spacingMode == kt.Length || m.spacingMode == kt.Fixed) && (m.spacing *= n), m.mixRotate = i.readFloat(), m.mixX = i.readFloat(), m.mixY = i.readFloat(), e.pathConstraints.push(m); } const o = this.readSkin(i, e, !0, s); o && (e.defaultSkin = o, e.skins.push(o)); { let d = e.skins.length; for (v.setArraySize(e.skins, a = d + i.readInt(!0)); d < a; d++) { const f = this.readSkin(i, e, !1, s); if (!f) throw new Error("readSkin() should not have returned null."); e.skins[d] = f; } } a = this.linkedMeshes.length; for (let d = 0; d < a; d++) { const f = this.linkedMeshes[d], u = f.skin ? e.findSkin(f.skin) : e.defaultSkin; if (!u) throw new Error("Not skin found for linked mesh."); if (!f.parent) throw new Error("Linked mesh parent must not be null"); const m = u.getAttachment(f.slotIndex, f.parent); if (!m) throw new Error(`Parent mesh not found: ${f.parent}`); f.mesh.timelineAttachment = f.inheritTimeline ? m : f.mesh, f.mesh.setParentMesh(m); } this.linkedMeshes.length = 0, a = i.readInt(!0); for (let d = 0; d < a; d++) { const f = i.readStringRef(); if (!f) throw new Error; const u = new hi(f); u.intValue = i.readInt(!1), u.floatValue = i.readFloat(), u.stringValue = i.readString(), u.audioPath = i.readString(), u.audioPath && (u.volume = i.readFloat(), u.balance = i.readFloat()), e.events.push(u); } a = i.readInt(!0); for (let d = 0; d < a; d++) { const f = i.readString(); if (!f) throw new Error("Animatio name must not be null."); e.animations.push(this.readAnimation(i, f, e)); } return e; } readSkin(t, n, e, i) { let r = null, h = 0; if (e) { if (h = t.readInt(!0), h == 0) return null; r = new Zn("default"); } else { const l = t.readStringRef(); if (!l) throw new Error("Skin name must not be null."); r = new Zn(l), r.bones.length = t.readInt(!0); for (let s = 0, a = r.bones.length; s < a; s++)r.bones[s] = n.bones[t.readInt(!0)]; for (let s = 0, a = t.readInt(!0); s < a; s++)r.constraints.push(n.ikConstraints[t.readInt(!0)]); for (let s = 0, a = t.readInt(!0); s < a; s++)r.constraints.push(n.transformConstraints[t.readInt(!0)]); for (let s = 0, a = t.readInt(!0); s < a; s++)r.constraints.push(n.pathConstraints[t.readInt(!0)]); h = t.readInt(!0); } for (let l = 0; l < h; l++) { const s = t.readInt(!0); for (let a = 0, o = t.readInt(!0); a < o; a++) { const d = t.readStringRef(); if (!d) throw new Error("Attachment name must not be null"); const f = this.readAttachment(t, n, r, s, d, i); f && r.setAttachment(s, d, f); } } return r; } readAttachment(t, n, e, i, r, h) { const l = this.scale; let s = t.readStringRef(); switch (s || (s = r), t.readByte()) { case Z.Region: { let a = t.readStringRef(); const o = t.readFloat(), d = t.readFloat(), f = t.readFloat(), u = t.readFloat(), m = t.readFloat(), g = t.readFloat(), x = t.readFloat(), E = t.readInt32(), w = this.readSequence(t); a || (a = s); const b = this.attachmentLoader.newRegionAttachment(e, s, a, w); return b ? (b.path = a, b.x = d * l, b.y = f * l, b.scaleX = u, b.scaleY = m, b.rotation = o, b.width = g * l, b.height = x * l, _.rgba8888ToColor(b.color, E), b.sequence = w, w == null && b.updateRegion(), b) : null; } case Z.BoundingBox: { const a = t.readInt(!0), o = this.readVertices(t, a), d = h ? t.readInt32() : 0, f = this.attachmentLoader.newBoundingBoxAttachment(e, s); return f ? (f.worldVerticesLength = a << 1, f.vertices = o.vertices, f.bones = o.bones, h && _.rgba8888ToColor(f.color, d), f) : null; } case Z.Mesh: { let a = t.readStringRef(); const o = t.readInt32(), d = t.readInt(!0), f = this.readFloatArray(t, d << 1, 1), u = this.readShortArray(t), m = this.readVertices(t, d), g = t.readInt(!0), x = this.readSequence(t); let E = [], w = 0, b = 0; h && (E = this.readShortArray(t), w = t.readFloat(), b = t.readFloat()), a || (a = s); const p = this.attachmentLoader.newMeshAttachment(e, s, a, x); return p ? (p.path = a, _.rgba8888ToColor(p.color, o), p.bones = m.bones, p.vertices = m.vertices, p.worldVerticesLength = d << 1, p.triangles = u, p.regionUVs = new Float32Array(f), p.hullLength = g << 1, p.sequence = x, h && (p.edges = E, p.width = w * l, p.height = b * l), p) : null; } case Z.LinkedMesh: { let a = t.readStringRef(); const o = t.readInt32(), d = t.readStringRef(), f = t.readStringRef(), u = t.readBoolean(), m = this.readSequence(t); let g = 0, x = 0; h && (g = t.readFloat(), x = t.readFloat()), a || (a = s); const E = this.attachmentLoader.newMeshAttachment(e, s, a, m); return E ? (E.path = a, _.rgba8888ToColor(E.color, o), E.sequence = m, h && (E.width = g * l, E.height = x * l), this.linkedMeshes.push(new Ur(E, d, i, f, u)), E) : null; } case Z.Path: { const a = t.readBoolean(), o = t.readBoolean(), d = t.readInt(!0), f = this.readVertices(t, d), u = v.newArray(d / 3, 0); for (let x = 0, E = u.length; x < E; x++)u[x] = t.readFloat() * l; const m = h ? t.readInt32() : 0, g = this.attachmentLoader.newPathAttachment(e, s); return g ? (g.closed = a, g.constantSpeed = o, g.worldVerticesLength = d << 1, g.vertices = f.vertices, g.bones = f.bones, g.lengths = u, h && _.rgba8888ToColor(g.color, m), g) : null; } case Z.Point: { const a = t.readFloat(), o = t.readFloat(), d = t.readFloat(), f = h ? t.readInt32() : 0, u = this.attachmentLoader.newPointAttachment(e, s); return u ? (u.x = o * l, u.y = d * l, u.rotation = a, h && _.rgba8888ToColor(u.color, f), u) : null; } case Z.Clipping: { const a = t.readInt(!0), o = t.readInt(!0), d = this.readVertices(t, o), f = h ? t.readInt32() : 0, u = this.attachmentLoader.newClippingAttachment(e, s); return u ? (u.endSlot = n.slots[a], u.worldVerticesLength = o << 1, u.vertices = d.vertices, u.bones = d.bones, h && _.rgba8888ToColor(u.color, f), u) : null; } }return null; } readSequence(t) { if (this.ver40 || !t.readBoolean()) return null; const n = new Un(t.readInt(!0)); return n.start = t.readInt(!0), n.digits = t.readInt(!0), n.setupIndex = t.readInt(!0), n; } readDeformTimelineType(t) { return this.ver40 ? gr : t.readByte(); } readVertices(t, n) { const e = this.scale, i = n << 1, r = new zr; if (!t.readBoolean()) return r.vertices = this.readFloatArray(t, i, e), r; const h = new Array, l = new Array; for (let s = 0; s < n; s++) { const a = t.readInt(!0); l.push(a); for (let o = 0; o < a; o++)l.push(t.readInt(!0)), h.push(t.readFloat() * e), h.push(t.readFloat() * e), h.push(t.readFloat()); } return r.vertices = v.toFloatArray(h), r.bones = l, r; } readFloatArray(t, n, e) { const i = new Array(n); if (e == 1) for (let r = 0; r < n; r++)i[r] = t.readFloat(); else for (let r = 0; r < n; r++)i[r] = t.readFloat() * e; return i; } readShortArray(t) { const n = t.readInt(!0), e = new Array(n); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++)e[i] = t.readShort(); return e; } readAnimation(t, n, e) { t.readInt(!0); const i = new Array, r = this.scale; for (let a = 0, o = t.readInt(!0); a < o; a++) { const d = t.readInt(!0); for (let f = 0, u = t.readInt(!0); f < u; f++) { const m = t.readByte(), g = t.readInt(!0), x = g - 1; switch (m) { case sa: { const E = new cn(g, d); for (let w = 0; w < g; w++)E.setFrame(w, t.readFloat(), t.readStringRef()); i.push(E); break; } case ia: { const E = t.readInt(!0), w = new Hs(g, E, d); let b = t.readFloat(), p = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, S = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, y = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, M = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255; for (let T = 0, k = 0; w.setFrame(T, b, p, S, y, M), T != x; T++) { const I = t.readFloat(), R = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, V = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, F = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, B = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255; switch (t.readByte()) { case Se: w.setStepped(T); break; case ye: et(t, w, k++, T, 0, b, I, p, R, 1), et(t, w, k++, T, 1, b, I, S, V, 1), et(t, w, k++, T, 2, b, I, y, F, 1), et(t, w, k++, T, 3, b, I, M, B, 1); }b = I, p = R, S = V, y = F, M = B; } i.push(w); break; } case ra: { const E = t.readInt(!0), w = new Gs(g, E, d); let b = t.readFloat(), p = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, S = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, y = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255; for (let M = 0, T = 0; w.setFrame(M, b, p, S, y), M != x; M++) { const k = t.readFloat(), I = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, R = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, V = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255; switch (t.readByte()) { case Se: w.setStepped(M); break; case ye: et(t, w, T++, M, 0, b, k, p, I, 1), et(t, w, T++, M, 1, b, k, S, R, 1), et(t, w, T++, M, 2, b, k, y, V, 1); }b = k, p = I, S = R, y = V; } i.push(w); break; } case aa: { const E = t.readInt(!0), w = new Zs(g, E, d); let b = t.readFloat(), p = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, S = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, y = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, M = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, T = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, k = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, I = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255; for (let R = 0, V = 0; w.setFrame(R, b, p, S, y, M, T, k, I), R != x; R++) { const F = t.readFloat(), B = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, Y = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, N = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, q = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, z = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, D = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, X = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255; switch (t.readByte()) { case Se: w.setStepped(R); break; case ye: et(t, w, V++, R, 0, b, F, p, B, 1), et(t, w, V++, R, 1, b, F, S, Y, 1), et(t, w, V++, R, 2, b, F, y, N, 1), et(t, w, V++, R, 3, b, F, M, q, 1), et(t, w, V++, R, 4, b, F, T, z, 1), et(t, w, V++, R, 5, b, F, k, D, 1), et(t, w, V++, R, 6, b, F, I, X, 1); }b = F, p = B, S = Y, y = N, M = q, T = z, k = D, I = X; } i.push(w); break; } case oa: { const E = t.readInt(!0), w = new Qs(g, E, d); let b = t.readFloat(), p = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, S = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, y = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, M = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, T = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, k = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255; for (let I = 0, R = 0; w.setFrame(I, b, p, S, y, M, T, k), I != x; I++) { const V = t.readFloat(), F = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, B = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, Y = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, N = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, q = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255, z = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255; switch (t.readByte()) { case Se: w.setStepped(I); break; case ye: et(t, w, R++, I, 0, b, V, p, F, 1), et(t, w, R++, I, 1, b, V, S, B, 1), et(t, w, R++, I, 2, b, V, y, Y, 1), et(t, w, R++, I, 3, b, V, M, N, 1), et(t, w, R++, I, 4, b, V, T, q, 1), et(t, w, R++, I, 5, b, V, k, z, 1); }b = V, p = F, S = B, y = Y, M = N, T = q, k = z; } i.push(w); break; } case la: { const E = new js(g, t.readInt(!0), d); let w = t.readFloat(), b = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255; for (let p = 0, S = 0; E.setFrame(p, w, b), p != x; p++) { const y = t.readFloat(), M = t.readUnsignedByte() / 255; switch (t.readByte()) { case Se: E.setStepped(p); break; case ye: et(t, E, S++, p, 0, w, y, b, M, 1); }w = y, b = M; } i.push(E); } } } } for (let a = 0, o = t.readInt(!0); a < o; a++) { const d = t.readInt(!0); for (let f = 0, u = t.readInt(!0); f < u; f++) { const m = t.readByte(), g = t.readInt(!0), x = t.readInt(!0); switch (m) { case Hr: i.push(_e(t, new Rn(g, x, d), 1)); break; case Gr: i.push(bi(t, new Ds(g, x, d), r)); break; case jr: i.push(_e(t, new Ls(g, x, d), r)); break; case Zr: i.push(_e(t, new _s(g, x, d), r)); break; case Qr: i.push(bi(t, new Os(g, x, d), 1)); break; case Kr: i.push(_e(t, new $s(g, x, d), 1)); break; case Jr: i.push(_e(t, new Ws(g, x, d), 1)); break; case ta: i.push(bi(t, new qs(g, x, d), 1)); break; case ea: i.push(_e(t, new Us(g, x, d), 1)); break; case na: i.push(_e(t, new zs(g, x, d), 1)); } } } for (let a = 0, o = t.readInt(!0); a < o; a++) { const d = t.readInt(!0), f = t.readInt(!0), u = f - 1, m = new Js(f, t.readInt(!0), d); let g = t.readFloat(), x = t.readFloat(), E = t.readFloat() * r; for (let w = 0, b = 0; m.setFrame(w, g, x, E, t.readByte(), t.readBoolean(), t.readBoolean()), w != u; w++) { const p = t.readFloat(), S = t.readFloat(), y = t.readFloat() * r; switch (t.readByte()) { case Se: m.setStepped(w); break; case ye: et(t, m, b++, w, 0, g, p, x, S, 1), et(t, m, b++, w, 1, g, p, E, y, r); }g = p, x = S, E = y; } i.push(m); } for (let a = 0, o = t.readInt(!0); a < o; a++) { const d = t.readInt(!0), f = t.readInt(!0), u = f - 1, m = new ti(f, t.readInt(!0), d); let g = t.readFloat(), x = t.readFloat(), E = t.readFloat(), w = t.readFloat(), b = t.readFloat(), p = t.readFloat(), S = t.readFloat(); for (let y = 0, M = 0; m.setFrame(y, g, x, E, w, b, p, S), y != u; y++) { const T = t.readFloat(), k = t.readFloat(), I = t.readFloat(), R = t.readFloat(), V = t.readFloat(), F = t.readFloat(), B = t.readFloat(); switch (t.readByte()) { case Se: m.setStepped(y); break; case ye: et(t, m, M++, y, 0, g, T, x, k, 1), et(t, m, M++, y, 1, g, T, E, I, 1), et(t, m, M++, y, 2, g, T, w, R, 1), et(t, m, M++, y, 3, g, T, b, V, 1), et(t, m, M++, y, 4, g, T, p, F, 1), et(t, m, M++, y, 5, g, T, S, B, 1); }g = T, x = k, E = I, w = R, b = V, p = F, S = B; } i.push(m); } for (let a = 0, o = t.readInt(!0); a < o; a++) { const d = t.readInt(!0), f = e.pathConstraints[d]; for (let u = 0, m = t.readInt(!0); u < m; u++)switch (t.readByte()) { case ha: i.push(_e(t, new ei(t.readInt(!0), t.readInt(!0), d), f.positionMode == dt.Fixed ? r : 1)); break; case da: i.push(_e(t, new ni(t.readInt(!0), t.readInt(!0), d), f.spacingMode == kt.Length || f.spacingMode == kt.Fixed ? r : 1)); break; case fa: const g = new si(t.readInt(!0), t.readInt(!0), d); let x = t.readFloat(), E = t.readFloat(), w = t.readFloat(), b = t.readFloat(); for (let p = 0, S = 0, y = g.getFrameCount() - 1; g.setFrame(p, x, E, w, b), p != y; p++) { const M = t.readFloat(), T = t.readFloat(), k = t.readFloat(), I = t.readFloat(); switch (t.readByte()) { case Se: g.setStepped(p); break; case ye: et(t, g, S++, p, 0, x, M, E, T, 1), et(t, g, S++, p, 1, x, M, w, k, 1), et(t, g, S++, p, 2, x, M, b, I, 1); }x = M, E = T, w = k, b = I; } i.push(g); } } for (let a = 0, o = t.readInt(!0); a < o; a++) { const d = e.skins[t.readInt(!0)]; for (let f = 0, u = t.readInt(!0); f < u; f++) { const m = t.readInt(!0); for (let g = 0, x = t.readInt(!0); g < x; g++) { const E = t.readStringRef(); if (!E) throw new Error("attachmentName must not be null."); const w = d.getAttachment(m, E), b = this.readDeformTimelineType(t), p = t.readInt(!0), S = p - 1; switch (b) { case gr: { const y = w, M = y.bones, T = y.vertices, k = M ? T.length / 3 * 2 : T.length, I = t.readInt(!0), R = new Ks(p, I, m, y); let V = t.readFloat(); for (let F = 0, B = 0; ; F++) { let Y, N = t.readInt(!0); if (N == 0) Y = M ? v.newFloatArray(k) : T; else { Y = v.newFloatArray(k); const z = t.readInt(!0); if (N += z, r == 1) for (let D = z; D < N; D++)Y[D] = t.readFloat(); else for (let D = z; D < N; D++)Y[D] = t.readFloat() * r; if (!M) for (let D = 0, X = Y.length; D < X; D++)Y[D] += T[D]; } if (R.setFrame(F, V, Y), F == S) break; const q = t.readFloat(); switch (t.readByte()) { case Se: R.setStepped(F); break; case ye: et(t, R, B++, F, 0, V, q, 0, 1, 1); }V = q; } i.push(R); break; } case ca: { const y = new bn(p, m, w); for (let M = 0; M < p; M++) { const T = t.readFloat(), k = t.readInt32(); y.setFrame(M, T, Bs[k & 15], k >> 4, t.readFloat()); } i.push(y); break; } } } } } const h = t.readInt(!0); if (h > 0) { const a = new hn(h), o = e.slots.length; for (let d = 0; d < h; d++) { const f = t.readFloat(), u = t.readInt(!0), m = v.newArray(o, 0); for (let w = o - 1; w >= 0; w--)m[w] = -1; const g = v.newArray(o - u, 0); let x = 0, E = 0; for (let w = 0; w < u; w++) { const b = t.readInt(!0); for (; x != b;)g[E++] = x++; m[x + t.readInt(!0)] = x++; } for (; x < o;)g[E++] = x++; for (let w = o - 1; w >= 0; w--)m[w] == -1 && (m[w] = g[--E]); a.setFrame(d, f, m); } i.push(a); } const l = t.readInt(!0); if (l > 0) { const a = new vn(l); for (let o = 0; o < l; o++) { const d = t.readFloat(), f = e.events[t.readInt(!0)], u = new ci(d, f); u.intValue = t.readInt(!1), u.floatValue = t.readFloat(), u.stringValue = t.readBoolean() ? t.readString() : f.stringValue, u.data.audioPath && (u.volume = t.readFloat(), u.balance = t.readFloat()), a.setFrame(o, u); } i.push(a); } let s = 0; for (let a = 0, o = i.length; a < o; a++)s = Math.max(s, i[a].getDuration()); return new zn(n, i, s); } } wi.BlendModeValues = [H.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL, H.BLEND_MODES.ADD, H.BLEND_MODES.MULTIPLY, H.BLEND_MODES.SCREEN]; let Ur = class { constructor(t, n, e, i, r) { this.mesh = t, this.skin = n, this.slotIndex = e, this.parent = i, this.inheritTimeline = r; } }; class zr { constructor(t = null, n = null) { this.bones = t, this.vertices = n; } } function _e(c, t, n) { let e = c.readFloat(), i = c.readFloat() * n; for (let r = 0, h = 0, l = t.getFrameCount() - 1; t.setFrame(r, e, i), r != l; r++) { const s = c.readFloat(), a = c.readFloat() * n; switch (c.readByte()) { case Se: t.setStepped(r); break; case ye: et(c, t, h++, r, 0, e, s, i, a, n); }e = s, i = a; } return t; } function bi(c, t, n) { let e = c.readFloat(), i = c.readFloat() * n, r = c.readFloat() * n; for (let h = 0, l = 0, s = t.getFrameCount() - 1; t.setFrame(h, e, i, r), h != s; h++) { const a = c.readFloat(), o = c.readFloat() * n, d = c.readFloat() * n; switch (c.readByte()) { case Se: t.setStepped(h); break; case ye: et(c, t, l++, h, 0, e, a, i, o, n), et(c, t, l++, h, 1, e, a, r, d, n); }e = a, i = o, r = d; } return t; } function et(c, t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s, a) { t.setBezier(n, e, i, r, l, c.readFloat(), c.readFloat() * a, c.readFloat(), c.readFloat() * a, h, s); } const Hr = 0, Gr = 1, jr = 2, Zr = 3, Qr = 4, Kr = 5, Jr = 6, ta = 7, ea = 8, na = 9, sa = 0, ia = 1, ra = 2, aa = 3, oa = 4, la = 5, gr = 0, ca = 1, ha = 0, da = 1, fa = 2, Se = 1, ye = 2; class xr extends Cn { } class Qn { constructor(t) { this.scale = 1, this.linkedMeshes = new Array, this.attachmentLoader = t; } readSkeletonData(t) { const n = this.scale, e = new mi, i = typeof t == "string" ? JSON.parse(t) : t, r = i.skeleton; if (r) { e.hash = r.hash, e.version = r.spine; const h = e.version.substr(0, 3); if (h !== "4.0" && h !== "4.1") { const l = `Spine 4.1 loader cant load version ${r.spine}. Please configure your pixi-spine bundle`; console.error(l); } e.x = r.x, e.y = r.y, e.width = r.width, e.height = r.height, e.fps = r.fps, e.imagesPath = r.images; } if (i.bones) for (let h = 0; h < i.bones.length; h++) { const l = i.bones[h]; let s = null; const a = P(l, "parent", null); if (a != null && (s = e.findBone(a), s == null)) throw new Error(`Parent bone not found: ${a}`); const o = new li(e.bones.length, l.name, s); o.length = P(l, "length", 0) * n, o.x = P(l, "x", 0) * n, o.y = P(l, "y", 0) * n, o.rotation = P(l, "rotation", 0), o.scaleX = P(l, "scaleX", 1), o.scaleY = P(l, "scaleY", 1), o.shearX = P(l, "shearX", 0), o.shearY = P(l, "shearY", 0), o.transformMode = v.enumValue(j, P(l, "transform", "Normal")), o.skinRequired = P(l, "skin", !1); const d = P(l, "color", null); d && o.color.setFromString(d), e.bones.push(o); } if (i.slots) for (let h = 0; h < i.slots.length; h++) { const l = i.slots[h], s = e.findBone(l.bone); if (!s) throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${l.bone} for slot ${l.name}`); const a = new gi(e.slots.length, l.name, s), o = P(l, "color", null); o && a.color.setFromString(o); const d = P(l, "dark", null); d && (a.darkColor = _.fromString(d)), a.attachmentName = P(l, "attachment", null), a.blendMode = Qn.blendModeFromString(P(l, "blend", "normal")), e.slots.push(a); } if (i.ik) for (let h = 0; h < i.ik.length; h++) { const l = i.ik[h], s = new di(l.name); s.order = P(l, "order", 0), s.skinRequired = P(l, "skin", !1); for (let a = 0; a < l.bones.length; a++) { const o = l.bones[a], d = e.findBone(o); if (d == null) throw new Error(`IK bone not found: ${o}`); s.bones.push(d); } s.target = e.findBone(l.target), s.mix = P(l, "mix", 1), s.softness = P(l, "softness", 0) * n, s.bendDirection = P(l, "bendPositive", !0) ? 1 : -1, s.compress = P(l, "compress", !1), s.stretch = P(l, "stretch", !1), s.uniform = P(l, "uniform", !1), e.ikConstraints.push(s); } if (i.transform) for (let h = 0; h < i.transform.length; h++) { const l = i.transform[h], s = new xi(l.name); s.order = P(l, "order", 0), s.skinRequired = P(l, "skin", !1); for (let d = 0; d < l.bones.length; d++) { const f = l.bones[d], u = e.findBone(f); if (!u) throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${f} for transform constraint ${l.name}.`); s.bones.push(u); } const a = l.target, o = e.findBone(a); if (!o) throw new Error(`Couldn't find target bone ${a} for transform constraint ${l.name}.`); s.target = o, s.local = P(l, "local", !1), s.relative = P(l, "relative", !1), s.offsetRotation = P(l, "rotation", 0), s.offsetX = P(l, "x", 0) * n, s.offsetY = P(l, "y", 0) * n, s.offsetScaleX = P(l, "scaleX", 0), s.offsetScaleY = P(l, "scaleY", 0), s.offsetShearY = P(l, "shearY", 0), s.mixRotate = P(l, "mixRotate", 1), s.mixX = P(l, "mixX", 1), s.mixY = P(l, "mixY", s.mixX), s.mixScaleX = P(l, "mixScaleX", 1), s.mixScaleY = P(l, "mixScaleY", s.mixScaleX), s.mixShearY = P(l, "mixShearY", 1), e.transformConstraints.push(s); } if (i.path) for (let h = 0; h < i.path.length; h++) { const l = i.path[h], s = new fi(l.name); s.order = P(l, "order", 0), s.skinRequired = P(l, "skin", !1); for (let d = 0; d < l.bones.length; d++) { const f = l.bones[d], u = e.findBone(f); if (!u) throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${f} for path constraint ${l.name}.`); s.bones.push(u); } const a = l.target, o = e.findSlot(a); if (!o) throw new Error(`Couldn't find target slot ${a} for path constraint ${l.name}.`); s.target = o, s.positionMode = v.enumValue(dt, P(l, "positionMode", "Percent")), s.spacingMode = v.enumValue(kt, P(l, "spacingMode", "Length")), s.rotateMode = v.enumValue(pt, P(l, "rotateMode", "Tangent")), s.offsetRotation = P(l, "rotation", 0), s.position = P(l, "position", 0), s.positionMode == dt.Fixed && (s.position *= n), s.spacing = P(l, "spacing", 0), (s.spacingMode == kt.Length || s.spacingMode == kt.Fixed) && (s.spacing *= n), s.mixRotate = P(l, "mixRotate", 1), s.mixX = P(l, "mixX", 1), s.mixY = P(l, "mixY", s.mixX), e.pathConstraints.push(s); } if (i.skins) for (let h = 0; h < i.skins.length; h++) { const l = i.skins[h], s = new Zn(l.name); if (l.bones) for (let a = 0; a < l.bones.length; a++) { const o = l.bones[a], d = e.findBone(o); if (!d) throw new Error(`Couldn't find bone ${o} for skin ${l.name}.`); s.bones.push(d); } if (l.ik) for (let a = 0; a < l.ik.length; a++) { const o = l.ik[a], d = e.findIkConstraint(o); if (!d) throw new Error(`Couldn't find IK constraint ${o} for skin ${l.name}.`); s.constraints.push(d); } if (l.transform) for (let a = 0; a < l.transform.length; a++) { const o = l.transform[a], d = e.findTransformConstraint(o); if (!d) throw new Error(`Couldn't find transform constraint ${o} for skin ${l.name}.`); s.constraints.push(d); } if (l.path) for (let a = 0; a < l.path.length; a++) { const o = l.path[a], d = e.findPathConstraint(o); if (!d) throw new Error(`Couldn't find path constraint ${o} for skin ${l.name}.`); s.constraints.push(d); } for (const a in l.attachments) { const o = e.findSlot(a); if (!o) throw new Error(`Couldn't find slot ${a} for skin ${l.name}.`); const d = l.attachments[a]; for (const f in d) { const u = this.readAttachment(d[f], s, o.index, f, e); u && s.setAttachment(o.index, f, u); } } e.skins.push(s), s.name == "default" && (e.defaultSkin = s); } for (let h = 0, l = this.linkedMeshes.length; h < l; h++) { const s = this.linkedMeshes[h], a = s.skin ? e.findSkin(s.skin) : e.defaultSkin; if (!a) throw new Error(`Skin not found: ${s.skin}`); const o = a.getAttachment(s.slotIndex, s.parent); if (!o) throw new Error(`Parent mesh not found: ${s.parent}`); s.mesh.timelineAttachment = s.inheritTimeline ? o : s.mesh, s.mesh.setParentMesh(o); } if (this.linkedMeshes.length = 0, i.events) for (const h in i.events) { const l = i.events[h], s = new hi(h); s.intValue = P(l, "int", 0), s.floatValue = P(l, "float", 0), s.stringValue = P(l, "string", ""), s.audioPath = P(l, "audio", null), s.audioPath && (s.volume = P(l, "volume", 1), s.balance = P(l, "balance", 0)), e.events.push(s); } if (i.animations) for (const h in i.animations) { const l = i.animations[h]; this.readAnimation(l, h, e); } return e; } readAttachment(t, n, e, i, r) { const h = this.scale; switch (i = P(t, "name", i), P(t, "type", "region")) { case "region": { const l = P(t, "path", i), s = this.readSequence(P(t, "sequence", null)), a = this.attachmentLoader.newRegionAttachment(n, i, l, s); if (!a) return null; a.path = l, a.x = P(t, "x", 0) * h, a.y = P(t, "y", 0) * h, a.scaleX = P(t, "scaleX", 1), a.scaleY = P(t, "scaleY", 1), a.rotation = P(t, "rotation", 0), a.width = t.width * h, a.height = t.height * h, a.sequence = s; const o = P(t, "color", null); return o && a.color.setFromString(o), a; } case "boundingbox": { const l = this.attachmentLoader.newBoundingBoxAttachment(n, i); if (!l) return null; this.readVertices(t, l, t.vertexCount << 1); const s = P(t, "color", null); return s && l.color.setFromString(s), l; } case "mesh": case "linkedmesh": { const l = P(t, "path", i), s = this.readSequence(P(t, "sequence", null)), a = this.attachmentLoader.newMeshAttachment(n, i, l, s); if (!a) return null; a.path = l; const o = P(t, "color", null); o && a.color.setFromString(o), a.width = P(t, "width", 0) * h, a.height = P(t, "height", 0) * h, a.sequence = s; const d = P(t, "parent", null); if (d) return this.linkedMeshes.push(new ua(a, P(t, "skin", null), e, d, P(t, "timelines", !0))), a; const f = t.uvs; return this.readVertices(t, a, f.length), a.triangles = t.triangles, a.regionUVs = new Float32Array(f), a.edges = P(t, "edges", null), a.hullLength = P(t, "hull", 0) * 2, a; } case "path": { const l = this.attachmentLoader.newPathAttachment(n, i); if (!l) return null; l.closed = P(t, "closed", !1), l.constantSpeed = P(t, "constantSpeed", !0); const s = t.vertexCount; this.readVertices(t, l, s << 1); const a = v.newArray(s / 3, 0); for (let d = 0; d < t.lengths.length; d++)a[d] = t.lengths[d] * h; l.lengths = a; const o = P(t, "color", null); return o && l.color.setFromString(o), l; } case "point": { const l = this.attachmentLoader.newPointAttachment(n, i); if (!l) return null; l.x = P(t, "x", 0) * h, l.y = P(t, "y", 0) * h, l.rotation = P(t, "rotation", 0); const s = P(t, "color", null); return s && l.color.setFromString(s), l; } case "clipping": { const l = this.attachmentLoader.newClippingAttachment(n, i); if (!l) return null; const s = P(t, "end", null); if (s != null) { const d = r.findSlot(s); if (d == null) throw new Error(`Clipping end slot not found: ${s}`); l.endSlot = d; } const a = t.vertexCount; this.readVertices(t, l, a << 1); const o = P(t, "color", null); return o && l.color.setFromString(o), l; } }return null; } readSequence(t) { if (t == null) return null; const n = new Un(P(t, "count", 0)); return n.start = P(t, "start", 1), n.digits = P(t, "digits", 0), n.setupIndex = P(t, "setup", 0), n; } readVertices(t, n, e) { const i = this.scale; n.worldVerticesLength = e; const r = t.vertices; if (e == r.length) { const s = v.toFloatArray(r); if (i != 1) for (let a = 0, o = r.length; a < o; a++)s[a] *= i; n.vertices = s; return; } const h = new Array, l = new Array; for (let s = 0, a = r.length; s < a;) { const o = r[s++]; l.push(o); for (let d = s + o * 4; s < d; s += 4)l.push(r[s]), h.push(r[s + 1] * i), h.push(r[s + 2] * i), h.push(r[s + 3]); } n.bones = l, n.vertices = v.toFloatArray(h); } readAnimation(t, n, e) { const i = this.scale, r = new Array; if (t.slots) for (const l in t.slots) { const s = t.slots[l], a = e.findSlot(l); if (!a) throw new Error(`Slot not found: ${l}`); const o = a.index; for (const d in s) { const f = s[d]; if (!f) continue; const u = f.length; if (d == "attachment") { const m = new cn(u, o); for (let g = 0; g < u; g++) { const x = f[g]; m.setFrame(g, P(x, "time", 0), P(x, "name", null)); } r.push(m); } else if (d == "rgba") { const m = new Hs(u, u << 2, o); let g = f[0], x = P(g, "time", 0), E = _.fromString(g.color); for (let w = 0, b = 0; ; w++) { m.setFrame(w, x, E.r, E.g, E.b, E.a); const p = f[w + 1]; if (!p) { m.shrink(b); break; } const S = P(p, "time", 0), y = _.fromString(p.color), M = g.curve; M && (b = rt(M, m, b, w, 0, x, S, E.r, y.r, 1), b = rt(M, m, b, w, 1, x, S, E.g, y.g, 1), b = rt(M, m, b, w, 2, x, S, E.b, y.b, 1), b = rt(M, m, b, w, 3, x, S, E.a, y.a, 1)), x = S, E = y, g = p; } r.push(m); } else if (d == "rgb") { const m = new Gs(u, u * 3, o); let g = f[0], x = P(g, "time", 0), E = _.fromString(g.color); for (let w = 0, b = 0; ; w++) { m.setFrame(w, x, E.r, E.g, E.b); const p = f[w + 1]; if (!p) { m.shrink(b); break; } const S = P(p, "time", 0), y = _.fromString(p.color), M = g.curve; M && (b = rt(M, m, b, w, 0, x, S, E.r, y.r, 1), b = rt(M, m, b, w, 1, x, S, E.g, y.g, 1), b = rt(M, m, b, w, 2, x, S, E.b, y.b, 1)), x = S, E = y, g = p; } r.push(m); } else if (d == "alpha") r.push(Pe(f, new js(u, u, o), 0, 1)); else if (d == "rgba2") { const m = new Zs(u, u * 7, o); let g = f[0], x = P(g, "time", 0), E = _.fromString(g.light), w = _.fromString(g.dark); for (let b = 0, p = 0; ; b++) { m.setFrame(b, x, E.r, E.g, E.b, E.a, w.r, w.g, w.b); const S = f[b + 1]; if (!S) { m.shrink(p); break; } const y = P(S, "time", 0), M = _.fromString(S.light), T = _.fromString(S.dark), k = g.curve; k && (p = rt(k, m, p, b, 0, x, y, E.r, M.r, 1), p = rt(k, m, p, b, 1, x, y, E.g, M.g, 1), p = rt(k, m, p, b, 2, x, y, E.b, M.b, 1), p = rt(k, m, p, b, 3, x, y, E.a, M.a, 1), p = rt(k, m, p, b, 4, x, y, w.r, T.r, 1), p = rt(k, m, p, b, 5, x, y, w.g, T.g, 1), p = rt(k, m, p, b, 6, x, y, w.b, T.b, 1)), x = y, E = M, w = T, g = S; } r.push(m); } else if (d == "rgb2") { const m = new Qs(u, u * 6, o); let g = f[0], x = P(g, "time", 0), E = _.fromString(g.light), w = _.fromString(g.dark); for (let b = 0, p = 0; ; b++) { m.setFrame(b, x, E.r, E.g, E.b, w.r, w.g, w.b); const S = f[b + 1]; if (!S) { m.shrink(p); break; } const y = P(S, "time", 0), M = _.fromString(S.light), T = _.fromString(S.dark), k = g.curve; k && (p = rt(k, m, p, b, 0, x, y, E.r, M.r, 1), p = rt(k, m, p, b, 1, x, y, E.g, M.g, 1), p = rt(k, m, p, b, 2, x, y, E.b, M.b, 1), p = rt(k, m, p, b, 3, x, y, w.r, T.r, 1), p = rt(k, m, p, b, 4, x, y, w.g, T.g, 1), p = rt(k, m, p, b, 5, x, y, w.b, T.b, 1)), x = y, E = M, w = T, g = S; } r.push(m); } } } if (t.bones) for (const l in t.bones) { const s = t.bones[l], a = e.findBone(l); if (!a) throw new Error(`Bone not found: ${l}`); const o = a.index; for (const d in s) { const f = s[d], u = f.length; if (u != 0) { if (d === "rotate") r.push(Pe(f, new Rn(u, u, o), 0, 1)); else if (d === "translate") { const m = new Ds(u, u << 1, o); r.push(Ei(f, m, "x", "y", 0, i)); } else if (d === "translatex") { const m = new Ls(u, u, o); r.push(Pe(f, m, 0, i)); } else if (d === "translatey") { const m = new _s(u, u, o); r.push(Pe(f, m, 0, i)); } else if (d === "scale") { const m = new Os(u, u << 1, o); r.push(Ei(f, m, "x", "y", 1, 1)); } else if (d === "scalex") { const m = new $s(u, u, o); r.push(Pe(f, m, 1, 1)); } else if (d === "scaley") { const m = new Ws(u, u, o); r.push(Pe(f, m, 1, 1)); } else if (d === "shear") { const m = new qs(u, u << 1, o); r.push(Ei(f, m, "x", "y", 0, 1)); } else if (d === "shearx") { const m = new Us(u, u, o); r.push(Pe(f, m, 0, 1)); } else if (d === "sheary") { const m = new zs(u, u, o); r.push(Pe(f, m, 0, 1)); } } } } if (t.ik) for (const l in t.ik) { const s = t.ik[l]; let a = s[0]; if (!a) continue; const o = e.findIkConstraint(l); if (!o) throw new Error(`IK Constraint not found: ${l}`); const d = e.ikConstraints.indexOf(o), f = new Js(s.length, s.length << 1, d); let u = P(a, "time", 0), m = P(a, "mix", 1), g = P(a, "softness", 0) * i; for (let x = 0, E = 0; ; x++) { f.setFrame(x, u, m, g, P(a, "bendPositive", !0) ? 1 : -1, P(a, "compress", !1), P(a, "stretch", !1)); const w = s[x + 1]; if (!w) { f.shrink(E); break; } const b = P(w, "time", 0), p = P(w, "mix", 1), S = P(w, "softness", 0) * i, y = a.curve; y && (E = rt(y, f, E, x, 0, u, b, m, p, 1), E = rt(y, f, E, x, 1, u, b, g, S, i)), u = b, m = p, g = S, a = w; } r.push(f); } if (t.transform) for (const l in t.transform) { const s = t.transform[l]; let a = s[0]; if (!a) continue; const o = e.findTransformConstraint(l); if (!o) throw new Error(`Transform constraint not found: ${l}`); const d = e.transformConstraints.indexOf(o), f = new ti(s.length, s.length * 6, d); let u = P(a, "time", 0), m = P(a, "mixRotate", 1), g = P(a, "mixX", 1), x = P(a, "mixY", g), E = P(a, "mixScaleX", 1), w = P(a, "mixScaleY", E); const b = P(a, "mixShearY", 1); for (let p = 0, S = 0; ; p++) { f.setFrame(p, u, m, g, x, E, w, b); const y = s[p + 1]; if (!y) { f.shrink(S); break; } const M = P(y, "time", 0), T = P(y, "mixRotate", 1), k = P(y, "mixX", 1), I = P(y, "mixY", k), R = P(y, "mixScaleX", 1), V = P(y, "mixScaleY", R), F = P(y, "mixShearY", 1), B = a.curve; B && (S = rt(B, f, S, p, 0, u, M, m, T, 1), S = rt(B, f, S, p, 1, u, M, g, k, 1), S = rt(B, f, S, p, 2, u, M, x, I, 1), S = rt(B, f, S, p, 3, u, M, E, R, 1), S = rt(B, f, S, p, 4, u, M, w, V, 1), S = rt(B, f, S, p, 5, u, M, b, F, 1)), u = M, m = T, g = k, x = I, E = R, w = V, E = R, a = y; } r.push(f); } if (t.path) for (const l in t.path) { const s = t.path[l], a = e.findPathConstraint(l); if (!a) throw new Error(`Path constraint not found: ${l}`); const o = e.pathConstraints.indexOf(a); for (const d in s) { const f = s[d]; let u = f[0]; if (!u) continue; const m = f.length; if (d === "position") { const g = new ei(m, m, o); r.push(Pe(f, g, 0, a.positionMode == dt.Fixed ? i : 1)); } else if (d === "spacing") { const g = new ni(m, m, o); r.push(Pe(f, g, 0, a.spacingMode == kt.Length || a.spacingMode == kt.Fixed ? i : 1)); } else if (d === "mix") { const g = new si(m, m * 3, o); let x = P(u, "time", 0), E = P(u, "mixRotate", 1), w = P(u, "mixX", 1), b = P(u, "mixY", w); for (let p = 0, S = 0; ; p++) { g.setFrame(p, x, E, w, b); const y = f[p + 1]; if (!y) { g.shrink(S); break; } const M = P(y, "time", 0), T = P(y, "mixRotate", 1), k = P(y, "mixX", 1), I = P(y, "mixY", k), R = u.curve; R && (S = rt(R, g, S, p, 0, x, M, E, T, 1), S = rt(R, g, S, p, 1, x, M, w, k, 1), S = rt(R, g, S, p, 2, x, M, b, I, 1)), x = M, E = T, w = k, b = I, u = y; } r.push(g); } } } if (t.deform) { t.attachments = {}; for (const l in t.deform) { const s = t.deform[l], a = t.attachments[l] = {}; for (const o in s) { const d = s[o], f = a[o] = {}; for (const u in d) f[u] = { deform: d[u] }; } } } if (t.attachments) for (const l in t.attachments) { const s = t.attachments[l], a = e.findSkin(l); if (a == null) { if (zt.FAIL_ON_NON_EXISTING_SKIN) throw new Error(`Skin not found: ${l}`); continue; } for (const o in s) { const d = s[o], f = e.findSlot(o); if (!f) throw new Error(`Slot not found: ${o}`); const u = f.index; for (const m in d) { const g = d[m], x = a.getAttachment(u, m); for (const E in g) { const w = g[E]; let b = w[0]; if (b) { if (E == "deform") { const p = x.bones, S = x.vertices, y = p ? S.length / 3 * 2 : S.length, M = new Ks(w.length, w.length, u, x); let T = P(b, "time", 0); for (let k = 0, I = 0; ; k++) { let R; const V = P(b, "vertices", null); if (!V) R = p ? v.newFloatArray(y) : S; else { R = v.newFloatArray(y); const N = P(b, "offset", 0); if (v.arrayCopy(V, 0, R, N, V.length), i != 1) for (let q = N, z = q + V.length; q < z; q++)R[q] *= i; if (!p) for (let q = 0; q < y; q++)R[q] += S[q]; } M.setFrame(k, T, R); const F = w[k + 1]; if (!F) { M.shrink(I); break; } const B = P(F, "time", 0), Y = b.curve; Y && (I = rt(Y, M, I, k, 0, T, B, 0, 1, 1)), T = B, b = F; } r.push(M); } else if (E == "sequence") { const p = new bn(w.length, u, x); let S = 0; for (let y = 0; y < w.length; y++) { const M = P(b, "delay", S), T = P(b, "time", 0), k = Re[P(b, "mode", "hold")], I = P(b, "index", 0); p.setFrame(y, T, k, I, M), S = M, b = w[y + 1]; } r.push(p); } } } } } } if (t.drawOrder) { const l = new hn(t.drawOrder.length), s = e.slots.length; let a = 0; for (let o = 0; o < t.drawOrder.length; o++, a++) { const d = t.drawOrder[o]; let f = null; const u = P(d, "offsets", null); if (u) { f = v.newArray(s, -1); const m = v.newArray(s - u.length, 0); let g = 0, x = 0; for (let E = 0; E < u.length; E++) { const w = u[E], b = e.findSlot(w.slot); if (!b) throw new Error(`Slot not found: ${b}`); const p = b.index; for (; g != p;)m[x++] = g++; f[g + w.offset] = g++; } for (; g < s;)m[x++] = g++; for (let E = s - 1; E >= 0; E--)f[E] == -1 && (f[E] = m[--x]); } l.setFrame(a, P(d, "time", 0), f); } r.push(l); } if (t.events) { const l = new vn(t.events.length); let s = 0; for (let a = 0; a < t.events.length; a++, s++) { const o = t.events[a], d = e.findEvent(o.name); if (!d) throw new Error(`Event not found: ${o.name}`); const f = new ci(v.toSinglePrecision(P(o, "time", 0)), d); f.intValue = P(o, "int", d.intValue), f.floatValue = P(o, "float", d.floatValue), f.stringValue = P(o, "string", d.stringValue), f.data.audioPath && (f.volume = P(o, "volume", 1), f.balance = P(o, "balance", 0)), l.setFrame(s, f); } r.push(l); } let h = 0; for (let l = 0, s = r.length; l < s; l++)h = Math.max(h, r[l].getDuration()); if (isNaN(h)) throw new Error("Error while parsing animation, duration is NaN"); e.animations.push(new zn(n, r, h)); } static blendModeFromString(t) { if (t = t.toLowerCase(), t == "normal") return H.BLEND_MODES.NORMAL; if (t == "additive") return H.BLEND_MODES.ADD; if (t == "multiply") return H.BLEND_MODES.MULTIPLY; if (t == "screen") return H.BLEND_MODES.SCREEN; throw new Error(`Unknown blend mode: ${t}`); } } class ua { constructor(t, n, e, i, r) { this.mesh = t, this.skin = n, this.slotIndex = e, this.parent = i, this.inheritTimeline = r; } } function Pe(c, t, n, e) { let i = c[0], r = P(i, "time", 0), h = P(i, "value", n) * e, l = 0; for (let s = 0; ; s++) { t.setFrame(s, r, h); const a = c[s + 1]; if (!a) return t.shrink(l), t; const o = P(a, "time", 0), d = P(a, "value", n) * e; i.curve && (l = rt(i.curve, t, l, s, 0, r, o, h, d, e)), r = o, h = d, i = a; } } function Ei(c, t, n, e, i, r) { let h = c[0], l = P(h, "time", 0), s = P(h, n, i) * r, a = P(h, e, i) * r, o = 0; for (let d = 0; ; d++) { t.setFrame(d, l, s, a); const f = c[d + 1]; if (!f) return t.shrink(o), t; const u = P(f, "time", 0), m = P(f, n, i) * r, g = P(f, e, i) * r, x = h.curve; x && (o = rt(x, t, o, d, 0, l, u, s, m, r), o = rt(x, t, o, d, 1, l, u, a, g, r)), l = u, s = m, a = g, h = f; } } function rt(c, t, n, e, i, r, h, l, s, a) { if (c == "stepped") return t.setStepped(e), n; const o = i << 2, d = c[o], f = c[o + 1] * a, u = c[o + 2], m = c[o + 3] * a; return t.setBezier(n, e, i, r, l, d, f, u, m, h, s), n + 1; } function P(c, t, n) { return c[t] !== void 0 ? c[t] : n; } var ma = Object.freeze({ __proto__: null, AlphaTimeline: js, Animation: zn, AnimationState: En, AnimationStateAdapter: $r, AnimationStateData: dr, AtlasAttachmentLoader: ai, Attachment: Ns, AttachmentTimeline: cn, Bone: oi, BoneData: li, BoundingBoxAttachment: On, ClippingAttachment: $n, ConstraintData: jn, CurveTimeline: be, CurveTimeline1: Ee, CurveTimeline2: Hn, DeformTimeline: Ks, DrawOrderTimeline: hn, Event: ci, EventData: hi, EventQueue: or, EventTimeline: vn, EventType: Qt, IkConstraint: fr, IkConstraintData: di, IkConstraintTimeline: Js, MeshAttachment: on, PathAttachment: ln, PathConstraint: Sn, PathConstraintData: fi, PathConstraintMixTimeline: si, PathConstraintPositionTimeline: ei, PathConstraintSpacingTimeline: ni, PointAttachment: Wn, RGB2Timeline: Qs, RGBA2Timeline: Zs, RGBATimeline: Hs, RGBTimeline: Gs, RegionAttachment: it, RotateTimeline: Rn, ScaleTimeline: Os, ScaleXTimeline: $s, ScaleYTimeline: Ws, Sequence: Un, SequenceMode: Re, SequenceModeValues: Bs, SequenceTimeline: bn, ShearTimeline: qs, ShearXTimeline: Us, ShearYTimeline: zs, Skeleton: ui, SkeletonBinary: wi, SkeletonBounds: xr, SkeletonData: mi, SkeletonJson: Qn, Skin: Zn, SkinEntry: pi, Slot: ur, SlotData: gi, SpacingMode: kt, Spine: class extends tn { createSkeleton(t) { this.skeleton = new ui(t), this.skeleton.updateWorldTransform(), this.stateData = new dr(t), this.state = new En(this.stateData); } }, Timeline: bt, TrackEntry: Gn, TransformConstraint: mr, TransformConstraintData: xi, TransformConstraintTimeline: ti, TranslateTimeline: Ds, TranslateXTimeline: Ls, TranslateYTimeline: _s, VertexAttachment: we }), he = (c => (c[c.UNKNOWN = 0] = "UNKNOWN", c[c.VER37 = 37] = "VER37", c[c.VER38 = 38] = "VER38", c[c.VER40 = 40] = "VER40", c[c.VER41 = 41] = "VER41", c))(he || {}); function Kn(c) { const t = c.substr(0, 3), n = Math.floor(Number(t) * 10 + .001); return t === "3.7" ? 37 : t === "3.8" ? 38 : t === "4.0" ? 40 : t === "4.1" ? 41 : n < 37 ? 37 : 0; } class ga { constructor() { this.scale = 1; } readSkeletonData(t, n) { let e = null, i = this.readVersionOldFormat(n), r = Kn(i); if (r === he.VER38 && (e = new Mt(new gs(t))), i = this.readVersionNewFormat(n), r = Kn(i), (r === he.VER40 || r === he.VER41) && (e = new wi(new ai(t))), !e) { const h = `Unsupported version of spine model ${i}, please update pixi-spine`; console.error(h); } return e.scale = this.scale, e.readSkeletonData(n); } readVersionOldFormat(t) { const n = new Mn(t); let e; try { n.readString(), e = n.readString(); } catch (i) { e = ""; } return e || ""; } readVersionNewFormat(t) { const n = new Mn(t); n.readInt32(), n.readInt32(); let e; try { e = n.readString(); } catch (i) { e = ""; } return e || ""; } } class xa { constructor() { this.scale = 1; } readSkeletonData(t, n) { const e = n.skeleton.spine, i = Kn(e); let r = null; if (i === he.VER37 && (r = new an(new Ui(t))), i === he.VER38 && (r = new sn(new gs(t))), (i === he.VER40 || i === he.VER41) && (r = new Qn(new ai(t))), !r) { const h = `Unsupported version of spine model ${e}, please update pixi-spine`; console.error(h); } return r.scale = this.scale, r.readSkeletonData(n); } } class pa extends Rr { createBinaryParser() { return new ga; } createJsonParser() { return new xa; } parseData(t, n, e) { return { spineData: t.readSkeletonData(n, e), spineAtlas: n }; } } class wa extends tn { createSkeleton(t) { const n = Kn(t.version); let e = null; if (n === he.VER37 && (e = Or), n === he.VER38 && (e = Nr), (n === he.VER40 || n === he.VER41) && (e = ma), !e) { const i = `Cant detect version of spine model ${t.version}`; console.error(i); } this.skeleton = new e.Skeleton(t), this.skeleton.updateWorldTransform(), this.stateData = new e.AnimationStateData(t), this.state = new e.AnimationState(this.stateData); } } return new pa().installLoader(), tt.SkeletonJson = xa, tt.AtlasAttachmentLoader = ai, tt.AttachmentType = Z, tt.BinaryInput = Mn, tt.Color = _, tt.DebugUtils = Mr, tt.IntSet = ns, tt.Interpolation = Si, tt.MathUtils = C, tt.MixBlend = A, tt.MixDirection = J, tt.Pool = An, tt.PositionMode = dt, tt.Pow = yi, tt.PowOut = is, tt.RotateMode = pt, tt.SkeletonBounds = xr, tt.SkeletonBoundsBase = Cn, tt.Spine = wa, tt.SpineBase = tn, tt.SpineDebugRenderer = Tr, tt.SpineMesh = Ai, tt.SpineSprite = Mi, tt.StringSet = ss, tt.TextureAtlas = Fn, tt.TextureAtlasPage = ts, tt.TextureAtlasRegion = es, tt.TextureFilter = Bt, tt.TextureRegion = Vn, tt.TextureWrap = fe, tt.TimeKeeper = Ar, tt.TransformMode = j, tt.Utils = v, tt.Vector2 = un, tt.WindowedMean = Cr, tt.filterFromString = Jn, tt.settings = zt, tt.wrapFromString = Er, tt;
//# sourceMappingURL=pixi-spine.js.map