This repository is dedicated to the study of CAPTCHA evasion techniques and provides resources for exploit strategies against CAPTCHA systems.
- Friendly Captcha: Benchmark, Bots and Solver to bypass Friendly Captcha and improve POW-solve Times.
- Captchafox: Deobfuscated client-side script for Captchafox, as well as a script to spoof bots.
- Bot_Tests: Bots in Puppetter, Selenium and Hero for reCAPTCHA Enterprise, v3 and v2 as well as Cloudflare Turnstile, Friendly Captcha and Captchafox.
- JavaScriptProxies: Proxies for JavaScript that can be inserted into client-side JavaScript to detect and count usage.
- captcha_testing_framework: A testing website for testing CAPTCHAs.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.txt file for details.
Additionally, this project includes third-party components with their own licensing terms:
The libcurl library, which is used under its specific license terms. For libcurl's licensing information, please see LICENSE-libcurl.txt.
The BLAKE2 reference source code, used under the terms of the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication. The full text of the license can be found at More information about BLAKE2 can be found at