These are .tex
templates built from Tom Benson’s
file and loosely based on the entirety
of the template which can be found on the Tufts Organization
of Graduate Students in Mathematics website.
The primary change for the thesis template is that I’ve put
the entire document in one file. This means that there’s
only one file to save edit and compile, which reduced the
number of times I tried to compile something with an empty
header. For navigation, if you’re in emacs, you can use
to collapse chapters. To compile the thesis
you should only need:
The presentation template is completely different from previous versions and is based on the Metropolis Theme. Given that most beamer outerthemes do not play nicely with anti-aliasing this is one of the only viable modern options.
I have a short guide to customization in the header of the file, along with some nice Tufts compatable colors pre-defined. The template also has examples of basic beamer usage and hidden slides. To compile the presentation you should only need presentationtemplate.tex.