Releases: SeldonIO/seldon-core
Releases · SeldonIO/seldon-core
v1.0.0 (2019-12-18)
Fixed bugs:
- Certificate not added for all CRD versions in helm chart #1275
- Webhook not updated for multi version handling #1274
- Ambassador 404s on Canary Test #1271
- Delete hpaSepc in seldon deployment doesn't delete the hpa object #1263
- CVE-2019-5482 and CVE-2019-18224 #1261
- ambassador version #1260
- No module named 'tensorflow.examples.tutorials' with tensorflow 2.0 #1248
- SeldonDeployment stuck on creating when an environment variable is a reference #1211
- cat.json missing from Explainer notebook #1178
- Analytics charts broken in K8s v1.16 #1176
- Helm install issues on k8s 1.16.2 #1095
- Model initializer does not work with S3 #885
Closed issues:
- Namespace operator e2e tests #1281
- Istio integration requires sidecar injection #1273
- Serialization exception when using the internal prediction API endpoint #1241
- seldon-core 1.0 release prep #1239
- Webhook Selectors only available in k8s >= 1.15 #1233
- duplication of seldon_core_setup notebook #1232
- crd issue on 1.16 #1225
- Centralised logging not working on k8s 1.16 and helm 3 #1224
- Port binding in Java wrapper clashes with the engine #1223
- uuids in request logs #1209
- User "system:serviceaccount:kubeflow:pipeline-runner" cannot create resource "seldondeployments" #1205
- Add PR comment for build pipeline #1200
- Fix docs install reference to 0.5.0 #1196
- Unschedulable: pod has unbound immediate PersistentVolumeClaims #1191
- Text batch data is not split into multiple requests by request logger #1189
- latest snapshot not working in GKE #1173
- local e2e don't build operator image #1171
- e2e tests broken in master #1164
- Move Go wrapper to incubating #1157
- Update examples in line with Helm v3 #1154
- Update Install docs in line with Helm v3 #1153
- Add triage label to new issues #1152
- add prepackaged model server pvc example #1150
- running end to end tests on local machine #1147
- Can we attach pvc to model-initializer(storage-initializer) ? #1146
- Standardise Data Mappings in Seldon Wrapper #1145
- Wrong types in Seldon Core user methods #1144
- Create operator client-set #1141
- Investigate impact of helm v3 in seldon-core #1140
- Seldon Core Operator Restricted to Single Namespace #1139
- Need to update integration test script with helm 3.0 version #1138
- Can not control retry_policy from SeldonDeployment yaml file #1137
- [Improvement] Obscure service name when deploy my yaml #1128
- Jenkins X currently creates a new changelog tag / version every time a PR is landed #1124
- strData requests are not printed by seldon request logger #1121
- adding canary, shadow or explainer shouldn't affect main predictor #1110
- Unable to mount model from PVC into tf serving prepackaged model server #1106
- Remove Travis Integration #1105
- Move CRD to v1 #1100
- Upgrade Maven and JDK on CI image #1094
- Fix sporadic failures with e2e tests #1084
- Inconsistent return value for explain method in SeldonClient #1083
- Refactoring handling httpResponse in Java Engine #1075
- following tutorial got 503 #1073
- Validation fails if componentSpecs.metadata.creationTimestamp is not specified #1061
- Move non 1.0 components to incubating folders #990
- Improve PrePackaged Model Servers #959
- use fixed version for model initialiser image #957
- Helm Upgrade Process #890
- Dynamic Engine version support at Seldon operator #871
- Integrate GPU Seldon Core Image into Build Scripts #868
- Custom prepackaged model servers #857
- Feature request: Python Seldon Client: support sending gRPC data with
field #821 - Allow access to puid within the predict API #795
- Installing seldon-core-operator requires clusterwide RBAC and should be installed by a cluster admin #670
- Update notebooks to refer to seldon install rather than include code #646
Merged pull requests:
- fix shadow idx issue #1292 (cliveseldon)
- Add missing patch #1290 (cliveseldon)
- Bump tensorflow from 1.13.1 to 1.15.0 in /components/outlier-detection/vae #1285 (dependabot[bot])
- Update Ambassador docs #1280 (cliveseldon)
- Added dependencies for pytest to avoid second level dependency breaking updates #1279 (axsaucedo)
- Fix webhook rbac and add istio tests #1276 (cliveseldon)
- Fix Ambassador weights and HPA deletion #1272 (cliveseldon)
- Update MLflow notebook #1267 (adriangonz)
- fix "income classifier and Alibi anchor explainer" example #1266 (RafalSkolasinski)
- Update JDK to 11.0.5 and remove curl #1264 (adriangonz)
- Updated AWS Install to Helm 3 #1259 (JoelH96)
- Clientset for seldon operator #1258 (SachinVarghese)
- remove duplication of seldon_core_setup.ipynb notebook, closes #1232 #1255 (RafalSkolasinski)
- Specify seldon namespace in Tensorflow MNIST Model example [#1254](
v0.5.1 (2019-11-21)
Fixed bugs:
- Operator crash if one container in pod not created properly #1104
- MLFLOW_SERVER ModuleNotFoundError #828
Security fixes:
- [Security] Bump pillow from 6.0.0 to 6.2.0 in /python #1062 (dependabot-preview[bot])
Closed issues:
- Engine using separate pod, ignoring annotations #1120
- How to pass ModelInitializerContainerImage path #1116
- how to define MyModel for PyTorch model which has more than one arguments? #1115
- how can I wrap a PyTorch Image with customed network? #1114
- Seldon AB testing - getting an error "info": "Parameter 'ratioA' is missing." #1081
- remove old CRD generation #1079
- Broken integration tests #1076
- Cannot create a SeldonDeployment having volumes of type projected and configMap. #1072
- DOCKER_IMAGE_VERSION in Makefile is only 0.3 and 0.4; public docker images go up to 0.13 #1071
- SeldonDeployment modelUri support more protocol #1070
- Your .dependabot/config.yml contained invalid details #1045
- Add tox #1042
- Broken imports on release #1040
- Improve speed of execution for integration tests #1032
- Integration tests fail intermittently #1031
- Major version changes on dependencies could cause issues #1029
- with the latest release of azure-storage-blob 12.0.0, seldon build fails #1027
- Extend documentation to include optional dependencies and azure blob quickfix #1025
- Update script to change version in kustomization.yaml #1024
- Set upper limit for azure-storage-blob version #1023
- Make GCS support optional #1018
- Update Talks/Blogs/Videos/Use cases in Docs #1017
- No available release name found for Seldon-Core-Operator #1014
- Move API path from v0.1 to v1.0 #991
- Fully automate CI/CD process and introduce manual trigger for release process #986
- Use official Helm charts for Grafana and Prometheus #965
- Enable to be able to download from HDFS URL #963
- Fix helm version in Chart.yaml #961
- Modify engine's Proto Value to JSON conversion to avoid int-to-float conversions in REST requests #948
- Code style standardisation for Seldon Core Python modules #947
- Automated Test and Build Hooks #933
- Seldon Image at "seldonio/seldon-core-s2i-python3-tf-gpu:0.12-SNAPSHOT" not able to find GPU devices #914
- Update Java dependencies #902
- Create 1.0 GA Document #887
- Enable to be able to download from URL file #883
- Seldon container engine has not resource limit #769
- Shadow deployment for Istio #741
- Java Seldon Engine doesn't pass microservice HTTP exceptions upstream #705
- Feature_names is redundant when using jsonData in predict. Also meta is redundant in response, as meta can be combined in the jsonData. #665
- Modify helm chart seldon-core-analytics using chart dependencies #613
- Update Python SeldonClient to handle JSON payloads #607
- expand contributing guide #569
- requirements.txt for Python wrapped models should be a configurable name/path #548
- Docker Image is too Big #526
- Deployment of seldon as a new custom resource via fabric8 #486
- Update developer docs #203
Merged pull requests:
- add mnt pvc path to container #1123 (ryandawsonuk)
- Update MLflow notebook #1122 (adriangonz)
- handle http status code error #1117 (lennon310)
- Bump license-maven-plugin from 1.13 to 1.20 in /engine #1113 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- make initializer configurable via configmap #1112 (ryandawsonuk)
- Conda environment on MLFLOW_SERVER #1108 (adriangonz)
- don't use service that we chose not to create #1107 (ryandawsonuk)
- istio shadowing #1102 (ryandawsonuk)
- Add GA Doc #1101 (cliveseldon)
- Move non python s2i to incubating #1099 (cliveseldon)
- Avoid int-to-float conversions #1098 (adriangonz)
- Remove old crd generation scripts #1097 (cliveseldon)
- 986 build and push images #1093 (axsaucedo)
- Bump pb.version from 3.9.2 to 3.10.0 in /engine #1091 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Update gunicorn requirement from <19.10.0,>=19.9.0 to >=19.9.0,… #1089 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Improve speed of execution for integration tests #1086 (axsaucedo)
- Update Python SeldonClient to handle JSON payloads #1082 (axsaucedo)
- add update of operator version to release script #1080 (gsunner)
- Fix integration tests #1077 (adriangonz)
- Temporary fix for kubernetes OpenAPISchema Issue #1069 (cliveseldon)
- Reduce some dependabot noise #1068 (adriangonz)
- Bump protobuf-maven-plugin from 0.5.0 to 0.6.1 in /engine #1066 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump grpc.version from 1.24.0 to 1.25.0 in /engine #1065 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump jacoco-maven-plugin from 0.8.2 to 0.8.5 in /engine #1063 (dependabot-preview[bot])
- Bump pandas from 0.23.4 to 0.25.3 in ...
v0.5.0 (2019-11-01)
Closed issues:
- Update logback #1007
- seldon-core-operator fails to install on Kubernetes 1.16 #1004
- Custom error raised in Python model was not passed back to the client #974
- Models with multiple input types are not supported #921
Merged pull requests:
- Removed the hash as it was crashing the command when the pipeline was ran #1022 (axsaucedo)
- Add pre-commit hook for black and fix linter #1020 (adriangonz)
- Added documentation on how to support Models with multiple input types in python wrapper #1015 (axsaucedo)
- Move from logback to log4j2 #1008 (adriangonz)
- Adding functionality for running e2e tests in Jenkins X #994 (axsaucedo)
v0.4.1 (2019-09-19)
Implemented enhancements:
- Investigate Edge/IOT deployments #414
- NVIDIA Rapids Integration #412
- Investigate Apache Arrow and Plasma for fast IPC #206
- Explore creation of a "batching" transformer #107
Fixed bugs:
- Unresolved variable in python utils #834
- Seldon not creating services for NVIDIA TRT Deployment #826
- Autoscaling not working #824
- seldon-core-analytics grafana shows metrics of only of first canary model #618
- DNS error in API Gateway for old deployments gRPC #262
Closed issues:
- only install knative for request logging if not already present #869
- Seldon Core deployment created but not visible #862
- Default values of metrics missing in /feedback API for Python wrapper #861
- Missing packages on requirements.txt #858
- Seldon GPU Image with seldon-core 0.4.0 support not available #850
- How do I override the default port for the flask application that seldon runs ? #848
- Add documentation for our certified openshift operator #845
- consume a Secret in a volume in a Pod #844
- ModelUri is None when parameters specified in the SeldonDeployment #838
- Meta data field not modifiable by subsequent components #829
- Cannot disable secure connection to minio storage backend #825
- How to send data in request with meta field #822
- Combiner endpoint does not create VirtualService or Endpoint in Istio #816
- Missing MLFLOW values in crd.yaml for helm chart 0.4.0 #811
- support ambassador_id to allow multi-tenancy #810
- High latency of REST locally #803
- initContainer resources required for some clusters #776
- Add versions to the wrapper requirements.txt and make sure they align with #767
- "puid" when sent in request is not returned in response from python wrapper service. However in case of external api it is returned as is #765
- Injecting S3 Credentials into tfserving Container #749
- [Bug] REST request gets parsed to String if any of the element in Numpy array is String #745
- Long running tasks not working with REST Clients (CURL, Postman, etc) #742
- Ensure JSON format is not modified for ALL the REST APIs (only implemented for /predict) #739
- Add the support to send image files directly using multipart/form-data instead of application/x-www-form-urlencoded #733
- exception swallowing in seldon-core #725
- versions for prepackaged model servers #724
- Prometheus metrics "INVALID" is not a valid start token in kubernetes env #706
- Change NotImplementedError in SeldonMethods for SeldonNotImplementedError #700
- HttpRetryHandler interrupted exception leads to Microservice error: Read timed out (103) #698
- combiner receives struct_pb2.ListValue instead of numpy list #686
- explainers for SeldonDeployment graphs #685
- Deployment with empty oauth key #683
- Income Classifier Example with Kubeflow #676
- installing sdep straight after operator seems not fully reliable #669
- argo workflow not detecting seldon deployment is available #668
- Set up node taints for GPU Pods/Nodes. #648
- Update the Python GPU s2i files #647
- volume mounting kubeflow example #637
- docs in readthedocs for request logging and CICD #636
- Seldon GRPC python wrapper doesn't include input/output transformer servicers #630
- NDArray with values being lists not supported - RESOLVED: Proto lists were not being deep-copied #600
- Provide a NULL/None type in the CRD #554
- Support microservice testing via curl with JSON content-type #552
- Python client - SyntaxError #551
- Add Prow doc with Public URL for dashboard #546
- Investigate Request Logging #545
- Support Kustomize Deployment #536
- make engine probes configurable #525
- connect timed out with cluster-manager and api server #523
- put crd and controller into single helm chart #522
- Add fastai deployment example #518
- Deploy model but pod is evicted for many times before running #515
- How to wrap models using tool chains other than s2i? #507
- ci-cd demo uses old jenkins and kubectl fails on newer k8s #505
- Prow Integration - investigate and setup PR presubmit jobs #497
- Use of protobuffers for resource parsing cause inconsistencies #489
- option to put prometheus metrics on separate port #487
- parameterise the namespace in single namespace tests #478
- use official helm charts #476
- use recommended labels #475
- Convert docstrings in to Numpy format #472
- issues on increasing grpc message size #467
- Create a validating admission webhook for the CRD #459
- Additional parameter types Seldon deployment proto #456
- Consider hosting helm charts on stable repo, or at least a chart repository #443
- Unable to get token #438
- Update example Keras #432
- Create protos for metadata returned by components #427
- Revamp how the engine handles metadata #426
- seldon-core-s2i-python3 is not "openshift ready" #422
- Create docs for proto compilation to ease clients in non-python languages #421
- KNative Integration #417
- Julia Wrapper #413
- Kaniko Integration #411
- gRPC tensorproto, TypeError #410
- Handle sticky model requests [#403](
v0.4.0 (2019-08-15)
Fixed bugs:
- multiple containers in componentSpecs.spec.containers not supported? #718
- Ambassador does not work in v0.3.2 #710
Closed issues:
- Create kustomize for 0.3.2 release #794
- Add redhat certified image to operatorhub #791
- Build model servers with non-SNAPSHOT image #790
- env secret for explainers #785
- finding image names used in grafana dashboards for prepack model servers #783
- seldon container engine sidecar java process should run with '-server' setting #781
- label selector problem when running xgboost and sklearn iris prepack examples together #777
- Documentation links cannot be seen (just change css color) #773
- [Bug]Invalid metadata label generated from deployment file #772
- Add a basic MLFlow model server based on example #771
- additionalProperties cannot be set to false error when installing helm chart #768
- Cannot make GRPC calls through GRPC microservice wrapping. #762
- make it clearer how and when to set engine resources #761
- Update TFServing Proxy to use v0.5 of the python wrapper #760
- intermittent 503 errors in end-to-end tests #758
- Add global count Graphana graph per deployment #756
- docs: python wrapping docker #754
- Liveness probe kills seldon engine container when model predict function takes a long time to send a result #753
- models from private buckets for prepackaged/standalone servers #748
- prepackaged/standalone servers to download models from initContainers #747
- Writing the predict function around pandas dataframes #746
- Golang CRD api #734
- Update Roadmap #723
- CRD in kustomize is missing subresource.status #713
- calling SeldonClient.predict inside a microservice model rasing "TypeError: Couldn't build proto file into descriptor pool!" #711
- Add SELDON_LOG_LEVEL parameter in Python Wrapper #708
- All numbers get converted to float when sending JSON resulting in unexpected behaviour in Proxies #703
- docs: ambassador version #697
- docs: Python API reference #696
- Back-off pulling image "data_downloader:0.1": ImagePullBackOff #695
- Deploying modified TensorRT example on GKE does not deploy anything #694
- Support JSON format in TFServer Proxy REST API #693
- Add build files for alibi explainer server #692
- docs: Ambassador REST endpoint path #688
- cannot run through the example. #677
- Liveness probe kills Seldon engine container with long init waiting time (Python wrapper) #674
- need to increase failure threshold for engine with new operator #673
- installing sdep straight after operator seems not fully reliable #669
- Remove api-frontend #663
- Ambassador Swagger definition does not include namespace #660
- Remove Java Operator #654
- Docs do not mention addition of jsonData outside of the release notes #652
- Support Swagger or something like that #645
- Changes required for Seldon Core Analytics Grafana to work behind proxy #622
- Tensorflow GPU Example #619
- HTTPS/HTTP switch for seldon client #572
- How can I modify the logging format of REST API for StackDriver and BigQuery? #557
- The output from ambassador converts integer types to float . #458
- Question: Concurrency in Model REST server #453
- Add model explainer example #425
- Kubeflow Pipelines Integration #415
- Add an WSGI app server to Python REST wrappers #383
Merged pull requests:
- Fix for CVE-2018-1000654 in openjdk:8u201-jre-alpine3 #805 (gsunner)
- Fix name for prepackged server test #804 (cliveseldon)
- Update e2e test for mab #802 (cliveseldon)
- Update test deployment name in e2e tests #801 (cliveseldon)
- loadtest not needed with kubeflow and svc name seems to have changed #800 (ryandawsonuk)
- Changed Ambassador warning across, suggesting istio for gRPC #798 (axsaucedo)
- Update kustomize and update helm abtest/mab names #797 (cliveseldon)
- TFServing functionality with latest python image #793 (axsaucedo)
- Added custom file for redhat #792 (axsaucedo)
- Updated MLFlow server removed commented code #789 (axsaucedo)
- having image means hashed deployment name #788 (ryandawsonuk)
- Document how to use envSecretRefName to customize S3-like object store #787 (phsiao)
- update docs, prediction proto with jsonData field #786 (gsunner)
- crd changes for creds secret #782 (ryandawsonuk)
- Fixed headers for alibaba and kubeflow examples #780 (axsaucedo)
- Update openapi and fix multipart check #779 (cliveseldon)
- Docs for svc orchestrator #778 (cliveseldon)
- WIP - Analytics deployment update #775 (gsunner)
- Added mlflow model server #774 (axsaucedo)
- prepackage model server tests #764 (ryandawsonuk)
- Added metrics and fixed docs typos #763 (axsaucedo)
- single replica ambassadoar #759 (ryandawsonuk)
- WIP: Allow predict for sklearn standalone server as wll as predict_proba #757 (cliveseldon)
- correct ACK naming in doc and examples [#755](...
Change Log
v0.3.1 (2019-06-28)
Closed issues:
- Embedded travis build status needs updating (in main readme) #656
- Add doc link to prow #655
- Remove Old Java Operator Docs #653
- requests all failed during benchmarking with Locust #644
- Seldon & Istio - broken link #643
- Seldon-core-operator install fails #640
- how to add custom meta fields for tracking #632
- Using the cluster-manager underlying API as a library #626
- User Exceptions raised in predict function of a wrapper class needs to be handled via flask exception handler #625
- volume mounting - update examples #604
- engine resources not configurable in new operator #598
- status code in response missing. Seldon v 0.2.3 #519
- deprecate ksonnet #477
Merged pull requests:
- remove cluster-manager from jenkins build #664 (gsunner)
- Change operator service selector #662 (cliveseldon)
- [Docs] Fix formatting of s2i docs page #661 (aarondav)
- remove cluster-manager from travis build #659 (gsunner)
- Embedded travis status #658 (gsunner)
- add prow info #657 (gsunner)
- Allow User Defined Exceptions #651 (klalit)
- Update loadtest notebook #649 (cliveseldon)
- Gpu tensorflow example #638 (JoelH96)
- Remove ksonnet #634 (cliveseldon)
- Update tracing example and fix api-tester grpc for ambassador #631 (cliveseldon)
- points on why seldon #628 (ryandawsonuk)
- generate service account #627 (ryandawsonuk)
- Registry Image Tags and RBAC control for Operator Helm Chart #624 (cliveseldon)
- Example in AKS using deep mnist #621 (axsaucedo)
- run python builder container using non-root user #620 (gsunner)
- EFK with transform for tabular data #616 (ryandawsonuk)
- Update e2e tests #606 (cliveseldon)
Change Log
v0.3.0 (2019-06-05)
Fixed bugs:
- Python module syntax error for python 3.5 for variable type annotation #614
- openvino_imagenet_ensemble example - prediction1 and prediction2 containers error #583
- Docker image name and version messed up #562
- SendonDeployment with name > 31 characters #556
- Not able be build python3.6 base image. #542
Closed issues:
- Update master to 0.3.0 SNAPSHOT #612
- sdep state doesn't move to available #605
- engine using 1 cpu #597
- forbidden error installing ambassador #596
- GPU support with SERVICE_TYPE Model #590
- Update example notebooks for docs #586
- kubeflow/example-seldon on local cluster #585
- Unable to inject custom parameter in Python model #584
- Tensorflow MNIST Model example on EKS #580
- OOMKilled when starting an operator #579
- Can we customize the outputs format of Model? #565
- node exporter port conflict #563
- How can i enable debug logging of seldon-engine container #560
- Tensorflow Python 3.7 support and wrapper images #550
- helm-charts upgrade fails on ambassador #543
- Update Seldon Core Analytics Grafana #540
- Defining the model serving class with full name doesn't currently work #533
- Update Seldon Operator to Go #529
- Old Containers & Security Vulnerabilities #528
- option to not set runAsUser for engine #527
- Support istio ingress #511
- Endpoint type is missing for AB-test #451
- Alllow arbitrary JSON as a payload #434
- Update Ambassador to 0.40.2 #402
- Ambassador config for rolling updates #294
Merged pull requests:
- node exporter configurable port #617 (csabika7)
- Require python 3.6 or above for python module #615 (cliveseldon)
- Update python wrappers to include 3.7 #611 (cliveseldon)
- update jackson libs to version 2.9.9 #609 (gsunner)
- ambassador v1 api #603 (ryandawsonuk)
- option to not set engine user #601 (ryandawsonuk)
- take latest ambassador image #599 (ryandawsonuk)
- Update SeldonMessage with jsonData #595 (gsunner)
- Python release update #594 (jklaise)
- Fix Jupyter Notebook Headers #592 (axsauze)
- Kubeflow Seldon e2e NLP ML pipeline using re-usable components #589 (axsauze)
- WIP: Integrate with Istio Ingress #588 (cliveseldon)
- Added missing link to Jupyter notebook #587 (axsauze)
- Added missed s2i folder to Scikitlearn SpaCy Text Example #582 (axsauze)
- AWS Elastic Kubernetes/Container Service Deep Mnist Example #581 (axsauze)
- Example using Seldon for text classification with SpaCy tokenizer #578 (axsauze)
- Remove request limits from operator #577 (cliveseldon)
- Fix PredictiveUnitState image name and version (#562) #576 (sasvaritoni)
- Update TF version for security #575 (jklaise)
- updated openvino mode ensemble to 0.2 version #574 (dtrawins)
- updated openvino version to 2019.1 in python_openvino model wrapper #573 (dtrawins)
- Fix example deployment yaml #571 (sujaymansingh)
- fix typo #570 (ryandawsonuk)
- Update Python builder image #568 (jklaise)
- option for R builds with plain docker #567 (ryandawsonuk)
- reword explanation of ambassador #561 (ryandawsonuk)
- Integrate use of Go Seldon Controller #559 (cliveseldon)
- Update e2e tests s2i python image version #558 (gsunner)
- option for docker build without s2i #555 (ryandawsonuk)
- Fix logging bug in Python wrapper #549 (jklaise)
- update jackson-databind -> 2.9.8 for cve #547 (gsunner)
- Updating grafana to v6.1.6 in seldon core analytics #541 (SachinVarghese)
- redis now a statefulset as using redis helm chart #539 (ryandawsonuk)
- add script to delete completed argo jobs #538 (gsunner)
- Allow fully qualified class name to be used for the model serving image. #537 (hmonteiro)
- option for anonymous access to grafana #535 (ryandawsonuk)
- Anonymous grafana #534 (ryandawsonuk)
- Revert "option to use anonymous auth grafana" #532 (ryandawsonuk)
- Update component code coverage and dependencies docs #531 (cliveseldon)
- update argocd and jenkins in cd demo and script for minikube #517 (ryandawsonuk)
Change Log
v0.2.7 (2019-04-29)
Implemented enhancements:
- Type check predictive unit parameters in the Python wrapper #440
Fixed bugs:
- Models pods duplications after corrupted deployment #470
- Using a configMapRef inside of a seldon deployment manifest causes a NullPointerException in the SeldonDeploymentWatcher #450
- cannot get working external api but internal api is ok #448
- Status can become Available even with Exception in Operator #429
- Fix status update for failed deployments #474 (cliveseldon)
Closed issues:
- Install seldon in a single namespace with restricted tiller #514
- Document about microservice's input data #512
- where is io.seldon.protos.DeploymentProtos package located? #508
- seldon 0.2.3 - nfs volume in seldon graph failing in validation #504
- SeldonDeployment keeps hanging #499
- default ambassador chart to single namespace #495
- use v1 ambassador api #491
- Configure the way Prometheus exposed #484
- documentation is in doc not docs #481
- do a snapshot build and document if not documented #479
- How can we specify nested python class in .s2i/environment? #465
- Class names in latest python library is not backwards compatible #462
- Sending an object dtype array as the request JSON for a Model API #461
- NullPointer exception in API gateway when principal can't be determined #454
- Python Wrappers Version 2 #406
- Write a Python wrapper for a GENERIC component #378
- Create reference Python client #349
- Python-wrapper: Use debug flag to provide useful information #309
- Support autoscaler in SeldonDeployment #277
- Update Ambassdor Helm or remove and use Ambassador's helm chart #258
- Prow Integration #154
- CI/CD demo using GitOps framework #11
Merged pull requests:
- permission and timeout changes after trying on an openshift4 cluster #524 (ryandawsonuk)
- use stable redis helm chart #521 (ryandawsonuk)
- seldpon_grpc_endpoint -> seldon_grpc_endpoint #520 (mustyoshi)
- Service Orchestrator Name Fix #516 (cliveseldon)
- Remove v1alpha3 and revert to v1alpha2 #513 (cliveseldon)
- downgrade ambassador #510 (ryandawsonuk)
- default ambassador to singleNamespace #509 (ryandawsonuk)
- Allow submodules to be imported in python module #503 (cliveseldon)
- Allow class_names as method or attribute (deprecated) in Python module #502 (cliveseldon)
- downgrade ambassador due to grpc unreliability #501 (ryandawsonuk)
- Fix HPA Nullpointer #500 (cliveseldon)
- still intermittent problems, timeout needs to be longer #498 (ryandawsonuk)
- Add missing additionProperties to openAPI specs for CRDS #496 (cliveseldon)
- Spelling #493 (mustyoshi)
- ambassador v1 api #492 (ryandawsonuk)
- Fix image link in readme #490 (cliveseldon)
- Updates for various Python and Operator fixes #488 (cliveseldon)
- 484 metrics port #485 (ryandawsonuk)
- ignore pickle files #483 (ryandawsonuk)
- remove old docs #482 (ryandawsonuk)
- make ambassador a dependency #480 (ryandawsonuk)
- gitignore for intellij #471 (ryandawsonuk)
- python wrapper image fix update #469 (gsunner)
- python wrapper image references updated from 0.5 to 0.5.1 #468 (gsunner)
- Static Documentation Site #466 (cliveseldon)
- Remove tornando dependency from Python #464 (cliveseldon)
- Add types for predict, transform_input, transform_output #463 (cliveseldon)
- Script to create Seldon API testing files from any Pandas dataframe #460 (Love-R)
- WIP: Python wrappers rewrite #457 (cliveseldon)
- Python builder #455 (gsunner)
- Update redis #446 (naseemkullah)
- WIP: Autoscaling #437 (cliveseldon)
Change Log
v0.2.6 (2019-02-22)
Fixed bugs:
- Bug parsing boolean predictive unit params in Python wrappers #439
- APIFE fails to connect to service due to name change #433
Closed issues:
- If building a python image from a folder, which is also a git-folder build silently fails #452
- Setting
not enabling resource requests/limits toseldon-container-engine
sidecar #398 - Expose Jaeger agent port as environment variable on deployment manifest #396
- Ksonnets for Seldon Analytics #391
- sklearn iris returns value error #389
- SOAP API #387
- unable to find proto file which defines grpc #384
- tensorflow-gpu #380
- onnx_resnet50.ipynb : "Unknown operation: Gather" #379
- Passing arguments to the model object #377
- Model pod enters in CrashLoopBackOff. How to debug? #376
- Global metrics show N/A in Seldon Analytics Grafana #371
- Mistyped check causing NULL Pointer Exceptions with getNamespace #367
- Json payload size increases when I use json.dumps #365
- Need an updated tutorial for seldon serving on GKE #361
- Hi,we need Golang Deploy Seldon Wrapper Container #356
- Update docs and examples to use the new Python package #347
- Potential problem in #336
- Deploying seldon-core to Kubernetes 1.8.6 fails with
no matches for kind "Deployment" in version "apps/v1"
#333 - S2i build image with private pip repository #330
- Wrapping components outside of the tree #324
- Seems to be a bad fit for a multi-tenant cluster. #308
- Update Grafana / Prometheus image #303
- Function to pass additional meta info for
#297 - Update base java image #289
- Update ksonnet to reflect latest helm templates #282
- NullPointerException in seldon-cluster manager logs #268
- requestPath picking up old model on rolling update #267
- Seldon deployment success/failure condition #255
- Reconcile the differences between seldon-core and kubeflow core.libsonnet to improve maintenance #237
- Make the "apiVersion" in the Helm templates consistent #236
- Create initial docs for Transformers #229
- Create initial docs for Routers #228
- deploy docker image is ok ,but deploy k8s pod always failed #212
- Format of the data sent as a request to the seldon REST api? #193
- There is no setting that allows increasing the limits of GRPC Server #183
- Docker image build error with sklearn_iris_docker example #164
- Add support for spring-boot-starter-webflux #152
- gRPC query waits indefinitely while execution giving no output #149
- scikit-learn support for predict method not only predict_proba #145
- Wrapper command on windows PS #134
- Error 401 while requesting prediction outputs from seldon server #122
- How to Deploy our custom models on seldon-core #104
- Create docs for available plugins #100
- Custom model endpoints #96
- Docker image missing for Iris classification #91
- Add options to populate meta data in wrappers foreach API request #86
- Add InputOutputTransformer predictive unit #85
- Add Explainer as transformer component #84
- Create wrapper for PyTorch models #82
- Graph with epsilon greedy router sometimes fails on first request #80
- Create integration testing script #73
- Allow engine resource requests for engine to be configurable in proto definition for CRD #70
- Create Concept Drift Alert Plugin #56
- Create Outlier Detection Plugin #55
- Create Multi-Armed Bandit Router Plugin(s) #54
- Update docs for sklearn_iris_docker #52
- Response should contain indication of which predictor was used #50
- Add git hooks for validation of notebooks before commit #10
- Update docs and examples to illustrate complex runtime graphs #1
Merged pull requests:
- openvino ensemble adjustments #444 (dtrawins)
- Update image names for openvino demo #442 (cliveseldon)
- Fix bug in parsing boolean params in Python wrapper #441 (jklaise)
- Update java wrapper version in docs #436 (cliveseldon)
- Fix API Gateway Endpoint name #435 (cliveseldon)
- Updates for openvino demo #431 (cliveseldon)
- updated ensemble pipeline with OpenVINO component #430 (dtrawins)
- Outlier service type #428 (arnaudvl)
- Engine merge meta puid #424 (jklaise)
- Allow reusing containers in the inference graph #423 (jklaise)
- Ambassador Update: Canary, Shadow, Header Based Routing #409 (cliveseldon)
- Cluster Manager Cache Fix #408 (cliveseldon)
- Add ability to fetch metadata from model and transformer components #407 (jklaise)
- Fix api-tester not working via GRPC and Ambassador #405 (jklaise)
- Fix s2i builder image local build to use latest Python source code #404 (jklaise)
- setPredictorSpec is not needed anymore in EnginePredictor #401 (ro7m)
- Fix engine resources setting and update docs #400 (cliveseldon)
- Provide Ksonnet Analytics Package #399 (cliveseldon)
- Allow JAEGER_AGENT_PORT env on default Jaeger configuration [#397](htt...
Change Log
v0.2.5 (2018-12-16)
Closed issues:
- initialDelaySeconds: 10 sec is not enough for some models #323
- Bug: custom metrics for both children and parent components #322
- Ambassador seldon deployment not registered #318
- Allow user to disable Redis in seldon-core helm chart #304
- grpc tensor convert not valid for python 2 #301
- Ambassador #298
- Create a python wrapper for COMBINER components #296
- packaging for python microservice wrapper #293
- Update to latest Spartakus image #291
- Docker image "seldonio/seldon-core-s2i-python3" uses old Python 3.6 #288
- Seldon cluster-manager k8s cluster wide operations #269
- S2I hangs in example models when using minikube docker-env #253
- Accessing custom metrics in our Python model #245
- strData & binData not accepted by Python model microservice #225
- Utilize latest /status endpoint for Custom Resources in k8s 1.11 #176
- Investigate Nvidia's TensorRT #121
- Review status field for CRD #83
- gitops demo #67
- Update seldon-core/examples docs after move #35
- Create wrapper for Spark standalone runtime models #24
Merged pull requests:
- Update e2e tests and add Combiner to python wrappers #343 (cliveseldon)
- Python wrapper update and openvino example #342 (cliveseldon)
- Remove legacy python wrapper modules #339 (jklaise)
- Update S2I version in examples #338 (cliveseldon)
- Cluster Wide Operator #334 (cliveseldon)
- update python requests package version #331 (arnaudvl)
- Fix bug in parent custom metrics #329 (cliveseldon)
- ResNet Latency test #328 (cliveseldon)
- adding isolation forest and reorganize vae #327 (arnaudvl)
- Add serving doc #326 (cliveseldon)
- Update docs for API examples and latest protos #325 (cliveseldon)
- Allow further options for binary and tensors in prediction API #321 (cliveseldon)
- outlier detection component #320 (arnaudvl)
- Fix grpc tensor convert for python2 #317 (cliveseldon)
- Fix bug in parsing truth values for feedback #316 (jklaise)
- WIP: Custom metric tags #311 (cliveseldon)
- Fix tester docs to point to correct links #307 (jklaise)
- Create initial Python package #306 (jklaise)
- Allow disable redis #305 (ChenyuanZ)
- fix status remove functionality in operator #300 (cliveseldon)
- Fix storing of Gauge metrics #299 (cliveseldon)
- Rolling Update Fixes #295 (cliveseldon)
- Update java base images #292 (cliveseldon)
- WIP: Create python 3.6 and 3.7 wrapper versions #290 (cliveseldon)
- Custom Metrics #281 (cliveseldon)