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File metadata and controls

207 lines (145 loc) · 7.14 KB


Clone this repository using git clone --recurse-submodules command to properly init git submodules (e.g. seeneva-lib).

Use Android Studio and Gradle to build Seeneva apk/bundle.


  • Linux. It might be possible to use macOS, but it has not been tested. Your environment should be able to run shell scripts.

  • Android SDK.

  • Android NDK. Check project's ndkVersion to find out which version to install.

  • CMake. Can be installed using Android Studio. In order to compile the native module, CMake must be available via PATH.

  • Autotools.

  • Kotlin. Can be installed using Android Studio.

  • Rust. Rustup will automatically install all required toolchain and targets using rust-toolchain file.

    • Android targets manual setup:

      # Android arm64-v8a
      rustup target add aarch64-linux-android
      # Android armeabi-v7a
      rustup target add armv7-linux-androideabi
      # Android x86
      rustup target add i686-linux-android
      # Android x86_64
      rustup target add x86_64-linux-android

Gradle build variants

  • rustDubug: build debug shared library.
  • rustRelease: build release shared library.

Usually you should use rustRelease build flavor for better ML performance.

Output shared library will always include debug symbols (-g cflag). That's why shared library can have size 200+MB. But do not worry about it, Android Gradle plugin will strip debug symbols before pack the shared library into the output apk. These debug symbols will allow you to debug native code.

Gradle properties

You can set these Gradle properties:

  • seeneva.disableSplitApk: disable apk splitting. Generate only one universal apk.
  • seeneva.noDebSymbols: do not generate native debug symbols.
  • seeneva.unsigned: build unsigned APK/AAB outputs.

If your system's default JDK is not compatible with the project, you can pass a correct version ( e.g. version shipped with Android Studio) using Gradle system property.


Native debug

Your apk should be debaggable.

Note: Native part of Seeneva was written using Rust language. You can't debug it using Android Studio or Intellij IDEA Community edition GUI.

You can use Visual Studio Code with CodeLLDB extension to debug Rust code.

You have two options to start debugger:

  1. Open ./native directory in VS Code (code ./native) and run Attach Android debugger VS Code task.
  2. Run shell script ./native/scripts/ which will start VS Code and LLDB. Do not forget to pass required arguments!

App version

You can set app version using:

  1. file.

  2. Pass same values as Gradle properties:

    gradlew :app:assembleRelease -Pseeneva.versionName=x.y.z -Pseeneva.versionCode=1
  3. Same as previous, but using env variables:

    export SEENEVA_VERSION_NAME=x.y.z


Any Release build type should be signed. Read how to create your key.

You have multiple options how to sign the app:

  1. Using Android Studio GUI

  2. Using Gradle to automatize signing process:

    • Put file into app module root:

    • Or pass same values as Gradle properties.

    • Set your values instead of <...>.

    • Run gradlew :app:assembleRelease Gradle task to build signed apk.

  3. Same as previous, but using env variables:

    export SEENEVA_STORE_FILE=</path/to/my.jks>
    export SEENEVA_STORE_PASS=<mYpAsSWord>
    export SEENEVA_KEY_ALIAS=<my_key_alias>
    export SEENEVA_KEY_PASS=<mYpAsSWord>


This projects ships with predefined code styles:

  • .editorconfig
  • rustfmt.toml to format Rust code using rustfmt.

Please ensure that they are enabled in your code editor.


The project uses Fastlane to automate build and deploy processes. Usually it will be used by CI.


Install Bundler and check Fastlane's setup instruction. You should ensure that you use supported Ruby version. You can use asdf to use Ruby version described in the .tool-versions file.

After that you can install all required Ruby gems by calling:

bundle install

Sensitive data

Use dotenv files to pass env variables to Fastlane actions. These files should always be ignored by git.


  • .env.default:

    // Override JDK path during build using Fastlane
  • and .env.gplay describes debug and upload keystores credentials:


Now you can specify which configuration to use:

bundle exec fastlane gplay_publish_internal --env gplay

Metadata limitations

  • changelogs: max 500 characters
  • title: max 30 characters

Git workflow

Based on well known Github flow.


  • master: protected branch. All merges should be done through GitHub Pull Request. GitHub Release with tag name vX.Y.Z will start CI job. This job will build and attach APKs to the GH Release and upload AAB to the Google Play using Fastlane.
  • develop: protected branch. All merges should be done through GitHub Pull Request. The source branch for all feature branches.
  • feature_branch: can have any name. It should be created from develop branch and merged back.
  • hotfix/any_name: the urgent bug fix. This branch always created from the master branch and merged to the master and develop branches.
  • release/x.y.z: new app release is ready. x.y.z should describe new app version name e.g. 0.1.0. This branch created from master branch and merged to the master and develop branches. The app version name and code will be calculated and committed by CI during Pull Request.