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Mediator Overview | |
Mediator Use Case |
... Refer to Book or Design Patterns In Python website to read textual content.
... Refer to Book or Design Patterns In Python website to read textual content.
... Refer to Book or Design Patterns In Python website to read textual content.
python ./mediator/
COLLEAGUE1 <--> Here is the Colleague2 specific data you asked for
COLLEAGUE2 <--> Here is the Colleague1 specific data you asked for
... Refer to Book or Design Patterns In Python website to read textual content.
python ./mediator/
Component1: >>> Out >>> : data A
Component2: <<< In <<< : data A
Component3: <<< In <<< : data A
Component2: >>> Out >>> : data B
Component3: <<< In <<< : data B
Component1: <<< In <<< : data B
Component3: >>> Out >>> : data C
Component2: <<< In <<< : data C
Component1: <<< In <<< : data C
... Refer to Book or Design Patterns In Python website to read textual content.