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FLACSFX: FLAC SelF-eXtracting archive

FLACSFX is a minimal FLAC-to-WAV transcoder to transcode an embedded FLAC file to a WAV file. The FLAC file can either be embedded at build time using the embed.go or embedded later by appending a FLAC file to a stand-alone FLACSFX executable built with the sa.go. This allows you to quickly and easily send losslessly compressed FLAC audio to someone who needs it as a WAV in order to reduce the file size in transit and increase transfer speeds, while also not requiring any technical know-how or additional software on the part of the recipient.

Usage: flacsfx [options...]

Argument Description
-flac Output FLAC
-o <file> Destination file
-info Show stream info

- can be used in place of <file> to designate standard output as the destination. When piping a FLAC stream, the complete header is included. However, when piping a WAV stream, the header is unfinished until the write operation is complete, meaning you may have to skip the first 44 bytes in order for the receiving application to process the stream in real time.

Without any arguments, the embedded FLAC data will be transcoded into the working directory to a WAV file of the same name as the executable, or TITLE metadata tag if present within the FLAC, except with the .wav extension. So, command-line usage is only optional and the end user can just execute the application as they would any other application for this default behavior.

Appending a FLAC file to a stand-alone FLACSFX executable, recommended for most users

Download the latest pre-built release for the intended target system:

For appending a FLAC file to a FLACSFX executable, issue one of the following commands.

For Windows:

copy /b "FLACSFX.exe"+"file.flac" "MyFLACSFX.exe"

For Linux and Mac:

cat "FLACSFX" "file.flac" > "MyFLACSFX"

Building a FLACSFX application in Go, for Windows users

If you would like to embed a FLAC file at build time, you can use the Build-embed.cmd. To use, simply place a FLAC file into the repository's root directory and execute the Build-embed.cmd. When the resultant application is executed, it will transcode the embedded FLAC file to a WAV file.

If you would like to build a stand-alone FLACSFX executable and append a FLAC file to it later, execute the Build-SA.cmd.

Building a FLACSFX application in Go, for non-Windows users

Step 1:
Navigate to the root directory of this repostory and open a terminal session with the root directory as the current working directory. Ensure the GOARCH and GOOS environmental variables are set to their appropriate values for the desired target system. Possible values for GOARCH include amd64 and 386. Possible values for GOOS include windows, linux, and darwin (Mac).

Step 2:
If this is the first time you are using this project, you will need to initialize the go module by issuing the following commands consecutively into the terminal.

go mod init main
go mod tidy

Step 3 (Skip if not embedding at build time):
Ensure the desired FLAC file that will be embedded is placed within the root directory. Create a file named embed.go within the root directory following the below template, making sure to replace file.flac and file.wav with their respective values. file.flac should be replaced by the name of the desired FLAC file you wish to embed, file.wav should be replaced by the desired name of the WAV file which the application will create.

package main

import _ "embed"

//go:embed "file.flac"
var flacRaw []byte
var wavName string = "file.wav"

Step 4:
Build the application by issuing one of the following commands into the terminal, making sure to replace MyFLACSFX with the desired name of the application file.

For embedding a FLAC file at build time:

go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o "MyFLACSFX" flacsfx.go embed.go

For creating a stand-alone FLACSFX executable which you can append a FLAC file to later:

go build -ldflags="-s -w" -o "MyFLACSFX" flacsfx.go sa.go

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