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File metadata and controls

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SSH Details:

What is SSH?

  • Secure Shell
  • Communication Protocol (like http, https, ftp etc)
  • Do just about anything on the remote computer
  • Traffic is entrypted
  • Used mostly in the terminal/command line

Client / Server Communication

  • SSH is the client
  • SSHD is the server (Open SSH Daemon)
  • The server mush have sshd installed and running or you will not be able to connect using SSH

Authentication Methods:

ssh username@publicIP
  • Password
  • Public / Private Key Pair (Recommended)
  • Host Based

Generating Keys:

ssh-keygen -t rsa
  • ~/.ssh/id_rsa (Private Key)
  • ~/.ssh/ (Public Key)
  • Public key goes into the server authorized_keys file

What about Windows?

  • Windows 10 now supports native SSH
  • Putty is used in older versions of Windows
  • Git Bash & other terminal programs include the ssh command & other Unix tools

Add SSH Key to the server:

cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh [email protected] "mkdir -p ~/.ssh && chmod 700 ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"

Copy a file from the local machine to the server:

 scp ~/Desktop/move.txt [email protected]:~


Create an account in DigitalOcean. If you create an account from here then you will get $100 creadit for 2 months that you can use whatever you need.

Create Keys for Droplets (id_rsa_do):

Before creating any droplet, create a ssh key for the digital ocean (I like to use different keys for different use case. For that change the name of the file like id_rsa_do do for digitalOcean).

ssh-keygen -t rsa

Create a Droplet:

Now time to create a droplet. When creaing that, choose the ssh key instead choosing the password authentication. Now execute below code in your local machine terminal.

cat ~/.ssh/

You can see your public key. Copy the key (NOTE: Copy carefully, if there is any white space at the end and start of the key, then you can't login to your droplet) and paste this into the ssh key input form of the digitalOcean. Then save and create the final droplet. Could not open a connection to your authentication agent.

Login To Your Droplet:

Now have to login to your droplet from your local machine. I am using as a public IP. You replace with yours.

If you get Prmission denied (Publickey) message, then you have to add the id_rsa_do ssh key to your machine. For that execute below code.

ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa_do

If you get another error message like Could not open a connection to your authentication agent then you have to execute below command to activate the ssh agent and then execute the above command.

eval `ssh-agent -s

For windows users run as an administrator powershell to start the ssh agent.

Get-Service -Name ssh-agent | Set-Service -StartupType Manual
And then add the key by replacing the *sayan* to the user name defined to your local machine.

ssh-add C:\Users\sayan\id_rsa_do

After that, try to login again to the droplet. Now you should login.
ssh [email protected]

Update packages:

Update the packages that are already installed.

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade

Create a new Non-Root User WIth Sudo Previlege:

You should not use and login next times as a root user because this user has maximum power to control your vps. So first create a new user. Here, I am creating a user named sayan. You can give a any name. When you are crearting the user, you are asked to enter password and other details.

adduser sayan

Check the info of the user.

id sayan

Give the sudo privilege to this user.

usermod -aG sudo sayan
Again check the info of the user. After executing the below command, you can see that this user got the sudo access.
id sayan

Login as Non-Root User:

Now open another terminal and try to login as non-root user.

You will get Permission denied error because you add the ssh key for the root user. You also have to add the key for this user also. For that, login as root user for the last time. Create an directory named .ssh inside the user home directory and navigate to the directory

mkdir /home/sayan/.ssh && cd .ssh

Now create a file named authorized_keys

touch authorized_keys

Now open the file with the help of the terminal editor like vim or nano.

sudo vim authorized_keys

Here paste the key of file (If you can't get the public key from your local machine, then see the above process where you paste the key to create the droplet.) Now again try to login with non-root user to your vps.

Disable root password login:

It is recommended to disable this for security reason. For that, first login as non-root user and execute the below command to open the sshd configuration file.

sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Fine the required lines and set the followings. To know what it changes, read from here for root login.

PermitRootLogin no
PasswordAuthentication no

Save the file and close. Now reload the sshd

sudo systemctl reload sshd

hange the Owner of /home/sayan/* to sayan:

Execute the below code to see that which folders can only access by root user.

ls -la

You can see that the folder .ssh can only access the root user. But the root user can't login any more. So execute below code to change the ownership of the folder.

sudo chown -R sayan:sayan /home/sayan

May need to set permission.

chmod 700 /home/sayan/.ssh


To access the github, also have to create a public-private key into your server. Name id_rsa_github like previous time.

ssh-keygen -t rsa

And then public key ( to your github account. Now clone a repository from your github and can deploy your code. To deploy the projects, you can visit my other files.