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Menu Configuration

SleepingOwl Admin menu configuration is located by default at app/Admin/navigation.php. If file returns array, this array will be used to build menu.

Navigation class SleepingOwl\Admin\Navigation is initialized by Service Container and can be accessed using following methods:

$navigation = app('sleeping_owl.navigation');

// or using facade

$navigation = AdminNavigation::getRootFacade();

New menu section can be added using following methods:

Using service container or facade

// or

// Create menu element for model
    ->setIcon('fa fa-newspaper-o');

Using AdminSection class


Method addPage can accept as argument

  • [string] Model class name
  • [SleepingOwl\Admin\Navigation\Page] Page class
  • [array] ['title' => 'News', 'priority' => 100, 'icon' => 'fa fa-newspaper-o']


// Use registered model class to add section

AdminNavigation::addPage(new Page()->setTitle('News'));

AdminNavigation::addPage(['title' => 'News', 'priority' => 100, 'icon' => 'fa fa-newspaper-o']);

Menu can have unlimited pages nesting:

use SleepingOwl\Admin\Navigation\Page;

AdminNavigation::addPage(\App\Blog::class)->setPages(fuction(Page $section) {
        ->setIcon('fa fa-tags');
    $section->addPage()->setTitle('settings')->setPages(function(Page $section) {
            ->setTitle('blog settings')

Also you can add array of menu sections:

use SleepingOwl\Admin\Navigation\Page;

$array = [
         'title' => 'News', 
         'priority' => 100, 
         'icon' => 'fa fa-newspaper-o'
         'title' => 'About', 
         'priority' => 200, 
         'pages' => [
             // If string is passed as page, a search by registered models will be performed
             (new Page())->setTitle('Us')->setUrl('about/us'),
                 'title' => 'Contacts', 
                 'priority' => 300, 
                 'icon' => 'fa fa-credit-card'


// Nested menu section

AdminNavigation::addPage(\App\Blog::class)->setPages(fuction(Page $section) {
       $section->addPage()->setTitle('Sub menu')->setFromArray($array);


You can set visibility rules for each menu section. Access check is following: each menu object can have its own local rule to check access

AdminNavigation::addPage(\App\Blog::class)->setAccessLogic(function() {
    return auth()->user()->isSuperAdmin();

If there is no rule for page:

  • If menu item is a link to a section, and section is not accessible to view, menu item will become invisible
  • If page has parent, check if parent page has access rule, and if it has, run that check
  • If parent has no rule, go next level up, up to global rule.

There are several access management scenarios:

  • Set global rule
AdminNavigation::setAccessLogic(function(Page $page) {
   return auth()->user()->isSuperAdmin();
  • Set rule for each page
  • Set rule for a section, it will be applied to each child page, that doesn't have its own rule

A simple example of menu configuration:

return [
        'title' => 'Permissions',
        'icon' => 'fa fa-group',
        'pages' => [
            (new Page(\App\User::class))
                ->setIcon('fa fa-user')
            (new Page(\App\Role::class))
                ->setIcon('fa fa-group')