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437 lines (336 loc) · 12 KB

File metadata and controls

437 lines (336 loc) · 12 KB


Used to build HTML forms.

At present time there are 3 form types implemented:

  • AdminForm::form()
  • AdminForm::panel() - based on Bootstrap component panel
  • AdminForm::tabbed() - groups forms and elements into tabs


  • Class \SleepingOwl\Admin\Form\FormDefault
  • View resources\views\default\form\default.blade.php

This form type renders elements without styles. You can adjust form look, using HTML attributes

$form = AdminForm::form()->setElements([
    AdminFormElement::text('title', 'Title'),

    AdminFormElement::date('created_at', 'Created at')

$form->setHtmlAttribute('class', 'panel panel-default');
$form->getButtons()->setHtmlAttribute('class', 'panel-footer');


  • Class \SleepingOwl\Admin\Form\FormPanel
  • View resources\views\default\form\panel.blade.php

This form type automatically adds to HTML attribute class="panel panel-default" to form class="panel-footer" to buttons and allows to place form elements into blocks header, body, footer.

$form = AdminForm::panel()
        AdminFormElement::text('title', 'Title'),
        AdminFormElement::wysiwyg('text', 'Text', 'ckeditor')->required()
        AdminFormElement::select('type', 'Type'), ...)

$form->addItem(AdminFormElement::date('created_at', 'Created at'));

$form->addElement(AdminFormElement::date('created_at', 'Created at')); // Place element without block

    AdminFormElement::date('created_at', 'Created at')
]); // Place list of elements without block

Form blocks are classes, implementing interface SleepingOwl\Admin\Contracts\Form\PanelInterface. You can implement your own block class and put it into form:

$form->addElement(new \App\Form\Panel\CustomBlockClass([
    AdminFormElement::text('title', 'Title')



Add element to form. If form already contains blocks (header, body, footer), then element will be added to last added block. If there are not blocks, body block will be created, and element will be placed inside it.

SleepingOwl\Admin\Form\FormDefault::addItem(mixed $item): return self


Add elements to block panel-heading

SleepingOwl\Admin\Form\FormPanel::addHeader(array|\SleepingOwl\Admin\Contracts\FormElementInterface $items): return self


Add elements to block panel-body. If previous block is body, a divider <hr /> will be placed between them

SleepingOwl\Admin\Form\FormPanel::addBody(array|\SleepingOwl\Admin\Contracts\FormElementInterface $items): return self


Add elements to block panel-footer

SleepingOwl\Admin\Form\FormPanel::addFooter(array|\SleepingOwl\Admin\Contracts\FormElementInterface $items): return self


A variation of forms, in which you can distribute elements across tabs

    'tab1' => [
    'tab2' => [

API (methods available in all classes)

Forms class uses traits:


Set class which renders buttons. Default: SleepingOwl\Admin\Form\FormButtons

SleepingOwl\Admin\Form\FormDefault::setButtons(\SleepingOwl\Admin\Contracts\FormButtonsInterface $buttons): return self


Set view, used to render form

SleepingOwl\Admin\Form\FormDefault::setView(\Illuminate\View\View|string $view): return self


Set URL, to which form will send data

SleepingOwl\Admin\Contracts\FormInterface::setAction(string $action): return self


Add elements array to form

SleepingOwl\Admin\Contracts\Form\ElementsInterface::setElements(array $elements): return self


Add single element to form

SleepingOwl\Admin\Form\FormElements::addElement(mixed $element): return self

Form elements (Fields)

В качестве элемента формы может выступать любой класс, которые реализует интерфейс Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Renderable.


You can use table columns, if needed

    AdminFormElement::upload('image', 'Image'), // Input element to upload image
    AdminColumn::image('image', 'Image') // Output uploaded image


You can place form elements to tabs. Provide unique tab names, when you place several tab sections, otherwise tabs can switch incorrectly.

$tabs = AdminDisplay::tabbed();
$tabs->setTabs(function ($id) {
    $tabs = [];

    $tabs[] = AdminDisplay::tab(AdminForm::elements([
        AdminFormElement::text('title', 'Title')->required(),

    $tabs[] = AdminDisplay::tab(new \SleepingOwl\Admin\Form\FormElements([
        AdminFormElement::date('created_at', 'Created at')->required()

    return $tabs;

    AdminFormElement::text('title', 'Title')->required(),
], 'Tab 1');

$tabs1 = AdminDisplay::tabbed();
$tabs1 = ....;

        AdminFormElement::upload('image', 'Image'), // Input element to upload image
        AdminColumn::image('image', 'Image') // Output image element
// or

$form = AdminForm::panel()
// or

$form = AdminForm::panel()
        AdminFormElement::upload('image', 'Image'),


Split form into several columns. Columns can be used inside tabs, and vice versa..

$columns = AdminFormElement::columns([
        AdminFormElement::text('title', 'Title')->required()
    // or 
    function() {
        return [
            AdminFormElement::text('title', 'Title')->required()
    // or
    new \SleepingOwl\Admin\Form\Columns\Column([
        AdminFormElement::date('created_at', 'Created At')->required()

    AdminFormElement::date('created_at', 'Created At')->required()

// or 

$columns->addColumn(function() {
    return [
        AdminFormElement::date('created_at', 'Created At')->required()

// or

$columns->addColumn(new \SleepingOwl\Admin\Form\Columns\Column([
    AdminFormElement::date('created_at', 'Created At')->required()

$columns->addColumn($subColumns = AdminFormElement::columns([
        AdminFormElement::text('description', 'Description')


$form = AdminForm::panel()->addBody($columns);

Example of usage columns and tabs together

$tabs = AdminDisplay::tabbed([
    'Tab 1' => new FormElements([
        AdminFormElement::text('title', 'Title')->required()
    'Tab 2' => new FormElements([
        AdminFormElement::select('type', 'Type'),
        AdminFormElement::date('event_at', 'Event at')->setFormat('Y-m-d H:i:00')

$columns = AdminFormElement::columns();


    AdminFormElement::date('created_at', 'Created at')

// Or

$tabs->appendTab(new FormElements([$columns]));


Element AdminFormElement::upload('image', 'Image') is used to upload files using <input type="upload" />.

When you add this element, form should automatically get attribute enctype="multipart/form-data" assigned.. If it does not happen,:

return AdminForm::panel()
    ->setHtmlAttribute('enctype', 'multipart/form-data');

To work with this element, you can use trait KodiComponents\Support\Upload, which helps to upload file attachment and save link to it into DB. (You can use this trait standalone, with composer package kodicomponents/support) который поможет с загрузкой прикрепленного файла и сохранением ссылки на него в БД. (При желании данный трейт можно использовать отдельно, используя composer пакет kodicomponents/support)

Usage example:

class User extends Model
    use \KodiComponents\Support\Upload;
     * The attributes that should be cast to native types.
     * @var array
    protected $casts = [
        'image' => 'image', // or file | upload

After you add trait to model, you should add to $casts array fields, which should work with uploaded files. Files should have type file or upload, images should have type image. Object Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile is expected as file

If you set field type to image, then you can provide rules for image processing (Work with images implemented via package

 * @return array
public function getUploadSettings()
    return [
        'image' => [ // Key field
            // Name of function to apply to image and parameters, passed to it
            'fit' => [300, 300, function ($constraint) {
            'crop' => [300, 300], //
        'image_small' => [

Default path to store files: public\storage\{table_name}\{field_name}\{file_name_hash:2chars}\{uniqid}.{ext}. You can provide your own file name format

 * @param UploadedFile $file
 * @return string
protected function getUploadFilename(\Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile $file)
    return md5($this->id).'.'.$file->getClientOriginalExtension();

At present moment you cannot change path to store files.

If you have multiple image files (ex. thumbnail and large image), and you can load them via single field, you can do this:

 * The attributes that should be cast to native types.
 * @var array
protected $casts = [
    'image' => 'image',
    'thumb' => 'image',

 * @return array
public function getUploadSettings()
    return [
        'image' => [
            'orientate' => [],
            'resize' => [1280, null, function ($constraint) {
        'thumb' => [
            'orientate' => [],
            'fit' => [200, 300, function ($constraint) {

 * @param \Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile $file
public function setUploadImageAttribute(\Illuminate\Http\UploadedFile $file = null)
    if (is_null($file)) {

    foreach ($this->getUploadFields() as $field) {
        $this->{$field.'_file'} = $file;

In form you write AdminFormElement::upload('upload_image', 'Image'), i.e. uploaded file will be passed into model, using upload_image field mutator setUploadImageAttribute, where file will be stored to appropriate fields, processed and saved according to their rules.

Also uploaded file has full local path and URL. Ex. for field named image:

  • $user->image public\storage\users\image\23n4b23hj4b.jpg
  • $user->image_path \var\www\\public\storage\users\image\23n4b23hj4b.jpg
  • $user->image_url http:\\\storage\users\image\23n4b23hj4b.jpg


This field type supports uploaded files validation

AdminFormElement::upload('image', 'Image')->addValidationRule('image')

// or for file

AdminFormElement::upload('pdf', 'PDF')->addValidationRule('mime:pdf'),

Trait usage limitations

!!! Trait will override methods getAttribute, mutateAttribute, setAttribute. In case you override them in your model too, this can cause troubles !!!