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File metadata and controls

81 lines (41 loc) · 2.11 KB


This document outlines various utility functions available in the project, including their descriptions and files.


File: clsx.ts

Description: Concatenates class names conditionally. Supports various input types like strings, objects, arrays, and functions. Useful for managing dynamic class names in React or other frameworks.


File: cryptr.ts

Description: Provides encryption and decryption functionalities using the aes-256-gcm algorithm. It allows setting custom encoding, PBKDF2 iterations, and salt length.


File: debounce.ts

Description: Debounces a function, delaying its execution until after a specified wait time has elapsed since the last invocation. Includes cancel and flush methods.


File: deepEqual.ts

Description: Compares two values recursively to check if they are deeply equal. Handles objects and arrays but not functions or circular objects.


File: formatToCurrency.ts

Description: Formats a number to a currency string based on specified options like locale and currency type.


File: getType.ts

Description: Returns the type of the provided input as a string. For objects, it returns the specific type (e.g., 'array', 'date') in lowercase.


File: mdxLoader.ts

Description: Loads, parses, and extracts data from MDX files. Supports frontmatter parsing and MDX file discovery within a directory.


File: nFormatter.ts

Description: Formats a number into a human-readable string with optional suffixes (K, M, B, etc.) or in full numeric format.


File: slugify.ts

Description: Converts a given text to a slug by converting it to lowercase, removing diacritics, and replacing non-alphanumeric characters with hyphens.


File: throttle.ts

Description: Creates a throttled function that limits the rate at which it can be called. Includes cancel and flush methods to manage the throttling behavior. Supports options for leading and trailing edge invocation.