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Description of TSS-RSA Signature Algorithm

Refer to Practical Threshold Signatures.

0 Setup

  • $k$ - threshold, which means the least number of key shares needed to obtain a signature.
  • $l$ - the number of participants.

1 Key Generation By a Trusted Dealer

  • Simple $p \in_{R} {0,1}^*$, $p$ is a prime. $\exists p', p = 2p'+1$, and $p'$ is a prime too.
  • Simple $q \in_{R} {0,1}^*$, $q$ is a prime. $\exists q', q = 2q'+1$, and $q'$ is a prime too.
  • Compute $n=pq$
  • Compute $m=p'q'$
  • Sample $e \in_R {0,1}^*$, make sure $e >l$ and $e$ is a prime.

Here we get the public key $PK = (n,e)$

  • Compute $d, st. de \equiv 1 \pmod m$
  • Split $d$ into $l$ shares with the threshold $k$ in finite fields $Z_m$:
    • $(d,k,l) \Rightarrow (s'_1, s'_2 ... s'_l)$
  • (Protocol2): Transformation on $s_i$
    • $(s'_1, s'_2 ... s'_l) \Rightarrow (s_1, s_2 ... s_l)$
    • $s_i = s_i' \Delta^{-1} \pmod m$
  • Sample $f \in_R Z_n$
  • Compute $v = f^2 \pmod n$. Note $v \in Q_n$
  • Compute the verification keys:
    • $VK = v$
    • $VK_i = v_i = v^{s_i} \pmod n$, for $1 \le i \le l$ . Note $v_i \in Q_n$.
  • (Protocol2): Sample integer $u$
    • Sampe $u \in_R Z_n^*$, where Jacobi symbol $(u, n) ==-1$
  • Distribute $(PK, VK, VK_i, s_i, u)$ to party $i$, in which $PK = (n, e)$

Here party i would receives his secret share along with some other data :

  • $s_i$: secret share. It's exclusive to party i.
  • $VK$:verification key. It's common.
  • ${VK_i \mid i = 1, \dots, l}$: It's common.
  • $PK$: RSA public key. It's common.
  • $u$: new element from protocol 2. It's common.

2 Generating a Signature Share

Let $\hat{x}=H(M)$ where M is the message.

(Protocol2): Compute the x

$$ x = \begin{cases} \hat{x} & \text{ if } (\hat{x}, n) = 1 \\ \hat{x} u^e & \text{ if } (\hat{x}, n) = -1 \end{cases} $$

The signature share of play i consists of $$ x_i = x^{2s_i} \pmod n \ x_i = x^{2 \Delta s_i} \pmod n (deprecated \space in \space protocol 2) $$ along with a proof(refer to section 5.3) $$ Proof(s_i, VK, VK_i, l, n) = (z, c) $$ Note $x_i \in Q_n$.

3 Combining Signature Shares

We compute $$ w = x_{i_1}^{2 \lambda_{0,i_1}^S} \dots x_{i_k}^{2 \lambda_{0,i_k}^S} \pmod n $$ where the set $S = {i_1, \dots, i_k} \subset {1, \dots, l}$.

We compute $e' = 4$ instead of $e' = 4 \Delta^2$ (Deprecated in protocol2).

Note that $gcd(e', e) = 1$, so $\exists (a, b), st. e'a + eb = 1$.

We compute $a$ and $b$. The number $a$ and $b$ can be obtained from the extended Euclidean algorithm on $e$ and $e'$.

We compute the final signature $$ y = w^a x^b \pmod n $$

4 Verify Signatures

We check if $$ y^e \equiv x \pmod n $$

5 Dependency

5.1 Compute $\lambda_{i,j}$ (to be developed)

We compute

$$ \lambda_{i,j}^{S} = \Delta \frac { {\textstyle \prod_{j' \in S \setminus {j}}^{}(i-j')} } { {\textstyle \prod_{j' \in S \setminus {j}}^{}(j-j')} } $$ where $$ \Delta = l! $$

5.2 Extended Euclidean algorithm (to be developed)

Refer to crypto-suites-cpp.

5.3 Proof of Correctness on Signature Share(to be developed)

Input: $s_i, v=VK, v_i=VK_i, l, n$


  • Sample $r \in_R (0, 2^{L(n) +2 L_1-1})$

    where $L$ is the bit-length of of $n$, and $L_1$ is bit-length of the output from hash function $H'$.

  • Compute $\tilde{x} = x^4$ instead of $\tilde{x} = x^{4 \Delta}$ (Deprecated in protocol2)

  • Compute $v' = v^r \pmod n$

  • Compute $x' = \tilde{x}^r \pmod n$

  • Compute $c = H'(v, \tilde{x}, v_i, x_i^2, v', x')$

  • Compute $z=s_i c + r \pmod n$

Here we get the proof $(z, c)$


  • Compute $\tilde{x} = x^4$ instead of $\tilde{x} = x^{4 \Delta}$ (Deprecated in protocol2)

  • Compute $v' = v^z v_i^{-c} \pmod n$

  • Compute $x' = \tilde{x}^z x_i^{-2c} \pmod n$

  • Compute $c' = H'(v, \tilde{x}, v_i, x_i^2, v', x')$

  • Check $c == c'$

5.4 Jacobi symbol (to be developed)

Refer to crypto-suites-cpp.

5.6 Secret share scheme

Refer to crypto-suites-cpp.