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admission User Guide {#mainpage}

This tool for A lgorithmic D ifferentiation Mission Planning allows the user to find optimal (minimal in cost) orders of tangent or adjoint model executions and matrix-matrix products resulting in the accumulation of the Jacobian of codes consisting of lage, independent elemental code blocks. Essentially, admission finds (near) optimal solutions of the Face Elimination Problem on the call graph (DAG) of the code. Depending on the computational costs of the tangent and adjoint models available for the elemental code blocks and the sizes of input and output vectors, admission finds a sequence of accumulations of elemental Jacobian matrices, matrix-matrix products and propagations of elemental Jacobians through tangent and adjoint implementations of the elemental code blocks. The result is intended as a reference for the efficient implementation of the actual Jacobian accumulation of the code.

Prequisites for building admission

  • A c++ 17 and OpenMP able compiler (e.g. gcc/9).
  • A recent version of the boost library.

Building admission

  1. Create a build directory. This can be inside the admission source directory, which we call
    adm here. You may end up with a build directory called adm/build.
  2. Install boost into adm/extern/boost or alternatively configure the environment variables BOOST_INC and BOOST_LIB to point to your installed boost version. Versions boost_1_72_0 and boost_1_76_0 were tested. Recent versions of boost generate multiple warnings when compiling admission, caused by boost using deprecated parts of itself. Don't worry about them.
  3. run cmake path/to/project/dir -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release from inside the build dir This may amount to calling cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release if the build dir is adm/build. Add -DUNITTESTS=ON to build the unit test binaries adm_unit_test and adm_branch_and_bound_test. Add -DDOXYGEN=ON to set up doxygen for building the documentation.
  4. run cmake --build . --target admission to build the admission executable. run cmake --build . --target doc to build the doxyden documentaion. You can open html/index.html from within the build dir. You can also manually build the doxygen documentation by invoking doxygen Doxyfile.AdmissionDoc from inside the build dir. cmake --build . --target name can be used to build any executable that is part of admission. cmake --build . will build all executables that are part of admission. Add -j4 to speed up the build process by using 4 threads. You may use larger numbers if your machine has more than 4 CPUs. make test will build and run all unit tests, including adm_branch_and_bound_test which may take a very long time to complete.
  5. The executables can be found in adm/bin which is independent of the location of your build dir.

Using admission

The program solving the Face Elimination problem (FE) on (matrix-free)(vector) face DAGs is simply called admission. Running ./admission will provide you with a set of parameters you can specify using a configuration file. All parameters are specified by the parameter name folloewd by a whitespace and the value. Boolean values must be specified as 0 or 1. All given parameters will be parsed and set. If any parameter value appears to be invalid during set-up of the problem, the program will explicitly ask for it on the console. If an unknown parameter tag is passed, the program will stop. The list of possible parameters is:

  • graph_path: A relative path to the DAG.
  • optimizer_name: Identifier of the optimizer to solve FE. BranchAndBound, GreedyOptimizer or MinFillInOptimizer.
  • thread_spawn_depth: Max depth of the search tree in which searching of branches is delegated to OpenMP tasks.
  • n_threads: Max number of threads to use in a parallel optimizer and parallel sparsity pattern computation.
  • print_diagnostics: Diagnostic output of the branch and bound algorithm will be written to disk.
  • preaccumulate_all: Will treat the input DAG as if no tan/adj models were available and all elemental Jacobians were preaccumulated.

Interpreting the output

While solving, admission will provide you with single-line update of the solution process, which includes the number of performed modifications to the DAG, the cost of the current optimal solution and a few more values. Once the final solution is obtained, admission will present you with the total time required for solving, the number of eliminations and accumulations of the optimal solution sequence, its cost and a list that describes the single eliminations and accumulations. It is to be interpreted as follows:

  • PRE: This step is the pre-accumulation of an elemental Jacobian.
    • ADJ: The preaccumulation is done in adjoint (reverse) mode.
    • TAN: The preaccumulation is done in tangent (forward) mode.
    • (i,j) : Index pair identifying the preaccumulated elemental Jacobian F'_ji.
  • ELI: This step is the elimination of an intermediate edge, e.g. the computation of a Jacobian-Jacobian product in some way.
    • ADJ: The product is computed by propagation of a Jacobian through an adjoint model.
    • TAN: The product is computed by propagation of a Jacobian through a tangent model.
    • MUL: The product is computed as an explicit product of preaccumulated Jacobians.
    • (i,j,k) : Index triplet identifying the multiplied Jacobians F'_kj and F'_ji.

Each entry is followed by the cost of the individual elimination or accumulation in terms of fused multiply-adds (fma). admission additionally computes the cost of a homogenous global tangent and adjoint approach.

A sample session of admission

We would like to solve the dense matrix-free Jacobian accumulation problem on a version of the Lion DAG, which was presented in research on Jacobian accumulation in various papers. To solve the matrix-free problem, we write a file and call ./admission could look like

graph_path ../graphs/paper/lion_n1_c1.xml
optimizer_name BranchAndBound

Some of the parameters were left out and will be set to somewhat useful default values. After a while admission tells us:

Printing DAG to TikZ for you...
Planning AD Mission...
Curr. Opt.: 13  Search space: 42961250 Cuts: 36925166 Branches : 6036084 Leaves: 7
Done after 1.7187s

Op |Dir|Where|c(fma)
PRE ADJ 1 2 1
ELI TAN 1 2 5 1
PRE ADJ 1 5 1
ELI ADJ 0 1 2 2
ELI ADJ 0 1 5 2
ELI TAN 0 2 3 4
ELI TAN 0 2 4 2

  Search space: 42987687
  Cuts: 36947536
  Branches: 6040151
  Leaves: 7
Global tangent cost: 16fma
Global adjoint cost: 32fma
Optimized cost: 13fma
Operations: 7

We see, the solution contains of 7 steps and has a cost of 13fma. The list of all steps is printed above. The statistics tell us that 42961250 eliminations were performed. 6036084 resulted in a face DAG that could still yield an optimal solution. 36925166 branches were cut.

Consider, we want to solve matmul JA on the R2 DAG using 6 threads. The configuration file could look like.

graph_path ../graphs/paper/lion_n1_c1.xml
optimizer_name BranchAndBound
n_threads 6
preaccumulate_all 1

Because for this kind of problem no special lower bound is available, the solution takes a bit longer and provides us with some information about the solution process:

Curr. Opt.: 769044  Search space: 165622 Cuts: 114670 Branches : 50952 Leaves: 11

After a second (on the authors rather old machine), the program prints the usual output:

Done after 0.365209s

Op |Dir|Where|c(fma)
ELI MUL 2 3 4 30400
ELI MUL 0 2 4 46208
ELI MUL 0 1 4 20672
ELI MUL 0 4 5 52288
ELI MUL 0 5 6 372552
ELI MUL 0 6 7 246924

  Search space: 193510
  Cuts: 133288
  Branches: 60222
  Leaves: 11
Local Preaccumulation cost: 792641fma
Global tangent cost: 2143732fma
Global adjoint cost: 1607799fma
Optimized cost: 769044fma
Operations: 6

Generators for matrix-free Jacoian chain products and random DAGs.

admission comes with gdjcpb_generate, a Generalised Dense Jacobian Chain ProBlem generator from prior research and a customized DAG generator adm_generate_dag. Call ./gsjcpb_generate 10 100 1 to generate a matrix chain of length 10 with a maximum matrix dimension of 100.

Calling ./adm_generate_dag without any arguments will give you a list of parameters:

             num_vertices: Number of vertices in the graph.
num_intermediate_vertices: Number of intermediate vertices in the graph. Must be smaller than NumVertices-2.
              coeff_const: Parameter of the probability density function of the distance spanned by an edge. Const distribution.
          coeff_ascending: Parameter of the probability density function of the distance spanned by an edge. Ascending probability.
         coeff_descending: Parameter of the probability density function of the distance spanned by an edge. Descending probability.
                coeff_sin: Parameter of the probability density function of the distance spanned by an edge. Modified sine wave probability.
          max_vertex_size: Max vector size of a vertex. Actual size is randomly chosen in [1, MaxVertexSize].
               max_in_out: Maximal number of in-edges and out-edges of any vertex.
             cost_scaling: Scale the max value for the random cost generator relatively to vertex sizes.

Use ./adm_generate_dag with looking like

num_vertices 20
num_intermediate_vertices 15
coeff_const 0.0
coeff_ascending 0.0
coeff_descending 1.0
coeff_sin 0.0
max_vertex_size 50
max_in_out 2
cost_scaling 10

to generate a DAG with 20 vertices, 15 of which are intermediate and 5 either minimal or maximal vertices. The probability function is chosen such that it is more likely that vertices close to each other (in terms of the partial ordering of the DAG) are connected by an edge. The maximum size of a vertex is 50. The desired number of in- and out-edges of each vertex is 2, meaning that each vertex has a number of desired in- and out- edges which is at max 2, but can actually have more predecessors or successors than that. Play with the numbers until you find a setup that fits you.

adm_generate_dag prints the generated DAG as GRAPHML as well as a TikZ image in a standalone latex file.

admission Tech Guide

The admission framework allows to represent vector (face) DAGs and to implement the algorithms presented in the bachelor thesis "Extending the optimal Jacobian accumulation problem to vector-valued functions" by Erik Schneidereit. The development of admission included finding efficient ways to represent vector DAGs in a computer program, enabling future research on this topic to use this representation. Furthermore, admission was used to compare the results of the branch and bound algorithm with a gerenalized critical degree lower bound to results obtained with an exhaustive search and to test different greedy strategies. Testing different algorithms can enable important insight into how these algorithms perform on actual graphs and how they can be enhanced.

The list of basic user requirements for admission is:

  • Representation of a (matrix-free) vector (face) DAG.
  • Import of matrix-free vector DAGs and matrix-free vector face DAGs that are stored in the GRAPHML format.
  • Construction of a face DAG from a DAG.
  • The ability to apply face-eliminations to vector face DAGs.
  • A greedy-heuristic to find a near optimal elimination sequence.
  • A fast (parallel) branch and bound algorithm to find an optimal elimination sequence.
  • A lower bound for matrix-free vector Jacobian accumulation.

Apart from these basic requirements, a set of unit tests is implemented. It is used for testing the correctness of basic algorithms like the construction of absorption-free sub graphs, the generation of random DAGs, the construction of face DAGs from DAGs, the application of basic eliminations and the performance of the lower bound, the greedy optimizer and the branch and bound.

Choice of the programming language and used libraries

Requirements 1 and 6 suggest that the representation of a DAG needs to be modified efficiently to be able perform face-eliminations in (if possible) constant time. The BGL library, which is a sub library of Boost, appears to be a suited candidate for this task. Boost is used together with the C++17 standard.

googletest is used to automate the generation of unit-tests, allowing to simply specify the solver and its settings, based upon which a set of unit tests is generated automatically. The speedup of the branch and bound algorithm is realised with shared-memory parellelisation using openMP.

Structure of the admission framework

The admission framework is class based, meaning that its main functionalities an be instantiated as objects and then be applied to a face DAG. This is especially important for algorithms that have the same interface and basically solve the same task, like a set of optimisation algorithms or a set of lower bounds.

A large part of the functionality used by these main algorithms is implemented as free-standing functions, such as the make_face_dag(), longest_path(), global_tangent_cost() and many more. All free standing functions and classes are grouped and can be found in the Modules tab of the DOXYGEN documentation.

The DAG and FaceDAG classes

admission operates on two base classes for DAGs. Both are based on the boost::adjacency_list<...> class and differ only in the properties that are attached to their vertices and edges. They use the VecS selector for the vertex storage, meaning that the vertices of a graph are stored in a std::vector<...> allowing insertion of vertices by resizing. We don not delete vertices from DAGs and FaceDAGs but rather isolate them (i.e. delete all their edges). Using VecS as a storage allows to directly address vertices by their index and faster copy of DAGs and FaceDAGs.

The DAG and FaceDAG use the BidirectionalS selector, forcing the storage of in- and out-edges of each vertex (rather than only the out-edges), allowing fast access of the predecessor sets of vertices required for face elimination. They also use the VecS selector for storing in- and out-edges of a vertex as a vector and allowing insertions and deletions in linear time.

Both graph classes also store the optimal (or best known) number of fma required to solve the FE on them, as well as an array of identifiers for vertices associated with a prior elimination. The FaceDAG class stores an edge index, representing the index of the corresponding DAG vertex. Edge indices in the FaceDAG are not unique.

The Optimizer class

The Optimizer class is the central class providing functionality for finding a (near) optimal elimination sequence a FaceDAG. It provides the virtual OpSequence solve(const Graph& g) function that returns an OpSequence. An OpSequence wraps around a std::list of OpCont, which stores either a preaccumulation of an elimination. OpCont possesses a pointer to an AccOp (accumulation Operation) and MultOp (an operation that performs a multiplication, either explicit or by tangent/adjoint propagation), which defines a set of functions using the data in OpCont. This allows to store both kinds of operation in a vector. An OpSequence can be applied to a FaceDAG.

The Optimizer class does not implement the solve function, but leaves the implementation to its derived classes, using different approaches for obtaining a solution. Instead, it provides a set of functions to search a FaceDAG for different types of eliminations.

The Optimizer class is specialised by the GreedyOptimizer, BranchAndBound and MinFillInOptimizer classes. Both implement the respective ansatz for solving FE using the set of functions available from their base class.

The LowerBound class

The LowerBound base class is used by the BranchAndBound class to decide whether to explore a branch or not.

The base class LowerBound provides the function flop_t operator()(const FaceDAG&), and implements the trivial lower bound that just computes 0. Other lower bounds inherit from LowerBound and override operator(). The only other lower bound implemented in this version of admission is the SimpleMinAccCostBound.