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51 lines (44 loc) · 2.95 KB


Code and data for Baysian timeseries models of Cenozoic pCO2 and temperature published by the CenCO2PIP Consortium.


Data used in analyses.

  • 230902_proxies.xlsx Multiproxy paleo-CO2 data
  • Hansen13Russell.csv CO2 reconstruction from Hansen, et al. (2013)
  • Westerhold.xlsx CENOGRID benthic δ18O data and paleotemperatures from Westerhold, et al. (2020)


Scripts used for data analysis and plotting. Some output is saved to folder bigout/ which is not included in archive; this output can be recreated by running the scripts.

  • 1_Driver.R Load data and run CO2 inversion
  • 2_DriverT.R Load data and run temperature inversion
  • 3_DignosticsStats.R Review inversion metrics and output, also prep paleotemperature dataset from Ring, et al. (2023)
  • 4_MainPlots.R Plotting for main manuscript
  • 5_SIPlots.R Supplemental information plotting
  • 6_OtherPlots.R Plotting for presentations and press
  • Helpers.R Functions used in other scripts
  • PrepForPlots.R Functions used in other scripts


JAGS models used to run inversions

  • model.R Model for paleo-CO2
  • model_T.R Model for paleotemperature


Output generated by scripts.

  • 1MyrCO2.csv Quantile values for ln(CO2) reconstructed at 1 Myr resolution
  • 110kryCO2.csv Quantile values for ln(CO2) reconstructed at 100 kyr resolution
  • 500kyrCO2.csv Quantile values for ln(CO2) reconstructed at 500 kyr resolution
  • 500kyrCO2MarOnly.csv Quantile values for ln(CO2) reconstructed at 500 kyr resolution using only marine proxies
  • 500kyrTemp.csv Quantile values for temperature reconstructed at 500 kyr resolution
  • RingTemp.csv Quantile values for Ring, et al. (2023) temperature reconstruction and associated ln(CO2)


Figures and figure components included in the main manuscript.

  • Fig2.eps Components used in Figure 2
  • Fig3.png Figure 3
  • PrintFig.pdf Warming stripes figure included in print summary


Figures included as supplementary information. File names correspond to figure numbers in the supplementary text.


Figures generated for presentations and press.

  • Age_uncert.png Figure illustrating the incorporation and impact of age model uncertainty in the paleo-CO2 inversion
  • CenozoicCO2_slide.png Simple depiction of 500 kyr resoltution CO2 and temperature reconstructions
  • DataDens1.png Shows the number of proxy data points represented within 1 and 5 Myr moving windows across the Cenozoic
  • DataDens2.png Shows the number of unique proxy types represented within 1 and 5 Myr moving windows across the Cenozoic
  • Lamont_press.png Warming stripes figure version prepared for Lamont press office
  • UU_press.png Warming stripes figure version prepared for University of Utah press office