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General info

This automation project aims to help web developers to detect and prevent any issues that might block successful web development.


  • GUICE - sharing state between steps in Cucumber-JVM
  • CUCUMBER - software tool used for acceptance tests written in a behavior-driven development style
  • WebDriverManager - webdriver provider
  • LOMBOK - Java library helps to avoid repetitive code
  • GRADLE - build automation tool
  • JAVA FAKER - project dependency generates random data for test scenarios
  • Slf4j - Java logging framework
  • ALLURE - test report tool


  • Clone the project and open only the sormas-e2e-tests subproject

  • Install Java JDK 11 on your local machine

    2. sdk install java 11.0.11-zulu
    Download the java zulu 11 from
  • Install Gradle

  • Setup Allure 2.13.6

      1. Download allure from:
      2. Run bat file from bin directory
      3. Set ALLURE environment variables



  • Install IntelliJ IDEA please follow the steps here

  • Launch IntelliJ IDEA and click on Import project config

  • As a new window is opened select build.gradle in the project directory and click Open Alternatively go to IDea Preferences and search for gradle config

  • Open Preferences -> Plugins and install Cucumber for Java plugin config

  • Open Preferences -> Compiler and enable checkbox Annotation processing config

  • Open Preferences -> Plugins and install Lombok plugin config

Enable tests execution from local machine

  • Navigate to: resources/configuration/properties/ The default setup is set for remote execution:
  • Change REMOTE_DRIVER value to false to run the tests from your local machine (optional HEADLESS to false to enable UI execution, and LOG_RESTASSURED to true to enable json logging)

  • Pass Environment data json file as argument in order to provide all available environments and users. This can be set in IDE VM options or directly in CLI.

Argument = envConfig

Value = ./path/envData.json


Test case design

A design pattern is implemented based on a behavior-driven development style. Cucumber creates specification called a feature file which consists of multiple scenarios. Each scenario is a list of steps written in plain text, and they must follow the syntax called Gherkin. Cucumber requires a set of step definitions which map steps for the action should be performed. Feature files can be taken as a base for living documentation and executable specification.

Feature file example:

  Scenario: Create a new event
Given I log in as a National User
And I click on the Events button from navbar
When I click on the NEW EVENT button
Then I create a new event

Step definition file example:

    Given("I click on the Log In button",
() -> webDriverHelpers.clickOnWebElementBySelector(LoginPage.LOGIN_BUTTON));

Test execution

Gradle is a management system tool for the project build and dependencies configuration. Project contains build.gradle at a root level. This file a build configuration script defines a project and its tasks.

Execution from a terminal window example:

gradlew clean startTests -Dcucumber.tags="@Login" -Dheadless=true -Dcourgette.threads=9 -DenvConfig=C:/Users/MyUser/Desktop/envData.json


  • Allure is a test report tool provides a nice visual representation of executed tests. Reporting requires test execution to generate some test report data.
  • Allure report is generated only from executions triggered via CLI.
  • Open allureReport folder in a project and click on index.html. A new generated report should be opened in the default browser.
  • After running the tests you will be able to find the allure report in the root of the project, in the allureReports folder. The report works for UI and API tests as well, displaying steps, logs, failure reason and exit screenshots.
  • You can add @tmsLink=ticketNumber to link GitHub bugs/tickets

Allure test report example:



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