Releases: RubixML/ML
Releases · RubixML/ML
- Now requires PHP 7.2 and above
- Added phpbench performance benchmarks
- Added JSON, NDJSON, CSV, and Column Picker Extractors
- Changed the way fromIterator method works on Dataset object
- Added Hyperplane dataset generator
- Changed the way noise is applied to Circle, Half Moon, etc.
- Changed name of Multilayer Perceptron classifier
- Deferred computations are now callable
- Removed range() from the activation function interface
- Added label type validation for supervised learners
- Added toArray, toJson, toCsv, toNdjson methods to Dataset API
- Can now preview a Dataset object in console by echoing it
- Changed Labeled dataset objects iteration and array access
- Removed zip and unzip methods on Labeled dataset
- Added describe by label method to Labeled dataset
- Changed the way fromIterator works on Dataset
- Added Regex Filter transformer
- Changed name of Igbinary serializer
- Changed dataset and label description
- Added Tensor extension compatibility
- Migrated to new Tensor library namespace
- Anomaly detector predictions now categorical
- Clusterers now predict categorical cluster labels
- Added extracting data section to docs
- Added code metrics
- Added training and inference sections to the docs
- Decision tree rules method now outputs a string
- Added drop row and column methods to dataset interface
- Dataset row() method is now sample()
- Radius Neighbors allows user-definable anomaly class
- Added KNN Imputer
- Added Random Hot Deck Imputer
- Missing Data Imputer now handles NaNs by default
- Added NaN safe Euclidean distance kernel
- Added Gower distance kernel
- Added Hamming distance kernel
- Dataset now requires homogeneous feature columns
- KNN now compatible with categorical features
- Added transform column method to dataset object
- Added describe method to dataset object
- Added describe labels method to Labeled dataset
- Added deduplicate method to dataset object
- Added unzip static factory for Labeled datasets from data table
- Changed the order of t-SNE hyper-parameters
- Added global transpose array helper function
- Renamed label key to classes in Multiclass Breakdown report
- Changed order of Gradient Boost and AdaBoost hyper-parameters
- Changed order of Loda hyper-parameters
- Added asString method to the Data Type helper class
- Added check for NaN labels in Labeled dataset
- Changed namespace of Data Type helper
- Numeric String Converter now handles NaN strings
- Added predict probabilities of a single sample method
- Added rank single sample trait
- Added Gaussian MLE anomaly detector
- Added early stopping window to Gradient Descent-based Learners
- Changed early stopping behavior of MLP-based estimators
- Added predict single sample method to Learner interface
- Changed method signature of random subset without replacement
- Changed K Means default max iterations
- Robust Z Score now uses weighted combination of scores
- Cross validators now stratify dataset automatically
- Changed default k in K Fold validator
- Changed order of Loda hyperparameters
- Changed hyperparameter order of KNN-based learners
- Added method to return categories from One Hot Encoder
- Removed Lottery and Blurry Percentile guessing strategy
- Added Percentile guessing strategy
- Added shrinkage parameter to Wild Guess strategy
- Added additional methods to random Strategies
- Renamed Popularity Contest strategy to Prior
- Datasets now inherit from abstract parent Dataset class
- Removed Dataset interface
- Neural net parameter update in Layer instead of Optimizer
- Changed order of distance-based clusterer hyperparameters
- Improved cluster radius estimation in Mean Shift
- Naive Bayes now adaptive to new class labels
- Changed order of neural network learner hyperparameters
- Added safety switch to AdaBoost if weak learner worse than random
- Added min change early stopping to AdaBoost
- Added Patreon funding support
- Added feature importances to Gradient Boost
- Added progress monitoring to Gradient Boost w/ early stop
- Added Spatial and Decision tree interface
- Mean Shift compatible with Spatial trees
- K-d Neighbors base spatial tree configurable
- Radius Neighbors now uses base spatial tree
- Local Outlier Factor interchangable base search tree
- DBSCAN now uses any Spatial tree for range searches
- CART uses downsampling on continuous features
- LOF and Isolation Forest contamination off by default
- Embed method now returns an array instead of dataset
- Fixed issue with Dataset partitioning
- Renamed Coordinate node to Hypercube
- KNN default k is now 5 instead of 3
- CART can now print a text representation of the decision rules
- Removed Local Outlier Factor brute force version
- Changed namespace of trees to Graph/Trees
- CART impurity tolerances are now hardcoded
- Changed order of CART hyperparameters
- Added Extra Tree base implementation
- Extra Tree splits are now unbiased
- Extra Tree Classifier now minimizes entropy
- Reduced the memory footprint of Binary Nodes
- Gradient Boost shrinkage bounded between 0 and 1
- Added random subset without replacement to dataset API
- Changed order of Gradient Boost hyperparameters
- Changed order of MLP hyperparameters
- Ranking interface is now a general interface
- Changed default t-SNE minimum gradient
- Added documentation site
- Added Regression and Classification Loss interfaces
- Robust Z Score is now a Ranking anomaly detector
- Loda now defaults to auto detect bin count
- Removed tolerance param from Gradient Boost and AdaBoost
- Screen logger timestamp format now configurable
- Dropped Persistable contract between SVM-based learners
- Random Forest feature importances now serial
- Removed Robust Z Score tolerance parameter
- Added slice method to Dataset API
- Loda now performs density estimation on the fly
- Transform labels now returns self for method chaining
- Added Parallel interface for multiprocessing
- Added AdaMax neural network Optimizer
- Added Backend processing interface
- Added Amp parallel and Serial processing Backends
- Random Forest uses parallel processing
- Added CPU helper and core auto detection
- Committee Machine is now a meta estimator
- Committee Machine now Parallel and Verbose
- Bootstrap Aggregator uses multiple processes
- Grid Search now trains in parallel
- K Fold, Leave P Out, and Monte Carlo validators now Parallel
- Added momentum to Batch Norm moving averages
- Custom Batch Norm and PReLU parameter initialization
- Added custom bias initialization to Dense layer
- Output layers now accept custom initializers
- Added Constant neural network parameter initializer
- Removed Exponential neural network Cost Function
- Filesystem save history is now either on or off
- Removed save history from Redis DB Persister
- Removed Model Orchestra meta-estimator
- Grid Search automatically retrains base estimator
- Added neural net Parameter namespace and interface
- Changed order of LODA hyperparameters
- Replaced F1 Score with F Beta metric
- Removed ISRU and Gaussian activation functions
- Fixed SELU derivitive computation
- Changed adaptive optimizer default decay parameters
- Changed default learning rate of Stochastic Optimizer
- Added SMAPE (Symmetric MAPE) regression metric
- Added MAPE to Residual Analysis report
- Fixed MSLE computation in Residual Analysis report
- Renamed RMSError Metric to RMSE
- Embedders no longer implement Estimator interface
- Added error statistics to Residual Analysis report
- K Means now uses mini batch GD instead of SGD
- K Means in now an Online learner
- Added Adjusted Rand Index clustering metric
- Added Seeder Interface
- Added Random, K-MC2, and Plus Plus seeders
- Accelerated Mean Shift with Ball Tree
- Added radius estimation to Mean Shift
- K Means and Mean Shift now implement Probabilistic
- Gaussian Mixture now supports seeders
- Changed order of K Means hyperparameters
- Moved Ranking interface to anomaly detector namespace
- N-gram Tokenizer now outputs ranges of word tokens
- Changed default Fuzzy C Means hyper-parameters
- Added spatial partitioning to Dataset API
- Added Image Resizer transformer
- Image Vectorizer no longer resizes images
- Fixed adaptive optimizer bug upon binary unserialization
- Removed Quartile Standardizer
- Optimized Image Vectorizer using bitwise operations
- Pipeline is now more verbose
- Added LODA online anomaly detector
- Added Radius Neighbors classifier and regressor
- Added fast k-d LOF anomaly detector
- Added base Ball Tree implementation
- Added Ranking interface
- Changed Manifold namespace to Embedders
- Isolation Forest and LOF are now Ranking
- K Means is now Verbose
- Accelerated DBSCAN with Ball Tree
- Added upper bound to contamination hyperparameter
- Changed hyper-parameter order of Isolation Forest
- Optimized Interval Discretizer transformer
- K Means is no longer Online
- Removed Sign function
- Added Binary Tree interface
- Added bin count heuristic to LODA
- Changed order of k-d neighbors hyperparameters
- Removed Hamming distance kernel
- Added transform labels method to Labeled Dataset
- Added Data Type helper
- Pipeline and Persistent Model are now Probabilistic
- Added stack method to dataset API
- Changed merge method on dataset to append and prepend
- Implemented specifications
- Added data type compatibility for estimators
- Added compatibility method to validation metrics
- Added estimator compatibility to reports
- Added trained method to learner API
- Added fitted method to Stateful transformer API
- Changed ordinal of integer encoded data types
- Added Adaptive optimizer interface
- Changed Transformer transform API
- Removed prompt method from Persistent Model
- Removed JsonSerializable from Dataset Interface