- Prerequisites
- Setting up the build environment for ESP32
- Set up Visual Studio Code
- Build the nanoCLR
- Flash nanoCLR to ESP32
- Start with a Hello World C# application
- Debug the nanoCLR
- Notes on JTAG Debugging on ESP32
About this document
This document describes how to build the required images for nanoFramework for ESP32. The build is based on CMake tool to ease the development in all major platforms.
You'll need these installed before your start.
- Visual Studio Code. Additional extensions and setup steps follow below. Set up Visual Code
- Python 3.6.5 Required for uploading the nanoCLR to the ESP32.
- CMake Download the latest stable version and install it (Minimum required version is 3.11).
- A build system for CMake to generate the build files to.
- If you have Visual Studio (full version) you can use the included NMake.
- In Visual Studio Code, use Ninja. Ninja can be installed for you or you can do it manually.
- CP210x USB to UART Bridge Driver for the USB to UART Bridge integrated into the standard ESP32 DevKitC. If Windows does not install the driver automatically, then you can download and install manually. If your ESP32 uses a different serila driver, install that and ignore this driver. With the ESP32 DevKetC plugged in, use Windows Device Manager to determine the COM port as this is needed to complete the setup.
The following may be installed manually, or use the Power Shell script .\install-esp32-tools.ps1
- Ninja. This is lightweight build system, designed for speed and it works on Windows and Linux machines. See here how to setup Ninja to build nanoFramework.
- OpenOCD For on chip debugging of the nanoCLR
If you intend to change the nanoCLR for ESP32 and create Pull Requests then you will need to fork the nanoFramework/nf-interpreter to your own GitHub repo and clone the forked GitHub repo to your Windows system using an Git client such as the GitHub Desktop application.
You should use the develop branch for mainstream development or the develop-network branch to work with the networking features which is currently a work in progress.
A guide to making contributions is provided here
After cloning the repo, you need to setup the build environemnt. You can use the power shell script or follow the step-by-step instrunctions.
The following power shell script is not signed. Run Power Shell as an Administrator and run set-executionpolicy remotesigned
to enable execution of the non-signed script.
On Windows, one may use the .\install-esp32-tools.ps1
Power Shell script located in the repository root folder to download the ESP32 IDF Source, toolchain, prebuilt libraries, OpenOCD (for JTAG debugging) and Ninja Zips. You may need to use Run as Administrator for power shell to permit installing modules to unzip the downloaded archives. The script will download the zips into the repository folder and extract them into subfolders of the main ESP32 tool folder:
Open Power Shell in the root folder of the repository and run the script specifying the COM port the ESP32 flash programming utility will use (The COM port is easily changed later. If it is not specified, manually edit tasks.json and change instances of <COMPORT>
to the required port before flashing the ESP32 nanoCLR firmware.)
Example Power Shell command line:
.\install-esp32-tools.ps1 -COMPORT COM19
You can force the environemnt variables to be updated by adding -Force to the command line.
The script will create the following subfolders (see manual install below and appveyor.yml)
The following Environment Variables will be created for the current Windows User.
ESP32_TOOLCHAIN_PATH = C:\ESP32_TOOLS\1.22.0-80\xtensa-esp32-elf
ESP32_LIBS_PATH = C:\ESP32_TOOLS\libs-v3.1
IDF_PATH = C:\ESP32_TOOLS\esp-idf-v3.1
The following ESP32 settings files will be created and the place-holder values set to the respective default install paths.
as a copy of.\cmake-variants.TEMPLATE-ESP32.json
as a copy of.\.vscode\cmake-kits.TEMPLATE-ESP32.json
as a copy of.\vscode\tasks.TEMPLATE-ESP32.json
with install paths and COM port set.\.vscode\launch.json
as a copy of.\vscode\launch.TEMPLATE-ESP32.json
with install paths set
These steps are not required if you used the Automated Install script.
To save time on building the nanoCLR and to avoid having to create a CMakeLists.txt project for the ESP32 IDF files, the ESP32 IDF libraries are prebuilt using the Esp32 Msys32 environment then used for linking in the CMake build of nanoCLR. This has already been done and the libraries can be just be downloaded.
Create a directory such as the following:
Download the pre-built libs zip from here and extract it into
. -
Download the v3.1 IDF source zip file from here and extract it into
so you getC:\ESP32_Tools\esp-idf-v3.1\components
etc. -
Download the Esp32 toolchain from here and extract it into
so you getC:\Esp32_Tools\\xtensa-esp32-elf
. -
For on chip debugging of the nanoCLR, download OpenOCD from here and extract OpenOCD into
so you getC:\Esp32_Tools\openocd-esp32
. -
Download the light weight build system Ninja for CMake to generate the build files from here. This is lightweight build system, designed for speed and it works on Windows and Linux machines. See here how to setup Ninja to build nanoFramework.
- If you have Visual Studio (full version) you can use the included NMake.
Define the environment variables to match the install locations. Default locations are:
ESP32_TOOLCHAIN_PATH = C:\ESP32_TOOLS\1.22.0-80\xtensa-esp32-elf
ESP32_LIBS_PATH = C:\ESP32_TOOLS\libs-v3.1
IDF_PATH = C:\ESP32_TOOLS\esp-idf-v3.1
Add Ninja to the PATH (i.e.
Download the latest stable version from here and install it.
Extract the exe into C:\Esp32_Tools\ninja
and add the C:\Esp32_Tools\ninja
directory to your path variable.
Note that .\install-esp32-tools.ps1
will do this for you.
Install Python 3.6.5 and then install the serial driver for python from the command line:
python -m pip install pyserial
Note that .\install-esp32-tools.ps1
will install pyserial
for you if you installed Python prior to running the script. (It is Ok to run python -m pip install pyserial
multiple times.)
Install the extensions:
- "C/C++" extension by Microsoft.
- "CMake" language support for Visual Studio Code by twxs.
- "CMake tools" Extended CMake support in Visual Studio code by vector-of-bool
Set up the
in root directory of your local nanoFramework/nf-interpreter clone.See
for the generalised template. Be aware of the forward slashes in the paths. The TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX should be set to the directory where the xtensa-esp32-elf is the subdirectory.There is a template file called
that can be copied toCMake-variants.json
and used if you followed the paths in this guide. If different install paths were used, then edit the file accordingly.
"buildType": {
"default": "debug",
"choices": {
"debug": {
"short": "Debug",
"long": "Emit debug information without performing optimizations",
"buildType": "Debug"
"release": {
"short": "Release",
"long": "Enable optimizations, omit debug info",
"buildType": "Release"
"minsize": {
"short": "MinSizeRel",
"long": "Optimize for smallest binary size",
"buildType": "MinSizeRel"
"reldeb": {
"short": "RelWithDebInfo",
"long": "Perform optimizations AND include debugging information",
"buildType": "RelWithDebInfo"
"linkage": {
"default": "",
"choices": {
"Esp32_nanoCLR": {
"short": "NanoCLR",
"settings": {
"TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX" : "<absolute-path-to-the-toolchain-prefix-folder-mind-the-forward-slashes>",
"ESP32_IDF_PATH" : "<absolute-path-to-the-IDF-folder-mind-the-forward-slashes>",
"ESP32_LIBS_PATH" : "<absolute-path-to-the-bootloader-folder-mind-the-forward-slashes>",
"API_System.Net" : "ON",
"API_Windows.Networking.Sockets" : "OFF",
"API_Windows.Devices.Wifi": "ON",
"API_Windows.Devices.Adc" : "ON",
"API_Windows.Devices.Gpio" : "ON",
"API_Windows.Devices.I2c" : "ON",
"API_Windows.Devices.Pwm" : "ON",
"API_Windows.Devices.SerialCommunication" : "ON",
"API_Windows.Devices.Spi" : "ON",
"API_Hardware.Esp32" : "ON"
- Create a
The default template file is ok, and may be copied to ./.vscode/cmake-kits.json
"name": "ESP32 Tools",
"toolchainFile": "CMake/toolchain.FreeRtos.ESP32.GCC.cmake"
Create a
.For flashing the nanoCLR into the ESP32 or to erase the flash of the ESP32 you will need a
file. You can manually copy the template (tasks.TEMPLATE-ESP32.json
) and then adjust the COM port and the varios paths with place holders (!!mind the forward slashes!!) to your needs. The Power Shell script.\install-esp32-tools.ps1
will adjust the file for you if you used it. Use the paramter '-C COM6' to select COM6 for flashing the ESP32 DevKitC.
"version": "2.0.0",
"tasks": [
"taskName": "Flash nanoCLR <COMPORT>",
"type": "shell",
"command": "python <absolute-path-to-the-IDF-folder-mind-the-forward-slashes>/components/esptool_py/esptool/esptool.py --chip esp32 --port \"<COMPORT>\" --baud 460800 --before \"default_reset\" --after \"hard_reset\" write_flash -z --flash_mode \"dio\" --flash_freq \"40m\" --flash_size detect 0x1000 <absolute-path-to-the-bootloader-folder-mind-the-forward-slashes>/bootloader.bin 0x10000 <path-to-nanoFramework-build-directory-mind-the-forward-slashes>/nanoCLR.bin 0x8000 <path-to-nanoFramework-build-directory-mind-the-forward-slashes>/partitions_4mb.bin",
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"panel": "shared"
"problemMatcher": []
"taskName": "Erase flash <COMPORT>",
"type": "shell",
"command": "python <absolute-path-to-the-IDF-folder-mind-the-forward-slashes>/components/esptool_py/esptool/esptool.py --chip esp32 --port \"<COMPORT>\" --baud 460800 --before \"default_reset\" --after \"hard_reset\" erase_flash",
"presentation": {
"reveal": "always",
"panel": "shared"
"problemMatcher": []
Launch Visual Studio and from the File menu, seletc Open Folder and browse to the repo folder. VSCode will prompt asking "Would you like to configure this project?". Ignore the prompt as you need to select the build varient first.
To enter a command into Visual Studio Code use the key combination Ctrl+Shift+P.
Click on
in the Status bar or enter the commandCMake: Set build varient
and set it to the
Debug + NanoCLR
build type.If it also asks for a kit select
ESP32 Tools
Wait for CMake to process the files and build the CMake cache. This can take a while the first time.
Press F7, or click on
in the Status bar or enter the commandCMake: Build
If you get no error you will have in the build directory the files
. -
The third file that gets flashed into the ESP32 is the
which will be located hereC:/ESP32_Tools/libs-v3.1/bootloader.bin
if the automated install script is used.
Connect your development board to the computer port that you've setup in
. -
Bring your board into download mode by holding down the GPIO0 pin to GND or holding down the respective button during power up.
In Visual Studio Code enter the command
Tasks: Run task
and if you flash the board for the first time
Erase flash
and then
Flash nanoCLR
- Watch the video tutorial here and follow the step that should be done in Visual Studio 2017 Community Editon. Skip the steps that describing uploading the nanoCLR into the STM32 Nucleo board.
If you want to debug the nanoCLR on the ESP32 chip you can use the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD-H JTAG debugging adapter. The following setup is specific for the Olimex ARM-USB-OCD-H but you can use other configuration files to get it working with other JTAG adapters.
Create a ./.vscode/launch.json
from /.vscode/launch.TEMPLATE-ESP32.json
Edit the file and adjust the absolute path <absolute-path-to-the-build-folder-mind-the-forward-slashes>
to the build folder (!!mind the forward slashes!!) to your needs. The Power Shell script .\install-esp32-tools.ps1
will adjust the file for you.
The following example assumes the OpenOCD tool was installed in the default location. Adjust the path as required if you used a custom install path to OpenOCD.
"version": "0.2.0",
"configurations": [
"name": "ESP32 nanoCLR - OLimex OCD-H",
"type": "cppdbg",
"request": "launch",
"MIMode": "gdb",
"miDebuggerPath": "C:/ESP32_Tools/1.22.0-80/xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/xtensa-esp32-elf-gdb.exe",
"program": "<absolute-path-to-the-build-folder-mind-the-forward-slashes>/targets/FreeRTOS/ESP32_DevKitC/nanoCLR.elf",
"setupCommands": [
{"text": "set logging on"},
{"text": "target extended-remote localhost:3333"},
{"text": "file <absolute-path-to-the-build-folder-mind-the-forward-slashes>/nanoCLR.elf"},
{"text": "monitor reset halt"},
{"text": "thb app_main"},
{"text": "x $a1=0"}
"launchCompleteCommand": "exec-run",
"debugServerPath": "C:/Esp32_Tools/openocd-esp32/bin/openocd.exe",
"debugServerArgs": "-s \"C:/Esp32_Tools/openocd-esp32/share/openocd/scripts/\" -f interface/ftdi/olimex-arm-usb-ocd-h.cfg -f target/esp32.cfg -c \"adapter_khz 3000\" " ,
"serverStarted": "Info : .*Tensilica.*0x1.",
"filterStderr": true,
"externalConsole": true,
"cwd": "${cwd}",
"logging": {
"trace": true,
"traceResponse": true,
"engineLogging": true,
"programOutput": true,
"exceptions": true,
"moduleLoad": true
You can now debug nanoCLR on the ESP32 by pressing F5 in Visual Studio Code.
The JTAG connections on ESP32 DEVKITC are:
TRST -> EN / RST (Reset)
See Gojimmypi for description of JTAG connections: https://gojimmypi.blogspot.com/2017/03/jtag-debugging-for-esp32.html
If flashing nanoCLR via a COM port (default), then be aware that you need to disconnect the JTAG to avoid it preventing the bootloader from running, and therefore being unable to reprogram the ESP23. e.g. if you see the following pattern repeating, unplug the USB-OCD-H, and then the programming will proceed.
esptool.py v2.1
The Esp32 only has 2 hardware breakpoints.
As code is dynamically loaded unless the method has an IRAM_ATTR
attribute any breakpoints set up at the start will cause an error when you try to debug (Unable to set breakpoint). When launched the debugger will normally stop at the main task. Its not possible to set a break point on code that is not yet loaded so either step down to a point that it is loaded or temporarily set the method with the IRAM_ATTR attribute.
For more information on JTAG debugging see Espressif documentaion.