diff --git a/movie-project/oop-movie/.vscode/settings.json b/movie-project/oop-movie/.vscode/settings.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b6b18f --- /dev/null +++ b/movie-project/oop-movie/.vscode/settings.json @@ -0,0 +1,4 @@ +{ + "liveServer.settings.port": 5501, + "liveshare.autoShareTerminals": false +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/movie-project/oop-movie/README.md b/movie-project/oop-movie/README.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b254dd --- /dev/null +++ b/movie-project/oop-movie/README.md @@ -0,0 +1,115 @@ +# Movie Project +This is a movie database project, where it shows movies, their casts, ratings, trailers, related movies, genres, and so on. + +This project uses The Movie DB API: `https://api.themoviedb.org/`. It is up to +you to use your Google and Postman skills to explore the API and understand the +data. + +Documentation : 'https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/getting-started/introduction' + +# Already built for you +- A home page that shows popular movies +- When you click one of the movies, you'll see the Single Movie page, which includes: + - Movie poster + - Movie title + - Movie release date + - Movie runtime + - Movie description + - An empty cast section + +# What you and your partner will build + +## Homepage + +### Navbar +Add a universal navbar (it appears on every page) to the home page that includes +buttons that go to the following pages: + + +- DONE Home button, takes you to the home page +- DONE Movies button that has a dropdown list to show different movie genres. For + example: Action (28), Sci-Fi (878), Comedy (35), Drama (18), Horror (27), Animation (16)...etc, When you click one of them it should + load the movies for that genre. + (Implement API to get all genres if you have time for it. Genre List: https://api.themoviedb.org/3/genre/movie/list?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9&language=en-US + Pass the genre id to the discover API + Get movies by genre https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/discover/movie-discover, with_genres) +- DONE Actor list page +- DONE About page that has a description of the website +- DONE Search box where you can type the movie or actor name and display the +related results. ( https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9&query=fight&include_adult=false, https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/person?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9&query=edward&include_adult=false, use the input with movie and actor search, NOT MULTI SEARCH!) +- DONE A filter dropdown to filter the displayed movies in the home page, based +on (popular, top rated, now playing and up coming) (https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/movies/get-movie-details, +https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/popular?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9, +https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/top_rated?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9, +https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/now_playing?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9, +https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/upcoming?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9) + +### Footer +Add a universal footer that includes: + +- DONE Credit to you and your partner for building the website, +- DONE You and your partner's github link inside an icon and optionally, your social + media links + +### DONE Styling + +- DONE Make it so that hovering over the movie makes the mouse pointer icon seem + clickable. Right now, if you are about to click a movie, it's not obvious that + it's clickable. + +## Movies List Page + +### DONE Styling + +- DONE Using CSS and Bootstrap, display the page as a grid with 3 columns (3 movies + in the same row) +- DONE Make it responsive where it displays 2 columns for tablets and 1 column for + phones +- Style the rest of the page however you like. +- DONE Add the rating and genres to the movies in the home page and a description + when you hover over one of them (https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/550?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9, genres, overview) + +## STYLE IT Single Movie Page +We build part of the single movie page for you, but the information isn't +totally complete, a few more features are needed: + +- DONE The main 5 actors of the movies in the credit section (https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/movies/get-movie-credits, cast[0-4].name) +- DONE The movie language (spoken_languages in API, loop through them like genres) +- DONE A related movies section which includes at least five related movies (https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/movies/get-movie-recommendations) +- DONE A trailer section that has the movie trailer from youtube (https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/550/videos?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9) +- DONE The movie production company name and logo (https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/550?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9 ,production companies) +- DONE The director name (https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/movies/get-movie-credits, crew[i].job == "director", return crew[i].name) +- DONE The movie rating and how many votes has it received (https://api.themoviedb.org/3/movie/550?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9 voteAverage,voteCount) + +### DONE Functionality +- DONE Clicking an actor in the main actors should go to the single actor page. (Eventlisteners for actors just like eventlisteners for movies in homepage) + +### DONE Other requirements +- DONE There's an issue with duplication (undefined in the movie page) in the movie page that has to be fixed (and + you need to open the site and read the code to fix it) +- Style the page however you like + +## STYLE IT Actor List Page +-DONE Displays a list of actors styles in the same way as the movies list page, but +with the actor photo and the actor name. Clicking any actor should go to the +Single Actor Page. CSS should most certainly be reused here! (https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/people/get-popular-people, can check for known_for_department "Acting" to be sure to get only actors later on) + +## STYLE IT Single Actor Page +This page can be reached by clicking on an actor in the actors list page or the +credits in the single movie page. + +### DONE Data Display +- DONE The actor name (https://api.themoviedb.org/3/person/819?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9&language=en-US) +- DONE The actor gender (gender, 1:Female, 2:Male) +- DONE A picture of the actor (profile_path) +- DONE The actor popularity (popularity) +- DONE The birthday of the actor and (if available) death day (birthday and if(deathday != null) deathday) +- DONE A biography about the actor (biography) +- DONE A list of movies the actor participated in (https://api.themoviedb.org/3/person/819/movie_credits?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9&language=en-US, first 6 for cast and crew roles) + +## Bonus +If you finish early you can work on the same functionalities, but for TV shows. +Your code should be completely reusable (e.g., don't just copy paste a second +copy of the files). + +## Testing diff --git a/movie-project/oop-movie/index.html b/movie-project/oop-movie/index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d2da049 --- /dev/null +++ b/movie-project/oop-movie/index.html @@ -0,0 +1,131 @@ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + Movie + + + + + + +
+ + + + + + + + + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/movie-project/oop-movie/logos/600px-GitHub_logo_2013.svg.png b/movie-project/oop-movie/logos/600px-GitHub_logo_2013.svg.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..947168e Binary files /dev/null and b/movie-project/oop-movie/logos/600px-GitHub_logo_2013.svg.png differ diff --git a/movie-project/oop-movie/logos/linkedin.svg b/movie-project/oop-movie/logos/linkedin.svg new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4013ac6 --- /dev/null +++ b/movie-project/oop-movie/logos/linkedin.svg @@ -0,0 +1 @@ + \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/movie-project/oop-movie/oop-script.js b/movie-project/oop-movie/oop-script.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c119e21 --- /dev/null +++ b/movie-project/oop-movie/oop-script.js @@ -0,0 +1,565 @@ +//the API documentation site https://developers.themoviedb.org/3/ +const container = document.getElementById('container'); + +class App { + static async run(input) { + //At initialization, fetches now playing movies *else statement* and displays them in the homepage, also gets movies by filter or genres from the navbar to display in the homepage + let movies + if (typeof input === "number") { movies = await APIService.fetchMoviesByGenre(input) } + else { movies = await APIService.fetchMovies(input) } + HomePage.renderMovies(movies); + }; +}; + +class APIService { + static TMDB_BASE_URL = 'https://api.themoviedb.org/3'; + //Creates the url to look up + static _constructUrl(path) { + return `${this.TMDB_BASE_URL}/${path}?api_key=${atob('NTQyMDAzOTE4NzY5ZGY1MDA4M2ExM2M0MTViYmM2MDI=')}`; + }; + + //returns movie objects (now playing, popular, top rated, upcoming ) + static async fetchMovies(property) { + const url = APIService._constructUrl(`movie/${property}`) + const data = await (await fetch(url)).json() + //results is the array that has the movies as objects inside + return data.results.map(movie => new Movie(movie)) + }; + + //returns single movie object + static async fetchMovie(movieId) { + const url = APIService._constructUrl(`movie/${movieId}`) + const data = await (await fetch(url)).json() + return new Movie(data) + }; + + //returns actor objects for any given movie id + static async fetchActors(movieId) { + const url = APIService._constructUrl(`movie/${movieId}/credits`); + const data = await (await fetch(url)).json(); + return new CastCrew(data); + }; + + //returns related (recommended) movie objects for any given movie id + static async fetchRelatedMovie(movieId) { + const url = APIService._constructUrl(`movie/${movieId}/recommendations`); + const data = await (await fetch(url)).json(); + return new RelatedMovies(data); + }; + + //returns trailer object for any given movie id + static async fetchTrailer(movieId) { + const url = APIService._constructUrl(`movie/${movieId}/videos`); + const data = await (await fetch(url)).json(); + return new Trailer(data); + }; + + //returns actor details for single actor page for any actor id + static async fetchSingleActor(personId) { + const url = APIService._constructUrl(`person/${personId}`); + const data = await (await fetch(url)).json(); + return new SingleActor(data); + } + + //returns the movie credits for a person id + static async fetchMovieCreditsForActor(personId) { + const url = APIService._constructUrl(`person/${personId}/movie_credits`); + const data = await (await fetch(url)).json(); + return new MovieCredits(data); + } + + //returns movies for any genre id + static async fetchMoviesByGenre(genreId) { + const data = await (await fetch(`https://api.themoviedb.org/3/discover/movie?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9&include_adult=false&with_genres=${genreId}`)).json(); + //results is the array that has the movies as objects inside + return data.results.map(movie => new Movie(movie)) + } + + //returns popular actors to display on the actor list page + static async fetchPopularActors() { + const data = await (await fetch(`https://api.themoviedb.org/3/person/popular?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9&language=en-US&page=1`)).json(); + //results is the array that has the people as objects inside + return data.results.map(person => new SingleActor(person)) + } + + //returns actor results for search + static async fetchActorSearchResults (search) { + const personSearchResults = await (await fetch(`https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/person?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9&query=${search}&include_adult=false`)).json() + //results is the array that has the people as objects inside + return personSearchResults.results.map(person => new SingleActor(person)) + } + + //returns movie results for search + static async fetchMovieSearchResults (search) { + const movieSearchResults = await (await fetch(`https://api.themoviedb.org/3/search/movie?api_key=ecfdd3d5230c96c392fc9421937894a9&query=${search}&include_adult=false`)).json() + //results is the array that has the movies as objects inside + return movieSearchResults.results.map(movie => new Movie(movie)) + } + + static async fetchCompanies (companyId) { + const url = APIService._constructUrl(`/company/${companyId}`); + const data = await (await fetch(url)).json(); + return new Company(data); + } +}; + +class HomePage { + //displays returned movie objects in the home page + static renderMovies(movies) { + + //Empty the container div if it has something in it + if (container.innerText !== "") { + container.innerText = ""; + } + + const div = document.createElement("div"); + div.setAttribute("class", "homePageMovies row g-3 p-3"); + // div.setAttribute("style", "font-family: Poppins;"); + + const moviesContainer = container.appendChild(div); + + movies.forEach(movie => { + //creates single movie divisions for the home page for each movie + const movieDiv = document.createElement("div"); + movieDiv.setAttribute("class", "col-md-4 col-sm-6") + const movieImage = document.createElement("img"); + movieImage.setAttribute("class", "img-fluid homePageMovieImg"); + movieImage.setAttribute("title", `${movie.overview}`) + movieImage.src = `${movie.backdropUrl}`; + + const movieTitle = document.createElement("h3"); + movieTitle.textContent = `${movie.title.toUpperCase()}`; + movieTitle.setAttribute("class", "movie-title text-center"); + + movieImage.addEventListener("click", function () { + Movies.run(movie); //calls Movies.run with the movie parameter from movies.forEach(movie) + }); + + movieDiv.appendChild(movieImage); + movieDiv.appendChild(movieTitle); + moviesContainer.appendChild(movieDiv); + }) + } +} + +class Movies { + static async runFromID (movieId) { + const movie = await APIService.fetchMovie(movieId) + Movies.run(movie) + } + + static async run(movie) { + //gets the movie info from "Movies.run(movie)" and passes it into fetch to get that movie's info + const movieData = await APIService.fetchMovie(movie.id) + const castCrew = await APIService.fetchActors(movie.id) + const relatedMovies = await APIService.fetchRelatedMovie(movie.id) + const trailer = await APIService.fetchTrailer(movie.id) + + MoviePage.renderMovieSection(movieData, castCrew, relatedMovies, trailer); + }; +}; + +//Classes for pages start here +class MoviePage { + static renderMovieSection(movie, castCrew, relatedMovies, trailer) { + MovieSection.renderMovie(movie); + MovieSection.renderCastCrew(castCrew); + MovieSection.renderRelatedMovies(relatedMovies); + MovieSection.renderTrailer(trailer); + }; +}; + +class MovieSection { + static renderMovie(movie) { + + //Loop through genres and create a html string to display + const genres = movie.genres.map(genre => genre.name).join(", ") + + //Loop through languages and create a html string to display + const languages = movie.spokenLanguages.map(language => language.name).join(", ") + + //Loop through production companies and create a html string to display + const production = movie.productionCompanies.map(company => ` +
+ ${company.name} +
`).join(" ") + + // + // class="d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center x-0" style="width: 100%; height: 100%;" used flex things + + container.innerHTML = ` +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +


Genres: ${genres}
Vote Count: ${movie.voteCount}, Vote Average: ${movie.voteAverage}
Spoken Languages: ${languages}, Release Date: ${movie.releaseDate}, Runtime: ${movie.runtime}




+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +

Movies you might like:

+ +
+ +

Production Companies

+ ${production} +
` + } + + static renderCastCrew(castCrew) { + const castCrewDiv = document.querySelector('#castCrew-wrapper') + castCrew.director.name = castCrew.director.name + ", Director" + castCrew.actors.unshift(castCrew.director) + + //Loop through director and actors and create a html string including their names and photos, onclick image, call renderActorPage with the actor's id + const directorAndActors = castCrew.actors.map(actor => ` +
+ +
`).join(" ") + + castCrewDiv.innerHTML = ` +

Director and Actors:

+ ${directorAndActors} +
` + } + + static renderRelatedMovies(relatedMovies) { + const relatedMoviesDiv = document.querySelector('#related-movies') + + //Loop through related movies and create a html string to display + const recommendations = relatedMovies.movies.map(movie => ` + `).join(" ") + relatedMoviesDiv.innerHTML = recommendations + } + + //Displays the trailer from youtube in the trailer section of single movie page, takes trailer class instance as a parameter + static renderTrailer(trailer) { + const trailerDiv = document.querySelector('.trailerDiv'); + trailerDiv.innerHTML = ` +


+ +
+ ` + } +}; + +class ActorListPage { + static async run() { + + //Empty the container div if it has something in it + if (container.innerText !== "") { + container.innerText = ""; + } + + //gets popular actors from API and returns an array of actor objects + const actorData = await APIService.fetchPopularActors() + ActorListPage.renderActors(actorData) + } + static renderActors(actors) { + const div = document.createElement("div"); + div.setAttribute("class", "actorListPageActors row p-4"); + const actorsContainer = container.appendChild(div); + + actors.forEach(actor => { + //creates single movie divisions for the home page for each movie + const actorDiv = document.createElement("div"); + actorDiv.setAttribute("class", "actorListPageActor col-lg-2 col-md-3 col-sm-4 col-6") + const actorImage = document.createElement("img"); + actorImage.setAttribute("class", "img-fluid actorListPageImg"); + actorImage.src = `${actor.actorsProfileUrl()}`; + + const actorTitle = document.createElement("h3"); + actorTitle.textContent = `${actor.name.toUpperCase()}`; + actorTitle.setAttribute("class", "actor-name text-center"); + + actorImage.addEventListener("click", function () { + ActorPage.run(actor.id); //calls ActorPage.run with the id parameter from actor.forEach(actor) + }); + + actorDiv.appendChild(actorImage); + actorDiv.appendChild(actorTitle); + actorsContainer.appendChild(actorDiv); + }) + } +} + +class ActorPage { + static async run(personId) { + const actorData = await APIService.fetchSingleActor(personId) + const movieCredits = await APIService.fetchMovieCreditsForActor(personId) + + ActorPage.renderActorPage(actorData, movieCredits) + } + static renderActorPage(actorData, movieCredits) { + //A function to create the string of the birthday and deathday if the actor is deceased, otherwise only birthday, none if no info + const birthAndDeathday = actorData => { + if (actorData.birthday != null) { + if (actorData.deathday != null) { return `Birthday: ${actorData.birthday} Deathday: ${actorData.deathday}` } + else { return `Birthday: ${actorData.birthday}` } + } + else return `` + } + + //A function to create the string for the gender of the actor + const gender = actorData => actorData.gender == 1 ? "Female" : "Male"; + + //Loop through movies played in and create a html string to display + const moviesCast = movieCredits.moviesInCast.map(movie => ` +
+ ${movie.title} +
${movie.title} as ${movie.character}
`).join(" ") + + //Loop through movies worked in and create a html string to display + const moviesCrew = movieCredits.moviesInCrew.map(movie => ` +
+ ${movie.title} +
${movie.title} as ${movie.job}
`).join(" ") + + container.innerHTML = ` +
+ +


Gender: ${gender(actorData)}
Popularity: ${actorData.popularity}


} +

Movies In Cast

+ ${moviesCast} +

Movies In Crew

+ ${moviesCrew} +
` + }; +}; + +class SearchPage { + static async renderSearchResults(search) { + const movieSearchResults = await APIService.fetchMovieSearchResults(search) + const personSearchResults = await APIService.fetchActorSearchResults(search) + + let movies, people + if (movieSearchResults.length === 0) { movies = "

Unfortunately, no such movies found.

" } + + //Loop through movie search results and create a html string to display + else {movies = movieSearchResults.map(movie => ` +
+ ${movie.title} +


`).join(" ");} + + if (personSearchResults.length === 0) { people = "

Unfortunately, no such people found.

"} + + //Loop through person search results and create a html string to display + else {people = personSearchResults.map(person => ` +
+ ${person.name} +


`).join(" ")} + + container.innerHTML = ` +

Movie Search Results


People Search Results

` + } +} + +// Search button functionality +const submit = document.querySelector("#submit"); + submit.addEventListener("click", (e) => { + e.preventDefault(); + const search = document.querySelector("#search").value; + SearchPage.renderSearchResults(search) + }) + +class AboutPage { + static renderAboutPage(){ + container.innerHTML =` +

Made by blood, sweat and tears of Ali Rıza Şahin and Ufuk Deniz Demirbilek



  1. HomePage
  2. + +
  3. Single Movie Page
  4. + +
  5. Actor List Page
  6. + +
  7. Search
  8. + +
` + } +} + +//Classes for objects start here + +class Movie { + static PICTURE_BASE_URL = 'http://image.tmdb.org/t/p/w780'; + constructor(json) { + this.id = json.id; + this.title = json.title; + this.releaseDate = json.release_date; + this.runtime = json.runtime + " minutes"; + this.overview = json.overview; + this.backdropPath = json.backdrop_path; + this.posterPath = json.poster_path; + this.genres = json.genres; + this.spokenLanguages = json.spoken_languages; + this.voteAverage = json.vote_average; + this.voteCount = json.vote_count; + this.productionCompanies = json.production_companies; + }; + + //Backdrop url is the pictures of the movies that can be used as a background + get backdropUrl() { + return this.backdropPath ? Movie.PICTURE_BASE_URL + this.backdropPath : ""; + }; + + //Poster path url is the posters of the movies + get posterUrl() { + return this.posterPath ? Movie.PICTURE_BASE_URL + this.posterPath : ""; + }; + + //Production logo url is the url of production company logos + productionLogoUrl(i) { + return this.productionCompanies[i].logo_path ? Movie.PICTURE_BASE_URL + this.productionCompanies[i].logo_path : ""; + }; +}; + +class CastCrew { + constructor(json) { + this.actors = json.cast.slice(0, 5); + this.director = json.crew.find((person) => person.job === "Director"); + }; + + //Profile url is the pictures of the cast & crew + actorsProfileUrl(i) { + return this.actors[i].profile_path ? Movie.PICTURE_BASE_URL + this.actors[i].profile_path : ""; + }; +} + +class RelatedMovies { + constructor(json) { + this.movies = json.results.slice(0, 5); + }; + + //Poster url is the pictures of the movie posters + relatedMoviesPosterUrl(i) { + return this.movies[i].poster_path ? Movie.PICTURE_BASE_URL + this.movies[i].poster_path : ""; + }; +} + +class Trailer { + static TRAILER_BASE_URL = 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/'; + constructor(json) { + this.trailer = json.results[0]; + }; + + //Trailer url is the pictures of the movie posters + trailerUrl() { + return this.trailer.key ? Trailer.TRAILER_BASE_URL + this.trailer.key : ""; + }; +} + +class Company { + constructor(json){ + this.homepage = json.homepage + } + + static async getCompanyById (companyId) { + const company = await APIService.fetchCompanies(companyId) + return `${company.homepage}` + } +} + +class SingleActor { + constructor(json) { + this.name = json.name; + this.gender = json.gender; // 1: Female, 2:Male + this.profilePath = json.profile_path; + this.popularity = json.popularity; + this.biography = json.biography; + this.birthday = json.birthday; + this.deathday = json.deathday; + this.knownForDepartment = json.known_for_department + this.id = json.id + } + + //Profile url is the pictures of the cast & crew + actorsProfileUrl() { + return this.profilePath ? Movie.PICTURE_BASE_URL + this.profilePath : ""; + }; +} + +class MovieCredits { + constructor(json) { + this.moviesInCast = json.cast.slice(0, 6) + this.moviesInCrew = json.crew.slice(0, 6) + } + + //Backdrop url is the pictures of the movies that can be used as a background + castMoviesPosterUrl(i) { + return this.moviesInCast[i].poster_path ? Movie.PICTURE_BASE_URL + this.moviesInCast[i].poster_path : ""; + }; + + crewMoviesPosterUrl(i) { + return this.moviesInCrew[i].poster_path ? Movie.PICTURE_BASE_URL + this.moviesInCrew[i].poster_path : ""; + }; +} + +document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", App.run("now_playing")); \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/movie-project/oop-movie/presentation.md b/movie-project/oop-movie/presentation.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f162c7c --- /dev/null +++ b/movie-project/oop-movie/presentation.md @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +# Movie Project Presentations + +This time, we will be a bit stricter about time (also there's no madlibs filling +out this time). Eight minutes per group. + +## Part 1: Demo +Demo your project. Show us the pages. Maximum three minutes. + +Home Page (responsive, dropdown) +Single Movie Page, (responsive) +Single Director Page, +Actors Page, (responsive) +Single Actor Page, (responsive) +Genre +Filter +Search +About + +## Part 2: Explain some code. +Each person explain **one** piece of code. About 1.5 minutes per person. +Ali: + +Deniz: +Class APP (line 4) +Movie Page Intro (line 163) + +## Part 3: Learning. +Approximately one minute per person. + +* How was the experience of reading pre-existing code? +* What was the hardest thing for you in the project? + +Deniz: +1)It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Actually it helped us a lot to create readable code for our project by setting standards. +2)Its working with CSS, + diff --git a/movie-project/oop-movie/style.css b/movie-project/oop-movie/style.css new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8ce9a02 --- /dev/null +++ b/movie-project/oop-movie/style.css @@ -0,0 +1,262 @@ +body { + background-color: #3D0B37; + +} + +h1, +h2, +h3, +h4, +h5, +h6 { + margin-left: 0; + margin-right: 0; + padding-left: 0; + padding-left: 0; +} + +#container { + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + justify-content: center; + align-items: center; + width: 100%; + padding: 0; + font-family: Poppins, sans-serif; +} + +.trailerDiv { + max-width: 80vw; +} + +.homePageMovieImg { + cursor: pointer; + border-radius: 90px 90px 0 0; + border: solid black 6px; + outline: 0.01px solid wheat; + transition: all ease-in-out 300s; +} + +.homePageMovieImg:hover { + /* border: red solid 50px; */ + outline: -6.01px solid wheat; + transition: all ease-in-out 300s; + outline-offset: -6.01px; +} + +.movie-title { + color: rgb(247, 231, 202); + font-family: Bebas Neue, sans-serif; + text-decoration: underline red dotted; + font-size: 2rem; +} + +#container h1, +#container h2, +#container h3, +#container h4, +#container h5, +#container h6 { + font-family: Mate SC, Poppins, sans-serif; +} + +[class="row"] { + width: 100%; +} + +.actor-content { + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + justify-content: center; +} + +#container .homePageMovies, +#container .actorListPageActors { + justify-content: center; + padding: 0; + margin: 0; +} + +img { + color: white; +} + +#container .homePageMovies h3 { + font-family: Bebas Neue, Poppins, sans-serif; +} + +.text-content { + font-size: 1.2rem; + margin: auto 0; +} + +#castCrew-wrapper { + text-align: center; +} + + +#castCrew-wrapper img, +#related-movies img, +#poster-wrapper img, +.actorListPageImg, +.searchResult-card img, +.movie-card img, +#actor-profile{ + border-radius: 30px; + cursor: pointer; + outline: 0.01px solid wheat; +} + +#poster-wrapper { + height: 50%; + padding-bottom: 20px; + padding-top: 20px; + margin: auto 0; +} + +.hero { + color: white; + padding: 0; + background-position: center; + background-repeat: no-repeat; + background-size: cover; +} + +.hero-color { + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + background-color: rgba(37, 31, 21, 0.6); +} + +.bg-img { + position: relative; + width: 100%; + height: 100%; + opacity: 0.3; +} + +.content-wrapper { + width: 100%; + height: 100%; +} + +.container { + padding-top: 32px; + display: flex; + flex-direction: column; + justify-content: center; + align-items: center; +} + +.actor > img { + max-height: 200px; +} + +.director-card > img { + height: 150px; +} + +.related-movie > img { + max-height: 200px; +} + +#related-movies div { + text-align: center; +} + +#related-movies img { + outline: 0.01px solid wheat; +} + +.productionDiv { + text-align: center; + margin: 0; + padding-bottom: 40px; +} + +/* Navbar styles start */ + + .universal-nav-bar { + display: flex; + background-color: #382e2b; + } + + .tmdb-logo { + margin-left: 10px; + max-width: 6rem; + } + + .search-bar { + background-color: #816739; + } + .searchResults{ + justify-content: center; + text-align: center; + padding: 20px; + } + + .searchResult-card{ + cursor: pointer; + padding: 15px; + } + + .movie-card { + cursor:pointer; + padding: 15px; + } + + p, h2, h3, h4, h6, li, h5 { + color: white; + } + +/* Navbar styles END */ + +/* =============================================================== */ + +/* Navbar styles start */ + + footer{ + background-color: wheat; + margin-top: 30px; + font-family: Mate SC, Poppins, sans-serif; + } + + footer a { + text-decoration: none; + } + + footer h5{ + color:black; + } + + .github { + width: 80px; + height: 20px; + } + + .linkedin { + width: 80px; + height: 20px; + } + + .aboutPage { + text-align: center; + } + + .nav-link{ + text-align: center; + } + + .dropdown-item{ + text-align: center; + } + + .trailer { + border-radius: 40px; + } + + .footer-card { + outline: 0.01px solid wheat; + } + +/* Navbar styles END */