OpenQL framework has been created initially by Nader Khammassi.
Note: please fill your contributions in this file
- CBox Backend
- Configuration file support
- QASM loader for QASM syntax check
- C++ exceptions
- QISA map file generation
- QISA Control store generation
- support for hybrid classical/quantum compilation
- support for control flow (selection and repetition)
- kernel un-compute/conjugation feature
- multi-qubit control decomposition
- toffoli decompositions
- openql intermediate representation
- quantumsim simulator Backend
- compilation for CC-Light architecture - resource-constrained scheduling - parallel (SIMD and VLIW) QISA code generation
- flexible platform constraints specification and its implementation
- support for multi-qubit gates
- scheduling (ASAP/ALAP) algorithms
- parametrized gate decomposition
- unit-tests
- python Package for OpenQL
- cmake-based Compilation for cross-platform build setup
- conda recipies and packages
- single qubit flux operations
- cQASM v1.0 support
- OpenQL documentation
- Contributed to the Hardware Configuration Specification
- Utilizing qisa-as in unit-tests
- Testing OpenQL on the Hardware
- Contributed to the Hardware Configuration Specification
- Testing OpenQL on the Hardware
- backend for Central Controller (CC)
- new simplified qubit numbering scheme (rotated surface code fabric by 45 deg)
- support for comments in JSON file
- show line number and position on JSON syntax errors
- cleanup
- uniform scheduling algorithm
- resource constraint framework design
- resource constraint description for CC-Light architecture
- resource constrained list scheduling algorithms
- backward resource constraint checking
- forward and backward list scheduling algorithms
- gate commutation while scheduling
- clifford gate sequence optimization
- out of order gate creation
- staged decomposition description
- generalized passes, dumping and reporting
- platform topology specification and its implementation
- single qubit flux operations design
- initial placement mapping implementation
- basic routing implementation
- latency sensitive routing
- resource constrained routing
- scheduler integration into routing
- use moves next to swaps while routing
- crossbar spin-qubit scheduling and resource management
- recursive look-back and look-ahead routing
- arbitrary topology routing
- OpenQL documentation
- added interface (C++ and Python) to compile cQASM 1.0
- unitary decomposition support
- compiler API and modularity support
- added C printer pass
- tutorial on DQCsim + OpenQL interoperation
- doxygen documentation
- improved pass management
- extensive cleanup; basically a rewrite of everything at this point
- added support for diamond architecture
- some cleanups and refactors
- refactor and usage of the HiGHS MIP solver in the initial placement pass