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Use our model

Our model supports multiple inference backends and provides flexible settings to trade-off quality and computation at the inference time.




PyTorch (Research)

The /model directory contains all the scripts that define the architecture. Follow the example to run inference using our model.


import torch
from model import MattingRefine

device = torch.device('cuda')
precision = torch.float32

model = MattingRefine(backbone='mobilenetv2',

model = model.eval().to(precision).to(device)

src = torch.rand(1, 3, 1080, 1920).to(precision).to(device)
bgr = torch.rand(1, 3, 1080, 1920).to(precision).to(device)

with torch.no_grad():
    pha, fgr = model(src, bgr)[:2]


TorchScript (Production)

Inference with TorchScript does not need any script from this repo! Simply download the model file that has both the architecture and weights baked in. Follow the example to run our model in Python or C++ environment.


import torch

device = torch.device('cuda')
precision = torch.float16

model = torch.jit.load('PATH_TO_MODEL.pth')
model.backbone_scale = 0.25
model.refine_mode = 'sampling'
model.refine_sample_pixels = 80_000

model =

src = torch.rand(1, 3, 1080, 1920).to(precision).to(device)
bgr = torch.rand(1, 3, 1080, 1920).to(precision).to(device)

pha, fgr = model(src, bgr)[:2]


#include <torch/script.h>

int main() {
    auto device = torch::Device("cuda");
    auto precision = torch::kFloat16;

    auto model = torch::jit::load("PATH_TO_MODEL.pth");
    model.setattr("backbone_scale", 0.25);
    model.setattr("refine_mode", "sampling");
    model.setattr("refine_sample_pixels", 80000);;

    auto src = torch::rand({1, 3, 1080, 1920}).to(device).to(precision);
    auto bgr = torch::rand({1, 3, 1080, 1920}).to(device).to(precision);

    auto outputs = model.forward({src, bgr}).toTuple()->elements();
    auto pha = outputs[0].toTensor();
    auto fgr = outputs[1].toTensor();


TensorFlow (Experimental)

Please visit BackgroundMattingV2-TensorFlow repo for more detail.


ONNX (Experimental)


import onnxruntime
import numpy as np

sess = onnxruntime.InferenceSession('PATH_TO_MODEL.onnx')

src = np.random.normal(size=(1, 3, 1080, 1920)).astype(np.float32)
bgr = np.random.normal(size=(1, 3, 1080, 1920)).astype(np.float32)

pha, fgr =['pha', 'fgr'], {'src': src, 'bgr': bgr})

Our model can be exported to ONNX, but we found it to be much slower than PyTorch/TorchScript. We provide pre-exported HD(backbone_scale=0.25, sample_pixels=80,000) and 4K(backbone_scale=0.125, sample_pixels=320,000) with MobileNetV2 backbone. Any other configuration can be exported through

Compatibility Notes:

Our network uses a novel architecture that involves cropping and replacing patches of an image. This may have compatibility issues for different inference backend. Therefore, we offer different methods for cropping and replacing patches as compatibility options. You can try export ONNX models using different cropping and replacing methods. More detail is in The provided ONNX models use roi_align for cropping and scatter_element for replacing patches.




Our architecture consists of two network components. The base network operates on a downsampled resolution to produce coarse results, and the refinement network only refines error-prone patches to produce full-resolution output. This saves redundant computation and allows inference-time adjustment.

Model Arguments:

  • backbone_scale (float, default: 0.25): The downsampling scale that the backbone should operate on. e.g, the backbone will operate on 480x270 resolution for a 1920x1080 input with backbone_scale=0.25.
  • refine_mode (string, default: sampling, options: [sampling, thresholding, full]): Mode of refinement.
    • sampling will set a fixed maximum amount of pixels to refine, defined by refine_sample_pixels. It is suitable for live applications where the computation and memory consumption per frame has a fixed upperbound.
    • thresholding will dynamically refine all pixels with errors above the threshold, defined by refine_threshold. It is suitable for image editing application where quality outweights the speed of computation.
    • full will refine the entire image. Only used for debugging.
  • refine_sample_pixels (int, default: 80,000). The fixed amount of pixels to refine. Used in sampling mode.
  • refine_threshold (float, default: 0.1). The threshold for refinement. Used in thresholding mode.
  • prevent_oversampling (bool, default: true). Used only in sampling mode. When false, it will refine even the unneccessary pixels to enforce refining refine_sample_pixels amount of pixels. This is only used for speedtesting.

Model Inputs:

  • src: (B, 3, H, W): The source image with RGB channels normalized to 0 ~ 1.
  • bgr: (B, 3, H, W): The background image with RGB channels normalized to 0 ~ 1.

Model Outputs:

  • pha: (B, 1, H, W): The alpha matte normalized to 0 ~ 1.
  • fgr: (B, 3, H, W): The foreground with RGB channels normalized to 0 ~ 1.
  • pha_sm: (B, 1, Hc, Wc): The coarse alpha matte normalized to 0 ~ 1.
  • fgr_sm: (B, 3, Hc, Wc): The coarse foreground with RGB channels normalized to 0 ~ 1.
  • err_sm: (B, 1, Hc, Wc): The coarse error prediction map normalized to 0 ~ 1.
  • ref_sm: (B, 1, H/4, W/4): The refinement regions, where 1 denotes a refined 4x4 patch.

Only the pha, fgr outputs are needed for regular use cases. You can composite the alpha and foreground onto a new background using com = pha * fgr + (1 - pha) * bgr. The additional outputs are intermediate results used for training and debugging.

We recommend backbone_scale=0.25, refine_sample_pixels=80000 for HD and backbone_scale=0.125, refine_sample_pixels=320000 for 4K.