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loco_global reference page

Aaron van Geffen edited this page Mar 8, 2024 · 9 revisions
  • loco_global is a memory addressing technique in OpenLoco for referring to memory locations by their original location in the binary file.
  • Eventually all of these will be removed.
  • This is a documentation of them in terms of frequency.
  • Lines containing a loco_global were found with the following regex: ^.*loco_global<([\w\d:\(\)\+ \*\[\]_]+), (0x[a-F0-9]{6,9})>.* and replaced with $2, and then manually cleaned up (make all uppercase, make hex address only chars long, etc)
  • To find the loco_global in the code, search the code for the memory address listed in the table below.
  • Anyone wishing to create a PR to remove a loco_global is asked to start with the most-frequently-reused loco_global and work their way down the list. Once that loco_global has been entirely removed, then update and remove it from this list.

Known Offsets

  • The GameState struct starts at 0x00525E18, has a length of 0x004A0644 (or 4,851,268 bytes) and ends at 0x009C645C.
address count names
0x0112C826 10 _commonFormatArgs
0x0112CE04 7 _byte_112CE04, _savePath, _scenarioFilename
0x0112CC04 6 _byte_112CC04, _stringFormatBuffer
0x009C68EB 5 _updatingCompanyId
0x0113612C 5 _vehicleUpdate_var_113612C
0x01135F52 5 _1135F52
0x0050B745 4 _activeSavePath, _currentGameFilePath, _currentScenarioFilename
0x01136130 4 _vehicleUpdate_var_1136130
0x0113601A 4 _113601A
0x0113642A 4 _113642A
0x01136114 4 _vehicleUpdate_var_1136114
0x0050D144 4 _50D144, _inUseobjectSelection, _objectSelection
0x01136118 3 _vehicleUpdate_head
0x01136470 3 _lastPlacedTree, _lastPlacedWall
0x0113609C 3 _113609C
0x00508F17 3 _paused_state, _pausedState
0x0050A002 3 _savePromptType
0x009C870C 3 _lastTownOption
0x0052338C 3 _tooltipNotShownTicks
0x0050A018 3 _mapTooltipFormatArguments
0x0113DC78 3 _113DC78, _word_113DC78
0x01136124 3 _vehicleUpdate_frontBogie
0x01136128 3 _vehicleUpdate_backBogie
0x0050AEAD 3 _50AEAD, _isFirstTime
0x005233B6 3 _currentModalType, _modalWindowType
0x0050B884 3 _screenRT
0x00508F08 3 _game_command_nest_level, _gameCommandNestLevel
0x0050A006 3 _availableObjects
0x0052333C 3 _cursorY2
0x00F24942 3 _constructionArrowLocation, _constructionArrowPos
0x005045F8 3 _strCheckmark
0x0050C19C 3 _time_since_last_tick, _timeSinceLastTick
0x0112C1C5 3 _112C1C5, _objectSelectionMeta
0x00F24948 3 _constructionArrowDirection
0x00523338 3 _cursorX2
0x0113E72C 3 _cursorX
0x0112C884 3 _characterWidths
0x0113649D 2 _terraformGhostQuadrant, _terraformGhostRotation
0x00522095 2 _byte_522095
0x01136238 2 _vehicleUpdate_backBogieHasMoved
0x011364A4 2 _editingShortcutIndex
0x0113625A 2 _ghostAirportStationId, _ghostLandTrackAndDirection
0x005233A4 2 _5233A4
0x005183FC 2 _strings
0x01136264 2 _1136264, _ghostAirportNode
0x0052334C 2 _52334C, _mousePosY
0x0052334A 2 _52334A, _mousePosX
0x00523370 2 _pressedWindowNumber
0x00523364 2 _callingWindowType
0x00523384 2 _tooltipWidgetIndex
0x00523382 2 _tooltipWindowNumber
0x0052336E 2 _52336E
0x0052336F 2 _pressedWindowType
0x00523381 2 _tooltipWindowType
0x0052337A 2 _dragLastY
0x00523372 2 _pressedWidgetIndex
0x01140740 2 _keyboardState
0x01136237 2 _vehicleUpdate_frontBogieHasMoved
0x0052524C 2 _setPaletteCallback
0x0112C213 2 _competitiveness
0x0112C181 2 _numObjectsPerType, _tabObjectCounts
0x0112A17F 2 _dependentObjectVectorData
0x0112A17E 2 _112A17E, _customObjectsInIndex
0x0112C730 2 _lastPlacedTrackStationId
0x0112C734 2 _lastConstructedAdjoiningStationId
0x0112C792 2 _lastConstructedAdjoiningStationCentrePos
0x00F252A4 2 _hoveredStationId
0x00F24490 2 _mapSelectedTiles
0x00F00484 2 _byte_F00484, _map
0x01135C60 2 _buildingGhostPlaced, _byte_1135C60
0x00E40114 2 _interactionResult
0x00E0C3E0 2 _dword_E0C3E0, _renderTarget
0x00E0C3C9 2 _industryLastPlacedId
0x009C86F8 2 _zoomTicks
0x009C68F8 2 _deliveredCargoPayment
0x009C68EE 2 _errorCompanyId
0x009C68D0 2 _9C68D0
0x009C645C 2 _companyColours
0x00525E18 2 _gameState
0x0112C212 2 _aggressiveness
0x011364F0 2 _trackTypesForTab
0x01136134 2 _vehicleUpdate_var_1136134
0x0113614E 2 _dragCarComponent
0x01136156 2 _dragVehicleHead
0x011364EC 2 _numTrackTypeTabs
0x01136120 2 _vehicleUpdate_2
0x0112C211 2 _intelligence
0x0050B2EC 2 _pathSavesTwoPlayer
0x0050C197 2 _loadErrorCode
0x0113D84C 2 _dropdownItemCount
0x0113D84E 2 _dropdownHighlightedIndex
0x0113D850 2 _dropdownItemFormats
0x0113DB20 2 _menuOptions
0x0050B894 2 _screenInfo
0x0113DC60 2 _dropdownDisabledItems
0x0050B518 2 _pathLandscapes
0x0050B406 2 _pathScenarios
0x0050B1CF 2 _pathSavesSinglePlayer
0x0050C19A 2 _50C19A
0x0113DC68 2 _dropdownItemHeight
0x0113DC6C 2 _dropdownItemWidth
0x0113DC70 2 _dropdownColumnCount
0x0113DC74 2 _dropdownRowCount
0x0050A004 2 _50A004
0x0050A000 2 _adjustToolSize
0x00508F1A 2 _gameSpeed
0x00508F10 2 __508F10, _flags
0x00508F09 2 _suppressErrorSound
0x0050C198 2 _loadErrorMessage
0x00503C6C 2 _503C6C
0x01136F98 2 _currentTooltipStringId
0x0050D13C 2 _installedObjectList
0x0050D435 2 _lastSong
0x01136594 2 _windowColours
0x0113ED20 2 _113ED20
0x0113E730 2 _cursorY
0x0050D161 2 _isPartialLoaded
0x0050D158 2 _dependentObjectsVector
0x0050D434 2 _currentSong
0x01135F88 1 _routingTransformData
0x01135F86 1 _viewportFlags
0x01135F80 1 _1135F90
0x01135F7C 1 _1135F7C
0x01135F78 1 _constructingStationProducedCargoTypes
0x01135F74 1 _constructingStationAcceptedCargoTypes
0x01135F70 1 _constructingStationId
0x0113DD0C 1 _graphDataTypeSize
0x01135F6C 1 _stationCost
0x01135FAE 1 _1135FAE
0x01135F4E 1 _signalCost
0x01135F46 1 _modCost
0x01135F42 1 _dword_1135F42
0x01135F3E 1 _trackCost
0x0113DD10 1 _graphDataStart
0x01135F36 1 _trackImageId2
0x01135F32 1 _trackImageId1
0x01135FA6 1 _findTrackNetworkFlags
0x01135FB4 1 _x
0x01135F26 1 _trackBaseImageId
0x01135FB6 1 _y
0x0113602F 1 _isSignalBothDirections
0x0113602E 1 _lastSelectedSignal
0x0113601D 1 _signalList
0x0113DC8C 1 _graphYData
0x01136010 1 _modGhostTrackObjId
0x0113600A 1 _signalGhostTrackObjId
0x01136004 1 _signalGhostPos
0x01136002 1 _signalGhostSides
0x01136000 1 _word_1136000
0x01135FFE 1 _word_1135FFE
0x01135FF8 1 _modGhostPos
0x01135FEE 1 _stationGhostType
0x01135FE6 1 _stationGhostPos
0x01135FE4 1 _lastSelectedMods
0x01135FD8 1 _word_1135FD8
0x01135FD6 1 _word_1135FD6
0x01135FD4 1 _previousTileRotation
0x01135FCE 1 _previousTile
0x01135FCC 1 _nextTileRotation
0x01135FC6 1 _nextTile
0x01135FC0 1 _ghostRemovalTrackPos
0x01135FBA 1 _ghostTrackPos
0x01135FB8 1 _constructionZ
0x01135F2E 1 _trackExtraImageId
0x01135F0A 1 _hashMapSize
0x01135F12 1 _transformFunction
0x0113DD80 1 _word_113DD80
0x0113DD76 1 _graphXLabel
0x0113DD78 1 _graphXAxisRange
0x0112C876 1 _currentFontSpriteBase
0x0113DD7C 1 _dword_113DD7C
0x0112C824 1 _currentFontFlags
0x0112C810 1 _currentDayInOlympiad
0x0112C690 1 _score
0x0112C7F2 1 _byte_112C7F2
0x0112C7D2 1 _industry
0x0112C710 1 _producedCargoTypes
0x0112C68C 1 _filter
0x0113DD82 1 _graphXAxisLabelIncrement
0x0113DD84 1 _graphYLabel
0x0113DD86 1 _dword_113DD86
0x0112C7A9 1 _112C7A9
0x0113DD8A 1 _dword_113DD8A
0x0112C786 1 _lastSelectedStation
0x0113DD99 1 _byte_113DD99
0x0112C748 1 _lastPlacedPortStationId
0x0112C744 1 _lastPlacedAirportStationId
0x0113DD74 1 _graphDataEnd
0x0113DD54 1 _graphLineColour
0x01135F0E 1 _filterFunction
0x0113DD9A 1 _graphItemId
0x0113DD8E 1 _dword_113DD8E
0x01135F06 1 _1135F06
0x01135C66 1 _townSize
0x01135C65 1 _buildingVariation
0x0112C2E9 1 _alternateTrackObjectId
0x0112C2ED 1 _112C2ED
0x0113E300 1 _keyQueue
0x0113E21C 1 _totalPhysicalMemory
0x01136030 1 _bridgeList
0x01135C63 1 _buildingRotation
0x01135C34 1 _dword_1135C34
0x01135C62 1 _buildingGhostType
0x0112C2EE 1 _112C2EE
0x01135C61 1 _buildingColour
0x0112C300 1 _112C300
0x0112C306 1 _112C306
0x0113DD50 1 _dword_113DD50
0x01135C5A 1 _trackAndDirection
0x01135C50 1 _buildingGhostPos
0x01135C38 1 _dword_1135C38
0x01135C64 1 _buildingGhostRotation
0x0113652C 1 _raiseWaterCost
0x01136039 1 _lastSelectedBridge
0x011360FC 1 _11360FC
0x0113646A 1 _113646A
0x01136458 1 _1136458
0x0113626A 1 _availableVehicles
0x01136268 1 _numAvailableVehicles
0x0113D8A0 1 _dropdownItemArgs
0x0113625E 1 _ghostVehiclePos
0x0113D9E0 1 _dropdownItemArgs2
0x01136258 1 _backupZ
0x01136254 1 _backupY
0x01136250 1 _backupX
0x0113624C 1 _backup2C
0x01136248 1 _backup2E
0x01136240 1 _backupVeh0
0x0113623E 1 _mapY
0x0113623C 1 _mapX
0x0113DC64 1 _dropdownSelection
0x0113621D 1 _headId_113621D
0x01136168 1 _vehicleUpdate_targetZ
0x01136140 1 _1136140
0x0113611C 1 _vehicleUpdate_1
0x0113610E 1 _vehicleUpdate_collisionCarComponent
0x0113646C 1 _vehicleUpdate_initialStatus
0x0113D754 1 _windowsEnd
0x011370AC 1 _windows
0x01136F94 1 _windowDropdownOnpaintCellX
0x011364E8 1 _buildTargetVehicle
0x011367A0 1 _11367A0
0x011364A0 1 __11364A0
0x0113649E 1 _treeClusterType
0x011368A0 1 _11368A0
0x0113649C 1 _terraformGhostType
0x01136BA0 1 _colourMapA
0x0113649B 1 _terraformGhostTreeElementType
0x01136C98 1 _colourMapB
0x0113649A 1 _terraformGhostPlacedFlags
0x0113646D 1 _vehicleUpdate_helicopterTargetYaw
0x01136499 1 _terraformGhostBaseZ
0x01136497 1 _treeColour
0x01136496 1 _treeRotation
0x01136F96 1 _windowDropdownOnpaintCellY
0x01136492 1 _terraformGhostTreeRotationFlag
0x01136490 1 _lastTreeColourFlag
0x01136488 1 _terraformGhostPos
0x01136484 1 _lastTreeCost
0x01136FA0 1 _lastKnownButtonState
0x0113DC7A 1 _graphLeft
0x011360D0 1 _vehicleUpdate_manhattanDistanceToStation
0x0113603A 1 _byte_113603A
0x0113DC7C 1 _graphTop
0x01136069 1 _ghostRemovalTrackRotation
0x01136068 1 _lastSelectedTrackGradient
0x01136067 1 _lastSelectedTrackPiece
0x01136066 1 _constructionArrowFrameNum
0x01136065 1 _byte_1136065
0x01136064 1 _constructionRotation
0x01136063 1 _byte_1136063
0x01136062 1 _trackType
0x01136528 1 _lowerWaterCost
0x0113605E 1 _trackTunnel
0x0113605D 1 _makeJunction
0x0113605A 1 _modGhostTileIndex
0x01136059 1 _modGhostTrackId
0x01136058 1 _modGhostRotation
0x01136054 1 _modList
0x0113604F 1 _signalGhostTileIndex
0x0113604E 1 _signalGhostTrackId
0x0113604D 1 _signalGhostRotation
0x0113604C 1 _lastSelectedStationType
0x0113603B 1 _stationList
0x0113DC8A 1 _graphLineCount
0x0113606A 1 _ghostRemovalTrackId
0x0113606B 1 _stationGhostRotation
0x0113606C 1 _stationGhostTrackId
0x0113DC82 1 _graphYOffset
0x0113DC7E 1 _graphRight
0x01136090 1 _backupTileElement
0x0113608A 1 _113608A
0x0113DC80 1 _graphBottom
0x01136089 1 _stationGhostTypeDockAirport
0x01136087 1 _1136087
0x01136085 1 _1136085
0x0113607E 1 _byte_113607E
0x0113607D 1 _113607D
0x01136079 1 _lastSelectedTrackPieceId
0x0113DC86 1 _graphYAxisLabelIncrement
0x01136078 1 _byte_1136078
0x01136077 1 _byte_1136077
0x01136076 1 _byte_1136076
0x01136075 1 _byte_1136075
0x0113DC84 1 _graphXOffset
0x01136073 1 _byte_1136073
0x01136072 1 _byte_1136072
0x0113606E 1 _lastSelectedTrackModSection
0x0113606D 1 _stationGhostTileIndex
0x01136061 1 _constructionHover
0x004D9CA4 1 _4D9CA4
0x0112C209 1 _112C209
0x0052337F 1 _dragWidgetIndex
0x0052339C 1 _52339C
0x00523398 1 _currentScrollOffset
0x00523396 1 _currentScrollArea
0x00523394 1 _toolWidgetIndex
0x00523393 1 _toolWindowCursor
0x00523392 1 _toolWindowType
0x00523390 1 _toolWindowNumber
0x0052338E 1 _ticksSinceDragStart
0x0052338A 1 _tooltipTimeout
0x00523388 1 _tooltipCursorY
0x00523386 1 _tooltipCursorX
0x00523380 1 _dragScrollIndex
0x0052337E 1 _dragWindowType
0x005233A8 1 _hoverWindowType
0x0052337C 1 _dragWindowNumber
0x00523378 1 _dragLastX
0x00523376 1 _clickRepeatTicks
0x0052336D 1 _state
0x0052336C 1 _52336C
0x00523368 1 _flags
0x0052334E 1 _thousandthTickCounter
0x00523348 1 _mapTooltipTimeout
0x005230C8 1 _elements
0x00522096 1 _ghostVisibilityFlags
0x00522093 1 _ghostRemovalTrackObjectId
0x00522092 1 _byte_522092
0x005233A6 1 _5233A6
0x005233AA 1 _hoverWindowNumber
0x00522090 1 _byte_522090
0x00525CD4 1 _dword_525CD4
0x009C68E0 1 _gGameCommandPosition
0x009C68D6 1 _headquarterGhostPos
0x009C68C7 1 _word_9C68C7
0x009C66B3 1 _linebreakCount
0x009C64B3 1 _errorText
0x00987C5C 1 _987C5C
0x00525FC6 1 _loanInterestRate
0x00525CF8 1 _525CF8
0x00525CE4 1 _bridgeEntry
0x00525CE0 1 _word_525CE0
0x00525CDC 1 _dword_525CDC
0x00525CD8 1 _dword_525CD8
0x00525CD0 1 _dword_525CD0
0x005233AC 1 _hoverWidgetIdx
0x00525BB0 1 _vehicleUpdate_helicopterAirportMovement
0x00525388 1 _keyQueueLastWrite
0x00525384 1 _keyQueueReadIndex
0x00525380 1 _keyQueueWriteIndex
0x00525374 1 _cursorDragState
0x00525348 1 _glpCmdLine
0x00525330 1 _cursorWheel
0x00525320 1 _hwnd
0x005251C8 1 _rightMouseButtonStatus
0x00523508 1 _523508
0x005233B2 1 _5233B2
0x005233AE 1 _5233AE
0x00522091 1 _byte_522091
0x0050D5AC 1 _50D5AC
0x009C68E8 1 _gGameCommandErrorTitle
0x004FD170 1 _4FD170
0x00508F12 1 _screenAge
0x005060D0 1 _gCDKey
0x005046FA 1 _appropriateImageDropdownItemsPerRow
0x00504619 1 _byte_504619
0x00503B6A 1 _503B6A
0x005001B4 1 _5001B4
0x004FEAB8 1 _unk_4FEAB8
0x004FE0B8 1 _objectRepository
0x004FDC5C 1 _byte_4FDC5C
0x004FD200 1 _4FD200
0x004FD1E0 1 _4FD1E0
0x004FD180 1 _4FD180
0x004FD150 1 _4FD150
0x00508F16 1 _screenshotCountdown
0x004FD140 1 _4FD140
0x004FD130 1 _4FD130
0x004FD120 1 _addToStringPlotList
0x004F9442 1 _cargoLineColour
0x004F8A7C 1 _trackIdToSparkDirection
0x004F87BC 1 _4F87BC
0x004F8764 1 _4F8764
0x004F86B4 1 _4F86B4
0x004F865C 1 _vehicle_arr_4F865C
0x004F7B5C 1 _4F7B5C
0x004F7358 1 _4F7358
0x004F7284 1 _4F7284
0x00508F14 1 _screenFlags
0x00508F18 1 _keyModifier
0x0050D555 1 _audioIsEnabled
0x0050C143 1 _tunnels3
0x0050D554 1 _audioIsPaused
0x0050D514 1 _unk_50D514
0x0050D430 1 _songProgress
0x0050D1EC 1 _audioInitialised
0x0050D160 1 _isTemporaryObject
0x0050D15C 1 _temporaryObject
0x0050D154 1 _totalNumImages
0x0050D148 1 _50D144refCount
0x0050C1A6 1 _tickJumpESP
0x0050C19E 1 _last_tick_time
0x0050C195 1 _state
0x0050C185 1 _tunnelCounts
0x0050C0FF 1 _tunnels2
0x00508F19 1 _state
0x0050C0BB 1 _tunnels1
0x0050C077 1 _tunnels0
0x0050BF68 1 _50BF68
0x0050B8C8 1 _paletteToG1Offset
0x0050B8A0 1 _screenInvalidation
0x0050B860 1 _paletteMap
0x0050B635 1 _pathObjects
0x0050B0CE 1 _pathInstall
0x0050AEB4 1 _legacyConfig
0x0050AE8C 1 _scenarioList
0x0050AE04 1 _scenarioHeader
0x0050A040 1 _mapTooltipOwner
0x009C68E6 1 _gGameCommandErrorText
0x009C68EA 1 _gGameCommandExpenditureType
0x0112C1C1 1 _numberCompetitorObjects
0x00E40110 1 _E40110
0x00F00156 1 _mtnToolOuterLoopIndex
0x00F00155 1 _mtnToolHeightDiff
0x00F00154 1 _mtnToolGCFlags
0x00F00152 1 _maxHeight
0x00F0014E 1 _mtnToolCost
0x00F00138 1 _F00138
0x00F00134 1 _elementsEnd
0x00E4F0B4 1 _currentlyDrawnItem
0x00E40134 1 _tiles
0x00E40120 1 _lastPS
0x00E4011C 1 _lastPaintString
0x00E40118 1 _paintStringHead
0x00E4010C 1 _E4010C
0x00F0015C 1 _F0015C
0x00E40108 1 _E40108
0x00E40104 1 _E40104
0x00E40100 1 _E40100
0x00E400FC 1 _E400FC
0x00E400F8 1 _E400F8
0x00E400F4 1 _E400F4
0x00E400F2 1 _E400F2
0x00E400F0 1 _E400F0
0x00E400EC 1 _E400EC
0x00E400E4 1 _trackRoadAdditionsPaintStructs
0x00E400D0 1 _trackRoadPaintStructs
0x00E400CC 1 _savedPSCur2
0x00F00158 1 _F00158
0x00F00160 1 _heightMap
0x00E400C4 1 _quadrantFrontIndex
0x00F25310 1 _lowerLandCost
0x0112C185 1 _112C185
0x0112A168 1 _numImages
0x0112A110 1 _installedObjectCount
0x01025A8C 1 _entitySpatialIndex
0x01025A88 1 _entitySpatialCount
0x00F2540C 1 _byte_F2540C
0x00F25404 1 _byte_F25404
0x00F253F2 1 _routeColours
0x00F253DF 1 _byte_F253DF
0x00F253CE 1 _assignedIndustryColours
0x00F253A8 1 _dword_F253A8
0x00F253A4 1 _dword_F253A4
0x00F2530C 1 _raiseLandCost
0x00F00166 1 _constructAtElementPositionFlags
0x00F2448E 1 _word_F2448E
0x00F2448C 1 _mapSelectionBY
0x00F2448A 1 _mapSelectionAY
0x00F24488 1 _mapSelectionBX
0x00F24486 1 _mapSelectionAX
0x00F24484 1 _mapSelectionFlags
0x00F00480 1 _waterHeight
0x00F0047C 1 _support
0x004F6F8C 1 _4F6F8C
0x00F003F4 1 _trackRoadAdditionSupports
0x00F003D2 1 _lastSelectedLand
0x00F00168 1 _F00168
0x00E400C8 1 _savedPSCur
0x00E400C0 1 _quadrantBackIndex
0x009C68EC 1 _errorCompetitorId
0x009CCA34 1 _header
0x00E04324 1 _interactionFlags
0x00E025C4 1 _blocks
0x009E2424 1 _g1Elements
0x009DA3D8 1 _noiseMaskImageData
0x009DA3D4 1 _9DA3D4
0x009DA284 1 _fileType
0x009DA084 1 _displayFolderBuffer
0x009D9E64 1 _filter
0x009D9D63 1 _type
0x009D9D52 1 _decodedSize
0x009D1C9A 1 _result
0x009D118E 1 _pathBuffer
0x009C8714 1 _activeOptions
0x00E0C398 1 _dword_E0C398
0x009C8710 1 _adjustWaterToolSize
0x009C870F 1 _clearAreaToolSize
0x009C870E 1 _adjustLandToolSize
0x009C870D 1 _lastPortOption
0x009C870A 1 _tutorialNumber
0x009C8708 1 _tutorialString
0x009C8704 1 _tutorialEnd
0x009C86FC 1 _tutorialOffset
0x009C68F2 1 _9C68F2
0x009C68F1 1 _headquarterGhostType
0x009C68F0 1 _headquarterGhostRotation
0x009C68EF 1 _headquarterGhostPlaced
0x00E0C394 1 _dword_E0C394
0x00E0C39C 1 _dword_E0C39C
0x00E3F0C0 1 _quadrants
0x00E3F096 1 _spritePositionY
0x00E3F0BC 1 _viewFlags
0x00E3F0B8 1 _gCurrentRotation
0x00E3F0B4 1 _currentItem
0x00E3F0B0 1 _mapPosition
0x00E3F0AD 1 _trackModId
0x00E3F0AC 1 _itemType
0x00E3F0A6 1 _foregroundCullingHeight
0x00E3F0A0 1 _boundingBoxOffset
0x00E3F09E 1 _didPassSurface
0x00E3F09C 1 _unkVpPositionY
0x00E3F09A 1 _vpPositionY
0x00E3F098 1 _unkPositionY
0x00E3F094 1 _vpPositionX
0x00E0C3C2 1 _industryGhostPos
0x00E3F092 1 _unkPositionX
0x00E3F090 1 _spritePositionX
0x00E0C410 1 _paintEntries
0x00E0C40C 1 _nextFreePaintStruct
0x00E0C408 1 _paintHead
0x00E0C404 1 _endOfPaintStructArray
0x00E0C3F4 1 _rt2
0x00E0C3E4 1 _rt1
0x00E0C3DB 1 _industryGhostId
0x00E0C3DA 1 _industryGhostType
0x00E0C3D9 1 _industryGhostPlaced
0x00E0C3C6 1 _word_E0C3C6
0x00F00458 1 _supportSegments
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