A set of base oJobs as common building blocks for custom oJobs.
Check the documentation for some of them:
oJob-common | Description |
oJobBasics | Basic init/done logging, sh command execution, etc. |
oJobEmail | Send emails. |
oJobSSH | SSH to execute commands and upload/download files. |
oJobSQL | Query or execute SQL to a JDBC database. |
oJobES | Logging to ElasticSearch |
oJobNet | Testing network connectivity |
oJob | Building a simple HTTP(s) server |
oJobRest | Building a simple REST server |
oJobOPack | Simplified OPack creation |
oJobRAID | Simplified RAID AF operation execution. |
oJobWatchDog | Helps build a cron-based process "watchdog". |
oJobBasics jobs |
oJob sh |
oJob background processes |
oJob From global |
oJob Args from JSON |
oJob Args from YAML |
oJob Send email |
oJob Jobs Report |
This job runs a local shell command and accepts the following arguments:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
cmd | String/Array | Yes | The command to execute (or an array of commands) |
quiet | Boolean | No | Determines if the stdout should be visible or not (default is false) |
directory | String | No | Sets the working directory for the command |
stdin | String | No | Provide any stdin needed |
exitcode | Number | No | Determines what exitcode should be consider success (default is 0) |
- oJobBasics.yaml
# Example to show 123
- name: Example Echo 123
to : oJob sh
cmd: echo 123
# Example to show how you can combine multiple commands
- name: Example with multiple commands
to : oJob sh
- echo -- [You are in `pwd`] -------------
- >-
echo -- [Previous directory] ----------- &&
cd .. &&
ls -1
- >-
echo -- [Current directory] ------------ &&
cd . &&
ls -1
# Example to parse output
- name: Example to parse output
from: oJob sh
quiet: true
cmd : >-
curl -X GET "https://httpbin.org/json" -H "accept: application/json"
exec: |
print("STDOUT = " + stringify(jsonParse(args.stdout)));
print("STDERR = " + args.stderr);
print("EXITCODE = " + args.exitcode);
# Example to prepare cmd
- name: Example to prepare cmd
to : oJob sh
exec: |
args.cmd = "echo " + new Date();
- Example Echo 123
- Example with multiple commands
- Example to parse output
- Example to prepare cmd
These jobs will run a command in background and wait for all to finish if needed. oJob Process Launch expects:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
cmd | String/Array | Yes | The command to execute (or an array of commands) in background. |
console | Boolean | No | Defines if stdout/stderr should be printed or not (defaults to true) |
success | String | No | Code to execute as a function in case of success. Receives a "res" map from executing a sh function. |
error | String | No | Code to execute as a function in case of error. Receives a "e" exception and a "cmd" with the original cmd argument. |
- oJobBasics.yaml
- Launch proc 1
- Launch proc 2
- oJob Process Wait
- name: Launch proc 1
to :
- oJob Process Launch
cmd : "myProc1.sh"
success: "log(stringify(res, void 0, ''));"
- name: Launch proc 2
to :
- oJob Process Launch
cmd : "myProc2.sh"
This job will reset or merge a global variable map. Expects:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
global | String | Yes | Load arguments from the global variable specified. |
This job will load the args map from a JSON file. Expects:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
file | String | Yes | The filepath to read the JSON file from. |
global | String | No | Alternatively load to the global variable specified. |
This job will load the args map from a YAML file. Expects:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
file | String | Yes | The filepath to read the YAML file from. |
global | String | No | Alternatively load to the global variable specified. |
This job prints a job execution report on shutdown.
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
format | String | No | Output in json, yaml or table format (defaults to table) |
Note: you can also use the job "oJob Jobs Final Report" to output the report on shutdown.
- oJobBasics.yaml
# some jobs
- oJob Jobs Final Report
# some todos
oJobEmail jobs |
oJob Send email |
This job tries to send an email. Expects:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
server | String | Yes | The email server to use. |
port | Number | No | The email server port to use. |
from | String | Yes | The email from address. |
to | Array | Yes | The email to addresses. |
cc | Array | No | The email cc addresses. |
bcc | Array | No | The email bcc addresses. |
isHTML | Boolean | No | Specifies if the email is in HTML format. |
subject | String | Yes | The email subject (a hbs template using args as data). |
output | String | Yes | The email body message (a hbs template using args as data). |
altOutput | String | No | The email body alternative message (defaults to message). |
credentials | Map | No | The email server credentials (user and pass). |
useSSL | Boolean | No | If the email server uses SSL. |
useTLS | Boolean | No | If the email server uses TLS. |
embedFiles | Array | No | Array of maps (with file and name) to embeded on the email. |
addAttachments | Array | No | Array of maps (with file, isInLine, name) to attach on the email. |
addImages | Array | No | Array of urls to images (only available if isHTML = true)- |
embedURLs | Array | No | Array of maps (with url and name) to embeded on the email. |
debug | Boolean | No | Determines if it should debug the process. |
from : [email protected]
server : my.smtp.server
user: user1
pass: pass1
useSSL : true
- oJobEmail.yaml
- name: Send email test
from: oJob Args from YAML
to : oJob Send email
file : smtp-config.yaml
to :
- [email protected]
subject: Test email
output : My test email
- Send email test
Executes commands on a SSH connection. The expected arguments are:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
cmd | String/Array | Yes | A SSH command-line to execute or and array of it (keep in mind that this isn't bash) |
stdin | String | No | An optional SSH stdin for the command-line to execute |
chHosts | String | No | A channel with hosts configurations to use instead of individual config |
host | String | No | The SSH host |
port | Number | No | The SSH port (defaults to 22) |
login | String | No | The SSH login |
pass | String | No | The SSH pass |
key | String | No | The path to a SSH key file (optional) |
exitcode | Number | No | Determines what exitcode should be consider success (default is 0) |
sudo | String | No | Sudo's to the corresponding user to executing the command-line |
quiet | Boolean | No | Determines if no output of the command(s) execution should be provided (default to false) |
- name : my host 1
host : host1.local
login: user1
pass : pass1234
key : key.rsa
- name : my host 2
host : host2.local
login: user1
pass : pass1234
key : key.rsa
- oJobSSH.yaml
sequential: true
# Example to show 123
- name: Example Echo 123
- SSH Load hosts
to : SSH Exec
cmd: echo 123
# Example to show how you can combine multiple commands
- name: Example with multiple commands
- SSH Load hosts
to : SSH Exec
- echo -- [You are in `pwd`] -------------
- >-
echo -- [Previous directory] ----------- &&
cd .. &&
ls -1
- >-
echo -- [Current directory] ------------ &&
cd . &&
ls -1
# Example to parse output
- name: Example to parse output
- SSH Load hosts
from: SSH Exec
quiet: true
cmd : >-
curl -X GET "https://httpbin.org/json" -H "accept: application/json"
exec: |
print("STDOUT = " + stringify(jsonParse(args.stdout)));
print("STDERR = " + args.stderr);
print("EXITCODE = " + args.exitcode);
- name: SSH Load hosts
chHosts: myhosts
file : hosts.yaml
- name: Example Echo 123
chHosts: myhosts
- name: Example with multiple commands
chHosts: myhosts
- name: Example to parse output
chHosts: myhosts
Allows for easy SQL query or executiong in any JDBC database.
Basic example:
dbJDBC: &jdbcurl jdbc:oracle:thin:@
dbUser: &jdbcuser scott
dbPass: &jdbcpass tiger
- ojobSQL.yaml
- name: Get current date
from: SQL
DBURL : *jdbcurl
DBUser: *jdbcuser
DBPass: *jdbcpass
sql : select current_date cd, sysdate sd from dual
exec: |
tprint("Current date = {{CD}}", args.output[0]);
tprint("System date = {{SD}}", args.output[0]);
- name: Get generated data
from: SQL RAID
DBURL : *jdbcurl
DBUser: *jdbcuser
DBPass: *jdbcpass
format : table
sql : |
SELECT level, current_date, sysdate
FROM dual
CONNECT BY level <= 10
- Get current date
- Get generated data
Example using RAID:
raidURL: &raidurl http://user:[email protected]:1234/xdt
raidDB : &raiddb Dat
- ojobSQL.yaml
- name: Get current date
from: SQL RAID
raidURL: *raidurl
raidDB : *raiddb
sql : select current_date cd, sysdate sd from dual
exec: |
tprint("Current date = {{CD}}", args.output[0]);
tprint("System date = {{SD}}", args.output[0]);
- name: Get generated data
from: SQL RAID
raidURL: *raidurl
raidDB : *raiddb
format : table
sql : |
SELECT level, current_date, sysdate
FROM dual
CONNECT BY level <= 10
- Get current date
- Get generated data
Starts logging to ElasticSearch. Expects:
Argument | Type | Description |
url | String | The ElasticSearch cluster URL |
index | String | An ElasticSearch index name (it will be suffixed automatically with the current date) |
format | String | The format of the date if different from day |
host | String | A LogStash like host to identify in each entry |
user | String | A user name |
pass | String | A password (encrypted or not) |
- oJobES.yaml
# [...]
# Log to ElasticSearch
- name: Start Log to ES
url : http://my.es.cluster
index: mylogs
host : myjob
Example by week:
- oJobES.yaml
# [...]
# Log to ElasticSearch
- name: Start Log to ES
url : http://my.es.cluster
index : mylogs
format: yyyy.ww
host : myjob
Stops logging to ElasticSearch.
# Stop logging to ElasticSearch
- Stop ES logging
Simplifies the creation of one or more HTTP(s) server where you just provide which functions to run for each URI on a http(s) server. The function will receive all the requests parameters and return the content for the browser. If you wish to return JSON please check oJobRest.
It's composed of 3 jobs:
- HTTP Start Server
- HTTP Stop Server
- HTTP Service
- HTTP File Browse
The job "HTTP Start Server" expects:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
port | Number | No | The port number where to assign the HTTP(s) server (defaults to 8091) |
keystore | String | No | The keystore for the SSL certificates to create a HTTPS server |
pass | String | No | The password for the keystore to create a HTTPS server |
host | String | No | The ip address of the local network interface to which to bind this HTTP server (defaults to |
cp | String | No | Provide a folder where the keystore file is to include it on the current classpath (Java requires for keystores to be on the execution classpath) |
hs | HTTPServer object | No | An already created HTTPServer to which to bind the HTTP services |
mapLibs | Boolean | No | Map internal OpenAF libs like JQuery, highlight css, etc. |
The job "HTTP Stop Server" expects:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
port | Number | No | The port number where to assign the HTTP(s) server (defaults to 8091) |
The job "HTTP service" expects:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
port | Number | No | The port number where to assign the HTTP(s) server (defaults to 8091) |
uri | String | No | The URI where the HTTP(s) service will be available. |
execURI | String | Yes | The code to execute whenever the uri is requested. The code is included into a function that receives the arguments: request and server. "request" is a map containing all the request properties. "server" is the HTTPServer object for which you should use replyOKText, replyOKJSON, etc. |
The job "HTTP File Browse" expects:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
port | Number | No | The port number where to assign the HTTP(s) server (defaults to 8091) |
uri | String | No | The URI where the HTTP(s) service will be available. |
path | String | Yes | The canonical path to the file path that will be made available for browsing. |
browse | String | No | If "false" no browsing interface will be included. |
- oJobHTTPd.yaml
daemon: true
- name: Hello world
to : HTTP Service
port : 8080
uri : /
execURI: return server.replyOKText("Hello world!");
- name: Echo
to : HTTP Service
port : 8080
uri : /echo
execURI: return server.replyOKJSON(stringify(request));
- name: Browser
to : HTTP File Browse
port: 8080
uri : /browser
path: .
- name: README
to : HTTP Service
port : 8080
uri : /README
execURI: return ow.server.httpd.replyFileMD(server, ".", "/README", request.uri, void 0, [ "README.md" ]);
# Starts the server
- name: HTTP Start Server
port : 8080
mapLibs: true
# Sets a shutdown job once the everything is stopped.
- name: HTTP Stop Server
port: 8080
# Sets for every URI to return Hello world
- Hello world
# Sets that /echo will return the actual request map
- Echo
# Sets that /README shows this README.md file
# Sets that /browser shows a simple browse interface for the current directory.
- Browser
In the same line as oJobHTTPd simplifies the specific creation of REST HTTP(s) servers.
It's composed of 3 jobs:
- REST Start Server
- REST Stop Server
- REST Service
The job "REST Start Server" expects:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
port | Number | No | The port number where to assign the HTTP(s) server (defaults to 8091) |
keystore | String | No | The keystore for the SSL certificates to create a HTTPS server |
pass | String | No | The password for the keystore to create a HTTPS server |
host | String | No | The ip address of the local network interface to which to bind this HTTP server (defaults to |
cp | String | No | Provide a folder where the keystore file is to include it on the current classpath (Java requires for keystores to be on the execution classpath) |
hs | HTTPServer object | No | An already created HTTPServer to which to bind the HTTP services |
mapLibs | Boolean | No | Map internal OpenAF libs like JQuery, highlight css, etc. |
The job "REST Stop Server" expects:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
port | Number | No | The port number where to assign the HTTP(s) server (defaults to 8091) |
The job "REST service" expects:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
port | Number | No | The port number where to assign the HTTP(s) server (defaults to 8091) |
uri | String | No | The URI where the HTTP(s) service will be available. |
execGET | String | Yes | The code to execute whenever the uri is requested with a GET verb. The code is included into a function that receives the argument: idxs. "idxs" is a map containing all the parameters from the URL. |
execPOST | String | Yes | The code to execute whenever the uri is requested with a POST verb. The code is included into a function that receives the arguments: idxs and data. "idxs" is a map containing all the parameters from the URL. "data" is a map containing all the parameters passed on the request body. |
execPUT | String | Yes | The code to execute whenever the uri is requested with a PUT verb. The code is included into a function that receives the arguments: idxs and data. "idxs" is a map containing all the parameters from the URL. "data" is a map containing all the parameters passed on the request body. |
execDELETE | String | Yes | The code to execute whenever the uri is requested with a DELETE verb. The code is included into a function that receives the argument: idxs. "idxs" is a map containing all the parameters from the URL. |
returnWithParams | Boolean | No | Changes the behaviour of the return of each exec* function to use a map to force mimetype, http code, etc. (see help ow.server.rest.reply for more details) |
error | Boolean | No | If true and an error occurs in execGET, execPOST, execPUT or execDELETE will return a map with the exception in a map with a key __error (defaults to true) |
Simplifies the creation of oPack files based on an url or oPack name.
The job "oPack Pack external" expects:
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
name | String | Yes | The name or URL to an oPack |
tmpDir | String | No | The temporary folder to use during the process (defaults to ./tmp) |
outputDir | String | No | Output folder where the oPack will be placed (defaults to .) |
- oJobOPack.yaml
- name: oPack Pack external
- name : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenAF/nAttrMon/master
tmpDir: nAttrMon
- name : APIs
tmpDir: APIs
- name : GoogleCompiler
tmpDir: GoogleCompiler
- name : GooglePhoneNumber
tmpDir: GooglePhoneNumber
Simplified RAID AF operation execution.
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
raidURL | String | Yes | A RAID AF connection URL. |
operation | String | Yes | The RAID AF operation to execute. |
input | Map | No | The RAID AF operation input map. |
format | String | No | If not quiet it displays the result on a format you can choose between "prettyprint" (default), "pmap", "parametermap", "yaml" or "json" |
quiet | Boolean | No | If true no output will be displayed. |
- oJobRAID.yaml
- name: RAID AF
raidURL : http://user:[email protected]:8090/#/web/guest/home
operation: Ping
input :
test: 123
format : prettyprint
Helps build a cron-based process "watchdog" for checking if a daemon process isn't running, has a "fatal" error on the log or any custom way to check the responsive of the daemon process.
Argument | Type | Mandatory | Description |
checks | Map | No | Map of checks to determine if the daemon process should be restarted or not. |
checks.pid.file | String | No | If a pid file location is provided it will check if the corresponding pid is running. If not it sets to trigger a stop and start operation. |
checks.log.folder | String | No | Folder where the log files to check are located. |
checks.log.fileRE | String | No | Checks for files matching fileRE choosing the latest by modified date. |
checks.log.stringRE | String | No | Array of regular expressions strings to look for. If found assumes a restart is needed. |
checks.log.histFile | String | No | The file where to store the history of findings on the file to avoid duplicate findings. |
checks.log.olderMin | Number | No | Checks if the latest log file (fileRE) by modified date is older than x minutes and if yes assumes it needs to be restarted. |
checks.custom.exec | String | No | Executes the corresponding code in a function and passes if returns true or fails assuming a restart is needed if returns false. |
quiet | Boolean | No | If true will only produce logging if something is not right (default is true) |
cmdToStop | String | No | If defined will execute the command on the stop event. |
execToStop | String | No | If defined will execute the code on the stop event. |
jobToStop | String | No | If defined will execute the job on the stop event. |
waitAfterStop | Number | No | Number of ms to wait after stopping. |
workDirStop | String | No | The working directory to use for the stop command. |
timeoutStop | Number | No | Timeout waiting for cmdToStop to exit. |
exitCodeStop | Number | No | If defined the cmdToStop exitcode must be this value. |
cmdToStart | String | No | Command to startup on the start event (make sure it exits after starting). |
execToStart | String | No | If defined will execute the code on the start event. |
jobToStart | String | No | If defined will execute the job on the start event. |
waitAfterStart | Number | No | Number of ms to wait after starting. |
workDirStart | String | No | The working directory to use for startup command. |
timeoutStart | Number | No | Timeout waiting for cmdToStart to exit. |
exitCodeStart | Number | No | If defined the cmdToStart exitcode must be this value. |
- oJobWatchDog.yaml
logToFile :
logToFolder : /some/path/watchdog.logs
HKhowLongAgoInMinutes: 11152
setLogOff : false
logToConsole: false
logJobs : false
unique :
pidFile : /some/path/watchdog.pid
killPrevious: false
checkStall :
everySeconds : 1
killAfterSeconds: 60
- name: Watch my logya daemon
to : oJob WatchDog
checks :
file: /some/path/a.pid
log :
folder : /some/path/logya
fileRE : log-\d+-\d+-\d+.log
histFile: /some/path/logya/logya.json
stringRE: OutOfMemory
exec: |
return false;
cmdToStart : start ojob /some/path/a.yaml
workDirStart : /some/path/
waitAfterStart: 5000
execToStop : |
pidKill(io.readFileString("/some/path/a.pid"), true);
quiet : false
- nAttrMon watchdog
- oJobTest.yaml
- (test ): oJob::a
((job )): a
- (test ): oJob::b
((job )): b
- (test ): Script::Test
((func )): |
sleep(1500, true)
ow.test.assert(1, 1, "Problem with assert in script test")
- (testAssert): Problem with a and b
((a )): 123
((b )): 124
- (testGenMD ): __
((file )): results.md
- name: a
exec: |
sleep(1500, true)
- name: b
exec: |
throw "MY error!"
# Starts the server
- (httpdStart ): &PORT 12345
# Setups the default answer, /healthz, /livez and /metrics
- (httpdDefault): *PORT
((uri )): /
- (httpdHealthz): *PORT
- (httpdMetrics): *PORT
((prefix )): mytest
# Allows browsing of files
- (httpdFileBrowse): *PORT
((uri )): /browse
((path )): .
# Allows for the upload of files
- (httpdUpload): *PORT
((uri )): /upload
((path )): .
# Adds a custom metric
- (httpdAddMetric): global-counter
((fn )): |
// Sets an atomic counter if one does not exist and returns a counter increment
if (isUnDef(global.counter)) global.counter = $atomic()
return global.counter.inc()
# /test calls the 'test' job
- (httpdService): *PORT
((uri )): /test
((execURI )): |
// Shows all request components for debug
// Returns the result of calling the job 'test' passing the request and expecting an ANSWER to be returned
return ow.server.httpd.reply($job("test", request).ANSWER)
# ---------------------------------
# Job test is written in shell code
- name: test
lang: shell
exec: |
# Sets ANSWER in shell script
ANSWER="Echo from the shell (a: {{params.a}})"
# return ANSWER
# Includes the http server functionality
- oJobHTTPd.yaml
# Makes sures it runs forever and oJob-common is included
daemon: true