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351 lines (226 loc) · 17.9 KB

Contributing Guide

We will happily accept contributions to Onsen UI. It can be both fixes for bugs or typos or even new features that extend Onsen UI. The basic workflow when making contributions is the following:

  • Fork the repository
  • Commit your changes
  • Make a pull request to the branch for documentation fixes in the current release of Onsen UI, or master for anything else.

After you've made a pull request we will review it. If everything is fine and we like the change the contribution will be pulled into the main Onsen UI repository. In the case where there are some issues with the code or we disagree with how it's been implemented we will describe the issues in the comments so they can be corrected.

Supported frameworks

The following frameworks are supported by the Onsen UI core team:

Framework     | Package               | Notes
React         | react-onsenui         |
Vue 2         | vue-onsenui@legacy    | bug fixes only
Vue 3         | vue-onsenui@latest    |
Angular       | ngx-onsenui           |
AngularJS     | angularjs-onsenui     | bug fixes only, supports up to [email protected]

If you are interested in writing bindings for another framework, feel free to ask for help in the GitHub issues. Bindings for other frameworks should generally be maintained outside the OnsenUI repository.

Framework upgrades

When a new version of a framework is released, we need to update the corresponding Onsen UI package to support the new framework version.

For example, to upgrade react-onsenui to support React 19:

  1. Bump the framework version: Set react (and related dependencies such as react-dom) to v19 in react-onsenui/package.json and react-onsenui-examples/package.json. Run npm install from the root directory to check that it installs correctly.

  2. Manually test the bindings: Build the bindings with npm run watch:react and serve the examples with npm run serve:react. Manually check that the examples are working as expected and look for any errors in the console.

  3. Read the framework release notes: Look for breaking changes in the React 19 release notes and anything that might affect react-onsenui.

  4. Update the CHANGELOG in react-onsenui/ with "Support React 19".

  5. Release the package by following the release procedure. If it is a major framework upgrade (e.g. React 18 -> 19), the package should be bumped by a minor version since this is a breaking change.

Supported browsers

Onsen UI is written as ES modules in modern JavaScript. These are distributed without any transpilation. The ES modules version of Onsen UI is supported on modern browsers.

For older browsers, Onsen UI is also distributed in UMD format. The ES modules are transpiled using Babel and bundled as UMD. For the exact list of browsers supported by the UMD build, see the browserslist key in onsenui/package.json.

Source Code Structure

The following is an overview of how the source code is structured to give contributors an idea of where to look when making changes.

Please don't make changes directly to generated files like onsenui.js and onsenui.css!


Onsen UI elements are made on top of Web Components. The source code is located in onsenui/esm. This directory contains every single element in Onsen UI core and also internal functionality.


We wrap Onsen UI core with extra libraries to make it work better with some specific frameworks, such as React and Vue. See Directory Structure to find the source for a particular framework.

Style Sheets

Most of the style is defined in Onsen CSS Components, which is located here.

Changes to the style should be made by editing the files in this directory. These files will compile into the onsen-css-components.css file.

There is also a stylesheet that is specific to the custom elements called onsenui.css, this file is compiled from the files in this directory.

Directory Structure

├── onsenui                         Onsen UI main project
│   ├── css                         Onsen UI core CSS and CSS components
│   ├── esm                         Onsen UI source
│   ├── examples                    Examples for main project
│   └── bindings
│       └── angular1                AngularJS bindings
├── react-onsenui                   React bindings
├── react-onsenui-examples          Example app for React bindings
├── ngx-onsenui
│   └── projects
│       ├── ngx-onsenui             Angular 2+ bindings
│       └── ngx-onsenui-examples    Example app for Angular 2+ bindings
├── vue3-onsenui                    Vue 3 bindings
├── vue3-onsenui-examples           Example app for Vue 3 bindings
├── vue-onsenui                     Vue 2 bindings
└── vue-onsenui-examples            Example app for Vue 2 bindings

Development Setup

You will need a recent version of Node.js and npm 7 or later before continuing.

Clone this repository and run the following command:

npm install

This installs the dependencies for Onsen UI and the framework bindings (excluding Angular 2+; see below).

Onsen UI core

To work on the Onsen UI core, serve the examples:

npm run serve

Then navigate your browser to

Any changes to the Onsen UI source in onsenui/esm will trigger a rebuild.

To perform a full build of the Onsen UI core:

npm run build

This will bundle the onsenui/esm source files to UMD in onsenui/js. It will also build the CSS components and core CSS in onsenui/css.

Bindings (React, Vue 2, Vue 3)

To work on one of the framework bindings, run the relevant watch command to trigger a rebuild whenever the source is changed:

npm run watch:react       // or watch:vue, watch:vue3

In another terminal, run the relevant serve command to serve the example project:

npm run serve:react       // or serve:vue, serve:vue3

To perform a full build:

npm run build:react       // or build:vue, build:vue3

Bindings (Angular 2+)

The Angular 2+ bindings are in a self-contained workspace created with Angular CLI.

To work on the Angular 2+ bindings:

cd ngx-onsenui
npm install

See the full instructions here.

Bindings (AngularJS)

The AngularJS bindings are in a self-contained workspace. The package receives bug fixes only and is not upgraded to the latest Onsen UI version.

To work on the AngularJS bindings:

cd onsenui/bindings/angular1
npm install
npm run build
npm run serve

Code Style

There are some things to keep in mind when making code contributions to Onsen UI. The code must adhere to the general code style used.

Here is a list of some rules that should be followed:

  • Code should be properly indented. Onsen UI uses two-space indentation in both HTML and JavaScript. Please don't use tabs for indentation.
  • Separate binary operators with spaces: var x = 1+1 is incorrect, it should be written as: var x = 1 + 1.
  • if, while, for, etc. should be separated from the parenthesis with a space.
  • Use easy-to-understand and logical naming for your variables and method names, especially for variables and methods that are exposed to the user.
  • Internal APIs should be preceded by an underscore.
  • Use single quotes for strings in JavaScript and double quotes for attributes in HTML.

Commit Message Format

We follow rules similar to those of AngularJS for commit messages.

<type>(<scope>): <subject>

Type should be one of these:

  • feat: A new feature
  • fix: A bug fix
  • docs: Documentation only changes
  • style: Changes that do not affect the meaning of the code (white-space, formatting, missing semi-colons, etc)
  • refactor: A code change that neither fixes a bug or adds a feature
  • perf: A code change that improves performance
  • test: Adding missing tests
  • chore: Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation

Scope should contain, if applicable, the modified Onsen UI element such as ons-navigator, ons-switch, etc. It could also contain descriptive words like core, dependencies, etc.

Subject reflects and summarizes the content of the commit.

Running Tests

Onsen UI has unit tests for the Web Components as well as end-to-end testing of the binding libraries using Protractor.

Use the following commands to run the core tests (core unit tests and TypeScript tests):

npm test

Unit tests

To run the unit tests, using the following command:

npm run --prefix onsenui test:unit

Individual test files can be run with the --specs flag:

npm run --prefix onsenui test:unit -- --specs onsenui/esm/elements/ons-navigator.spec.js

The unit tests are written with Mocha and Chai. To skip a test, change it to it.skip. To run only a single test, change it to it.only. See the Mocha website for further information.

Typescript tests

Onsen UI has a TypeScript type definition file, onsenui/esm/onsenui.d.ts. When a new property is added to an Onsen UI component, it also needs to be added to this file.

To test the type definitions:

npm run --prefix onsenui test:core-dts


Onsen UI's documentation is generated directly from each file's source code, using Onsen UI's own wcdoc tool. The syntax will be familiar if you have used JSDoc before. Running this tool generates JSON files which are stored in build/docs. These JSON files are then used by the repository to generate the documentation you see on the website.


Check the existing documentation comments in onsenui/esm/elements to see how documentation should be written. The exact schema of the documentation is defined in the .schema.json files in onsenui/docs/wcdoc.


Assuming you have already set up the Onsen UI repository, the other thing you need to do is set up the repository. Follow the instructions in that README to get it set up. Then, instead of using the version of Onsen UI from GitHub, you want to use your local repository. The easiest way to do this is to create a symlink. Assuming your Onsen UI repository is at ~/dev/onsen/OnsenUI and your repository is at ~/dev/onsen/, the command would look like this (on MacOS and Linux):

ln -s ~/dev/onsen/OnsenUI/onsenui ~/dev/onsen/

Modifying Documentation

Once this is all set up, follow these steps to modify the documentation.

  1. Onsen UI: Modify the documentation comments in the relevant JS file
  2. Onsen UI: Run npm run docs
  3. If you are changing the React docs, there are extra steps. Otherwise, skip to step 4.
    • Onsen UI: Build the React Docs: npm run docs:react
    • Delete the React doc cache, if it exists: rm -r .reactdoc
  4. Run gulp serve --lang en

The React documentation is built separately and cached because it takes a while to build. So, if you make changes to the documentation of React bindings, ensure you follow step 3 or you may not see your changes reflected.

Release Procedure

Follow these steps to release a new version of Onsen UI. You will need to have permission to publish to Onsen UI's npm to complete these steps.

If you are publishing both the Onsen UI core and bindings at the same time, release the core first and then the bindings.

Core Release

Before starting a release, check the following:

  • Run the tests and confirm that they are passing (npm test, or check CircleCI)
    • For a major release with fundamental changes, all components must be tested on all supported platforms
  • If there are any new components, ensure they work in the Theme Roller
  • Check the Issues and ensure there are no critical bugs left in the issue tracker
    • Minor bugs are fine; any bugs that totally break Onsen UI for users need to be fixed before a release.
  • Check and ensure that all the latest fixes and features are listed. Usually they are not because pull requests do not tend to modify the changelog. Compare it to the git log and add anything that is missing.
  • Merge branch into master branch. contains documentation changes for the current release of Onsen UI that were made after the release. (See here for an explanation of the branch.)

Once you have done the pre-release checks above, follow the steps below to publish the core.

  • Increase the version number
    • Increment the minor version for a release with breaking changes, and the patch version for a release with non-breaking changes
    • Change dev to the new version number
    • package.json: Change version to the new version number
    • run npm install from the root directory
    • Commit and push these changes, with a commit message like: chore(*): Bump 2.10.2
  • Merge master into production, and push
    • git checkout production && git merge master && git push
  • Tag production with the version number, and push
    • e.g. git tag 2.10.2 && git push --tags
  • Build Onsen UI
    • cd onsenui && npm run build
    • This builds Onsen UI.
  • Publish to npm. This should be run from the ./onsenui directory.
    • npm publish

Then, on GitHub, create new releases for OnsenUI and OnsenUI-dist.

Then update the Onsen UI website:

  • Merge master into the branch. These should now be identical.
  • Run a build of the repository on Circle CI.

Finally, update monaca/monaca-component-onsenui:

  1. git clone the repo
  2. npm install onsenui -g --prefix . to get the latest onsenui
  3. Copy relevant files in latest onsenui dir to monaca-component-onsenui dir (same way as past commits)
  4. Update package.json (and some other files) manually
  5. Commit changes
  6. Tag the new version (i.e. 2.10.6) to the new commit
  7. Push to GitHub

That's it! Your new Onsen UI version is released. 🎉

Releasing New Versions of Bindings

Releasing new versions of bindings is relatively straightforward.

  • Ensure the tests are passing and there are no outstanding breaking issues
  • Update the binding's package.json
    • Change version to the new version of the binding
    • If onsenui is listed in dependencies or peerDependencies, change its version to the latest available
    • Commit and push these changes, with a commit message like: chore(vue): Bump 2.6.0
  • Publish to npm. The bindings' package.json files contain prepublish commands, which will automatically build the bindings before publishing.
    • Inside the binding's root directory, run npm publish

That's it! Your new binding version is released. 🎉

Fixing documentation in the current release ( branch)

The API documentation on the website is generated from the documentation comments in the Onsen UI source code. The website uses the version of Onsen UI in the branch to build documentation.

If there is a mistake in the current release's API documentation, commit a documentation fix to the branch and rebuild the website on Circle CI. This will update the website.

If the fix also applies to the development version of Onsen UI, the commit should also be applied to the master branch.

For example, say the current release is 2.12.2 and the upcoming release is 2.12.3, and there is a mistake in the website API documentation. First fix the documentation for 2.12.2 by applying a fix to the branch. If the fix is also valid for 2.12.3, also apply the fix to the master branch. In this way, the website is updated for 2.12.2, and the future release of 2.12.3 will also have fixed documentation.

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