KeyLogger5155/app: it contains all the files for main application, all the contribution should be made in the code inside this directory.
KeyLogger5155/app/guikeylogger.py: it is the actual application file which you can run using python (make sure you are in KeyLogger5155/app directory ).
KeyLogger5155/app/cracking.ico: It is the logo for app title bar icon
KeyLogger5155/app/cracking.png: It is the logo for app
KeyLogger5155/app/requirements.txt: It consists all the modules you need to run the applicaton, make sure you are in KeyLogger5155/app directory and use "pip install -r requirements.txt" to install all modules.
KeyLogger5155/app/README.md: A small documentation about app
KeyLogger5155/app/data: All the captured data of the keylogger will be stored in this directory.