- Login with UserID
- Input user information
- Take photos from the gallery
- Select detailed menu with toggle button
- Display the macronutrient intake for the day with bar charts
- Provide daily/weekly report on user's nutritional status with bar chart (total 34 nutrients)
- Display 3 product in each vitamin, mineral, amino acids category
- Hyperlink to Iherb product page
- Display user information on the mypage
Click to see "lib" directory tree!
├── CustomDesign
│ ├── customColor.dart
│ └── customIcon.dart
├── Input_UserInfo.dart
├── MainScreens
│ ├── analyze
│ │ ├── analyze.dart
│ │ ├── daily_report.dart
│ │ └── weekly_report.dart
│ ├── foodLog
│ │ ├── food_log.dart
│ │ └── inference.dart
│ ├── mypage.dart
│ └── recommend.dart
├── generated_plugin_registrant.dart
├── home_page.dart
├── json
│ ├── RDI.dart
│ ├── UserInfo.dart
│ ├── UserSignUpInfo.dart
│ ├── nutriRecommend.dart
│ ├── nutriStat.dart
│ └── physique.dart
└── main.dart
Main app resides here.
Consists of bottom navigation bar of MainScreen which is divided by four functions.
- foodLog
- food_log.dart: Daily intake of macronutrients & menu are displayed.
- inference.dart: Category of menus are inferred from the image user selected. List of detailed categories are given to user.
- analyze
- daily_report.dart: Daily intake of 34 nutrients are displayed.
- weekly_report.dart: Average intake of 34 nutrients for a week are displayed.
- recommend.dart: Recommended nutritional supplements are displayed 3 in 3 categories(vitamin, mineral, amino acid) based on the user's weekly nutritional status.
- mypage.dart: Information entered by user when registering is displayed.
Http responses are parsed by designating the name of attributes.
- RDI.dart
- UserInfo.dart
- UserSignUpInfo.dart
- nutriRecommend.dart
- nutriStat.dart
- physique.dart
Customized color and Icon are stored.
- customColor.dart
- customIcon.dart