This walkthrough describes how to build an end-to-end data pipeline, from collection, over transformation and up to activation of the data.
We will be using raw event data from a real mobile gaming app called Flood It, that originates from Google Analytics for Firebase.
Events provide insight on what is happening in an app or on a website, such as user actions, system events, or errors.
Every row in the dataset is an event, with various characteristics relevant to that event stored in a nested format within the row.
While Google Analytics logs many types of events already by default, developers can also customize the types of events they also wish to log.
User retention can be a major challenge for mobile game developers.
The goal of this workshop is to develop an ML propensity model to determine the likelihood of users returning to your app.
Click here to see an image from the architecture we'll be about to use.
By the end of this workshop, you will learn how to:
- Stream the raw event data into messaging queue (/Data-Simulator)
- Transform the data using different transformation tools (/ETL)
- Transform the data once it is loaded into BigQuery (/ELT)
- Synchronize the data in MySQL and BigQuery (/CDC)
- Train ML model Using BigQueryML and automate your ML workflow using Vertex ML Pipelines (/ML)
Before starting on our data journey, we need to select or create a Google Cloud Project.
GCP organizes resources into projects. This allows you to collect all of the related resources for a single application in one place.
Begin by creating a new project or selecting an existing project for this tutorial.
For details, see Creating a project.
Enable the following Google Cloud APIs:
To get started, click Start
Let's build the first step in the Data Journey by setting up a messaging stream for our data.
We have to make sure your GCP project is prepared by:
Clone the github repo we'll be using in this walkthrough.
git clone
cd data-journey/Data-Simulator
Open Cloud Shell Editor and change the project id in ./terraform.tfvars
to your own project id.
nano terraform.tfvars
Change the ID and click ctrl+S
and ctrl+X
to save and return to the shell.
Build the basic permissions & networking setup via terraform apply.
terraform init -upgrade
terraform apply -var-file terraform.tfvars
Open Cloud Shell Editor and enter your GCP Project ID, the GCP Region and the endpoint URL in ./
. The endpoint URL refers to the URL of the proxy container deployed to Cloud Run with the streaming data input. To find it, either find the service in the Cloud Run UI, or run the following gcloud command and copy the URL:
gcloud run services list
After, enter the variables in the config file. You can open it in the Cloud Shell Editor to read or edit it.
Set all necessary environment variables by running:
You can now stream website interaction data points through a Cloud Run Proxy Service into your Pub/Sub Topic.
The script
contains everything you need to simulate a stream. Run to direct an artificial click stream at your pipeline.
python3 --endpoint=$ENDPOINT_URL --bucket=$BUCKET --file=$FILE
After a minute or two validate that your solution is working by inspecting the metrics of your Pub/Sub topic. Of course the topic does not have any consumers yet. Thus, you should find that messages are queuing up.
By default you should see around .5 messages per second streaming into the topic.
Now that your data ingestion is working correctly we move on to set up your processing infrastructure. Data processing infrastructures often have vastly diverse technical and business requirements. We will find the right setup for three completely different settings.
ELT is in! Imagine you don't actually want to set up processing. Instead, you would like to build a modern Lakehouse structure with ELT processing. Therefore, your main concern at this point is to bring the incoming raw data into your Data Warehouse as cost-efficient as possible. Data users will worry about the processing.
To start out we aim for rapid iteration. We plan using BigQuery as Data Lakehouse - Combining Data Warehouse and Data Lake.
To implement our lean ELT pipeline we need:
- BigQuery Dataset
- BigQuery Table
- Pub/Sub BigQuery Subscription
Start with creating a BigQuery Dataset named data_journey
. The Dataset should contain a table named pubsub_direct
Continue by setting up a Pub/Sub Subscription named dj_subscription_bq_direct
that directly streams incoming messages in the BigQuery Table you created.
To create the BigQuery Dataset run:
bq --location=$GCP_REGION mk --dataset $GCP_PROJECT:data_journey
To create the BigQuery destination table run:
bq mk --location=$GCP_REGION --table $GCP_PROJECT:data_journey.pubsub_direct data:STRING
Alternatively create the Dataset and Table via Cloud Console as indicated in the documentation.
To create the Pub/Sub subscription in the console run:
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create dj_subscription_bq_direct --topic=dj-pubsub-topic --bigquery-table=$GCP_PROJECT:data_journey.pubsub_direct
You can now stream website interaction data points through your Cloud Run Proxy Service, Pub/Sub Topic & Subscription all the way up to your BigQuery destination table.
python3 --endpoint=$ENDPOINT_URL --bucket=$BUCKET --file=$FILE
to direct an artificial click stream at your pipeline. If your datastream is still running from earlier you don't need to initiate it again.
After a minute or two you should find your BigQuery destination table populated with data points. The metrics of Pub/Sub topic and Subscription should also show the throughput. Take a specific look at the un-acknowledged message metrics in Pub/Sub. If everything works as expected it should be 0.
ELT is a relatively new concept. Cheap availability of Data Warehouses allows efficient on-demand transformations. That saves storage and increases flexibility. All you have to manage are queries, not transformed datasets. And you can always go back to data in it's raw form.
Although, sometimes it just makes sense to apply transformation on incoming data directly. What if we need to apply some general cleaning, or would like to apply machine learning inference on the incoming data at the soonest point possible?
Traditional ETL is a proven concept to do just that.
But ETL tools are maintenance overhead. In our example, you don't want to manage a Spark, GKE cluster or similar.Specifically, your requirement is a serverless and elastic ETL pipeline.
That means your pipeline should scale down to 0 when unused or up to whatever is needed to cope with a higher load.
To start off, let's reference the working directory:
cd ETL/CloudRun
First component of our lightweight ETL pipeline is a BigQuery Table named cloud_run
. The BigQuery Table should make use of the schema file ./schema.json
. The processing service will stream the transformed data into this table.
Run this command:
bq mk --location=europe-west1 --table $ run ./schema.json
OR follow the documentation on how to create a BigQuery table with schema through the console.
Second, let's set up your Cloud Run Processing Service. ./ETL/Cloud Run
contains all the necessary files.
Inspect the Dockerfile
to understand how the container will be build.
defines the web server that handles the incoming data points. Inspect
to understand the web server logic.
Make sure to replace the required variables in
so you can access them safely in
Once the code is completed build the container from ./ETL/Cloud Run
into a new Container Repository named data-processing-service
gcloud builds submit $RUN_PROCESSING_DIR --tag$GCP_PROJECT/data-processing-service
Validate the successful build with:
gcloud container images list
You should see something like:
Only listing images in<project-id>. Use --repository to list images in other repositories.
Next step is to deploy a new cloud run processing service based on the container you just build to your Container Registry.
gcloud run deploy dj-run-service-data-processing --image$GCP_PROJECT/data-processing-service:latest --region=europe-west1 --allow-unauthenticated
Define a Pub/Sub subscription named dj-subscription_cloud_run
that can forward incoming messages to an endpoint.
You will need to create a Push Subscription to the Pub/Sub topic we already defined.
Enter the displayed URL of your processing in ./
& reset the environment variables.
Create PubSub push subscription:
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create dj-subscription_cloud_run \
--topic=dj-pubsub-topic \
read it can be defined via the console.
You can now stream website interaction data points through your Cloud Run Proxy Service, Pub/Sub Topic & Subscription, Cloud Run Processing and all the way up to your BigQuery destination table.
python3 ./datalayer/ --endpoint=$ENDPOINT_URL
to direct an artificial click stream at your pipeline. No need to reinitialize if you still have the clickstream running from earlier.
After a minute or two you should find your BigQuery destination table populated with data points. The metrics of Pub/Sub topic and Subscription should also show the throughput. Take a specific look at the un-acknowledged message metrics in Pub/Sub. If everything works as expected it should be 0.
Cloud Run works smooth to apply simple data transformations. On top of that it scales to 0. So why not stop right there?
Let's think one step further. Imagine for example you need to apply aggregations, not only transformations. For example, you might need to support a real time dashboard to display the most active users made every minute (aggregation over multiple datapoints). Or you might want to apply real time ML inference of a demanding ML model (distributed compute) before data is written into your Data Warehouse.
For extremely latency sensitive applications, and cases in which aggregations or distributed compute make the transformations stateful neither ELT nor Cloud Run will do the job. This is where Apache Beam comes to shine!
Dataflow is a great tool to integrate into your pipeline for high volume data streams with complex transformations and aggregations. It is based on the open-source data processing framework Apache Beam.
For the challenges below let's reference the working directory:
cd ETL/Dataflow
First component of our dataflow ETL pipeline is a BigQuery Table named dataflow
, and data_journey
dataset if not previously created.
The BigQuery Table should make use of the schema file: user_pseudo_id:STRING
and event_count:INTEGER
The processing service will stream the transformed data into this table.
Hint: The Big Query documentation might be helpful to follow.
The solution will be shown on the next page
Second component is the connection between Pub/Sub topic and Dataflow job.
Define a Pub/Sub subscription named dj_subscription_dataflow
that can serve this purpose. You will define the actual dataflow job in the next step.
Hint: Read about types of subscriptions and how to create them.
The solution will be shown on the next page
Here is the solution for the previous page.
BigQuery Table:
bq --location=$GCP_REGION mk --dataset $GCP_PROJECT:data_journey
bq mk --location=$GCP_REGION --table $GCP_PROJECT:data_journey.dataflow user_pseudo_id:STRING,event_count:INTEGER
Pub/Sub Subscription:
You will need to create a Pull Subscription to the Pub/Sub topic we already defined. This is a fundamental difference to the Push subscriptions we encountered in the previous two examples. Dataflow will pull the data points from the queue independently, depending on worker capacity.
Use this command:
gcloud pubsub subscriptions create dj_subscription_dataflow --topic=dj-pubsub-topic
read how it can be defined via the console.
Finally, all we are missing is your Dataflow job to apply transformations, aggregations and connect Pub/Sub queue with BigQuery Sink.
Templates let you create Dataflow jobs based on pre-existing code. That makes it quick to set up and reusable.
You need to apply custom aggregations on the incoming data. That means you need to create a dataflow job based on a flex-template.
Find & examine the pipeline code in .ETL/Dataflow/
The pipeline is missing some code snippets. You will have to add three code snippets in streaming_pipeline()
You need to design a pipeline that calculates number of events per user per 1 minute (they don't have to be unique). Ideally, we would like to see per one 1 hour, but for demonstration purposese we will shorten to 1 minute.
The aggregated values should be written into your BigQuery table.
Before you start coding replace the required variables in
so you can access them safely in
Hint Read from PubSub Transform: The Python Documentation should help.
The solution will be shown on the next page
Hint Data Windowing: This is a challenging one. There are multiple ways of solving this. Easiest is a FixedWindows with AfterProcessingTime trigger.
The solution will be shown on the next page
Hint Counting the events per user: Check out some core beam transforms.
The solution will be shown on the next page
Here is the solution for the previous page.
Read from PubSub Transform
json_message = (p
# Listining to Pub/Sub.
| "Read Topic" >> ReadFromPubSub(subscription=subscription)
# Parsing json from message string.
| "Parse json" >> beam.Map(json.loads))
Data Windowing
fixed_windowed_items = (extract
| "CountEventsPerMinute" >> beam.WindowInto(beam.window.FixedWindows(60),
trigger=trigger.AfterWatermark(early=trigger.AfterProcessingTime(60), late=trigger.AfterCount(1)),
Counting events per user
number_events = (fixed_windowed_items | "Read" >> beam.Map(lambda x: (x["user_pseudo_id"], 1))
| "Grouping users" >> beam.GroupByKey()
| "Count" >> beam.CombineValues(sum)
| "Map to dictionaries" >> beam.Map(lambda x: {"user_pseudo_id": x[0], "event_count": int(x[1])}))
Before finishing this section make sure to update the project_id and region in .ETL/Dataflow/
To create a flex-template we first need to build the pipeline code as container in the Container Registry.
Build the Dataflow folder content as container named beam-processing-flex-template
to your Container Registry.
The solution will be shown on the next page
Create a Cloud Storage Bucket named gs://<project-id>-gaming-events
. Create a Dataflow flex-template based on the built container and place it in your new GCS bucket.
Hint: Checkout the docs on how to build a dataflow flex-template.
The solution will be shown on the next page
Here is the solution for the previous page.
Dataflow folder content to Container Registry
gcloud builds submit --tag$GCP_PROJECT/beam-processing-flex-template
Dataflow flex template
Create a new bucket by running:
gsutil mb -c standard -l europe-west1 gs://$GCP_PROJECT-gaming-events
Build the flex-template into your bucket using:
gcloud dataflow flex-template build gs://$GCP_PROJECT-gaming-events/df_templates/dataflow_template.json$GCP_PROJECT/beam-processing-flex-template --sdk-language=PYTHON
Run a Dataflow job based on the flex-template you just created.
The job creation will take 5-10 minutes.
Hint: The documentation on the flex-template run command should help.
The solution will be shown on the next page
Here is the solution for the previous page.
gcloud dataflow flex-template run dataflow-job --template-file-gcs-location=gs://$GCP_PROJECT-gaming-events/df_templates/dataflow_template.json --region=europe-west1 --service-account-email="data-journey-pipeline@$" --max-workers=1 --network=terraform-network
You can now stream website interaction data points through your Cloud Run Proxy Service, Pub/Sub Topic & Subscription, Dataflow job and all the way up to your BigQuery destination table.
python3 --endpoint=$ENDPOINT_URL --bucket=$BUCKET --file=$FILE
to direct an artificial click stream at your pipeline. No need to reinitialize if you still have the clickstream running from earlier.
After a minute or two you should find your BigQuery destination table populated with data points. The metrics of Pub/Sub topic and Subscription should also show the throughput. Take a specific look at the un-acknowledged message metrics in Pub/Sub. If everything works as expected it should be 0.
In comparison to ETL there also exists a process called ELT. This can be used if the e.g. the transformations to be done on the data are not as memory critical and could be done after loading the data into the destination format & location.
If you want to explore this further we have curated some code in the following repository.
Otherwise you can skip this part and continue on the next page.
Datastream is a serverless and easy-to-use Change Data Capture (CDC) and replication service that allows you to synchronize data across heterogeneous databases, storage systems, and applications reliably and with minimal latency. In this lab you’ll learn how to replicate data changes from your OLTP workloads into BigQuery, in real time.
In this hands-on lab you’ll deploy the below mentioned resources all at once via terrafrom or individually. Then, you will create and start a Datastream stream for replication and CDC.
What you’ll do:
- Prepare a MySQL Cloud SQL instance
- Create a Cloud Storage bucket
- Import data into the Cloud SQL instance
- Create a Datastream connection profile referencing MySQL DB as source profile
- Create a Datastream connection profile referencing BigQuery as destination profile
- Create a Datastream stream and start replication
- Write Inserts and Updates
- Verify updates in BigQuery
Here is an image of an exemplary Datastream pipeline.
git clone
cd data-journey/CDC
Initilize your account and project
If you are using the Google Cloud Shell you can skip this step of initalization. Continue with setting the project.
gcloud init
Set Google Cloud Project
export project_id=<your-project-id>
gcloud config set project $project_id
Check Google Cloud Project config set correctly
gcloud config list
Set compute zone
gcloud config set compute/zone us-central1-f
Use Terraform to deploy the following services and networking resources defined in the
- Cloud SQL
- Cloud Storage
If you are using the Google Cloud Shell Terraform is already installed.
Follow the instructions to install the Terraform cli.
This repo has been tested on Terraform version 1.2.6
and the Google provider version 4.31.0
Rename the terraform.tfvars.example
file to terraform.tfvars
and update the default project ID in the file to match your project ID.
Check that the file has been saved with the updated project ID value.
cat terraform.tfvars
terraform init
Run the plan cmd to see what resources will be greated in your project.
Important: Make sure you have updated the Project ID in terraform.tfvars
before running this.
terraform plan
Run the apply cmd and point to your .tfvars
file to deploy all the resources in your project.
terraform apply -var-file terraform.tfvars
This will show you a plan of everything that will be created.
When prompted, you should enter yes
to proceed.
Once everything has succesfully run you should see the following output:
google_compute_network.vpc_network: Creating...
Apply complete! Resources: 5 added, 0 changed, 0 destroyed.
Next, you will copy the create_mysql.sql
file below into the Cloud Storage bucket you created above, make the file accessible to your Cloud SQL service account, and import the SQL command into your database.
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS database_datajourney;
USE database_datajourney;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS database_datajourney.example_table (
event_timestamp integer,
event_name varchar(255),
user_pseudo_id varchar(255)
INSERT INTO database_datajourney.example_table (event_timestamp, event_name, user_pseudo_id) VALUES
(153861, 'level_complete_quickplay', 'D50D60807F5347EB64EF0CD5A3D4C4CD'),
(153862,'screen_view', 'D50D60807F5347EB64EF0CD5A3D4C4CD'),
(153863, 'post_score', '2D50D60807F5347EB64EF0CD5A3D4C4CD');
SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$(gcloud sql instances describe mysql | grep serviceAccountEmailAddress | awk '{print $2;}')
gsutil cp create_mysql.sql gs://${project_id}/resources/create_mysql.sql
gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}:objectViewer gs://${project_id}
gcloud sql import sql mysql gs://${project_id}/resources/create_mysql.sql --quiet
In the Cloud Console UO, navigate to Datastream then click Enable to enable the Datastream AP.
Create two connection profiles, one for the MySQL source, and another for the BigQuery destination.
My SQL connection profile:
- The IP and port of the Cloud SQL for MySQL instance created earlier
- username:
, password:password123
- encryption: none
- connectivity method: IP allowlisting BigQuery connection profile:
- connection profile ID
Create stream by selecting MyQL and BigQuery connection profiles, and make sure to mark the tables you want to replicate (we will only replicate the datastream-datajourney database), and finally run validation, and create and start the stream.
View these tables in the BigQuery UI.
Next, you will copy update_mysql.sql
file below into the Cloud Storage bucket you created above, make the file accessible to your Cloud SQL service account, and import the SQL command into your database.
CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS database_datajourney;
USE database_datajourney;
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS database_datajourney.example_table (
event_timestamp integer,
event_name varchar(255),
user_pseudo_id varchar(255)
INSERT INTO database_datajourney.example_table (event_timestamp, event_name, user_pseudo_id) VALUES
(153864, 'level_complete_quickplay', 'D50D60807F5347EB64EF0CD5A3D4C4CD'),
(153865, 'level_start_quickplay', 'D50D60807F5347EB64EF0CD5A3D4C4CD'),
(153866, 'level_fail_quickplay', 'D50D60807F5347EB64EF0CD5A3D4C4CD'),
(153867, 'session_start', 'D50D60807F5347EB64EF0CD5A3D4C4CD'),
(153868, 'user_engagement', 'D50D60807F5347EB64EF0CD5A3D4C4CD');
SERVICE_ACCOUNT=$(gcloud sql describe mysql | grep serviceAccountEmailAddress | awk '{print $2;}')
gsutil cp ${SQL_FILE} gs://${project_id}/resources/${SQL_FILE}
gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:${SERVICE_ACCOUNT}:objectViewer gs://${project_id}
gcloud sql import sql mysql gs://${project_id}/resources/${SQL_FILE} --quiet
Run the query below to verify data changes in BiqQuery:
Use Terraform to destroy all resources
terraform destroy
Now that we learned how to ingest data into BigQuery from PubSub Messages and transform them via ETL, let's continue with the next step in the end-to-end data journey: Getting insights from data via Machine Learning.
User retention can be a major challenge across industries. To retain a larger percentage of users after their first use of an app, developers can take steps to motivate and incentivize certain users to return. But to do so, developers need to identify the propensity of any specific user returning after the first 24 hours. In this hackathon, we will discuss how you can use BigQuery ML to run propensity models on Google Analytics 4 data from an example gaming app data to determine the likelihood of specific users returning to your app.
See the following architecture for our ML Datathon.
We created 5 Labs (Notebooks) to guide you through this journey.
- Pre-process the raw event data in views
- Identify users & the label feature
- Process demographic features
- Process behavioral features
- Create the training and evaluation sets
- Data exploration on the training set
- Train your classification models using BQML
- Perform feature engineering using TRANSFORM in BQML
- Evaluate the model using BQML
- Make predictions using BQML
- Export and register our trained BQML model to Vertex AI Model Registry (e.g tensorflow format)
- Deploy our registered model to a new endpoint
- Deploy another updated model to the same endpoint (traffic split 50%)
- Enable Prediction data drift in our endpoint for submitting a skewed payload
- Orchestrate Lab 2 and Lab 3 using Vertex Pipelines
- Experience GenAI features within BigQuery
You can access all of our labs on our Github. After downloading the different lab files you can upload and run them in for example our VertexAI Colab Enterperise Notebook environment.
Have fun!