AutoPayment Service is a comprehensive solution that enables merchants to seamlessly offer automated recurring payments for their services. This project integrates both frontend and backend components to provide users with a user-friendly interface to create and manage subscriptions.
Utilizes the Wagmi library for seamless integration of smart contracts.
Smart contracts are deployed using Hardhat, ensuring a secure and efficient process.
Built with Next.js, a popular React framework, to create a responsive and dynamic user interface.
Styling and design elements are implemented using Shadcn.
git clone
cd recurring-payments-fe
npm install
npm run build
npm start
The project will be accessible at http://localhost:3000/.
Users can connect their Web3 wallet (Metamask, Coinbase, TrustWallet, etc.) through the website interface.
Users can create subscriptions by providing the following details:
- Name: e.g., Music Subscription
- Description: e.g., Music Subscription from the merchant
- Payee
- Token address
- Subscription Cost
- Frequency
- Subscription Period
During the subscription creation process, users will encounter a wallet prompt where they can approve and confirm the payment.
After creating a subscription, users can view a list of their subscriptions, including information such as token address, payment, and period.