Releases: Mu2e/Muse
Releases · Mu2e/Muse
- add p003 for update of mu2e_artdaq_core
- fix mgit init/quit hysteresis
- restore mgit status
- restore mgit status dependencies analysis
Incorporate kinKal
- mgit - mgit init from existing full checkout (doesn't work)
- mgit - don't assume master exists
- setup - fix bug in finding .muse files
- setup - add warning if .muse files recommend conflicting envsets
- tarball - give a warning if the tarball area is over 5GB
- setup, build, envset - add KinKal, create p001
muse subdir
move local envsets and linkOrder to the muse subdir of MUSE_WORK_DIR
build links
move build links to setup
status before setup
allow status before setup
fix tarball exclude file
add last built feature
tarball basically done, most of mgit done
Merge pull request #6 from rlcee/210315a Most of tarball and mgit