Create a new GitHub repository using the Code Institute's Full Template which preinstalls all the tools needed to get started. If you do not have access to this you need to pre-install Python and all requirements into your IDE.
Once your repository has been created on GitHub, copy the repository URL and log into CodeAnywhere with your GitHub account.
Click on the 'New Workspace' button on your dashboard and paste in the copied repository URL. Click 'Create'. This will create your new workspace which can be accessed from the CodeAnywhere Dashboard.
In your new workspace navigate to the 'Terminal' tab in the top menu and click on 'New Terminal'. This will open a terminal at the bottom of the workspace where you can run the following commands to install Django and supporting libraries.
pip3 install 'django<4' gunicorn
- This installs Django 3.2 and the server gunicorn used to run the project on Heroku.pip3 install dj_database_url==0.5.0 psycopg2
- This installs the postgreSQL relational database management system along with psycopg2 and adapter for Python.pip3 freeze --local > requirements.txt
- This creates the requirements.txt file and adds Django and the installed supporting libraries to it.
Create a new Django project and give it the name of the website.
django-admin startproject project_directory .
- Don't forget the (.) dot to create the project in the current directory. -
Create the first app. I started with the home app.
python3 manage.py startapp home
Add the new app to the INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py.
INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'django.contrib.admin', 'django.contrib.auth', 'django.contrib.contenttypes', 'django.contrib.sessions', 'django.contrib.messages', 'django.contrib.staticfiles', # Custom apps 'home', ]
Create a basic .gitignore file
touch .gitignore
(you might already have this if you're using CI's Full Template). Then add:*.sqlite3
- so as not to commit the development database to version control..pyc
- to ignore compiled Python code not needed in version control.
Run the project to make sure that everything is working properly using the
python3 manage.py runserver
command and exposing port 8000. If working on CodeAnywhere, you may get a 'DisallowedHost at /' error. Copy the URL of your running CodeAnywhere project to the ALLOWED_HOSTS variable in settings.py and run it again.ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['8000-githubusername-gitrepositoryname-abcde12fgh.us2.codeanyapp.com']
- Do not add the 'https://' at the start or the trailing '/' at the end. You should now get the 'Install worked successfully' page below. -
Stop the server ('ctrl + c' on windows, 'cmd + .' on mac) and run the initial migrations using the
python3 manage.py migrate
in the terminal. -
Create a superuser so that you can log in to the Admin panel.
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
and enter your username, email and password. The skeleton of the project is now complete.
With the skeleton of the project running locally, it is best to prepare it for deployment on Heroku at this early stage.
- Login to Heroku and click on the top right button 'New' on the dashboard.
- Click 'Create new app'.
- Give your app a unique name and select the region closest to you.
- Click on the 'Create app' button.
Since the database provided by Django is only accessible within Gitpod, a new database suitable for production needs to be created in order for Heroku to be able to access it. The following steps create a new postgreSQL database instance, hosted on ElephantSQL.
- Login to ElephantSQL and click on the top right button 'Create New Instance'.
- Give your plan the name of the project and select the Tiny Turtle (Free) plan. The 'Tags' field can be left empty.
- Click on 'Select Region'. Select a data centre near you. Choose another region if there is none in your region yet. Click 'Review'.
- Make sure your plan is correct and click 'Create Instance'.
- Return to the dashboard and click on this project's instance you just created. This will open up the 'Details' page where the link to the URL is displayed. This needs to be added to the env.py file in the project's directories as well as to the Heroku Config Vars so copy it and keep this tab open.
With the database created, it now needs to be connected with the project. Certain variables need to be kept private and should not be published to GitHub. In order to keep these variables hidden, it is important to create an env.py file and add it to .gitignore.
- Run the
touch env.py
command in the terminal to create the env.py file. - Import os and set the DATABASE_URL variable using the
method and add the URL copied from instance created above to it here, like so:os.environ[“DATABASE_URL”] = ”postgres://ElephantSQLcopiedURL”
- The Django application requires a SECRET_KEY to encrypt session cookies. Set this variable to any string you like or generate a secret key on this MiniWebTool.
os.environ[“SECRET_KEY”] = ”longSecretString”
It is important to make the Django project aware of the env.py file and to connect the workspace to the new database.
Open up the settings.py file and add the following code. The if statement acts as a safety net for the application in case it is run without the env.py file.
import os import dj_database_url if os.path.isfile('env.py'): import env
Remove the insecure secret key provided by Django further down and reference the variable in the env.py file, like so:
SECRET_KEY = os.environ.get('SECRET_KEY')
Hook up the database using the dj_database_url import added above. Comment out the original DATABASES variable provided by Django which connects the Django application to the created db.sqlite3 database within your repo. This database is not suitable for production so add the following code instead:
DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL')) }
Note: If you prefer to work with the db.sqlite3 one in development then use the following code to use it if the external database is not yet hooked up.
if 'DATABASE_URL' in os.environ: DATABASES = { 'default': dj_database_url.parse(os.environ.get('DATABASE_URL')) } else: DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.sqlite3', 'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3', } }
Save and migrate this database structure to the newly connected postgreSQL database. Run the migrate command
python3 manage.py migrate
in your terminal. -
To make sure the application is now connected to the remote database hosted on ElephantSQL, head over to your ElephantSQL dashboard and select the newly created database instance. Select the 'Browser' tab on the left and click on 'Table queries'. This displays a dropdown field with the database structure which has been populated from the Django migrations. If you select 'auth_user' and click on the 'Execute' button on the right, you should be able to see your superuser details displayed. This confirms your tables have been created and you can add data to your database.
If you don't see your superuser details displayed run the
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
command again, give yourself a Username, email and password and go over step 5 above again.
- Open up the Heroku dashboard, select the project's app and click on the 'Settings' tab.
- Click on 'Reveal Config Vars' and add the DATABASE_URL with the value of the copied URL (without quotation marks) from the database instance created on ElephantSQL.
- Also add the SECRET_KEY with the value of the secret key added to the env.py file.
- If using GitPod another key needs to be added in order for the deployment to succeed. This is PORT with the value of 8000.
- To help get the project deployed without static files you need to add one more temporary variable. This needs to be removed before deploying the full project. Use DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC as the key and '1' as the value.
In settings.py scroll down to the TEMPLATES variable to instruct Django to store the root templates directory in the DIRS setting, like so:
'DIRS' = [
os.path.join(BASE_DIR, 'templates'),
This is where the custom allauth directory will also be set.
Add Heroku Host Name
In settings.py scroll to ALLOWED_HOSTS and add the Heroku host name before the URL of your running CodeAnywhere project. This should be the Heroku app name created earlier followed by .herokuapp.com.
ALLOWED_HOSTS = ['heroku-app-name.herokuapp.com', '8000-githubusername-gitrepositoryname-abcde12fgh.us2.codeanyapp.com']
Create the Process file
Create the media, static and templates directories at the root level next to the manage.py file.
At the root level again, create a new file called 'Procfile' with a capital 'P'. This tells Heroku how to run this project. In this file add the following code, including the name of your project directory.
web: gunicorn project_directory.wsgi:application
- 'web' tells Heroku that this a process that should accept HTTP traffic.
- 'gunicorn' is the server used
- 'wsgi' stands for web services gateway interface and is a standard that allows Python services to integrate with web servers
Make sure everything is saved and pushed to GitHub before continuing on.
- Go back to the Heroku dashboard and click on the 'deploy' tab.
- For deployment method, select 'GitHub' and search for the project's repository from the list.
- Select and then click on 'Deploy Branch'.
- When the build log is complete it should say that the app has been successfully deployed.
- Click on the 'Open App' button to view it and the Django “The install worked successfully!” page, should be displayed.
Amazon Web Services(AWS) S3 is a cloud-based storage service where we can store our static and media files. The following are the steps of how I set it up following a guide by one of CI's tutors. Please be aware that AWS might have updated their User Interface since these steps were written.
Navigate to Amazon AWS in the browser and login or create an account. Be aware that you will be asked to enter a credit card number which will be used for billing if you go above the free usage limits. Enter your details and billing information then select the basic support which is free and click on the 'Complete sign up' button. Head over to the AWS Management Console where you will be redirected to the sign in page.
Sign in using the root user. Enter your email and password.
You will be directed to the Console Home. Navigate to S3 in the Services menu if you haven't accessed this service before.
Open S3 and create a new bucket to store the media and static files. To keep things organised give it the same name as the Heroku app name and select the region closest to you.
In Object Ownership, select ACLs enabled and Bucket owner preferred.
In Block Public Access, uncheck Block all public access and acknowledge that the bucket will be public if you want to allow public access to the static files. Click 'Create bucket'.
Click the newly created bucket to set a few basic settings. In the Properties tab, scroll down to Static website hosting, click 'Edit' and select Enable and Host a static website.
Enter a default value in the Index document field and click the 'Save changes' button at the bottom right.
In the Permissions tab, scroll down to the Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) section and click the 'Edit' button. Paste in the following CORS configuration which will set up the required access with the Heroku app and save changes.
[ { "AllowedHeaders": [ "Authorization" ], "AllowedMethods": [ "GET" ], "AllowedOrigins": [ "*" ], "ExposeHeaders": [] } ]
Still in the Permissions tab, go to the Bucket Policy section and click 'Edit'. Click on 'Policy generator' to create a security policy for this bucket.
- Select 'S3 Bucket Policy' for Type of Policy.
- Add a (*) star symbol in the Principal field to allow all principals.
- In the Actions dropdown select GetObject.
- Copy the ARN from the orignal tab and paste it in the ARN input box provided.
- Click 'Add Statement' then 'Generate Policy'
- Copy the policy that opens up in the modal and paste it in the Bucket Policy Editor from the original tab.
- Add a slash star (/*) to the end of the Resource value in order to allow access to all resources in this bucket.
- Save changes
To configure the bucket, go to the Access control list(ACL) section and select List for Everyone (public access). Accept the warning box and save changes.
In order to access the bucket, a user needs to be created through the Identity and Access Management Service (IAM). To open this, go back to the Services menu and click on IAM. This will open the IAM Dashboard.
First you need to create a group for the user to live in. Click on User groups in the left side bar, then click the 'Create Group' button on the top right. Give the group a meaningful name like "manage-project-name", then scroll down to the bottom and click 'Create Group'.
Next, create the policy used to access the bucket by clicking on Policy in the left side bar and then click the 'Create Policy' button. Click on the JSON tab and then on the 'Import managed policy' link. This will open a modal. Search for S3 and then select and import the "AmazonS3FullAccess" policy.
In order to allow full access to the bucket and everything within it, you need to get the bucket ARN from the bucket policy page in s3. To do this, open S3 in a separate tab, navigate to the bucket, click on the Properties tab and copy the ARN from the Bucket overview section.
Navigate back to the IAM Managment Console tab and paste in the ARN you just copied as the value of the key Resource. Paste it again after a comma, adding the slash and star (/*) to add another rule for all files/folders in the bucket.
"Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name", "arn:aws:s3:::bucket-name/*" ]
Now that you have all S3 actions allowed both on the bucket and everything within it, click on 'Next: Tags' and 'Next: Review'. Give the policy a name, e.g. "bucket-name-policy" and a description - "Access to S3 bucket for project-name static files". Then click the 'Create policy" button. This will take you back to the policies page where you can see the policy that has just been created.
To attach the policy to the group, click on User Groups in the left side bar, click on the group you just created and go to the Permissions tab. Open the Add permissions dropdown and select 'Attach policies'. Select the policy and click the 'Add permissions' button at the bottom right.
Finally, create a user to put in the group by clicking on Users in the left side bar and then the 'Add users' button at the top right. Create a user named something like "project-name-staticfiles-user" and click 'Next'.
In the Permissions options, select 'Add user to group' and the group you just created, then click the 'Next' button. Review and click the 'Create User' button.
In order to get the access key and secret access key which you'll use to authenticate them from the Django app, click on the user and then on the Security Credentials tab. Scroll down to Access Keys and click on 'Create access key'. Choose 'Other' and click next. Give your access key a description tag to facilitate rotating this access key confidentially later, e.g. project-name-django-app, and click 'Create access key'. You can now download the CSV file containing the users and secret access keys, which you will need to authenticate from the Django app.
To connect Django to S3, you need to install boto3
pip3 install boto3
and django-storagespip3 install django-storages
. Add to requirements and addstorages
to the INSTALLED_APPS in settings.py. -
Here you also need to add the following to tell Django which bucket it should be communicating with. You only want to do this on Heroku so add an if statement and configure your bucket.
if 'USE_AWS' in os.environ: # Bucket Config AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = 'your-bucket-name' AWS_S3_REGION_NAME = 'your-chosen-region' AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = os.environ.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID') AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = os.environ.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')
Make sure to add the last two in your env.py file in order to keep them secret. You will find these in the CSV file you downloaded earlier.
os.environ["AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"] = "yourAccessKeyId" os.environ["AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"] = "yourSecretAccessKey"
Add them to your Heroku config vars and include
and set it toTrue
. You can leave DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC set to 1 in development but remember to remove it before final deployment so that Django will collect static files automatically and upload them to S3. -
Back in settings.py tell Django where the static files will be coming from in production.
To tell Django to send the uploaded product images to the S3 bucket in production, create a file at the root level - custom_storages.py - and create custom classes for static and media storage telling Django to get the location from settings.py.
Define these locations in settings.py within the if statement created earlier. You also need to override and explicitly set the URLs for static and media files using your custom domain and the new locations.
STATICFILES_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.StaticStorage' STATICFILES_LOCATION = 'static' DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE = 'custom_storages.MediaStorage' MEDIAFILES_LOCATION = 'media' # Override static and media URLs in production STATIC_URL = f'https://{AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN}/{STATICFILES_LOCATION}/' MEDIA_URL = f'https://{AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN}/{MEDIAFILES_LOCATION}/'
When development is finished remember to remove the DISABLE_COLLECTSTATIC variable in Heroku so that when the project is deployed, it will run python3 manage.py collectstatic during the build process, which will search through all the apps and project folders for static files and it will use the S3 custom domain setting above in conjunction with the custom storage classes to find out the location of that URL where you want them to be saved.
You can test this after pushing your code to GitHub and deploying on Heroku. If you go to S3, you will see a static folder in your bucket with all the static files in it.
- Go to your S3 bucket and create a new folder called "Media".
- Inside the folder, click upload, add files and then select all your project images to add.
- Scroll down to the Permissions detail and select 'Grant public-read access', check the risk statement then click the Upload button.
Remember to add the Stripe keys to the config vars in Heroku to keep them private.
Login to Stripe, click developers and then API keys.
In Heroku's config vars, create 2 new variables:
- Publishable key: STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY - paste values from the Stripe page.
- Secret key: STRIPE_SECRET_KEY - paste values from Stripe
Next, add the webhook endpoint for the deployed site. In Stripe, navigate to the Webhooks tab and click the 'Add Endpoint' button. Add the URL for the deployed site, include
at the end. Select all events and click 'Create endpoint'. -
Reveal and add the Webhook signing secret to the Heroku config vars, with this key STRIPE_WH_SECRET.
Make sure the Heroku variables match your settings.py:
- Forking allows you to view and edit the code without affecting the original repository
- Locate the GitHub repository. Link to this repository can be found here.
- Click on 'Fork', in the top right-hand corner.
- This will take you to your own repository to a fork with the same name as the original branch.
- Go to the GitHub repository. Link to this repository can be found here.
- Click on 'Code' to the right of the screen. This will open a dropdown. Click on HTTPs and copy the link.
- Open Git Bash in your IDE and change the current working directory to the location where you want the cloned directory.
- Type
git clone
, paste the URL you copied earlier, and press Enter to create your local clone.
More information on Creating and Managing repositories can be found here