Releases: Mirantis/cri-dockerd
Releases · Mirantis/cri-dockerd
What's Changed
- Pin the golang minor version by @nwneisen in #217
- Update the project's README by @nwneisen in #214
- Add docs website by @nwneisen in #215
- fix typo: versionCache should be infoCache by @xinfengliu in #231
- Migrate seccomp profile by @nwneisen in #223
- chore: unnecessary use of fmt.Sprintf by @testwill in #229
- Add slack to the readme by @nwneisen in #235
- Use nanoseconds in ImageFsInfo Timestamp on Linux by @surik in #218
- fix(server): write version and buildinfo to stdout by @niladrih in #234
- Add docs deploy GHA by @nwneisen in #227
- Add dependabot and templates by @nwneisen in #228
- Remove major deps by @nwneisen in #238
- Improve container and imagefs stats by @xinfengliu in #233
- Add build step to CI by @nwneisen in #253
- Release v0.3.5 by @nwneisen in #250
- Switch stat logging to debugf() by @nwneisen in #259
New Contributors
- @testwill made their first contribution in #229
- @surik made their first contribution in #218
- @niladrih made their first contribution in #234
Full Changelog: v0.3.4...v0.3.5
What's Changed
- Document the existing release steps by @nwneisen in #207
- Cache docker info and version by @xinfengliu in #209
- Release v0.3.4 by @nwneisen in #210
New Contributors
- @xinfengliu made their first contribution in #209
Full Changelog: v0.3.3...v0.3.4
What's Changed
- Integrate depreacted K8s functions by @dereknola in #199
- Update the installation instructions in the README by @afbjorklund in #196
- Update packages with high CVE issues by @nwneisen in #192
- Temporarily pin the cri-tools and kubernetes versions in CI by @nwneisen in #197
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.3.3
What's Changed
- make the build reproducible by @unclejack in #158
- Use the new make terget to install to the right paths by @evol262 in #160
- Fix comment lines about the default mount propagation by @AkihiroSuda in #159
- check if running container also has ip address to return ready state by @prezha in #168
- Fix startup race condition by @milas in #170
- Added cd cri-dockerd to by @root-edu in #176
- Revert "check if running container also has ip address to return ready state" by @evol262 in #181
- Various fixes to make the tests compile by @afbjorklund in #182
- Add basic crictl info config with sandboxImage by @afbjorklund in #180
- Move conntrack.Exists function into cri-dockerd by @HirazawaUi in #177
- Fix container not found error by @davidwtf in #183
- go.mod: v1.1.0-rc3 by @AkihiroSuda in #188
New Contributors
- @unclejack made their first contribution in #158
- @AkihiroSuda made their first contribution in #159
- @prezha made their first contribution in #168
- @milas made their first contribution in #170
- @root-edu made their first contribution in #176
- @HirazawaUi made their first contribution in #177
- @davidwtf made their first contribution in #183
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2
What's Changed
- Bump docker client to 20.10 and use StatsOneShot to get stats by @cpuguy83 in #107
- Use context.WithCancel for potentially long operations by @evol262 in #108
- Make the bind address for the CRI streaming server configurable by @evol262 in #109
- complete container resources when creating and updating containers by @Garrybest in #115
- Switch from to for sandbox image by @tppolkow in #117
- Add container info to the verbose status command by @afbjorklund in #119
New Contributors
- @cpuguy83 made their first contribution in #107
- @Garrybest made their first contribution in #115
- @tppolkow made their first contribution in #117
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- Add moby-containerd as valid deb pkg dependency by @dhiltgen in #88
- Remove error logging output from ContainerStats by @afbjorklund in #86
- Return the right error code when the checkpoint isn't found by @mikekap in #89
- Skip over single file mounts on windows by @evol262 in #95
- Set a default network plugin now that we're on 1.24 by @evol262 in #99
- Allow configuring the runtime duration by @evol262 in #100
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.2.3...v0.2.4